Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

Watching the skeleton man perform was a balm, over there not everyone was cheery. There were screams of terror, and the occasional bit of pain from the performer himself. It was much better then the stifling atmosphere of happiness that the rest of the cirque exuded. It wasn't natural for people to be so happy, and it probably wasn't to healthy either. But the good old skeleton man had the remedy to cure them of their insufferable happiness. A bit of fear was always good for the heart.

And when he was separated from his lower half, a large majority of people were instantly cured. But, alas, it wouldn't do if Jonsi could no longer perform. Perhaps the help of Gareth would be appreciated. Yes, it would indeed. Stepping out of the safety of the tent and into the mist, Gareth makes his way over to the separated man, his path marked by hissing and the generation of steam from the water touching his skin. When he arrived at the downed actor, he bows courteously before saying "It would appear that you would need assistance. I could help you, but these chains prevent me from doing much of anything. Just one link, that's all you need to remove." You couldn't blame him for trying to weaken his bonds. Even though it felt like he could break free from his bonds, they were much more tightly done then one would expect. Like Fenrir, bound under a mountain by a leash made of a ribbon, so to was he bound, although his bindings looked much sturdier then the pink ribbon wrapped around the massive hound's neck.
Lucas watched with as Ignis flexed his hand. His thoughts however trailed to the police and their presence in the cirque. Sure Lucas might know a little bit more than he led on about a few of the abductions. But like Ignis had said, he never took more than what was allowed or needed.

His train of thought was cut off buy a cold breath on the back of his neck. Turning his head ever so slightly he could see the glowing blue eyes of Jimbo starring in to the crowd of people heading for the tent.

"ey der boyo. Look over dere, pulling da fella t'rew da crowd der."

Jimbos whisper made Lucas' eyes shift back tot he crowd where he followed the shrunken heads gaze to the young woman pulling on the arm of a man. The man looked normal enough, but the girl was something different. Like a shadow looming over that Lucas and Jimbo could see, they both watched as the girl hurried along and were only brought back to reality when Ignis asked about cologne.

"huh? Oh oui, un seconde..."

Lucas scooped up the box off the hood of his wagon and tossed the spring back into it. He went back inside and put the box away and grabbed a small black bottle. Before leaving the wagon he grabbed something sitting on the side table to his bed and stuffed it into his pocket.

He returned quickly and tossed the bottle to Ignis.

"La tête haute! But chances are, Nanami is still gonna figure it out."

@Axel1313 @buzz
At least the presence of the demon who cause the moist air to sizzle away caused just enough panic to send the rest of the crowd away. Very much welcome as he laid there helplessly, less screams and laughter with the situation..."Nice try big guy, but I am not that naive." He clicked his tongue against his teeth and shook his head as he pulled himself up onto his arms. He could somewhat move around that way. "A powerful demon such as yourself should have no troubles aiding me in getting back to my other half. I am nothing but skin and bones so I should be light as a feather...unless all of the rumors are false and you're just a silly little lesser demon putting up a front." He smirked.


"Merci beacoup Lucas!" He nodded as caught the small bottle. He then stamped out his cigarette and stamped on it before dousing himself in a bit of the cologne. "She won't find out at all! I've got my methods for keeping things hidden. Just need to eat some onions now and go roll around in the animal pens and she won't have a single clue." He chuckled. "I best leave you to your work now, we're close to the night's performances, so I'd better do the rounds and make sure everybody is ready. Make sure my little terrors are all tucked in and ready for bed too. Wouldn't want them harassing Jimbo again." He laughed and waved as he left for the trailers again.

@zCrookedz @IceQueen
"Do not tempt me." Gareth said, eyes flickering with an inner light. "I may be bound, but I am still an Elder Demon. I could burn you to ash without a second thought if it were for these chains binding me." As he spoke, the chains subtly wound around his neck, ready to strangle him, or even snap his neck. That was the fail safe of him forcing people to free him. Violence was punished by death or near death, depending on how far he pushed it.

"And a favor is required for a favor." he continued, still trying to loosen the curse in any way possible. He shouldn't have underestimated the binders. Luckily for him, there was a way to freedom for him. The cirque would need his help, and so they'd break a link and bind him to a contract. With each broken link, he could do more for the next contract, but he'd be one step closer to being free. So far, even after all these long years, only one link has been broken, and that was by a jealous patron who discovered their partner was seeing another.
"Yeah yeah, just go on and try it then. I dare you. I bet I go up like kindling too." He smirked. He had dealt with plenty of demons and definitely new better. Although taunting was probably not wise anyway...but it was sooo fun. Particularly with Gareth for some reason as well, maybe the fact that he was an elder demon yet under such restrictions that he couldn't really harm him?

"Look big guy, I get what you're going at here, but I'm not breaking a link just so you can help me back up onto my feet...literally. It's just not worth the favor." He looked up at him with a smug little smirk. "Besiiiides, you know either of the ringmasters or older members would turn me into treats for the animals if I did. Can't you just find it in your little ol' cold dead heart to help a fellow performer out?"

Lucas waved back to Ignis as he spoke of the nights performances.

"De rein, Ignis."

As he watched Ignis head back towards the trailers, Lucas watched a few of the people who were running around looking at different shops and turned to look back at his. He had a few customers, but they looked more like browsers than actually interested in the items he had.

Once again he felt the icy breath from Jimbo as the shrunken head's glowing blue orbs in its head grazed across the crowd.

"Dat was interesting ta say da least."

The people looking over Lucas' items looked from the skull to Lucas as he looked at them. One by one they turned away and wandered to the furthest shop they could find.

Lucas smiled as the cowards ran from the strange and looked back up at Jimbo.

"Well, since you have successfully made the money scamper away, why not go check out the tent hm?"

Lucas lifted Jimbo from the rear view mirror and reached inside the door. He pulled out a long black pole with a metal cap on it. Grabbing Jimbo's skull and placing the metal cap where the base of the spine would meet, Lucas twisted with a soft click and placed his walking stick on the ground.

He tapped on the small shop that was parked next to him and the owner came out.

"Going for a stroll, be back in a bit."

There was a bit of an understanding with some of the shop keepers. If one needed to leave their shop for performance or other activities, the adjourning shop could watch it for them. Of course this was not without compensations and Lucas abided by this rule same as the others.

Lucas made his way through the crowds towards the tent, but instead of going in through the front entrance which people were leaving through, he turned and headed for the back. After scurting the maze of the back stage, Lucas came to an opening with poor lighting and stood in the shadows watching the Skeleton man and the Demon go back and forth.

Lucas had heard of the demons lust to have his bindings broken, everybody new how badly he wanted them removed. But its not their place to and new the penalty for such and action. Lucas stepped from the shadows, he cane with Jimbos head making a soft click as he stopped in a bit better lighting.

"Ne soyez pas hearltess, Gareth. He needs a helping hand, or several."(Do not be hearltess, Gareth.)

Lucas smiled as he continued to stand and make no motion to help the skeleton man either.

@Axel1313 @Beowulf
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"I will not do it for free." He said to both of them. "What will I get from helping you? A pat on the back and a thank you? That is worth about as much as the dirt you're rolling around in." Oh, how he wanted to strangle him, which the chains adjusted to by tightening around his neck, a threat and a warning rolled into one. 'Oh what a lovely fire these tents will make.' he thought to himself. "Perhaps you have a better offer then a simple thank you." he continued, crossing his arms over his chest, and steadily getting more and more damp. He would never truly get wet unless you dumped him into the coldest part of the ocean, which he was dead set on not allowing anyone to do.
"Psht, keep telling yourself that buddy, but do you reaaally want to tell your big bad demon buddies and intimidate humans by saying that you broke a link for helping a poor skeleton off the ground?" He chuckled. "If you ask me that sounds pretty desperate." His smug grin grew. He knew Gareth couldn't do anything about his taunting without consequences. It was even more amusing now with Lucas there too. "And what else do you want? A drink? A towel? Cause that's all helping me up is gonna get you. It's definitely not worth breaking a link."

@Beowulf @zCrookedz
At the mention of telling this to other demons, Gareth lunged forward, finally snapping. And he would have wrapped his hands around that bony neck and snapped it had he had not been pulled up short by an invisible force. His hands, once reaching towards Junsi, were now scratching at his neck, which was visibly being pinched closed right where the chain tattoos were. Taking a step back, the chains loosened enough for him to speak. "I will burn this place to the ground and everyone here. Except you, you I will keep. I will carve my mark into your bones, and watch as your marrow burns and you char. But I will not let you die. You will beg for it, do anything to end the suffering. But I will not end it, I will make you my example. You will need my power, and I will be freed. But I will not suffer being made a fool of. You will regret this."

And with that, and a flourish of his cloak, he was gone. He wanted to burn something, which meant he wanted to perform. He would make sure to leave a scorch mark when he was done. And perhaps leave a couple audience members short an eyebrow or two.

Matilda wandered through the crowds of cheerful expressions and giddy conversations, heading scanning everywhere as she looked for her boss. She knew that Edward had told her to stay put by the main circus tent until he came back, but as the minutes past Matilda figured he must of started the investigation and already gone to the Ringmasters' lodgings. Edward going to do things on his own was a common trait that Matilda, unlike many others of interpol, had grown to admire. She always imagined what was on his mind when he chose to go head first without the thought to request back up even when Matilda would suggest it. Matilda couldn't believe a human would have that much courage, maybe a non-human, but never a human like herself and Edward. Thinking about this Matilda realized that she had still not found her boss and was making it closer to where she assumed the private trailers were. "Mr. Drachen? Are you nearby? Oh, who are you kidding Matilda, as if he'd actually respond to that." When Matilda got a few states from circus goers around, her cheeks deepened to a red color embarrassed for talking to herself out loud.

@Kiyoko Tomoe (even though he technically wouldn't really respond.


As she pulled her body up and out of the hatch a top her trailer, Cordelia morphed her body from its gel back to its regular human form. Swinging her legs over the side she rubbed her eyes to adjust to the dwindling light before jumping from her trailer's rooftop and running out of the trailer area of the cirque grounds. Cordelia already knew the earful she would get if she was caught being late to opening time and even worse if she was late to the actual main show. Yet it also took her all day to braid her hair to fit the standards Laura set since the last time she had it down, well at least the child hadn't fallen too hard. Oh well, Cordelia thought to herself.


As she rushed towards the main area though, Cordelia past a humangirl that looked lost. Normally if she wasn't in a hurry she would've gone and helped the human and make a new friend. Shaking her head she continued on her path without a second thought and was making good time too, that is until she ran head first into a very familiar demon. Tumbling onto the ground and giggling as she stood up, Cordelia help her hand out to Ignus "
Oh my goodness I'm so so so sorry Ignis. Hehe, I had no idea you were there."



Unlike many of the other cirque members, Salix had actually arrived to the main tent early and had already stretched and prepped for his performance. He was now sitting alone on one of the benches in the pre-performance area polishing his cyr wheel. His costume was not entirely special, Salix wore skin tight black leather pants and and shoes made for using a cyr wheel. There was no need for him to wear a shirt as it would only slow his motions down, but Salix had a long sleeve button down on so he could hide the ugly markings that covered his skin.

As he continued to polish his wheel, Salix couldn't help but ponder what was keeping the performers. Yet as he began to think of people specifically the visions began flashing across his vision at a rapid speed. Just as fast as they flew by, a major headache spread faster. Salix quickly brought his head to his hands and a black aura emitted from his palms. As the pain started to reside Sakix sighed, glad no one was here to have seen that. As soon as his vision cleared Salix returned to polishing his wheel, trying to return back to his more social attitude.

(yeah I just kind of put him somewhere for now.)
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"Yeesh, can't you take a joke big guy? Or how about some anger management classes" Jonsi chuckled, adjusting his arms underneath him more. Thank goodness he was quite used to standing like this. Shaking his head as Gareth stormed away. "Why don't you try acting your age, not your shoe size next time and maybe I'll consider a deal like that...or maybe try a time where it's more worth it."

One last scoff and he turned to Lucas. "Care to help me out? I'm pretty sure you won't ask me to unleash any demonic powers or threaten to throw a major tantrum. Although I have to he plans on killing a skeleton is kind of amusing."

@Beowulf @zCrookedz

"Whoa!! Watch where you're going there." He laughed, almost toppling over himself as she collided with him. With a bright smile he took her hand to help her back up. "What's with the rush huh? Running a little late again are we?" He teased lightly. "I haven't seen any of the ring leaders around so I think you're fine in chances of not getting yelled at."

Lucas watched as Jonsi pushed and proded at Gareth, and inside Lucas could help but laugh. Watching the bound demon get angrier and angrier was better than watching some of the more comedic rutines the cirque performers had put together.

"This should be part of your act Jonsi, the crowd would love to see Gareth in such a state."

But Gareths limitations from his chains finally got the better of him and he stormed off. Lucas continued to stand leanign on the post until Gareth was gone. He felt the top of his cane shutter a bit as Jimbo stirred to life once more.

Bit ov a bibitte der, ain't e'?"(Bibitte=French Creole word for Dick)

Lucas smiled at Jimbo as he pushed off from the post and began walking towards Jonsi and his struggle. As Jonsi Called out for help to Lucas now, Lucas gave his can a tap on the ground once he stopped a few feet from the skeleton man. A thick black smoke began to form under Jonsi which became solid as it touched the skeleton man and lifted him into the air above his body.

"He certainly does have an éclectique way of killing doesn't he?"

"You think so? We could be the next comedy duo. With me teasing him till his chains tighten and he throws a fit." His smiled widened. "Sadly I think I'd like to not have to sleep with one eye open. Who knows what he'll do just to get his revenge right?" He laughed rather heartly, for one with no lungs or muscles or anything at least. He had no clue what Jimbo had said either but he gave a nod that he got the gist of it.

The performer let out a contented sigh as he was finally helped to his feet. His vertebra making a sickening popping noise as it snapped right back into place. "Thank you Lucas. Least somebody has a more sensible head on their shoulders."

The way she tugged on his sleeve tied a knot in his stomach. He reluctantly let her lead him through the crowd and towards the large tents. He tried to make out the shapes in the mist, but all he could see was the haze of light shining from their entrances.

Glen clutched his jacket tightly around himself as he shivered. He didn't realize he was cold until now.
Lucas nodded to the skeleton man as he thanked him. It was very interesting to see just what his abilities where able to do. Being able to have your body separated like that and simply reattach once they were placed back together was intriguing to say the least. In his typical fashion, questions began to spring into his mind about how and why his body was the way it was, but Lucas restrained himself.

Instead he glance around the empty tent and then back to Jonsi.

"I must say, its been some time since I've seen someone clear the tent so quickly. Quite impressive, possibly a new Cirque record."
A feeling in her mind told her someone was watching. It was an uneasy thought, making her remember the watchful eyes of those she left long ago. Carter was disgusted by her own memories, and the fleeting thought soon dissipated into the noise of the circus crowd.

Her breath was visible in the chilly night, growing quicker with excitement. She glanced back at the man she held onto, finally loosening her grip on his hand to motion for him to push through the crowd with her. Carter ignored a few curses and yells as she navigated through the countless bodies surrounding her.

At last, she stumbled out into a clearing. Only a small awe-struck audience stood circling a podium that elevated something being blocked by a tall head. The runaway found a bright smile on her face after many void months. Carter made her way to the front, eager to behold a sight she had never seen before.

She was having so much fun, and she could feel someone else enjoying it as well. But, of course, she ignored it and pretended it wasn't real.
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"I'm a man of many talents." He laughed. Carefully grabbing his spine to make sure it was aligned perfectly. "Although this would not have been possible without that little arsehole who knocked me in two... People never seem to realize that that actually does hurt me. It's like dislocating a joint or fracturing a bone..." He spied the newcomers who had dared enter his tent and waved at them. Bold people, not many came in after crowds left screaming. Most likely they missed that part though.

@zCrookedz @buzz @egghead
Lucas raised an eye brow to Jonsi's lament about the pain. He had not thought such a condition would yield pain, but it was interesting to know that it had. It always seemed that Lucas learned the most interesting things when he hoovered around the others of the cirque.

After watching Jonsi put himself back together, quite literally, Lucas felt his cane twitch a tad bit towards the entrance to the tent. He looked down at Jimbo's skull in his hands and then to the entrance. Two new face had emerged and where now standing watching, both of which Lucas recognized from earlier. The girl with the shadow looming over her, it was still there like a ghost it simply hovered around her. Lucas smiled and took a few steps forward towards the edge of the stage.

"Welcome! I do apologize for this but the show has been cut short a tad. A small injury to the performer. That is of course if Jonsi here still thinks he can continue?

Lucas shot Jonsi a sideways glance and a grin, he was a tad interested to see what else the skeleton man could do.

@Axel1313 @buzz @egghead
Glen followed her into the tent, but didn't go in any further than the entrance when saw what was standing on the stage: a man, though his skin melted away to show bare bones that rattled and groaned as he moved.

"Oh, my god..." he muttered in awe as he took in the gruesome sight.
"I think I should be able to continue on for the night." He looked to Lucas with a grin. "It was nothing serious, just a little fall." He rotated around to look more directly at the new audience members. "Although I'm not too sure what else I can do. I'm kind of a one trick pony, hence the reason I'm in this tent." He hopped off his podium to stand closer. "So uh...hmm...I guess just go ahead and tell me what you want? You're the only ones around here at the moment so it couldn't hurt. Play my ribs like a xylophone, make me do some amazing contortionist feats. As long as it doesn't hurt too much I'll give ya the best show I can manage."

@zCrookedz @buzz @egghead
Lucas began to chuckle, which slowly grew to a joyful yet dark laughter. He strode into the middle of the stage and gave the stage a quick tap with his cane. I bright light flashed on and landed on Jonsi as Lucas' laughter faded away into the dark.

"Come now Jonsi, old tricks like that aren't what our audience want. Let's give them something new, shall we?

Lucas'voice seemed to carry through the entire tent now, having disappeared from the stage. He made it a point to always be prepared for a show, and figured what better time than now.

A swirling black cloud began to envelope Jonsi's feet. It would not harm the skeleton man, this cloud simply began to envelope him until only the swirling black cloud remained. The spot light followed the cloud as it moved back onto the stage. Once it had returned to the stage, it did something quite interesting. It split into three other columns, and as it did the spot light split as well so that each one was lit up.

Once the columns were in place, they simply stopped and fell away to reveal four identical Jonsi's all standing on stage. The original was hard to tell apart to the crowd, but the others were nothing more than spirits Lucas had fashioned to mimic Jonsi's apearance. Lucas' laughter began once again, hoping that this would inspire some creativity in the skeleton man's dry bones.

"Merci! , women and children please turn your heads. We wouldn't want you to witness mounsour Jonsi playing with himself!"[/red]

@Axel1313 @egghead @buzz
"Ignis you don't know how happy I am to hear you say that. And yes, I may be running just a tad bit late but once again its not my fault. I mean Laura and (I don't know who is co - ring leader for you Ice but insert name here for them) should easily know by now that with this much hair it takes time to put up, not to mention make up and getting dressed as well. Especially when you forget to which way to go in your trailer, not that its hard to maneuver..." As she continued to ramble on the most around Cordelia became thicker, matching her excitement. "... Anyways that's another long tale to tell another time, even though you technically saw it happen yesterday. Oh and sorry again for running into you Ignis, I should probably head to the main tent now. Have fun with what your doing!" Cordelia gave Ignis a quick hug before heading back on her way towards the main tent only to turn back to Ignis cupping her mouth to amplify her voice. "Oh and Ignis that cologne smell is not going to be strong enough if you're hiding that cirgarette smell from Nanami." With that Cordelia ran off. As she finally reach the tent she noticed a familiar grumpy demon heading there as well.

Hi Gareth!"

@Axel1313 @Beowulf
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"I know I know, I've been in your shoes before when I was younger." He chuckled, dusting her outfit off slightly for her. Had to make sure all of the performers looked tidy. "Hair and makeup takes forever to do. Although it sounds to me like you just need to lay off the caffeine a bit." He teased as she got more and more excited.

"I'll see you in the main tent! Good luck with your performance!" He smiled...until she shouted about the cologne and cigarette smell of course. His smile quickly turned to a more panicked expression and he made a motion for her to hush. He knew Nanami had fantastic hearing when it came to this sort of thing...

But maybe? Maybe he could cover it up even better? She couldn't complain if he smelled like the smoke from the opium tent right? Because then he could just make the excuse of checking up on there.

@rosamortelle @IceQueen
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"Aaaaahhhh ha ha...Lucas? Buddy." A hint of red had filled the poor man's cheeks. Somehow at least. He was caught off guard big time by this little trick of the witch doctor. Hell, he didn't even know the man could do something like this at all! "What am I even supposed to do here? I don't exactly have many tricks up my sleeve like you do." He chuckled nervously. Getting a bit of stage fright as his mind raced for ideas that would interest the crowd. "G...uuuuh..."

Oh goody, the water elemental had arrived. Hehad to admit, she looked very nice in her costume, but that mean he didn't have to like it. If he was unbound from these chains she would evaporate by simply being in his presence. But at the moment, even with one link broken, she was his equal when it came to power. How that rubbed him the wrong way, having her stronger then him. But he had to put up with it. And he also had a bit more experience in using his power then she did, so that might sway a fight towards his favor. "Hello, Cordellia." he said simply, acknowledging her but nothing else.

((@rosamortelle ))

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