Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz , @Beowulf , @rosamortelle


As they arrived to the main tent, Annalise looked around in awe, seeing the huge stage in front of her. Observing her surroundings, she saw many audience members and customers trailing in behind, one-by-one for the performance. She couldn't believe it, it would be their first big show of the night! Instead of everyone having their own separate show, performing in the big tent means that there would be one act after another, performed by her cirque members. Seeing all of them in action, one after another made butterflies tingle in the pit of her stomach. Reminiscing to the performance Junsi and Lucas had put on earlier made her even more excited. Annalise wondered what else they had up their sleeves to offer to the crowd. Turning her attention back to Carter, Annalise gave her a soft smile, "Where shall we sit? Maybe in the middle?" She asked, tilting her head, wondering where she would like to sit for the show. "Usually. . front row seats are definitely the best! However, the second or third rows in the middle are even better! That way, you can't miss anything but still feel close to the stage!" She exclaimed cheerfully, giving some helpful advice to Carter as Annalise waited for her to make a decision. As Annalise let her ponder on her choices, she looked towards Cordelia and Gareth. Giving Cordelia one last hug, she whispered in her ear, "Good luck, water dancer." She said sincerely, saying the nickname she had deemed Cordelia since she first met the young women. Taking a step back, Annalise looked towards Gareth, still feeling a tad. . . wary of the man, nevertheless, wished him good luck. "Do you need help or anything, Gareth?" Annalise asked personally, wondering if she could do anything to help the chained demon. She always wanted to see Gareth's show, but never go the chance because well . . she was too afraid of what she would encounter. Maybe it was because he was a demon and she felt. . strange whenever she was near him. However, she didn't know what it was and rather didn't want to think about such negativity, especially in front of the man that's causing her confusion to herself. So, she decided to brush it off for this one night. For Carter, Annalise would suck it up and find the courage to get through the performances. Plus. . curiosity about Gareth's show can kill a cat. . (meaning herself). Taking another deep breathe, Annalise sent another smile towards both Gareth and Cordelia this time, "If you two need anything, please let me know, and I will definitely make that happen, okay? I'm not an assistant and helper for no reason, right?" She teased, grinning slightly, winking at the two as she gave them a thumbs up.
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"Unless you'd like to be set on fire," Gareth said as he let go of Carter, "I will not need your assistance." 'But boy would that make for a great show' he thought to himself as he slowly made his way out on stage, having completely ignored Cordelia. She would be no help to him in his show, she was a hinderance as it was, adding moisture to the air. It would take more effort to get a good blaze going.

Reaching the center of the tent, he looks at the crowd, slowly turning in a circle to make sure he saw everyone. It was a good turn out, shame the ring leaders couldn't make it, they knew how to rile up a crowd better then he did, that didn't involve causing a mob that is. "Welcome, one and all. I am Gareth Bryne. I will not be your guide on this journey through the whimsical and magical acts you are about to see. I am the first stop." As he finished speaking, with a flourish of his hand, it was suddenly on fire. "Mankind has always had a fascination with fire," he continued as he let the flames dance between his fingers. "Since they learned to control it, they have managed to do many grand things. However, very few have learned to master it." And with that, he put his other hand up, and the flames jumped to that one instead. "Fire is a living thing, and can be trained like anything else." Now he was bouncing the flames between his hands, from left to right, one to the other. "But unlike animals, they will readily bite the hand that feeds, or simply die if not handled properly." As he spoke, he suddenly burst into a brilliant ball of flames, only to quickly extinguish themselves.

"No two flames are alike." he said once a moment of silence had passed. "On the one hand," here his right hand caught fire thay was a distinct orange color, "it is ravenous and hungry, never getting it's fill. On the other," his other hand was now on fire, but a calm, blue flame slithered up and down his fingers, "it is calm and full. However, the satisfied fire often bites harder then the ravenous. Fascinating, isn't it? For example. I have here a simple iron ball." Extinguishing the hand covered in orange flames, he reached into a pocket and pulled out said ball, and placed it in the palm of his other hand. Closing his hand around the iron sphere, not even squeezing, he says "Inside my hand, the flames are now heating the ball. And, like melting ice, get the iron hot enough and it will melt. Ah, like so." an orange and glowing liquid was dripping out from between his fingers, catching fire as it fell to the ground. "And when I open my hand, the ball has 'disappeared' and is now all over the floor." The act, so far, to him at least, had felt like more of a lesson then an act, but one must build up to the good bits.

"Now, if fire can do that, what could it do if it were to touch human flesh? Let us find out." Taking off the top of his uniform, he shows the crowd his naked upper half, chain tattoos and all. "Now, I warn you now. I have spent my lifetime working with fire. And legally, I have to tell you not to try this.

Human flesh melts at 1,400 degrees. A heat one can easily obtain with a fire. But I bet you don't care to much about facts, and are more excited to watch me set myself on fire. Well, if you insist." And with a snap of his fingers, his upper half did, in fact, set itself on fire. The heat was tremendous, even causing the walls of the tent to billow out. And there Gareth stood, not even sweating. With a large woosh, the fire extinguished itself.

With a bow, he puts his coat back on, covering up the tattoos and lack of burn scars. "And if that didn't impress them, I don't know what will." he muttered to himself as he bowed himself out.
"Um, actually..." Glen didn't want to say that he planned to leave right away. He was full of food and a little whiskey, so he didn't need to stay, but there was something about this man that made him want to. "Yeah...Yes, I think I might!"
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Wini peered out from behind the flap that acted as a curtain between the ring and the backstage that jutted from the mostly uniform and circular tent. Her small eyes reflected the glowing flames, memorized by their glow. 'Your a moth, my seal,' her mother's words rang in her ears. 'Selkies fear the fire, but you are attracted to it like a moth.' She closed her eyes gently. Her mother's lineage gave her her fire, her spirit for the unknown. She was sure if she had not been half human, she would have long ago returned to the ocean. Harper, her mother, such a wonderful soul. She looked towards Lucas. "I am nervous." She whispered ever so slightly.
"Great!" He clapped his hands together enthusiastically. "If ye want I can even give you a backstage tour eh? Meet the performers and see the show from the best angle?" He grinned. "I swear most of em don't bite."

The crowds roared with the sound of clapping, laughter, and the approval of Gareth's act. The looked at one another trying to figure out how the man had manipulated the flames so frivolously, wide eyed and amazed. Lucas smirked, this was not the first time he had seen Gareth's act and it certainly would not be the last. Every time however, Lucas was always impressed with the ease Gareth could conjure his flames and control them. Of course that was behind the lock and key of his chains, which always made Lucas wonder what he could do without them.

He smiled down at Wini as she whispered and he placed his finger under her chin and smiled at her.

"Vous ferez grande." (You will do great.)

Lucas straightened himself with the pull of his coat and tilted his hat to the others.

"On y va!" (Here we go!)

Lucas' shadow stretched in a strange sort and began to wrap itself around his legs quickly enveloping him. Then with a poof of black smoke he was gone.

Out on stage the crowd had gone a bit more quiet as Gareth exited and the lights began to dim and change color. A dark purple hue fell over the stage as Lucas' voice reached out over the audience.

"Brovo Monsieur Gareth! Simply astounding the way fire can illuminate the world. But what ,pray tell, happens when the fire dies and the lights go out."

As soon as the words were uttered, the purple lights on the stage went out. All but one spot light was dark before Lucas continued and stepped from the shadows that almost seemed solid around him.

"Then the shadows emerge, and those accustomed to the dark come out to play. Welcome one and all, my name is Lucas Lafluer, and like Gareth I am but a stop along tonights journey."

Lucas clapped his hands together, the white gloves he sported making a much louder clap than one would imagine. Slowly he pulled his hands apart and a long thin black line began to grow from between them. It grew and grew until it was about three feet long. Lucas reached out and grabbed the cane, causing the inanimate form of Jimbo's shrunken head to flare to life with a ghostly blue light. He twirled the cane around and slammed the end down before him.

"I am the cirques resident Witch Doctor, and I have a very unique relationship with the world of the dead. I commune with the world of the Loa, spiritual beings that can be a great delight to have around, or a terrible curse."

As Lucas spoke, the end of the cane began to grow tendrils of shadows that slowly began to wrap themselves around Lucas' legs and crawling ever closer.

Suddenly a deep and dark chuckle began to sound through the silence of the crowd. The thick Cajun accent accompanied with it filled the tent for all to hear as two large figures began to emerge from the shadows behind Lucas.

"Ey der boyo! Yo masta neva said nuffin bout letting his puppet of is 'trings!"

The two objects solidified in the spot light as two massive hands, old dried out and sickly looking. With a quick flex of the fingers, the hand shot thick rope into Lucas' body, each one hitting a different body part. Lucas' body went limp as the hands began to make his body move around the stage like a marionette. He would walk over to one side bow and tip his hat, then limply walk over to the other and wave to the kids who were wide eyed. Finally he returned tot he center stage and the voice returned, this time the Cajun accent had lightened a bit.

"Eh, I grow tired of this show Lafluer. Papa Ghede desires more interesting entertainment."

With that, Lucas' face contorted to something of a more painful silent scream. Suddenly his body was torn to pieces and the finger began to contort into strange directions. Each body part still moved and functioned, trying to reattach itself to where it belonged.

The fingers stiffened and gave a quick motion upwards hoisting the separated body parts into the air. With a quick motion the two hands clapped together, much like Lucas had done at the beginning. But this time all the lights went out as the hands and body parts swirled together to from a small glowing blue orb above the stage.

Slowly the normal stage lights returned, as the steady rhythm of shoes on the stage entered the silent crowd. Lucas emerged from the shadows once more, all in one piece and smiling from underneath his hat. He raised his can towards the blue light, which immediately returned into Jimbo's empty form and began to glow blue once more. He lowered the cane and bowed to the crowd as the erupted into cheers and clapping.

"Merci! You have seen but a taste of the world of the dead, pray that is the only taste you ever have to experiences."

Lucas turned on his heels and headed back towards the entrance tot he back stage.
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Matilda watched with a keen eye, rapidly scribbling notes into her field journal. Her eyes never looked down once as her hand followed along with the steady stream of information her brain sent it. Already two Circus members had performed and Matilda had been lucky enough to meet up with Brooks, who now sat right beside her, in time to get seats for the show. Of course Matilda had been slightly perturbed at sight of Brooks being at the cirque as Edward had made no account of Brooks coming with them for the investigation. Then again, Matilda thought to herself, with brooks here and Edward still MIA the extra set of hands were in desperate need.

At the this thought, Matilda took a break from her notes almost unwillingly tearing her eyes from the center ring as the acts came to a pause. Leaning closer to Brooks, Matilda spoke in a hushed tone incase unwanted ears were in the area. "So Brooks I would first like to apologize for the stink eye I gave you on the phone earlier, I was merely surprised to see you. Especially since I thought this mission was just going to be Edwa- I mean Mr. Drachen and I. But I'm glad you're here now. I still haven't been able to find Mr. Drachen and I'm hoping you may have seen him. However that's not the most important issue right now. I'm going to keep documenting tabs on the cirque members but I feel we should make some sort of plan that may get us atleast more action if not a better lead."

@TheFallenwhisper (Also sorry for skipping the actual phone convo, I just thought it would be best to skip to the same time as the performances.

Wini watched, her eyes wide. She held back a small squeak of surprise as Lucas was torn limb by limb into small pieces. She growled with annoyance as he appeared perfectly intact.She gave him a small punch to his shoulder as he returned back stage.

"You had me on my toes, so I guess you could say mission success." She waited a few moments before pushing through the curtain. She had decided against the use of her seal form today. One, setting up the tank was unpleasant, and, two, she hated having her seal pelt out. Sure she trusted the circus, but it was more than her gateway to the sea, but her free will.

Entering she felt her long white skirt glide gently in the air, floating about in the now stirred hair. Four troughs of water lay at the front of the stage, covered with a set of pale blue textiles. Coming to the center she took a small bow.

"With fire, their is the balancing element. Water." With that she turned along her heel, hands pulling away from the crowd as she did. Several long spires of water twisted out from the troughs, the textiles flying up. The spires began to twist and loop around Wini. With a swing of the wrists she sent two chasing one after the other, just over the heads of the audience. On their second lap, their tips formed rough dragon heads. The second spire of water's "jaw" grew wide and as it bit into its pair, both dissolved into vast flurries of snow. The small flakes drifted down towards the audience members.

As they were distracted by the falling snow, Wini drew most of the water along her heels, before it formed a sizable pillar around her. A she was submersed she began to swim with delicate motions, her feet pointed and kicking in small spurts. Coming just to the top, she smiled towards the audience. Without warning all of the water came crashing down, herself disappearing into the splashing waters. As the mist finally cleared, the water had formed into small treadles and icicles of ice. Formed in the ice like a great sculpture were ice roses and daisies, along with ivy and endless arrays of leaves and berry like plants. Legs crossed, Wini sat in the center of the spread, her long white dress dotted with frost. Nodding, she stood, the ice faltering with each step. With a final shift, the water flowed back into the troughs.

Wini walked quickly back to the curtain, once behind she hopped up onto the nearest stool, holding her feet. "I didn't think through the walking over ice thing very well."


Everest ignoring the current performance, looked towards Matilda nodding. "It is fine, I understand," she spoke, looking towards Matilda in hope she could clue her in if her voice was too loud. "I have found no paper trails or leads, they can cover up their tracks well," she muttered. "Honestly at this point, I would be applying for a warrent."
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Mr. Bones

Oh lovely coat.....wool? Oh! Yes! I remember my sheep......

The lankey skeleton sat in some poor unsuspecting performer's trailer. It was hobby, he would sneak in and smoke up a storm until he was kicked out. Emerald green smoke creeped out of any hole on his boney face. From the structure of his bones, it was obvious he was once a handsome gent. He stared at the coat some more random memories flashing through his mind. He let out another puff of smoke before standing up.


He flung the closet door open before waltzing out the trailer he was in. He then proceeded to approach Ignis. Emerald green smoke bellowing around him. He pointed at Ignis.

"Bananas! That was my sheep! I held him dearly sadly one winter I had to kill him. Moral of the story! Never name something that dies."

he pointed to Ignis.

"Yes yes! Oh Yes! I cried rivers for bananas"

he took off his hat and presented a letter to the man.

"Message for you mam"

he handed Ignis a thick envelope simply addressed 'Ignis' on the front.

"I must find lemons for my love!"

he burst into Nanami and Ignis's trailer.


He proceeded to shut himself in the closet.

@Axel1313 @IceQueen

The letter

Dear Ignis,

I finally have reached the amazon. I have a very strong feeling that Nora is here. I know this because a jungle old me that there is a gorilla that likes to harass humans. I mean that sounds so much like Nora, she loved harassing humans! I am having the jungle man take me to this gorilla, I am hoping it will not take long. I wish to bring Nora back to the cirque, I know she misses you all dearly. Remember? the old days? Nora would just take care of as all! And She was hear and ( next few sentences blurred by what appears to be tears) and that pesky incubi! Curse him! Curse him to heaven! That cursed man.......Anyways I know how you are worried, what after the incident with the moose in Canada and such, but this time its her! I am so sure! I mean its not like she was killed in the inferno or anything.....She wasn't okay?!?! I know this! she cannot die! She is the daughter of Satan! I mean that means she cannot die! Don't tell me otherwise I know its true! But, I will need you to make preparations for me and Nora's return. She shall take center stage as a snake charmer. Ahhhhh, it will be fantastic! Everything like it should be. I will write when I get her!


Paul Kruger
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"So this is the place eh?" Anton said with a tone of utter dissatisfaction as he stepped out of his sleek, black Lamborghini. This place was a dump, the poster made it look a lot more amazing than it actually was, that was for sure. But apparently there were a lot of powerful freaks here who were breaking contracts. Heh, just more trophies for his office.

He was a little late to the shows but it did not take long for him to find a good seat. With his size and constant expression of death to any who got in his way people tended to just move out of the way without question. All except for some pipsqueak in a hoodie, he was forced to sit next to them because the little rat wouldn't move. Least he could see the performers perfectly from here. A cruel smirk spreading across his face as he could see performers begin to falter with him staring them down.
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Ignis was minding his own business when a certain eccentric skeleton suddenly showed up. He nearly swallowed his cigarette in shock. "Bones? What the he....what the?" He bit his tongue in fear of the children waking up from the commotion. "Bones you daft old fool! Be quiet! The kids are trying to sleep!" He hissed back at him. He had no clue what he was rambling about but he was doing it too loud! And shutting himself in the closet...hopefully he didn't spook the children too badly like he so loved to do. He'd have to alert Nanami too. Last time he forgot to tell her Bones was in the closet again, weeeell...he was confined to the couch for a few days. With a deep sigh he shook his head and opened the letter.

"Oh Paul...not again." He let out a deep, exasperated sigh. A gorilla...a gorilla!? What on earth had gotten into that man! Looks like it was time to make a few calls again and wire him a bit more money for medical expenses to come. And prepare for his return as he had stated, even if he didn't come it was better safe than sorry with him. He was mad enough that they didn't need him angry as well on top of it.

@IceQueen @TheRiverSings
-- Edward

"Unfortunately, a warrant would be rather impossible to get at this moment in time. As we've absolutely zero actual proof of misconduct, even I cannot permit a warrant for our search." Edward stated from behind the two. "Now, we could always rummage through their trailers, however I would rather you two not get in trouble for it. As such, I want you two to go look for somebody to try and get to show you the trailers. I wish you all good luck in your search, as I currently have other tasks to attend to before I can help any further." That said, Edward walked away from the two and left the cirque completely. He decided he'd try and find a little 'friend' of his, who seemed to know the cirque a little more 'personally' than him given that they'd spent more time investigating the cirque than he had.


-- Kaname

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm............... I'm bored," Kaname stated to herself. Walking on over toward her little tent for fortunetelling, she noticed a man with a top hat walking out of the cirque, 'staring' over in the man's direction for a moment before snapping back to reality. "Huh... That guy... I've 'seen' him with Laura a few times," Kaname said to herself before starting to giggle a little. "Pfft, I can totally 'see' him with these blind eyes." Kaname joked before heading on into her tent. She was a bit tired from all the fortunetelling, so she just laid down on a couch she had inside the tent for people to sit on while they waited for friends to finish getting their readings; in all honesty though, it was really for the sake of sleeping in the tent rather than a trailer that she had the couch put in.

"I should probably change that open sign to a close soon," Kaname said with a sigh as she remembered she never put up the closed sign to her fortunetelling tent. "Oh well, nobody ever really comes here during the main performances, so it'll be fine..." She reassured herself, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. During her relaxation, she thought about Edward, thought about the other members of the cirque, then her thoughts carried all the way back to when she first joined the cirque. She soon found herself reliving a few of the better, or at least more important moments of her past with the cirque, some good and some bad, although all memories that she held onto tightly as it's those times that had shaped her into who she is.
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He couldn't say "no" to that offer. This man was being so nice to him that it almost made him forget that he was lonely, middle-aged, and smelled bad. "Heh, alright..." he finished up his coffee, then held out the mug for some more. "I suppose it could be...good?"

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"Great!" Sisceal gave him a hearty pat on the back as he refilled the man's mug. Spiking it with a little more whiskey than last time. "When yer finished up here I'll gladly give you the VIP tour! I'm sure our lovely ringmasters won't mind." He dusted off the old coffin in the tent and put a sheet over it as they spoke. Better safe than sorry. Had to keep it looking like a table in case there were anymore curious ones like this fellow who had snuck in.

It was the tent, bouncing back and forth sporadically, and definitely not her attention. That's what she thought.

Her dazed attraction towards the peculiarly warm man snapped when his warmth slipped from her fingers. He strode away, and left Carter. She felt empty until she realized Annalise was by her side.

Her clogged ears lost their charm, and seeing Annalise consumed in conversation, she didn't bother her. Instead, she meekly spoke before heading towards the seated crowd.

"I'll take the front seat, it looks warmer there."

@crucialstar (SORRY I DISAPPEARED!!!)
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"Chère! Nous avons un code squelette fou!"(Dear! We have a code crazy skeleton!) Ignis shouted as he marched towards the main tent, leaving the trailer area completely unattended now. It was best warn her now than get scolded for when she nearly had a heart attack matter how hilarious it would be. "Cheeeeere~" He sung out as he entered the prep area. "I think it's safe to say we need to wire some more funds to Monsieur Kruger soon too...The fool is going to get himself mauled again..." He sighed heavily. He had no shame in proclaiming any of this out loud anymore. It was no secret to anyone in the cirque. Not to mention it usually kept any prying eyes away, nobody wanted to deal with a madman who tried to play dress up with animals.
Nanami was still on her way towards the main tent when she heard more voices calling out to her. Groaning, Nanami turned around and looked at him. She half expected Iggy to come running with two children in hand who wouldn't stop crying, but instead she found him walking alone. 'So that rules out children issues....' she thought corssing her arms and rubbing her head. "Really now? Gah, I thought I would stop having skeletons in the closet once Dyte was long gone..." She grumbled, rolling her eyes. "Besides the point, are you feeling alright now? You scared me quite a bit earlier." She mentioned, putting a gentle hand on his forehead.


Mr. Bones looked around the dark closet. His boney face stared at box labeled "spare clothes" and a devilish idea came to mind. He grabbed pants and a shirt out of the box, he threw them on adding a tie and suit jacket. The clothes hung loose on his boney frame. He stepped out of the closet, now in a full on suit. He was indeed, a dapper skeleton. He left the trailer and wandered around the trailer area. With the poor lighting it would be hard to tell he was a skeleton from behind. He let out a puff of green smoke as he looked at a gypsy wagon covered in cobwebs. It was a trailer that belonged to member who had long since left, a certain succubus.

"Madness is the fact that Paul demands her trailer stay with the cirque"

He spoke this time with a thick French accent. It was a moment of his old self showing through.

"She will never return."

He watched as a shadow moved around inside.

"The poor thing"

He wandered towards the backstage area. Singing a weird tune in his normal voice. His old self had left the bones.

"Oh! I wish I was sailor boy, sailing the blue sea. My lover she waits for me on the blue sea. For my lover is whale!"

Mera and Sebastian

A black town car rolled down the road, its windows tinted pitch black. In the back was an unusually dressed woman and a man in a suit. They both looked young, very young considering their age. The woman shifted her gaze to the man.

"So, will we be seeing our parents? Or are you going to avoid them like the plaque again?"

The man wore an uncomfortable look when she said that.

"Like before, we are here to put out any fires the cirque starts. Besides shouldn't you be worried about Paul and his new gorilla lover?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, he will be fine. For gods sake the man must be at least 500 now. He's lived a long life, his delusional hunt for my mother is a sign of his old age. I just want to actually go to the cirque this time Seb! I miss my Papa Bones! I haven't seen him in 9 years."

He looked away from her.

"I just don't want to go okay?"

A mischevious look graced her face.

"Oh? Is it because you are afraid of Papa Bones? Afraid you will wet yourself?"

She started laughing as he frowned.

"Shut up Mera"

"We are almost to office. Any stops before we arrive"

Seb covered Mera's mouth before she could speak.

"No, just take us to the office"

The driver nodded and continued the drive to Interpol. Seb grabbed a phone out of his pocket. And pressed a few buttons.

"Hello, this is investigator Sebastian Carr-Lentra. Me and investigator Mera Ravenswood are almost to the office, please inform any investigators on the Cirque case to report us before taking any action."

(any investigator can receive that message. I don't care who"
Well this turned into a major nope. Some behemoth decided to sit next to him...gods almighty. He was tempted to run outta there screaming 'Godzilla!!' But that'd probably get him snapped like a twig by the looks of it. Mountain man here looked like he had a serious case a perma-scowl. Worse than hothead's. As casually and carefully as possible Jonsi stood up and exited the stands. Heading around to the back of the tent instead to see how all were doing. Maybe wander through the trailer and see what sort of goings on were happening there.
Connor had found some food for him to eat, and was now lazily circling the cirque, looking for something interesting. Funny how that was, he was in a circus filled with demons and mythical creatures, and he was looking for something interesting. This in and of itself caused him to croak a little in laughter, but it wasn't really that funny. Now the time he got a badger, that was hilarious. All the humans running around screaming while the carnies were torn between trying to catch it and joining the humans in their panic.

But there were no badgers near the cirque, and he didn't have a bag to catch it with. But, as he circled high above, he noticed the bone man walking about. Perhaps he could pester him, maybe take a few body parts and scatter them a little. So, landing high up, he keeps track of Jonsi, moving as he needed to so as not to lose him.

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz , @Beowulf , @rosamortelle


Looking over at Carter, Annalise smiled, nodding at her response of where to sit.
"Let's go there, shall we?" She said to Carter as Annalise slighty puffed out her cheeks at Gareth's response, shaking her head. "I would rather not be set on fire. . ." Annalise spoke solemnly as she shrugged her shoulder, feeling the cold shoulders from Gareth. Waving towards Cordelia and Gareth, she wished them good luck and made it towards her seat with Carter.

Soon, Gareth made his way on stage, her eyes brimming with fire inside, as she looked on with enthusiasm. She was engaged in the show as much as the audience was as fire bounced back and forth between his left and right palms. Soon enough, Gareth's voice lingered in her ears as she heard him speak of fire and how attuned he was. She knew fire was hard to control, even contain it, so she admired Gareth, a whole lot. However, his performance shocked her the most when he lit himself on fire. Her eyes widened as such an act as she felt herself on the edge of her seat. But, despite being set on fire, Gareth didn't show any signs of burnt marks, and much intact and clean besides from the tattoo of chains on him. Annalise grimaced slightly at it, knowing how much he wanted to be set free, but it came with a cost.
"Whew, that was hot, wasn't it, Carter?" She asked, teasingly, all puns intended.

Next on the list was Monsieru Lafluer and Jimbo. She clapped loudly for them as well, feeling quite excited to see what they'll do now. Purple flames seems to be his type of tricks as Lucas had told the audience of him being able to talk to the Loa Spirits. She winced slightly when she heard bone cracking as Lucas was becoming possessed by Jimbo, as spirits came around the room, Annalise saw very clearly of what it was like being so close to the dead in such a way. She spoke softly,
"Whoa." Was all she could muster as she stared into at the stage. It was quick as it happened as she clapped her hands cheering for them. She felt goosebumps form on her arms as she spoke to Carter, "I'm getting goosebumps!" She giggled slightly.

Soon enough, it was Cordelia's turn as she began graceful movements, using water for her act. Annalise always loved the water performances and seeing it up close her eyes lit up and sparkled everytime it appeared. She oohed and aahhed when a water shaped dragon appeared in the midst. The three performances tied in together perfectly especially since fire came first and now it was water. Annalise watched Cordelia's elegance and movements, as if she was gliding across the stage with her sculpters. It was absolutely stunning and gorgeous. As the act came to an end, Cordelia ended up making a rose like sculptor in the middle of the stage, leaving the audience in an uproar. Giggling, she screamed for her friends, so happy that their acts went perfectly and flawlessly. "It's so beautiful!" She exclaimed as she couldn't help but feel proud of her cirque family.
Jonsi wandered around for the longest time in the trailer area before finally making his way to the backstage of the tent. Curiosity had gotten the better of him. He'd never really seen it during performances, normally he was stuck in the small tent showing off his special talents and then helping clean up. It looked like everybody was busy at the moment, but eventually he spied a familiar face who was not prepping for the show.

"Annalise!" He called out to her. A friendly smile decorating his face. From what he could see, she appeared to be having a wonderful time. "Hey, you look absolutely enthralled. Who's performing at the moment?" He wormed his way through the busy cirque members and beside her for a peek himself. Sadly, he only caught the end of their show."

"Yeah?" Anton answered his phone gruffly. He had no qualms of talking a bit louder in the crowd, now that many of them have moved far away from him. Forget anything they were seeing in the ring...he was by far the most terrifying there at the moment. "Alright, you got it boss man. I'll let the others in the area know to call you before they do anything. Pretty sure they're all responsible enough though to know better. We'll let you know everything we see as well. This place is apparently back on the radar for suspicious activities."

@TheRiverSings @Kiyoko Tomoe @rosamortelle

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz , Jonsi @Axel1313


Annalise heard her name being called as an intermission was about to begin. Turning to the source of the voice, Annalise looked over and realized it was Jonsi.
"Jonsi!" She exclaimed, making room for him to come through as he sat in the empty seat next to her. Smiling , Annalise nodded her head, "Yes! It was truly a magnificent performance! I'm definitely enthralled especially by the artwork Cordelia did! Well . . Gareth, Lucas, and Cordelia had already finished." She pouted slightly, sad that Jonsi had missed half the show, "But, don't fret, there's definitely more acts coming up! I believe it's the intermission at this time. Are you not performing tonight?" Annalise asked him, wondering if maybe she and Jonsi could do an act together, and stepping up to the plate for the middle of the show to keep the crowd pumping. "Maybe we can do a mid-time show? Keeping the crowd on their toes?" She asked him as she looked at Carter, smiling. "Maybe you can help us too?" Annalise asked, tilting her head, "Or we can go out and see other booths and mini-shows outside?"
"Drat! I'll catch it one of these days when the freak show tent is closed." A soft chuckle rattled in his ribs as he took a seat next to her. "No matter what I always seem to miss it and wind up on clean up duty." His eyes brightened up greatly at the mention of performing a mid-time show and the prospect of seeing some booths or mini-shows too. His gaze followed hers for a moment to spy the young woman. He wasn't one to really act or talk to audience members casually, but maybe with another around it wouldn't be so bad? "I've uh. Never performed before in the main tent, it looks spectacular! I have no idea where to even start with matching anything you or any of the others could do." There was much enthusiasm building in his voice. "I don't mind whatever we do though. Anything sounds more exciting than mulling around the trailers and tents like usual."

@crucialstar @buzz

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