Cirque de Montstres (modern times)


Bone man made his way to the tent. He caught the tail end of a convo between a young man(Jonsi) and a lady. He gave the lad a hardy slap on the back.

"But my boy all the fun is to be had in the trailers! Lots of free clothes!"

Green smoke bellowed from the bone man's eye sockets.

"Like my son said to me, 'hark! The light burns my whale! And my mother laid with every jack!' 'Twas told to me by him yes"

Bones looked at the woman

"My, my! Look what the moon blessed my old bones with!"

He laughed as let out another puff of smoke. He returned his attention to Jonsi and poked at the boy's ribs.


He walked away, going towards the main area.

@Axel1313 @crucialstar
Glen watched him cover up the coffin with a white sheet. He couldn't shake off the unease he was feeling, but since being uncomfortable was the norm for him, he followed the man out of the tent no questions asked. He tripped on the way out.
The performances were wild, almost treading unreal. Looking at it made Carter shift in her seat. For the majority of the show, she had been glancing at Annalise.

It wasn't too long before the circus staffer brought her along to attend to being beckoned by a familiar face (or rather, body). The walking skeleton was the first act she had seen, alone, before meeting Annalise. She must've looked so disgusting.

"You're going to perform, Annalise?"

Carter's voice was a waning, childish sound. She almost latched onto her companion until her eyes found the skeleton man's and she realized how droll she must be coming off as. She was acting like a maudlin child.

"I mean, I don't think I can help with much, but uh…"

She shut her mouth and her eyes fell to the floor. Annalise must be so embarrassed, Carter thought, all because of some weird runaway.

@crucialstar @Axel1313
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"I'll watch our lovely guess while you're performing." Gareth said, appearing from seemingly nowhere. He was dressed in much less formal, but still somewhat classy looking clothing. It was still mostly red with black complimenting it, but what did you expect? "That is if she does not mind." he stated, as if knowing that she wouldn't. He still had a few things to find out about her, things he could talk about while others were performing. Things like that aura around her.
Shani had been watching the shows from the a seat in the stands... For about five minutes. While she had to admit that the performances were amazing, she did have a job to do. Not to mention she didn't enjoy being squished between two strangers in her seat. So this was also her escape for fresh air. Not to mention that this was the perfect time to get a little snooping done.

She walked through the outside of the circus, mostly trying to avoid any clusters of people and go towards the areas where no one was around. And worst case scenario if someone asked what she was doing, she could play dumb. Not like any of them could tell she was an investigator, right? right? Okay so really she just hoped no one could tell. At least she was good at looking like just a absent minded lady, wondering around.
Laikas and Fia

The twins were always together; they always tried to be. They were never trusting of the other supernaturals, nearly all of them were beings of darkness like them, which meant none of them were truly trustworthy. Those that weren't were still as bad; they had been part of the circus for four years, they knew some of the members they had traveled with were scammers and this further kindled their mistrust of others. Relaxing in their trailer, the twins were watching an old television, a CRT more specifically, merely flipping through the channels without much interest. They never needed much practice for their act; they had that much trust in each other, and Fia was confident in her abilities regardless. She wore a purple t-shirt and jeans and lay across a tattered couch on her side, her eyes studying the screen almost intently. With a sigh, she glanced at her brother, "It's a full moon in a few days, Laikas. We don't have to perform if you don't want to, in fact it might be more entertaining for the crowd if we wait for a bit. Besides, we deserve a day off, let's just go and watch the show for once."

Her brother eyed her carefully before he nodded in agreement and he turned his head away from her, glancing at the door. Laikas felt the heat of the trailer more than his sister, as was his curse of being a werewolf, and he stood up in front the television, much to the annoyance of Fia. She glared at him and Laikas shook his head before he spoke ,"
The show's already started, if you want to go and see it then we should go now, while there still might be a couple of seats." He reached behind himself and turned off the television set, extending a hand to his sister, bowing slightly, mockingly, "Madame, shall I escort you to the show?"

Fia smirked slightly as she took his hand, "You're a moron Laikas."

The pair were soon outside of their trailer, and started moving at a leisurely pace to the main circus tent. They were used to seeing the odd clump of people here and there, and they weren't surprised to find the same today. Fia had released herself from Laikas' grip, and glanced around, slowing her pace. She knew something was out of the ordinary, even in a circus like this, but she couldn't pinpoint it. Laikas stopped, looking his sister in the eye and sighed, glancing around like his sister.

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Beowulf said:
"I'll watch our lovely guess while you're performing." Gareth said, appearing from seemingly nowhere. He was dressed in much less formal, but still somewhat classy looking clothing. It was still mostly red with black complimenting it, but what did you expect? "That is if she does not mind." he stated, as if knowing that she wouldn't. He still had a few things to find out about her, things he could talk about while others were performing. Things like that aura around her.
((There were people I forgot to tag. @buzz @crucialstar @rosamortelle ))
Shani had spent a good amount of wondering by now and seemed to be near some of the trailers. She tried to peek into a few of them but it seemed most had their curtains drawn closed or she was just simply too short to sneak a peek without hopping up and down. If she had she might as well of screamed out what she was really here to do. Still she was okay with the lack of action. If nothing they didn't find anything terrible that means nothing bad happened, and that meant no one was getting hurt. And by her standards that was A okay.

She kept walking till she had passed one trailer and spotted what she assumed were two teens or young adults walking towards the main tent. She couldn't tell if they were part of the circus or just some more people here to see the show. But they didn't read suspicious to her. And maybe they hadn't noticed her? If that were the case she was prepared to do a little more snooping until she could finally go home.

Bones spotted a short lady walking to the trailers. He let out a puff of green smoke before following her. Then, while she was distracted he snuck up behind her.

"poke around in the dark and the whale will show itself little one."

He stayed back enough to appear as dark figure with green smoke creeping from his form. He leaned in his boney face showed as he gazed at her with his eye sockets.

"Wouldn't want to get swallowed by the sea now eh?"

Green smoke creeped out from his skull. He let out a laugh. He was a crazy one but, he still had a sense of when people were not where they belonged. he wasn't going to snitch ,no, he wanted to mess with her. It was his specialty.

"Have you ever wondered what creeps in the dark? I can show you! It lives in the wagon"

Shani never even heard the fellow walk up but the moment she heard a voice behind her she let out a short streak. Turning around she saw the figure and froze. Now there was no question about this guy being part of the cirque that's for sure. Honestly she wasn't sure how to react, she'd seen more odd things, but she was supposed to be blending in. So what would a normal person do? Run off screaming? Think it was fake? Well she had to react some way besides just standing there speechless.. Well who knows that might of been a good reaction too.

"I-I was uh-... Wait what?" She tried to stutter out an excuse but paused when she finally heard what the man She assumed it was a man. Hard to tell with someone so skeletal.) She no doubt looked confused, clearly not finding any meaning with what this fellow was saying. She cleared her throat slightly and tried again.

"Um I-I don't know what you mean." She finally managed to get out.


Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz , @Beowulf , @Axel1314 , @TheRiverSings


Annalise giggled slightly, nodding at Jonsi's reaction.
"If I can catch the shows, then I'm absolutely positive you would be able to!" She encouraged the skeleton man next to her as he began explaning how clean-up duty was what he managed to get out of the main tent. "Well, since there's a mid-time show before the big performance, why not be part of the show and not just an audience member? How's that for a fair trade, plus, I'm sure we can figure something out for us to do together!" Annalise exclaimed, wanting to tell Jonsi that he would have his chance to see the show, but also, if he was willing to him her, he would not only see a show, but he'd be a part of it. As soon as she even mentioned him doing the show with her, his eyes lit up like a baby getting candy or a new toy and she couldn't help but feel overjoyed at seeing such an expression. She truly felt his enthusiasm as he continued speaking, waiting for an opportunity to get out of a daily routine and do something fun. Before she answered Jonsi, Annalise turned towards Carter, nodding softly, "Yes, we'd love for you to join us, if you'd like. Perhaps we can pick you out of the crowd from the audience or so?" However, seeing Carter's downfallen expression, Annalise bit her lip and gently patted the girl's back. "Hey, if you're uncomfortable with it, it's okay, but if you really want to join us on stage, I don't mind, just let me know okay? It would be nice to have you." She said softly , whispering to the girl, hoping she hadn't made Carter upset or anything.

Soon enough, she heard a loud slap as she looked over to where the noise was coming from. Looking up, she was faced by another bony-like figure: Mr. Bones. She giggled slighty at his attempt of telling Jonsi to not fret about the trailers and tent. However, she couldn't understand what the phrase his son said meant and shrugged it off. Then again, she always found Mr. Bones hard to understand since he seemed to speak in rhymes and riddles. However, he soon looked towards her, as Annalise tilted her head, wondering what he meant by the "moon" and being "blessed". Soon, he was off and he left Annalise definitely dumbfounded and confused. However, before she could compose herself, she jumped, slightly squealing when she head another from nowheere. Turning her attention in that direction, she was faced by Gareth. Gareth was being. . . helpful? But, she felt something stirring in the pit of her stomach when she heard Gareth said he would stay by Carter. Annalise couldn't help but feel concerned yet curous. Gareth never seemed to take interest in anyone, so why was he with Carter? Tilting her head, Annalise bit her lip but decided to trust the mysterious yet confusing male in front of her as she nodded. "If you don't mind, Gareth and Carter." She spoke softly, sending Carter a reassuring smile and patting her hand before looking at Gareth and standing up, leaving a seat for Gareth next to Carter. "Your performance was amazing!" She said sincerely before turning over to Jonsi. "Ready?" She grinned, quite cheerfully as she couldn't wait to perform with Jonsi.

Carefully moving from the seats and not to bump into Gareth, as she felt out of her element, once more, whenever she was around the fire demon. Perhaps, it was because he was hot, or maybe he was a demon and something always felt foreign and weird to her when he was around. Whatever it was, she shook it off and looked over to Jonsi
. "Should we use aerial hoops, silk, or animals?" She asked him, wondering what they should do. "What do you like doing the most when you perform?" Annalise asked him, wanting more information and a feel for the type of acts he does so she would be able to incoporate both of their acts somehow together.
egghead said:
Glen watched him cover up the coffin with a white sheet. He couldn't shake off the unease he was feeling, but since being uncomfortable was the norm for him, he followed the man out of the tent no questions asked. He tripped on the way out.
"Careful there boy." He chuckled. "Come on now, you're gonna miss most of the show if we don't hurry! And I doubt you want that to happen eh? This cirque is a rare sight and doesn't come around often." He chuckled and pat the young man on the back heartily.


"I would absolutely love to!" He was giddy as a school boy now. Perform in the big tent like a main act? Why not! It had to be more glorifying than standing on a podium all night enduring the shrieks and shouts and getting called a freak.

"I-" He was cut short of his next thought when he received a pat on the back that rattled his ribs. Looking up he saw the curious face of Bones, the other resident skeleton man of the cirque. He was a bit confused by what he was saying, but could oddly pick up on the gist of it. Well, more with the clothes part, the bit with the whale threw him off. "But Bone man...I have my very own trailer full of clothes, I don't need to aimlessly wander into others." He chuckled. "I know not of your son though, but it sounds like his mother was wild one. It sounds like the moon blessed you well though." He chuckled and waved as the weird man walked away again.

"I'm fine with trying anything! I'm very flexible when it comes to performances. Although I don't think I've ever done any aerial acts or things with silks before. I've practiced a bit on my own time when the tents were empty but that was nothing but messing around." His cheeks took on a hint of red as he found himself rambling on in his enthusiasm.

@crucialstar @TheRiverSings
Her skin crawled, but she kept her lips pursed until Annalise left with the dainty skeleton.

She couldn't raise her eyes to look at the man beside her. Whether it was out of fear or shame was debatable, she thought.

"What do you want from me?"

Carter wrung her hands in contempt for her own voice.

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Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @Axel1313


Annalise watched Jonsi's reaction as she saw a faint blush form on his face as she giggled lightly. It wasn't a mocking tone nor was she teasing him, instead, she found it endearing. To see his eyes lit like a child in thr candy store had to be one of the best feelings in the world. As long as she could make someone happy she was beyond satisfied, especially, if it meant helping one of her family members.
"Messing around?" She grinned widely, "I would like to see what you did with those silks and hoops, if I can? And maybe we can cooperate it into my acts too? What do you say, Mister Skeleton Jonsi?" She giggled once more before her eyes lit up and she was brimming with excitement. "Sometimes the best acts are unplanned and mess arounds. So, you can start up first with your performance and acts and I can follow allow, like a support. So for tonight, in the main stage, you can be the venter of attention! How about it?" Annalise grinned widely hoping that as excited as Jonsi was he would take up the offer. She wanted to give Jonsi' at least an opportunity to perform on thr main stage especially during and for the halftime show.
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"I love the sound of that!" He exclaimed. So eager now to get out on the stage and show off to the massive crowds."All I've tried is some of the spinning and twirling acts I've seen you and others do before...only lower to the ground of course." He chuckled sheepishly. "I nearly broke my arms and legs just doing that too, but I will admit I was getting a little too wild and really wrapping myself up in them. Not actually doing what you're supposed to with them. I'm...actually not bad when I don't mess around too much." He grinned.


Intermission rolled around and agent Poarta found himself bored again. Nothing suspicious here at all, just usual circus type stuff going on. There had to be something though. They wouldn't just be called out on site for no particular reason. Stretching out his long, muscled arms he stood and shuffled his way back out through the crowds and to the trailers to try rummaging through them or at least planting a few bugs to really catch them in the act.

Sisceal froze when he saw several figures who were not familiar mulling about where they should not be. 'sh*t, investigators? But why?' He hissed under his breath.

"Uhhh. Sorry boy-o. You're gonna have to head to the back area without me for a moment. I've got some business to take care of real quick." He slipped a pass into the man's pocket so he wouldn't get in trouble for being back there. "I'll catch up again in a few okay? Try not to get into too much trouble." He teased before dashing off through the crowds in search of a ringleader...and hopefully avoiding any more investigators that may be around.

@egghead @Kiyoko Tomoe @IceQueen @rosamortelle @Rosyshark
Gareth did not look at her, no, instead he kept his eyes firmly on the backs of the two leaving cirque members. He didn't want them to hear what he was going to say next, "You interest me." he said simply to the human. "There is something hanging about you that is not normally there. I want to know what it is." he continued as he put an arm around her shoulders and firmly guided her back towards the stands. Instead of being in the front row, however, he opted to go for the middle. Easier to blend in that way, and harder for those two to spot him and wonder what he is talking to the human about.

Minori Shizuku stood stageside, poking her head out to see the gathering crowd. Her best friend scuttled back and forth beside her, clicking his pincers in rapid succession, for he was a massive Transylvanian arachnid, much bigger than any tarantula. Best of all, he could talk. In a raspy voice, he addressed the girl. "Minori, are you certain that you do not wish to have one last vial before your performance?" This made the young spider demon chuckle. "I'll be alright, Isezar." She pet his wiry head. "Thank you so much, but I'm not a little girl anymore. I can handle myself. You taught me everything I know." Taking her hand away, Minori heard the spider chuckle. "Yes, my dear, but not everything I know." "Of course not, my friend." Minori wrapped her slender arms around the beast's head, embracing him warmly.
-- Kiyoko Tomoe & Kaname Ushinawa

Giggling while skipping through the cirque grounds was a girl with pink hair. Atop her head was a white sun hat with a pink ribbon on it, her wearing a white dress decorated by pink bows. This cheerful girl just kept skipping and giggling, until she reached the edge of where the public was allowed, and the trailers. "Hmm...?" The girl questioned, looking back to see another girl standing there; this one a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl who Kiyoko knew from her last visit to the cirque a long time back. "Back there is off limits..." Kaname said sleepily, having just woken up moments before walking out of her fortuneteller booth and finding Kiyoko. "Huh...? It is...?" Kiyoko said, playing innocent. "Sorry...!" She said with a bow, before skipping on past Kaname and toward the main tent instead.

-- Kaname & Laura

Proceeding from where she stopped the girl named Kiyoko, Kaname walked over toward Laura's trailer and knocked gently on the door. "Who is it...?" Laura questioned, having just calmed down from her anger at Edward. "It's Blue..." Kaname responded with a yawn. Opening the door for Kaname, Laura guided the girl in and over to a seat, making sure to close the door after Kaname was inside. "I think somebody from way back when is here," Kaname said to Laura. "There was this girl, a little smaller than me, who gave off a familiar feeling as back then..." Kaname said, yawning. "I don't know who it was though, as I don't recognize them physically, and it's only a familiar feeling, not a specific one..." Kaname finished up with. "If it's from back then... It might be one of those two..." Laura said, thinking on it.

"Thank you for informing me," Laura said to Kaname. "You seem tired, though. You should rest." Nodding in agreement, Kaname laid down on the very couch she' been seated on inside of Laura's trailer, falling asleep right on the spot. Meanwhile, Laura went to the very back of her trailer, rummaging through a cabinet filled by papers for something. "I really need to organize these papers one of these days..." Laura said as she looked through. "Seems I'll have need to actually look through them, after all...!" Laura said as she kept flipping through them all as fast as she could. With how many papers there were though, it'd probably take fifty people to get through them in half an hour, with how large the filing cabinet of papers actually was.

-- Kiyoko Tomoe

"Seems that I wasn't recognized," Kiyoko whispered to herself with a giggle. "Trailers seem to be hard to get to right now... I guess I'll go 'watch' the show," Kiyoko added in her self-whispering with a quiet evil laughter. Skipping all the way to the main tent, Kiyoko easily found herself a seat in the back rows, one that was far enough back to keep her from being easily seen, but had her able to see everything going on for the show itself. "Let's see here... Metal, metal, metal..." Kiyoko mumbled repeatedly, looking around for something metallic that'd be interesting to mess around with during this whole show. "Aha...!" She said quietly, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small bullet. Tossing it up high in the air, it would float up out of view of anybody in the tent, including the cirque members and those right beside Kiyoko.

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @Axel1313


"That's perfect! Will you twirl and spin around in them and with them? If you get 'wrapped' around them, I can always 'unwrap' you up in the air like a mummy and you'll reach over for one of the silk and you'll twirl your way down? How about that?" Annalise said, exclaimed quite excitedly. "You know . . . messing around and doing tricks spontaneously is always a risk, but isn't that what makes the acts more exciting and the crowd on their toes?" She tilted her head, as they managed to each the backstage. Looking around the back, Annalise looked for her equipment she had setttled in the back just in case for emergencies such as ones like now. "How about it? Are you ready?" She asked Jonsi, as she took out the bedazzled pink box and laid the silks, hoops, and more cloth on the table for Jonsi to see. "Hm . . Jonsi . . since you're a skeleton, you're able to reattach and attached your arms, right?" Her eyes lighting up with an idea, "Why not juggle on the hoops in the air and do some flips too?" Annalise felt the adrenaline running through her veins as she realized she was about to perform without practicing her acts, but maybe it was just all worth the risk since she was making Jonsi happy. At the same time, what's fun without a little risk, right? Though, this was going against her nature to perfect her performance in every way, but still, family over perfection.
"I can probably manage that! It sounds simple enough." He smiled widely as he followed her to get the equipment. Taking off his jacket and shirt in search of something more suited for the performance. He found a leotard that looked like it would work best as long as he stuffed the chest area with fabric and then used some protective body padding to compensate for what he lacked. He was an odd mixture, from the head to his shoulders was skin and then down his arms to his elbows was as well. Past that was nothing but stark white bones. Then from his hips down there was flesh as well all connected and held together by who knows what. Not even he knew how all of his parts remained together. "I can kind of remove my parts. It does hurt a bit but it's manageable, I can tolerate a bit of pain for a performance. I'm just ready to be out in the big spotlights!" He stared in the mirror ready and eager to go. Gods it had been so long since he'd had a more solid looking body, it looked so foreign to him now. Actually filling out clothing and some sort of muscle and shape. It was so...normal.
"When is your act tonight mon Cheri? It's intermission so I'm assuming one of the last ones?" He cocked his head to the side curiously as he mindlessly dug through all of the props and costumes. He never came back here much anymore. Not much use to when he couldn't perform like before. He couldn't do any fantastic aerial shows with Nanami, but at least he could provide spectacular illusions to keep the crowd more enthralled and cover up acts if needed in case something went wrong. A cheap form of crowd control and preventing profit losses.

"By the way mon petit ange. It's just a thought, but what would you think if I happened to have another child? Simply a question of curiosity here of course."

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He did not speak of his intentions in detail before ushering Carter into a seat positioned, awkwardly, in the midst of the crowd. Whether this was a foreboding sign or usual demeanor of circus acts was unclear. However, she did not protest. The arm that laced around her shoulders was warm and oddly enough to console her.

After a short pause, Carter turned her head to look at Gareth. "What do you mean?" Her gaze lowered.

"An aura is hovering around you that I feel like doesn't belong." he said softly. "It is darker then almost anything else here. Most humans shouldn't be able to bear that burden. You, on the other hand, appear to be managing surprisingly well." Then again, the weakest demon had to put up with it on a daily basis. Perhaps he was simply giving human strength to much credit. But it was still worth looking into. "If, after the performances are done, you would be so kind as to accompany me back to my trailer I will be able to have a more definitive look at it."

She didn't know what he was talking about, exactly, and assumed the worst. "What the hell did you just say, creep?" Carter began to squirm out of the stands, away from the circus freak. She didn't understand what he spoke of before and didn't care. The one thing she did understand was enough.

But she didn't move. There was a safe, sizable gap between the two, but the lost girl remained seated. Her eyes bore into Gareth's. "Annalise will not like this." That was all she could muster.
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