Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz


Giggling softly, Annalise smiled at Carter's expressions as she looked at her decorations and her elegant designs. "I'm glad you like the set-up, I was worried it may have been too overly done. But your input made it a lot better!" Touching the water, Annalise started using her hands to make small movements in the water, smiling. She always loved watching the movement of waves, water, especially. It's definitely a calming touch as it soothed her a lot. But, she'd have Cordelia's to thank since she was such a magnificent water manipulator. Annalise wondered if Cordelia or Nanami would be available later, maybe they'd also hang out with her and Carter. But, then again, as busy as they are, she wouldn't know. "You'd really do that?" Carter's voice brought her out of her thoughts as she looked up at her in wonder, "Of course, it's no problem at all! I'm not busy at the moment and it's been a long time since. ." Whoops, she almost spilled something. "well, I've met someone new besides my cirque member." Annalise smiled and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, showing Carter it wasn't much trouble to help her. However, Annalise couldn't believe it, but the more she spent time with Carter, the more she continuously surprised her, She laughed, letting a cheerful sound echo through her trailer as Carter looked at herself in the mirror and exclaimed, "Holy shit! Look at me! I think I need somethin' to clean me up, yeah." Nodding, Annalise made another hand movement to signal Carter over to sit down by her. Soon, Carter's expression softened immensely as she spoke once more "But thank you. This is all... This is really, really nice of you." Annalise heard Carter's voice shaking slightly as Carter's voice came out hoarsely. She felt touched by Carter's emotions and couldn't help but smile softly at her, softening her gaze. Carter's genuine feelings were definitely felt by Annalise as she felt the light within her soul tingle with joy. Annalise made sure not to let Carter's feelings go to waste. As Carter laid down on her white rug, she gently took the bowl. of water and placed it on the ground. Next, she took a small cup and placed it into the bowl. "Lean your head back and close your eyes for me, Carter." She said softly, as Annalise reached for a white cloth and placed it on Carter's chest. As she watched Carter close her eyes, Annalise began to get to work. Taking the cup, Annalise made sure the water was warm as she poured the cup water at the base of Carter's forehead. Humming softly, Annalise sang a soft lullaby, to help Carter relax a bit more. After a pouring water on the base of Carter's head, making sure her hair was wet, Annalise dropped the cup and began using her hands to scrub her hair with soap and conditioner. The smell of roses filled the room. Now and then, Annalise would let the soap sit on Carter's cheeks, chin, and forehead. "Tickles, doesn't it?" She giggled lightly as she continued washing her hair with thorough and gentle motions. Soon, she finished scrubbing Carter's hair and scalp. Rinsing Carter's hair with water, Annalise made sure to rub off the soap she left on her cheeks and forehead. "I left the soap on your forehead and cheeks to let your skin absorb the scent." Annalise explained, just in case Carter was curious.

Taking the cloth Annalise placed on Carter's chest, Annalise damped the cloth in the water and continued the same routine of washing Carter's face, being careful to not be too rough on her face as she made slow circular motions, scrubbing the dirt and grease off. At the same time, she made sure not to press too hard on Carter's face, in fear she might harm her by touching the bruises. By the time Annalise finished, despite the scabs and few scars, Carter's face was shining. Next was to clean her arms and legs. Making sure all the soap was wiped off, Annalise did a second round of cleaning and washing Carter's hair and face. Reaching for a towel, Annalise lifted Carter's head softly, as she wrapped a towel around Carter's damp hair and kept her her enclosed the towel to dry. "You can sit up, Carter." Getting up, Annalise took the water bowl and poured it into the sink, draining the dirty water out to get a fresh new batch of water. However, this time she took two different bowls and placed fresh water in it. Taking the two water bowls, Annalise sat down once more next to Carter. "I'll scrub off your arms and legs now." Annalise made sure to tell Carter everything she was going to do, just in case she might surprise or make Carter jump. Pouring soap in one water bowl, Annalise used that bowl to start scrubbing off Carter's arm, to get rid of any dirt left on Carter. After she finished soaping both arms, she washed off the soap, revealing a Carter's beige skin clear of any grease and dirt. Annalise did the same with Carter's legs, wiping off as much as she could, letting the fresh smell of roses fill the air and absorb on her skin. "Finished!" Annalise said cheerfully and proudly. "I'll get you a change of clothes." Hopping up on her feet, Annalise placed the two water bowls back into the sink and glided over to her small closet. Taking in the variety of clothes she owned, she looked for comfortable clothing for Carter. Seeing a white lacey tank top and a pair of jeans, Annalise took them out and showed it to her. "How about this? It's not too extravagant and it's definitely comfortable to walk in." Annalise smiled widely, hoping the neutral color was okay for her. However, the color seemed to actually pop Carter's skin color and eyes. "With your skin tone, you'll definitely make your wardrobe pop out more compared to my pale skin-tone." Annalise definitely admired the beige beauty in front of her. Despite the markings on her, Annalise still admired the young maiden. She hoped Carter would like what she saw this time around. Annalise made sure to get every inch of dirt, grease, and markings as she could plus getting a wardrobe that may suit her style well.

"Come and sit on this chair, Carter. I'm almost finished." As she waited for Carter to sit down, Annalise walked over to get her make-up supplies such as some concealer, brushes, and eyeshadow. Sitting in front of Carter once more, Annalised tapped her lips and looked at the three concealer she had. Thankfully, she had one that was similar to Carter's skin tone. "Okay, close your eyes for me again, please." Opening the concealer, Annalise gently dabbed some under Carter's eyes, cheeks, forehead, and neck. Taking a brush, Annalise smeared the concealer in circular motions, covering up the bruised markings on Carter's eyes, the scabs, scars, and other painful markings on her face. Soon, taking another brush, Annalise made sure to brush all around Carter's face to even out all of the concealer even more, to make sure it didn't look sloppy. Next, Annalise placed some mascara on Carter's eyelids and then a little blush on her cheeks. Seeing Carter's features once more, Annalise felt proud of her work, and happy knowing she was right about Carter. She definitely had natural beauty and decided to not put anything else on her face. Annalise was able to cover up many different brusies and markings on her face, including the red mark on her neck. However, as she finished the little touch ups here and there, she spoke quietly but genuinely, "You're a fighter, Carter. Those. . markings. . it takes strength and willpower to continue living. . " Her eyes glistened slightly, thankful Carter's eyes were closed. "I . . don't wish to cover up. . everything. . since it shows your bravery and how much you had to endure. You're one of the courageous person, I'd ever met." Annalise finished as she whispered softly, speaking sincerely. Leaning back Annalise nodded, "Open your eyes, Carter. But before you look in the mirror, change into the clothes I picked out first." Getting up from her pink chair in front of Carter, Annalise placed the clothings she decided for Carter next to her. "I'll wait outside, so when you're done, come get me, okay?" She said winking at Carter as her mouth formed another soft smile. Before walking out of the trailer, Annalise waved, "Take your time." As Annalise made her way out of her trailer, she found herself looking up at the stars. I hope she likes what I've done for her.
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The cleansing of her impurity was therapeutic. The comfort of warm water, smell of grace, and sound of heavenly song engulfed her senses. After darkness, she found paradise.

As Annalise's voice accompanied the flux of femininity, Carter felt different. It had been so long since she ever catered to herself.

Upon her helper's request, she repositioned herself. The only thought that crossed her mind was how much of a pity it'd be when the makeup would eventually wash off. Waterworks were not an uncommon with the loner nowadays. Her own negativity was cut short when Annalise began to speak. A low, soothing voice. The words she spoke couldn't have come at a better time.

Brave, courageous... A fighter.

Her heart churned. She opened her eyes, but remained stone-faced until Annalise left the trailer. "Can't wait to see the look on your face when you hear about what I've done." Carter muttered to herself, hastily undressing and crumpling her terrible clothes into a clump on the floor. She changed into the cirque's worker's endowment, which was pleasantly casual, and faced the mirror.

"Oh, jeez..." Carter attempted to not freak out again. It wasn't excessively flowery or anything, she thought, relieved. But contrary to her bitter attitude, she could appreciate how she didn't look bitter and dirty anymore. The pariah picked up her previous outfit, carefully concealing the crimson stains, and exited through door of the trailer. She didn't deserve Annalise's generosity and care, but if it's free, there's no reason to argue.

"Uh," Carter coughed, "can I have a hug?" It was a pretentious attempt to keep up her act. She didn't feel bad lying. When the duo reach the clinic, Annalise will know everything.
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Glen stared uncomfortably at the coffin the butler leaned on. It creaked slightly under his weight, and the creases in the old wood told a gruesome story.

"Um, is that real?" he asked, keeping his distance from both the prop and the strange man.

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz , @Beowulf , @rosamortelle

@zCrookedz , @Kiyoko Tomoe


Feeling the moisture in the air, Annalise closed her eyes softly, enjoying whatever night breeze came to her. Night like these makes her miss. . what she once had, perhaps. . her what she had before. . but couldn't get back now. Maybe it was the time when she lived once, throughout her life. . living to 100 years old and then passing. But. . she never passed, she always wondered, how does dying feel like? Would she bleed to death? Would she die from a war? Would she be experimented on? Is it painful? Her mind drifted into the abyss, a forbidden place where she should not go. Seeing Carter in such a state, how does she have the strength to go on wandering? Would she not have tried to kill herself? Did she try? Before she knew it, Annalise was engulfed in tears as the emotions in her soul started churning and the deep within her, something wanted to be awakened, to not let its master. . or friend succumb to such sorrow. However, a bright light battling against the darkness within her made itself known, letting Annalise remember the good times she's had living with her cirque members. All of the fun they had, the joy, the laughters, sometimes the sorrow, but the continuous mystery and performances full of laughter and shock. Getting out of her reverie, Annalise blinked all the tears away and made sure to wipe her tears, leaving no markings or anything that showed her sorrow. Her mouth formed into a small smile as she took in a deep breathe.

Annalise heard her trailer door opening as a cough was heard. Turning around Annalise was stunned shocked to see how wonderful Carter looked. Her wardrobe definitely brought her to life and gave her a natural light no one else could. She seemed more alive, more colorful, more vibrant despite the neutral tone color she had on. Carter freshened up quite well and nicely. What she didn't expect to hear from Carter was her request for a hug. At that moment, Annalise felt a lump in her throat as she fought the urge to not cry, she quickly glided over to Carter and embraced her in a warm and tight hug.
"Of course you can, Carter. I happen to love giving hugs and I'm so happy you allow me to give you one!" Annalise said cheerfully as she leaned back and gave her a slight wink. "Let's head out, shall we? There's much to see and do here! But first. . let's head to the clinic just to make sure nothing opened and your wounds are healing nicely?" She asked, wanting her permission first before dragging her to see the doctors. If it was Annalise's way she'd drag her to the clinic with no, ands, ifs, and buts. "Well . . I'll let you ponder on that. . in the mean time, let's go and enjoy ourselves at the cirque!" She recommended as Annalise went in for another quick hug and leaned back, turning on her heels towards the bright lights once more. "Are you hungry? There's nothing better than carnival food!" As Annalise made her way through the festival with Carter in tow, she made sure to keep at a steady pace, walking side by side with Carter.

Looking over at the booth, Annalise smiled, seeing Lucas at his place as she waved, greeting him.
"Monsieur Lucas!" She exclaimed giving him a smile as she passed by, looking at Carter's expression at everything once more. They passed by the fortune teller place but didn't stay too long, "Hi, Kaname." Annalise softly, greeting her before leaving Kaname back to her business with the people waiting in line. She liked greeting her cirque members, seeing what they were up too and making sure to be there if they ever needed anything. Moving along, Annalise was close to the main tent with Carter and around the area was the clinic, however, she sense an aura she didn't know she'd feel so soon. She knew who it was and surprisingly, after being together for so long, one would think she'd get used to it by now, but, no, she didn't. It was Gareth. Slowly, turning her attention over, she noticed the long, luscious hair of Cordelia as she was standing quite close to Gareth, not leaving him any room to argue. She giggled slightly, hearing the many questions and her rambles. Looking at Carter, Annalise smiled, "Over there, with the long, gorgeous, blue hair, that reminds you of the ocean is Cordelia. She's one of the main performers at the main tent. You should definitely go and see her acts. They're amazing!" Annalise gushed as she waved over to Cordelia, "Hi , Cordelia," she began, as Annalise felt slightly nervous seeing Gareth, "Hi, Gareth." Looking over at Carter, Annalise raised a hand slightly, "This is Carter. What are you guys up to?" Annalise asked Cordelia and Gareth, buying Carter some time to think over if she'd like to go to get a check up.
Lucas had made his way back to his shop, still covered in egg and made his way inside. Once he had finished cleaning the mess off himself he returned in a fresh set of cloths and a clean hat. He relieved his neighbor of watching his shop, cutting the profits with him that had been made during the time he was gone and stuffing the money into his jacket. The shop had done fairly well today, and Lucas was glad to finally have a bit of money to tote around.

As he returned to begin closing up the shop, Lucas heard the soft voice of Annalise once again. He turned to see the girl escorting Carter around, seeming to be pointing out things to the girl. Lucas waved to them with a smile and watched as they met up with Gareth and Cordelia. Lucas stopped and leaned against his wagon as he watched. The black shadow still loomed, though it seemed to be getting a bit smaller. Lucas hummed to himself, it was to be expected if the shadow was indeed what he thought it was. For right now he would continue to watch and wait. If it turned into something else, he could always intervene.

Lucas went back to work with folding the side panels up of his wagon and securing his merchandise. He had always found that the evening crowd did not purchase as many of his wears. That and he was fairly certain he would be performing in the big tent tonight, and he did not feel like sharing his profit anymore than he had to.

@crucialstar @buzz @Beowulf @rosamortelle
"It is the only time I can use my powers freely." he said. He could use his powers freely, what a load of rubbish. He couldn't do anything enjoyable with his powers. He was to busy stewing over how he could use his powers but not really that he missed some of the one sided conversation that followed. He only caught the tail end of that, how she had lied to the Ring Leader about the number of humans she took in. Something he could use in the future perhaps. He could care less about the part he missed.

Then he heard Annalise announce herself. An angel, he sensed that much. Angels and demons historically did not agree or get along, and this was no exception. However, he sensed something… different within her. Something not exactly angelic. And she was here, which meant she wasn't as angelic as she wanted everyone to believe. Perhaps a fallen angel trying to redeem herself then. That would explain a lot. But it was the human that she brought with her that caught a majority of his attention. Her life was filled with so much pain, it was blissfully wonderful for him. He could sense it, and he wanted to nuture it and watch it grow. Alas, like many things, he could not unless she allowed him to. Fat chance of that happening if he didn't act nice.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." he said in the most suave voice he could manage and taking the human's hand. What was her name again? Searching the immediate past, he finds it, Carter, yes that was it. "How are you enjoying the corcus so far? I hope you are finding everything enjoyable."

((@rosamortelle @buzz @crucialstar ))
Winifred Brooks pushed a final bobby pin into her curle brown hair. A set of small white flowers were tied along the front and wooden beads braided further down the strands. She wore a white dress that was light enough not to weight her down in water but long and opaque enough to put on a good show. She stood up, brushing her hand over the small wooden table. Checking herself in the mirror she pushed out of the door, heading down the rows of trailers stopping beside Lucas.

"Closing up so soon?" She asked, leaning against the side.
As Lucas finished latching the last of the panels on his wagon he heard a familiar voice speak up from behind and smiled as he turned around to Winifred leaning against the wagon. He smiled, such a peculiar thing she was. Lucas had never met a Selkie until the girl had joined the cirque, and even then he really wasn't sure what she was. He knew she could change into a very adorable little seal that younger audience members seemed to enjoy, even Lucas had to agree that it was a particularly intriguing skill.

He tipped his hat to the girl before taking a few steps towards her.

"Bonne soirée Winifred. Indeed, I met my quota for the day with the help of my popcorn vending neighbor and its possible I will be performing tonight. Et toi? How are you this evening?"

"It's as real as real can be boy." He chuckled. Knocking softly on the lid. "Don't worry though. The one in it isn't wakin' up any time soon. He's still got a lot a healin' ta do and I have a feeling he's trying to avoid his stepmother's wrath too after he ran off." He laughed loudly as he slid around to the front of their little table.

Winifred gave a small smile, she looked up at Lucas, who was quite a tall man being a foot and half taller than herself. She toyed with her brown hair, her tan skin a light amber under the big top lights.

"I am wonderful, and quite excited for the show. And if you will be performing, why how could I be any less than excited!" Winifred held a hand at a hip, while the other lay along the elk leather pouch that held a small supply of water. It was useful for small tricks and just general protection. Though she had a small knife tucked along the back of her corset if it came to it.

"If you may give me the pleasure, could I ask what is in store tonight for the the notorious Witch Doctor?" She asked, brown eyes large.


Everest Brooks gave up trying to call and packed up her things. She grabbed a quick supper before heading towards home. Her home was a small apartment over a florist shop. Waving to her neighbor, she was quick to unlock her door and change out into a dark red, cotton dress. The sleeves came down to her wrist. She put on a pair of black stockings before putting on a pair of faux leather boots. Grabbing her coat and purse she headed out the door, not forgetting her gun that lay along her upper, leg holster.

Stuffed along her seat was a small flyer. In large letters, "Cirque de Monstres", a show of thrills and fantasies beyond your wildest delight. It sounded cheesy, but was popular. Anyway, if she couldn't do field work to investigate officially, she could check it out after hours.

Before long she had arrived, a hour or so early, but she wanted to have a look around. She popped out of the car, taking in the surroundings.
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@Beowulf @crucialstar

They were suddenly in a rush, back in the circus' crowd, and Carter found herself trying to keep Annalise by her side. Getting lost in such a place would not end well. They passed by several faces, some familiar and some oddly interesting.

She felt eyes on her back but soon forgot as her guide pointed towards yet another pompously dressed woman. Near her stood a conspicuous figure that seemed to bear a darkly colored scarf and wide hat. It was intimidating and Carter could easily tell Annalise felt the same.

"Yeah, she looks amazing..." The pariah spoke half-heartedly, her eyes fixated on the figure that then lifted it's head. His eyes were sly, smile devilish, and Carter could feel her stomach turn. Before she could look away, he slid towards her and took her hand. The contact made something in her explode.

Oh no.

She winced from the stabbing pain that shot through her, but nervously laughed it off. A hand on her stomach attempted suppressed the pain. "It's great! Yeah, it's good." She glanced at her companion. "Thanks to Annalise, of course!" Carter looked at the man's eyes, her smile faltering and mind numbing.

"What're you doing around here, Romeo?"
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Everest Brooks began to find her way through the crowd, bumping into a few. She saw the frantic lips of one lady who was cussing her off for stepping on her shoes with her own muddied boots. Before the could make sense of the woman's frantic lips, the lady was gone and once again part of the crowd. When she was a teen, fairs and festivals had always scared her. Her friends always could navigate with ease; while, she stumbled about between the bodies. Finally she came to the edge of the crowds of families and bustling cars trying to find spots. To her right, she peered between two connecting signs, a few strange individuals stood. They were all odd in some strange manner or another. Puzzling.

She smiled to herself. Just the thought of being out here, even if not officially, seeing the faces she had searched the world for. She was in awe. Beyond her better judgement, she found a larger opening along a rubbish bin and one of the colorfully painted signs. Pushing through she peered about cautiously. Trailers were lined up, the big top was in sight, but only the top in the now setting sun. She began to inspect the area around her, keeping out of sight from the group she had seen earlier. The trailers were mostly the same, the windows either covered by an oddly colored curtain or tinted. Before long she found herself alone among them.
Lucas smiled at Winifred as he watched the girl. She was very peculiar in deed, but Lucas did enjoy her company. Her curiosity of the show was refreshing thought he would not be giving up his surprises so eagerly.

"Ah, well that you will have to come and see for yourself mon chère.

He chuckled as he glanced into the girls brown eyes and raised an eyebrow.

Seigneur, I have yet to eat and simply can not perform on an empty stomach. Care to join me?

Lucas had not eaten all day, which was notunusual for him. But the show with Jonsi had been taxing and he would need to eat before his next show.

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Wini pushed back a braid. "Well I look forward to seeing the show." She felt her own stomach rumble. They had a little bit till the show began, and she was hungry. "I guess it couldn't hurt!" She said with a small laugh. "If you will have me, I would love to grab a bite." Wini wasn't the most trustung but it didn't mean she couldn't get to know those of the cirques better. Lucas was a kind man, and he had a good heart, or at least she assumed from what she observed.

"Très bon."

Lucas exclaimed as he strolled over and crooked his arm for her to take. The night air was cool and pleasant and there were still a great number of patrons still roaming the cirques many stalls and booths. Many had come for the trinkets and the bobbles that were sold, some came for the atmosphere that the cirque provided. But they had all come to see one thing in common. A show. The cirques shows were known far and wide and many of them where so far beyond the imagination that it left the audience with more questions than answers.

Lucas looked down at his dinner companion and took a deep breath before exhaling the night air.

"Quelle belle nuit. What would you care to have mon chere?"

While Lucas much preferred to eat in his own dwellings than eat the food the vendors and stalls served outside, every now and then he would concede and eat the cirques food. He did not find it appalling, in fact most of it was quite good. Just a bit more uncivilized than what he would prefer.

Wini took his arm, walking lightly on her toes. She didn't mind the cirques food, but it never really appealed. Fried meats and starches only sickened her stomach. "We don't have too much time before the show," she observed. "If you would have it, I could cook a meal. I am not some grand chef but I can make a good meal." She invited. She had plenty of groceries back in the trailer. She made every meal, budgeting to send as much money home to Wales as she could. "Does Bruschetta with tomato with a Karolen salad sound alright?" She asked, thinking if she had everything she needed. She hoped he didn't mind the vegan cooking, she was sure it was confusing. She always wondered if the cirque thought she ate raw fish from a pale on her free time.
Lucas raised an eyebrow as Winifred made the proposition of her cooking. He hadn't counted on that option and the fact that the girl was inviting him to her home was intriguing.

"Sons magnifique."

He followed her lead, continuing to watch the crowds. He was glad he had left Jimbo and his cane back at the wagon for now. The shriveled old fool would waste no opportunity to throw his silkiest words at Winifred, only for Lucas to have to go through the trouble of knocking sense into him. It was hard for Lucas to be around female members of the cirque with him around, so when they had left he had decided on not obtaining his cane and simple grab it before the show.

As they walked, Lucas did as he always did and began to pry for information.

"I do believe this is the most time we have ever spent together mon chere. Such a pity we have not gotten to know each other a bit before now. Would you care to shed a bit of light on the mysterious shadow that is Winifred?"

She walked along side Lucas, leading him towards her trailer towards the back of the lot. She looked up with a slightly defensive expression, but quickly brushed it off. "Not many members around here have great interest in my personal life. Though it appears there are exceptions." Wini was not one for open conversations about her past, and trust wasn't something a dinner and talk could earn. And with her past, it was better left unturned, but she had to be sensible and give him a little to bite on.

"My life is quite bland, and far from a shadow." She lied, but laughed, she often believed her own tales, making her an experienced liar with few to no tells. "I grew up in Wales with family, money grew tight, so I left to make something of myself." At least it was partially true. "School fell through, internships failed, but here I am, performing for the the masses with little party tricks and knacks. The money is poor, but I can't complain." Reaching her door she stood at the stairs, peering out into the darkened area.

"On a side note, it appears to me a little visitor has found herself lost." Wini pointed towards the black haired woman that was lurking about, looking through windows and well, being as suspicious as one could be.
Lucas walked with Winifred and listened to her story. It was interesting to Lucas, she kept the story very vague telling him that she wished to keep most of it private. Yet for someone who wanted to make something of themselves, settling in the little cirque performing party tricks was far from making it. The girls skills in her lie nearly matched Lucas' abilities of discerning the lie. This greatly intrigued him and he began to find Winifred more and more interesting by the second. If there was one thing that Lucas loved more then his life here in the cirque, it was the tantalizing details of peoples lives and the darkness that filled everyone's past.

He was snapped out of his concentration by the sound of Winifred's mentioning some one snooping around. He turned and noticed the woman who seemed to be very nosy indeed and he chuckled a bit before turning back to Winifred.

"Go ahead and get started Winifred. I will deal with our petite espion.

Lucas turned and strode towards the woman straightening himself to appear a bit more intimidating than his usual demeanor and air portrayed.

"Bonne soirée Madame. Is there anything I can help you with?"

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Winifred held back for a moment, the door partially ajar. She peered once more that the intruder before leaning into her trailer and disappearing through the door. She grabbed a few tomatoes and mushrooms along with a chopping block. Cutting through them she then grabbed spinach and onions along with a variety of other greens. Turning on her single burner stove, the gas ticked before finally sparking into a brilliant blue flame. With some olive oil she threw in the tomatoes and mushrooms along with a few seasonings. While that cooked to place the other assortment of greens into a small serving bowl, before grabbing sourdough from the counter. She unwrapped the contents carefully before making four medium slices.

Curious, she peered out of the window while stirring the contents of the pan. She couldn't see much, but she was intrigued none the less.

Eve wrote down in her small pad a few of the plates. She had asked for these numbers from several DMV data bases, but always came up empty. She looked around, seeing the sky was now a deep red hue. The show would start soon, she should be getting back...with a sigh she turned towards where she had come only to see a taller man standing, his demeanor haunting. She was able to read the last few words. '- - - can - help - with?' It wasn't much but she worked with it.

"No, not at all, I was just going." She shook her head, her speech lacking a cohesive tone. Her hands lightly traced the sign, LEAVE, though she stopped herself. She shoved her notebook into her purse quickly, realizing it was directly in his view. She missed a few times and in the rather terrible attempt she managed to drop her bag, sending its contents skittering about the ground.

"Fu..." Her voice drifted into nothing half way through the word as she reached down to grab her things. Mostly it was lipstick, her wallet, a few receipts, a dozen coins, and of course, her badge. The small black slip lay open a foot or so in front of her. She was on her knees grabbing what she could when she saw it. "Shit." She closed her eyes for a moment in frustration. "Excuse my language," she spoke quietly, signing as she spoke. She was a slight mess when she was frustrated. She quickly reached for the badge.

Lucas watched the woman in her panic. Whoops, he hadn't meant to scare the poor thing that much. He watched as her hands flew into the air and Lucas recognized the motion. Couple the gesture with the way she spoke and Lucas realized the girl was deaf. His French would more than likely be useless in this situation if the girl did not speak french so decided to stick to English so as to not confuse her.

He knelt down to help her gather the coins and papers that had fallen out and saw the badge laying on the ground. A slow smile creeped across his lips as he grabbed the badge before she could and wiped the dirt from it. He looked up at the woman and made a quick motion of his fist moving around in a circle over his chest. The sign for sorry to let her know he was apologizing for scarring her. He then held up the badge to the girl. He knew his French would more than likely be useless in this situation if the girl did not speak french so decided to stick to English so as to not confuse her.

"Sorry for scarring you. Here's your badge officer. Is there something I can help you with?"

Eve looked up from her place, she caught his lips, his English was poor but understandable. She grabbed her badge with a small hesitation but stood up quickly, her stockings stained by the ground below.

"Oh, umm, nothing, I was just looking for a friend who had stopped by earlier," Eve spoke up. It wasn't a lie but the facts were rather skewed. If anyone from the force knew she was lurking around here, they would have her tail end on probation before sunrise. She had nothing honestly to say for a moment, the sounds of crickets and birds filling the air.

"I should be getting back to the show, it will be starting soon, I imagine." Her face ran flush as she bit her lip. "Do you by chance, know the way back to the tent?" She asked before realizing how stupid and naive the question was. He worked here, of course he knew the way.

After his last performance the tent was absolutely dead. Typical of when the performances were beginning. "I'm going to close shop for the night to go watch the big tent acts okay?" Jonsi shouted to his fellow freak show friends as he wiped down his bones and donned his big hoodie. With it on he looked completely normal! Well...except for the bony hands that stuck out the sleeves, but he had a nice soft pair of gloves for that. Once comfortable he headed out to join the audience.

Ignis's face slowly contorted into a grimace as more pain struck and his head began feeling fuzzy. "Cher....I may need to lay down for a while... I don't feel so good." He swallowed quite loudly. "My chest hurts, my throat and lungs burn...I feel a bit....dizzy. I don't want to miss your performance, but I don't want to pass out either."

Lucas nodded at the girl. Its entirely possible she just happened to be a the cirque that night. Its quite possible that she just happened to be with Interpol and was merely enjoying a night out. And of course it was entirely possible that she just happened to get lost on her way to the show. But Lucas knew better.

Even so, he wasn't about to cause problems for the cirque with messing with Interpol. He smiled as he looked past the trailers and wagons towards the big tent in the middle of the cirque and nodded towards it.

"Its right there, just head straight down the path through the trailers and you'll be at the entrance. Show starts in about 15 min. Enjoy."

He smiled as he turned away from the girl and headed back towards the door to Winifred's trailer. HE took one last look at the girl as she went on her way before entering the trailer. He leaned against the window looking out and watched the tent for a moment.

"Fichu Interpol. They always seem to be right behind us every step we take no matter what we tell them."

The man's laughter surpised Glen. It was so...light and honest that after hearing it when he was tired and pretty sure that he couldn't take much more of anything, it made him feel like everything wasn't all that bad.

He relaxed a bit. He wasn't worried about the coffin anymore, it was obviously just a prop.

"Um, you mentioned coffee?"


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