Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

"Of course! How do you like yours, lots a sugar and cream? Black? Hard?" He smiled warmly as he pulled out a small flask of cinnamon whiskey from his jacket. "It'll certainly warm and wake ya up. I'm sure you need that a bit eh? So ye don't fall asleep during the performances or walk into another tent like a zombie." He teased.

Wini looked up suprised as she laid the tomatoes and mushrooms onto the warmed up bread. The salad lay on the table already mixed with an oil dressing.

"I feared, but is she really? God." She sat down in the seat setting down the two plates of food. "I have heard the previous stories of run ins through the years from Ignis. They always end with someone dead and a whole lot of trouble." She stared at her food before looking at the time. "Damn! I am the third act tonight and I barley have thirty minutes till I step out from the curtain," she muttered biting into some salad. After nearly chowing down half her plate she looked up with a guilty expression. "Bon appetite?" She laughed realizing her manners were far from formal.

Eve quickly followed the man's directions, buying her tickets from the tender. She quickly sat down in the back row, pulling out her small camera. She wedged it between her knee and purse and waited patiently for the show to begin.
"Ah Annalise, what a pleasant surprise," Cordelia brightly exclaimed as Annalise and the other female joined her and Gareth's conversation. Sure she should have spoken to Gareth first, but in the spur of the moment Cordelia chose in with the new. Grasping Annalise's hands tenderly Cordelia kissed Annalise's cheeks before plastering another of her signature smiles across her face and lying a hand on Gareth's shoulder. Of course as soon as she touched it, a sizzling steam produced itself which Cordelia ignored as she too was more curious about the human in front of her. "Gareth and I were just speaking about performing tonight. How the joy of the crowd entices you to do better every second, the chill of anticipation just before the spot light hits you. The love that spills out of the audiences' mouths in the form of cheers, and the after bliss you feel knowing that this performance like any other will send people away in high spirits."

Lost in thought Cordelia had dazed out as she spoke looking at the sky as if something was flying past, only to shake her head and refocus on the people around her. She watched as Gareth extended her hand out to the girl and she responded, Cordelia couldn't help but let out a heart warming giggle. "Oh dearest hum- girl, I can assure that Gareth here is far from the Romeo type. Although his looks are rather lavishing and his voice quite smooth like a fine wine that trickles down your throat like silk. As well as his quiet but exotic demeanor. Under all that he's really just a grump with big anger issues and maybe a few more bits to his personality, but it's not my right to speak for him." Cordelia giggled again as she pat Gareth on the shoulder before removing her hand, revealing slight burns on her hand which quickly vanished back into her porcelain skin.

Keeping her attention mainly on the human girl, Cordelia also spoke with Annalise. "Anywho, I don't think we've gotten the name of your friend yet Annalise, who you or her care to share?"

@crucialstar @Beowulf @buzz
Matilda had grown tired of hunting for Drachen. Instead she decided to just try and call him, yet as she looked at the screen Matilda realized that Brooks, another agent assigned to the case had tried to contact. Matilda mentally slapped herself as she clicked on Brooks name hoping she would pick up to the video call. "Goodness sakes Matilda if you hadn't gotten so carried away with finding Mr. Drachen you and Brooks could have met up by now."


(I'm going to leave Salix out of this until people actually enter the prep area of the tent I mean really being left alone this long he's probably in the fetal position again, with his hands clutching his head because knowing him he gave up on people showing up onto time making him cave under the emotions that are enhanced by his mother's side and the future outcomes are swarming his mind again.)
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Brooks felt her phone ring, and nearly dropped the camera stacked along ber knee. She hit answer and the screen lit up with Matilda's face. "Hey," she spoke, raising a brow. "I am here, so if you wanna just talk in person I am in the big tent," her voice ragged, but she knew after working with Matilda for log enough it wouldn't be a bother. She really hoped Matilda wouldn't be mad that she was at the Cirque. It wasn't like she had been banned from going, technically.
There was the slightest twitch of the eye, a curling of his mouth into a sneer, when Cordellia said her part about him. But it was quickly covered over, returning to the charming facade. Truth be told, she wasn't wrong. But you try being bound to the body of a mouse with the knowledge of what you were once capable of, then tell him your emotions. When the hand was removed from his shoulder, there was a slight damp spot in the shape of a hand print that quickly evaporated into the air. "Thank you for the compliments." he said, ignoring the second half of her comment. "The name is Gareth Bryne, it truly is a pleasure to meet you. But, I believe my act is coming up. Care to join the audience?" Moving to her side, he offers his arm in the clichè gentleman fashion, and prepares to finish his journey towards the main tent.

((@rosamortelle @buzz @crucialstar ))
"It'd be my pleasure, Gareth."

She let out suspended air, her shoulders releasing at least some tension as attention towards her faltered. Her arm raised to interlock with the magician, but stopped, hearing Cordelia speak.

"Carter. Nice to meet you."

The young trickster winked at her and, feeling her body simmer down, followed Gareth's lead confidently. She could only hope they didn't have pixie dust vision or something equally odd. Carter thought of it beforehand and very vehemently established her reluctance to allow others to see her squirm.

@rosamortelle @crucialstar @Beowulf
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Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @buzz , @Beowulf , @rosamortelle


Annalise couldn't help but feel a gnawing sensation shoot up through her spine. She couldn't shake off the feeling of something wanting to burst out of her being, wanting to take control of her right then and there. She felt. . restless and nervous around Gareth. Always did. However, it didn't mean she didn't find favor in him since she didn't have anything against him. But. . maybe it's because she knows of his heritage: the ancient Demon, and that's what disturbs her the most. No one knows that she's a hybrid, a halfing. An offspring of two beings that should never. . ever. . mix: Angel and Demon. However, she never told or showed anyone of her demonic side. But, it's a struggle, trying to sedate the demon within her by not overly being angry or having any negative emotions. Before Annalise could continue with her thought process, she felt shooting up her body as she turned to look over at Carter. What's going on. .? Why had she felt something like that . .? Annalise smiled politely at Gareth as he focused more on Carter. She felt protective of the young maiden and even though she's family with Gareth, there's no telling what the spontaneous demon would do. But, it was true, the human definitely took the center of attention as she, herself, paid careful attention to the her. Annalise saw Carter placing a hand on her stomach , wincing slightly. Does she have a stomach ache? But, Carter played it off and took her attention back to Gareth. Rubbing her arm, Annalise laughed slightly, "You give me too much credit, Carter. But, I'm glad you're having fun! And I'm so happy I am able to help you enjoy your time here." But, to say the least, Annalise couldn't help but giggle at Carter and Gareth's interaction. It completely caught her off guard to see how well. . amicable her was being, then again. . everyone always put on a front in front of the humans to avoid suspicions. She always found it intriguing how her family can easily trick others. . she, herself, had issues with it since. . . she can't lie or rather sucks at lying.

Turning her attention back to the group, Annalise heard Cordelia's voice as she smiled widely,
"Cordelia, darling!" Giggling softly at Cordelia's greeting, Annalise gave the woman a gentle hug as she gave her a side kiss on her cheek as well. Tilting her head, she wondered what Cordelia was doing with Gareth. She didn't have to perform yet? However, Annalise's question was answered as Cordelia replied, "Gareth and I were just speaking about performing tonight. How the joy of the crowd entices you to do better every second, the chill of anticipation just before the spot light hits you. The love that spills out of the audiences' mouths in the form of cheers, and the after bliss you feel knowing that this performance like any other will send people away in high spirits." Annalise listened intently, agreeing to every word she said. "Most definitely. The adrenaline rushing, the audience's reaction by putting them at the edge of their seats, and knowing you'd done a good job when they stand up by giving an encore has got to be one of the proudest moments you can ever feel!" She said in awe and wonder as she clasped her hands together slightly. Annalise observed as Cordelia and Carter began to chatter with each other. She couldn't help but shake her head, giving a small smile as she listened to Coredlia's chatter. She adored the woman, always loving her talkative and fun-loving atmosphere that seemed to follow her everywhere. "Gareth has his . . attributes, Cordelia," she began, teasingly, "like. . he dresses up nicely. . and he's definitely a smooth talker. . but . . he really isn't a Romeo, per say. . maybe. . " She said out-loud, thinking of who to compare him to, "but you're right, he does have more than meets the eye with himself." She said, winking at Cordelia and Carter. As Carter introduced herself to Cordelia, Annalise stood there, watching the interactions between the three people in front of her. Gareth's act was next? Annalise felt her heart's tremor as she felt excited, curious, yet worried about what would happen. Would it be okay?

Annalise smiled as Gareth asked if they would care to join them, but watched Gareth being very gentlemen-like. Maybe there is still hope left? Seeing that Gareth was quite nice to be around. . if he wasn't angry all the time. She decided to watch the act with Carter since she was still waiting for her answer, so might as well go and enjoy the rest of the acts before making a final decision. "I'd love to come and see your performance , Gareth, as well! So count me in!" She said feeling quite anxious, not knowing what to expect as she walked behind them into the ,main tent.
Nanami was still working her way to the trailer. She could taste the cig on his lips, but before she could protest, Ignis was falling over. Sighing, Nanami lifted more of his weight onto her as she walked up towards the trailer. "Hold on Cher. We are almost there." she mumbled, slowly opening the door and shuffling them into the dorm.

As soon as they got into the trailer he flopped down onto couch. He could feel another bout of it coming on... It was frustrating that he still got hit with these attacks of nothingness that rendered him immobile for a while. At least they now knew how to deal with them better and the reason for them and signs they were to hit. "You just go on and get ready mon Cheri. I'll be there when I can."

Nanami sighed gently as Ignis flopped onto the couch and she went quickly to grab his medication. "I am already prepped Cher, and you know I hate leaving you like this." She called from the bathroom, walking out with his medication and putting it on the table in front of him before going for a glass of water. "Even if you smoked, I still care about you. Leaving isn't easy." she said, going to sit down on the couch and smooth back his hair gently.

"I know I kn..know, but you know I'll be just fine." He forced a smile on his face as it began to go numb. He forced himself to sit up slightly as well so he could take his medication. Best to take it now, it would help lessen the attack. "I've b...been through this many times before. You go perform and I'.. c-catch up when I can okay?"

Looking at Ignis, Nanami sighed and passed him the water and his medication. "I know. I promise I will be back as soon as I can, alright?" She promised him, pressing a kiss to his forehead before standing up and smoothing back his hair one last time. "Don't be afraid to use a dove and call me if you need me." she said, getting up to leave and blowing one last kiss before she left to go back to the cirque.

"Alright, I'll take it nice and easy and join you in the big tent as soon as I feel up to it. And if anything is wrong I'll call you quickly." He snuggled back down onto the couch and smiled softly as she kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes as she blew him one last kiss and relaxed as the nothingness took hold and his body went completely numb and unmoving.

His eyes lit up with relief when he seen the whiskey. If there was anything he needed right now, it was a hard shot of liquor (and a shower).

"Yes, please!" he thanked him as he took the mug. It felt pleasantly warm in his hands, and when he sipped from it, he moaned with the taste. Mmm, perfect!

Lucas looked back to Wini and the food she had prepared and smiled as she realized the shortness of the time she had. He sat and took a few bits of the salad.

"Bonté , ce qui est excellent!

Lucas smiled and wiped his mouth with a napkin before speaking again.

"I apologize, I need to be more attentive to those who do not speak French. This is very good Winifred, thank you for this."

Lucas began to focus on the salad and think about his own performance. He was just about ready but he would still need Jimbo and his cane before he would be completely ready. Of course, that was part of the show. A little entry for himself that the crowds seemed to like well enough. As he finished the food he had been given, he wiped his mouth once again and waited for Winifred to also finish.

"It's the only way to have coffee isn't it lad?" He chuckled and took a swig out of the flask of whiskey rather than his coffee. "So, ya gonna go see the show tonight? It should be startin' soon and believe me, we've got some real talent here. Definitely worth seeing."

Winifred gave a small smile, nodding as her mouth was full. "Thank you! It is my pleasure to cook, so it is no trouble!" She finished her portions and grabbed up the plates, placing them in the sink to clean up later. She looked towards Lucas with curious eyes. "You ready for your performance tonight?" She asked, slipping a bobby pin into her hair as she did her last minute touch ups for her makeup. She had spent years finding the right makeup brands that could stand up to the test of water. While today she had an act planned without submersion, it wasn't very showy to have mascara and eye liner running down her cheeks.

For a final touch, she slipped on golden rings along her fingers. She than secured golden Bengals at her wrists, attaching a silky fabric from her main dress to each Bengal. She hoped to make a good show today.

"You ready?" She asked, extending her arm.

Lucas sat back in the chair while Winifred began to prepare for the show. He began to play through the scene in his head and it by bit the show came together. One thing Lucas prided himself on was to never perform the same show twice. He had been doing it for ten years now, and it was still possible if not a little taxing to come up with new illusions. But it's what kept bringing the crowds and he dared not diapoint.

"Oui, I believe so. Jimbo has been helping me work on something knew and I think it will be quite spectacular."

Lucas gave a quick pull on his shirt as he stood so his attire would be fixed and he hooked his own arm to Winifred as they exited. He always did try to be a gentleman. He began to head towards the crowds of the big tents while his smile grew.

"Bon chance , with your own performance tonight mon cher . I do enjoy your shows very much."

Oh yeah, that's right, he had a show to perform. And then he had these two to deal with. Oh well, he would cross that bridge when he got there. Right now, he had a facade to keep up. "Lovely. Right this way then. I believe we'll be right on time if we hurry a little." And with that, he began to walk towards the main tent, towards the stage where he could finally use his powers and stretch his chain to the limit.
Winifred locked her trailer before continuing to the big top. "Sounds exciting." She commente on Lucas's show. She nearly blushed as he complimented her own performance. "Why thank you. I try to keep it as elegant as I can. But seals aren't exactly designed for such things." She joked with a small smile. She joked about it and jeered, but it hurt somewhere inside her. She hadn't been to the sea or in her seal form for nearly two years now. Her mother had warned her that it was dangerous to dwell on land. But she needed money for her family. So the sea could wait.

Arriving to the tent she pushed through the entrance to the back stage. "Ready?" She questioned Lucas with a hopeful smirk.
As they made their way into the tent, Lucas got a good look at the audience that was filling the seats. He liked to cater to the mass's when it came to the performance and depending on the age group he could adjust the show to be anywhere from scary, to "oh no my pacemaker just stopped." After getting a good look he followed Wini to backstage and once again began to straighten his attire so that he would look suitable. He looked back at her with a smile as he finished preparing himself.


Lucas looked over Wini to see the bulletin board where notes and schedules were posted. He smiled as he turned back to Winifred.

"It seems you are performing right after me Mon Chere, I will do my best to not frighten them to badly that they can not enjoy your show."

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He tried to count the seconds as they passed. In this state felt like an eternity. Eventually feeling began to creep back into his limbs. Starting in his toes and fingertips and moving up his arms. He took in a deep gasping breath as his chest lightened and vision returned to his eyes. As quietly as he could he rolled off of the couch and shuffled outside. At least the attacks didn't seem to last as long as they used to...or maybe he was just used to them now. Whatever the case, he needed to smoke again. A terrible habit but something to help ground him again and bring him back since Nanami was away and his kids were asleep.
-- Kaname

"Where is she...?" Kaname questioned to herself silently while she was starting to close up her fortunetelling tent. A fellow cirque member passed by an said hi while she was doing so, although she was too busy to really give much but a wave back at the person she didn't even 'look' at. Finishing up with her little bits of work, Kaname stepped outside of the tent and locked up. Walking on over to the trailer area. "Akira," Kaname simply said. A few seconds later, Akira appeared standing in front of Kaname. "Here?" Kaname asked. A simple nod was given in response by Akira. "Thank you." Kaname said, Akira slowly vanishing back to being incorporeal.

"That woman... It's been not even a hundred years since she was shyer than I, yet here she is... Probably screwing around with that idiot from Interpol she'd spoken about having been around the cirque while I was gone... At least she's doing it for the right reasons... Wrong thing to do though." Sighing, Kaname figured that she'd have to take charge for the next half hour or so given neither the ringmasters were present. "Whatever, if they need me then I'll do it... Otherwise, they can figure it out on their own. I'm not good with this leadership stuff anyway, though I guess I'll take the blame from Laura if this place gets too wild." Giggling a little, Kaname just proceeded from the trailers to the center of the cirque grounds. "Let's 'see' here... What to do?" Kaname wondered, standing there uncertain of what to do at all next.

-- Laura & Edward

"As I've told you before, this cirque hasn't done anything to investigate. All we've done is provide entertainment for the humans who come to our cirque." Laura stated, staring down Edward. "Yes, you've stated it numerous times; however, you would clearly say the same if it were true something was going on, thus all I request is a simple investigation. You know how hard it is to keep people off of us non-humans, after all... If I find nothing, I can very easily get the rest of Interpol off of your case. If I do find something, then I can probably still get them off your backs, just as long as that issue gets resolved properly. I'd even be willing to keep it behind closed doors so that only the directly-involved parties, meaning me and the cirque, know about it... If you'll cooperate, that is..."

"You really think I'm going to trust you after last time? I hardly trust you with being inside the cirque. After all, last time you were here, you tried to kill me and another cirque member because you felt that we were infections that needed to be cut off from this world. In other words... Get out before I kill you." That said and done, Laura was about to leave when Edward started a response. "Very well... I'll leave, but only for the night. I won't stop my fellow Interpol however, and I will be back if even one little issue is found by one of them. Do know, that I have efficient ways of keeping track of what's going on around my agents by the way, so you'd best not harm them or else we'll be having another meeting like this."

The space around them fading back to the reality the cirque existed in, Edward walked off from the cirque while Laura headed to her trailer. "Damn that Edward! One of these days, I'll have his head! I've never been this pissed off by someone since the ending of that little mishap with that investigator Kiyoko back in '41!" When she reached her trailer, she tossed the door open, entered, then slammed it shut loud enough anybody else in the trailer area would be able to hear it. "On top of all this, they still haven't gotten the supplies in...! I swear, if it weren't for the fact I have to go through the same methods as humans when it comes to supplies, I'd have created them all by now... Damn Interpol, at fault for that too...!"

((Welp, got a post up I guess? xD ))

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