Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

(( Ohhh! Sorry for the confusion and all! So just delete that whole thing? ))
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((Nah, you don't need to delete the whole thing at all! All you would need to do is take out the part of a bird coming out of his ribs because the rest looks great!))
"Ugh...." On his way to the opium tent he got a steady ache in his chest. There was a slight burning sensation with every breath as well. He must have forgotten to take his medications for the evening. So much for trying to get rid of the cigarette smell completely. It was far more important that he didn't have an episode in front of customers...or a heart attack either. Gently rubbing his chest to sooth the pain he headed straight for the trailer.

Shani watched as the bird flew down to the almonds she dropped and tried to eat them. She hoped she was right about birds being able to eat this stuff. Birds could eat nuts right? Oh well, didn't matter now since the bird was already eating them from what she could tell. Though it did seem to be having some trouble with it.

"Well I hope those are okay enough lil guy." She muttered looking at the bird. "Now I gotta go find the others.." She murmured to herself, looking away from the bird and back at the crowd. She stood on her toes to try to see more but that didn't help very much. "Why does there have to be so many people." She groaned eating a few more almonds. "I guess I can just sit here and eat like an emotionally compromised teenage girl until this place clears up."

And she fully planned to do that. She had a wallet of cash, and there was many a food vendor. Carnival food might be over priced but darn it, she liked it and would spend as much on it as she wanted until she found the others.

The rat man almost screamed when he heard the voice. He dropped everything he was holding (a lighter and a handful of splinters) and spun around to be blinded by the shiny hair of the man questioning him.

His leg hairs prickled as he realized they were the only ones in the tent. "I...I was just..."

He couldn't come up with an excuse.
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The sugar tasted good and all, but he needed to actually eat something. And there was something he could eat right in front of him. He might not like them to much, but you know how the saying goes. Beggars can't be choosers. Besides, he had a hunch on how to bust one of these apart to more manageable pieces without having to transform, though a human mouth would work wonderfully for this.

Setting the almond he had in his mouth down, he hops up and slams his beak into the hard nut. Luckily the ground wasn't super wet, and it only gave a little bit. The most important part was that the nut did crack slightly, not much but it was something to work with. Picking it back up, he squeezes it again, and this time the almond readily breaks apart into smaller pieces. And so, picking them up one at a time, he eats the crumbs.

While he was able to eat them this way, this was far to much work in his opinion. Hey, maybe that Interpol girl had some more food. She probably did, and she'd probably give some to him. Stupid human, showing that she had food to give away. So, he flapped off to ground and towards a vendor's roof to sit on until another opportunity for some food arose. He made sure that he could keep track of her easily, it wouldn't do for a food source to just disappear.
Carter laughed and laughed as she stood on her toes, clapping for the show of multiple sentiment. It was about to conclude, she thought, before her expert companion alerted her to the final act. It was light-hearted and incited more rapturous laughter from the audience. A toothy smile remained on her face as she rose from her seat. It withered away when she heard Annalise.

The tiny but nonetheless baroque woman seemed so excited to hear Carter's response. But the plebian mind of hers could only wander, without plan and without belonging. "Oh, yeah, I forgot." She shrugged casually, looking down at her body. Maybe it would be best to make sure she would not die abruptly in a random circus tent.

"Is there... Like..."

Carter didn't know how to make up the words and say what she wanted to. In that moment, she felt void. Balled fists contained her frustration with herself. It was as if she lost the power to do anything, and being so young, it made her feel disgusting. She wanted to change so desperately.

"Do you know if, uh, they can fix me?"

Carter bit her lip. That sounded stupid.
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Lucas stood there on stage in the light, the crowd cheering and laughing, as egg ran down the front of his face. Their encore cheering had provoked Jonsi into changing up his act a bit and now turned the tables on Lucas showering him in egg yolk. Lucas couldn't help but feel like he deserved this a bit after setting Jonsi so on edge with his own jokes.

So Lucas smiled and began to laugh as he peeled his hat off his head and flipped it over so the rest of the egg would fall to the floor. He tried to wipe the egg from his long black hair, but it would not leave completely until Lucas was able to get to ta shower. He looked over at Jonsi with a smile as he reached into his had. Slowly he withdrew his cane out of the hat and placed it on the floor so he could lean on it while he re-affixed his hat to his head.

"Monsieur Jonsi, I suppose the yolk is on me quite literally now eh? What a fowl thing to do to a fellow cirque mate."

Lucas smiled as he clapped Jonsi on the back and watched as the crowd began to head off to their next event.

"Jonsi, feel free to join my stage anytime. It have been beaucoup de plaisir to perform with you this evening."

He gave Jonsi one more pat on the back before turning from the stage and continued to try and wipe egg from his hair. He desperately needed a shower now and to check the shop.

@Axel1313 @crucialstar @buzz
Cordelia crossed her arms and let a childish frown spread across her face when all Gareth said to her was a simple hello. Yet that frown faded just as quickly as it appeared as Cordelia was not going to walk away with a simple acknowledgment. Cordelia inched closer to the fiery demon, so close that the thick fog that surrounded Cordelia canceled out the dry heat around Gareth placing both of them back into the regular mist everyone else experienced (so essentially shoulder to shoulder; side by side). Casually turning her head towards Gareth Cordelia spoke in a peppy tone. "So Gareth are you excited to perform tonight? I know I am, I mean I'm always excited about performing so that statement isn't exactly new news if you know what I mean. Speaking of new news, did you here that interpol is here tonight? Gosh can you believe that? I mean I know that I have been lying to Laura about the number of people I bring to my trailer, but still. I mean I just love people, they're so great aren't they great Gareth? Anyways what was I talking about? Oh right performing tonight! So, are you excited Gareth?"


Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz


Annalise waited patiently for Carter's reply. However it seemed like Carter had trouble putting words into sentences. Nevertheless, Annalise gave her an encouraging nod and support, not rushing the young maiden. Carter's excitement laced with laughter and fun made Annalise's heart soar as she, herself, enjoyed watching her become so engrossed in the performance. Annalise made a mental note to keep quiet whenever it came to watching the performances. She didn't want to cause Carter's expression to dull down once more, since it seemed that her expressions would return blank and expressionless whenever she spoke to her. Her heart saddened a tad bit, but, didn't find fault in Carter for doing so. She's had her hardships as well, so for Carter to react to her in such a way, she didn't blame her. But, Annalise wouldn't probe the young maiden unless she, herself, wanted to speak on it. Instead, Annalise wanted to show Carter a good time: one filled with laughter, smile, and fun. And that's exactly what she planned on doing. "Do you know if, uh, they can fix me?" Annalise was caught off guard when Carter asked such a request. What did she mean by fix? Tilting her head, Annalise looked a bit confused, but realization dawned on her. She looked at the Carter, but not one of judgment or disgust, but she looked lost in thought as she observed Carter. Carter's eyes were bruised. . her clothes looked worn out. . and everything about Carter screamed exhaustion and pain. Annalise's expression saddened slightly, however, it wasn't a sympathetic expression, but one of empathy. But, this was the first time . . Carter ever spoke of herself or rather, it sounded like it was the first time she ever wanted something, in a long, long time. So, Annalise's eyes lit up as she grinned widely, "Of course! You can come with me in my trailer and along the way, let's see if any of the ladies who's not performing tonight is available, too! They'd love to meet you!" Taking Carter's hand gently, but not assuming the young maiden was fragile, Annalise walked out of the seats and out of the tent. Taking in the deep breathe of fresh air, Annalise eyes opened up widely, as the lights all around them brought to life the a festive feeling. The mist was soon drying away as Annalise looked next to her, speaking to Carter, "Shall we go?" Annalise grinned widely and did something she hadn't done in a while: run. Taking a small step forward, Annalise made sure to keep a gentle yet firm grip on Carter, so she wouldn't loose her among the crowd. Soon, Annalise made a light sprint into the direction of her trailer, going at a speed that Carter would be able to still see any stalls if she wished to stop by. Giggling happily, Annalise felt a slight breeze between her hair, loving the adrenaline rush she was feeling. As they made their light jog, Annalise spoke excitedly, "Do you have any preference as to style clothes? Or hair?" Annalise always saw beyond a person's appearance, despite Carter's outer appearance, she knew, inside Carter's heart, there was a beautiful soul, just waiting to come out. So, Annalise hoped, she'd find her courage once more and if she needs guidance or help, Annalise could only hope Carter would ask for a helping hand, just like awhile ago,

Carter was sure her words sounded like a moody teenager's ramblings, but she was in good company. Annalise understood what she wanted. The forsaken girl felt a smooth, almost silk-like hand slip into her own and before she could say anything embarrassing, they were off. She dare not consider the circus staffer a friend yet, but the grip on her felt so comforting. The attention made her body thaw, defrosting from the cold she used to lay in and the shards of ice that planted themselves in her chest that day.

That day...

The pretty little woman's voice broke through once again, but this time, Carter was very glad. She squeezed her eyes shut and reopened them, hoping to wake herself up. Being distracted by her own thoughts was weird, and Annalise would definitely leave her. Or so she thought, judging from bad experiences.

"What do you mean, 'shall we'?"

Her question was answered when the duo dashed through the diverse crowd. Colors passed, smells, and the safety of Annalise's grip. There was so much to see. Juggling knives, fire shooting into the sky, a fortune-teller's tent that caught her eye...

They approached a trailer when Carter was asked about what she liked. It had been a while since she last indulged, and it was as if she forgot her own interests. "Well..." She snorted. "When I was younger, at home, I would try to make myself look like a walking pile of confetti." A laugh escaped her lips. "Purple eyeshadow, a princess hat, oh..."

Carter looked up.

"Why do you ask?"
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"I supposed it is." He grinned devilishly as he watched Lucas dump the eggs from his hat. "Don't worry though, I'm not that much of a turkey. I'll pay for the dry cleaning." He chuckled. Hopping down from the stage to start cleaning up. His night wasn't over, but at least next all he had to do was relax, sit there and freak people out who walked into the tent. Maybe they'd get lucky too and get to close shop earlier. He always liked watching the professionals at work.

@zCrookedz @buzz @crucialstar
Nanami sighed as she finished putting the two little monsters to bed, staring at herself in the mirror. Their scrambling around had effectively messed up her hair and makeup, which mean she had to redo it. She had to admit, the little monsters were quite adorable though. Their little horns and wings were coming in, and they just loved to tug on them, both on themselves and each other. That and they liked to pull on her hair as well, even though they were maturing well into six years. Sighing, Nanami sat back down at her mirror and started to fix her appearance.

After another half an hour, Nanami had finally put her makeup back on. Walking back over to the little devils, Nanami gave them a kiss on the head before heading out of her trailer. About halfway to the tent, Nanami spotted a tired Ignis walking back towards her. Crossing her arms, Nanami frowned as he approached. She could practically sense the cigarette coming off him an she groaned. "Again Ignis?" She asked him, slightly irritated. "What is it this time?" She asked him.

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"Hm? Whatever are you talking about mon Cheri~" He cocked his head to the side curiously. Using his usual strategy of playing stupid to try and avoid her wrath. "I haven't a clue what you're talking about. I'm just coming to take my medications and check on the little ones before heading to the main tent. You always assume I've been up to something you know?" He teased.

Nanami looked forwards at her husband and she let out a long sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Ignis, I can smell the cig all over you." She pointed out, looking across at him. "You need to consider your health more. And the little ones are finally down for the night, after pulling on their horns and wings and my hair all afternoon." She mumbled, rubbing her head.

"I still don't know what you're talking about. My health will be just fun. Maybe I picked up the smell from one of the performers I was helping." he chuckled as he walked up to give her a hug. "It's good to hear that they're finally asleep. Because now that means you can take a break after you perform. Seeing as they are so very full of energy these days and know how to keep us on our toes and wear us down."


((so are the kiddies twins or are they simply really close in age?))
@Axel1313 (Either one)

Nanami sighed and she hugged her hubby back, letting her face burry into his neck. "You better not be smoking again Ignis. It just makes me worry more." She sighed, looking at him and shaking her head. "Let's get you the medication. I don't want to call the ambulance again." She grumbled.
((okie doke))

"Don't worry cheri! I'm not." he spoke sweetly as he kept his mouth faced away from her. He hadn't done anything to get the smell of cigarettes from his mouth yet. "I've got to remember that medication though. I don't think I'll need an ambulance again, but it makes life easier."

Nanami sighed and she let go of Ignis, taking his hand instead. "Their little wings and horns are growing in. They're so cute, but the little ones are so curious." Nanami said, her wings fluttering slightly as she walked back into the trailer with her hubby

Everest sat staring at the bright computer screen, her eyes scanning the pages with little interest. God she hated her job sometimes, it was nice at times, but beyond cracking a case every month or so, it was desk work. They should just hire a secretary, would be cheaper than her salary.

Looking at the time she cringed. Nothing was to get finished at such a late time anyway. With a quick flip, she turned off the screen and began to pack up her things. She bit her lip. Matilda and Edward, they were out investigating and checking the scene out. What was she doing? Sitting around researching and searching for documents that didn't exist. She had found one mention of one name in a paper in one town. Little help that was.

She should call Matilda. It wasn't that she didn't like talking to Edward, it was just. Well, she didn't want to come to the topic of not finding any intel until at least tomorrow with him.

Picking up her phone she went to video call Matilda. She had yet to buy a TTY for the office. Often during office hours she just had a friend repeat the message so she could read their lips, but that wasn't an option. She hit Matilda's contact and waited for her to answer. She hoped Matilda was somewhere well lit.


Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz


Although time felt as if it was slowing down as the two maidens ran through the circus, they arrived at Annalise's trailer in such a short amount of time, five minutes or so. Feeling quite exhilarated, Annalise gently had let go of Carter's hand and stretched her hands up in the sky. She didn't take notice until she realized Carter was about three or more inches taller than her, compared to her petite stature of five feet even. But, Annalise never let her height bother her, especially knowing she could probably take down those half her size if need be. As Annalise began to walk up her trailer steps, Carter spoke, looking up to her,
"When I was younger, at home, I would try to make myself look like a walking pile of confetti." Her eyes widened as she heard Carter's laugh, hearing her laughter echo through her ear drums like wind chimes. She smiled widely, which is shocking since well, most people would wonder if her face ever felt stiff from smiling so much. However, never once did she feel that happen. "A pile of confetti?" She giggled at that thought, seeing all kinds of colors everywhere in her mind. But, Annalise had heard Carter's emphasis on the word "home", as a sharp pain filled through her bones. However, Annalise covered the pain with a slight smile as Carter wondered why she asked what her preferences was. Turning around, Annalise began walking up the stairs and opened up her trailer. "Come on in, Carter, make yourself feel comfortable, okay?" She said as she walked inside her trailer, turning on the lights. Annalise always loved being inside her trailer, making sure it was spacious yet cozy. It was her own personal space where she could come back and never fear that it would ever leave or go away. Annalise had taken a liken to the little white furry rug on the ground, loving the feeling of the soft fluffs between her toes. Usually Annalise wouldn't choose white for her furniture, but, it just brought her trailer to life more, loving the light that it brings inside. Last but not least, she loved decorating, putting in little decorative lantersn to hangon the ceiling as her decorative pillows were blue with many different intricate designs, just to have some elegant and classy fill to the space.


Turning to look at Carter, Annalise tilted her head, "Please, sit, Carter, you're not intruding or anything." She gave her a reassuring smile. Getting a big bowl out, filling it with water, Annalise sat on the ground next to Carter, "Carter, I know this is going to sound funny. . but will you lean your head back for me?" Annalise made hand movements as she patted in the water and flicked it onto Carter's hair. "I don't have a running shower in my trailer yet since we just got here last night or so. But this would work, I'd like to wash your hair for you, if that's okay?" Annalise wanted to give freshen her up a bit more, letting her have her natural glow again. "Also, if it's okay with you, I can also wash your arms and legs, if you'd like? Of course, you can always reject and I'll let you do that yourself?" But, Annalise would only do it if Carter gives her permission, as she said before to her. She knew washing Carter's hair would show off Carter's natural shiny, luscious, black hair. But also, the dirt and grease off her skin will definitely show off her natural beige skin tone, a skin color Annalise always wanted compared to her pale features. "So, first, we'll wash up, get some change of clothes, and lastly, we can do your makeup. Of course it won't have to be all-out makeup. But just a little touch up here and there, if you'd like?" Annalise asked, hoping Carter would be okay with it. She didn't want to go overboard and offend her in any way, shape, or form. If anything, Annalise wouldn't really give her a "full makeover", but rather, just help Carter look more presentable to other judging eyes. She knew the perfect thing to do to cover those. . . bruises. . scars. . and scratches. Once again, that bubbling rage inside the pit of her soul started coming out. She felt herself heat up slightly as she took in a deep breathe, in and out, hoping to calm down the storm before it came. Annalise was always able to control the negative energy within her, but, it has been a while since she felt such protectiveness over a human. If only she was able to use her abilities . . that way she could heal all the physical remembrance on Carter's body. But. . then again . . all of those pain inflicted on Carter only made her more admirable to Annalise. She was tough and a fighter, however, she only hoped there was still light inside the young maiden, and that Carter would allow it to shine again.
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"We're going to have to teach them to not mess with them so much as they grow aren't we?" He chuckled. Leaning over to kiss her sweetly. "Anyway, are you all prepared for your performance tonight? You look beautiful, so there is no doubt you will stun the audience at first glance of course."


She tried not to trip over herself as she made her way into the trailer after Annalise.

It was an overwhelming sight. Hard for Carter to not be jealous, though at this point, she envied anything and everything. She couldn't help it. "Woah." Her mouth parted to let out peculiar 'oohs' and 'ahs' as she eyeballed every decoration. The meticulously elegant design expressed her animal-taming companion's personality well.

Soon, Carter was faced with multiple requests, all of which were surprisingly thoughtful. "You'd really do that?" Her voice faltered, taken aback by the hopeful look in Annalise's defined eyes. The grimy runaway stepped in front of the mirror, took one miserable look at herself, and clenched her teeth. How embarrassing.

"Holy shit! Look at me!" Carter shook her head, glancing at her companion. "I think I need somethin' to clean me up, yeah." Another snort.

A sudden shift of tone began when her expression softened. "But thank you. This is all..." Her voice grew hoarse and she fought back another steady stream of tears, not wanting to give Annalise another annoyance. "This is really, really nice of you." She kept her tainted body to herself, saving a hug for when she wasn't a mess. It was a relief to finally not wash herself with dirty rainwater that often could barely even manage being water. Just thinking about her experiences made her skin crawl and her stomach oddly convulse.

Suck it in, Carter...

It was only a matter of time before it would be gone, she told herself.

She followed Annalise's instruction as she lay on the comforting white rug. Carter couldn't help but worry about staining something, whether it be from the dirt on her body or the blood inside her.
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egghead said:
The rat man almost screamed when he heard the voice. He dropped everything he was holding (a lighter and a handful of splinters) and spun around to be blinded by the shiny hair of the man questioning him.
His leg hairs prickled as he realized they were the only ones in the tent. "I...I was just..."

He couldn't come up with an excuse.
"No need ta be nervous. It happens. This place is out of the way a the crowds and pretty empty. So we get a lot of people coming here to smoke or get away from it all." He stretched out his arms again with loud pops and leaned against the coffin in the middle. "You look like you need a cup o coffee or somethin' lad."


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