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Fantasy Circus

Doll shook her head and snarled "You are a monster," she mouthed getting up and walking to the front of the stage she got into her position and looked out at the crowd sadness in her eyes. She waited for Dolli to give her instructions her hair bounced freely and her skin was cold and sickly pale.
Doll began to move she pointed her foot and stepped onto her foot turning quickly and flicking out her leg she then slid into a passé before going into splits and falling into the floor.



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The act ended and Roxie appeared in a puff of smoke as the audience cheered the Doll's act. She smiled and said our next act is Crea! I think you guys will enjoy this. She disappears in a puff if smoke again. And the audience cheers ready for the next act.

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Crea felt her gut light up at the praise her name gifted her with, happily reminded why she loved the Circus. A combination of her own satisfaction that hundreds of people were about to watch her magnificent Golems go up on display, and her Golems being on display regardless if they liked them or not. Making sure her thoughts were in order, Crea sent out the final plans for her performance, her entire being cut off from the world except the attention she was paying to her Golems' movements.

Jumping out of the shadows of the Circus, eight Small Golems came out with out of the shadows on unicycles, jumping to great heights suing small ramps, along with their innate Golem strength. Landing on the ground, straining the metal of the bikes, the Small Golems sped off using their given balance to perform many tricks such as flipping as they went over small ramps and flipping over each other by clasping hands to elbows and flipping them over each other. Crea, from her dark corner, only barely visible from views of the audience, mentally called out to the Medium Golems, and watched as they lumbered out from their spots, giant barrels on their backs.

Heading to the middle of all the unicycler activity, the four medium sized Golems took the barrels off and sat them loudly onto the ground. Wrenching the closed tops open the Golems reached in and started pulling out of bowling balls, throwing up into the air and catching them with the other hand, the weight of the mighty iron balls doing nothing in the grasp of the burly stone golems.

Crea pursed her lips and let a loud shrill whistle leave them, echoing through the circus. Along with this whistle, Crea sent out a a mental command, and watched in concentration as the Small Golems reversed their directions and sped towards the Medium Golems, who had dropped the iron balls that had been tossing. The Medium Golems wasted no time in gently picking up the unicyclist Golems and throwing them in the air much like the Iron balls. Flipping through the air as they were sent through it, the Cyclists performed many flips, before beginning the final performance. With Crea's influence, a Giant figure came from the darkness, dwarfing the Mediums sized ones, but a few inches less than her own personal steed.

The Giant Monolith of a Golem silently, or as silently as a two ton moving stone block could, moved and started to smash it's foot against the ground in a recurring tempo. The Unicyclists flipped and landed onto the ground and the Medium ones moved to the area behind the Extra Large Golem, where they bowed and made a ramp with their backs. The Small Golems wasted no time in riding up the pseudo-ramps and flying through the air, where they landed on the Extra Large Golem's shoulders and head with grace. The X-Large Golem held out both of his arms and let the riders jump from their positions onto the smooth stone that made up his appendages, four going to the left palm, and the other to his right. Crea let the crowd cheer as they witnessed the feat, soaking in the praise, before she gave the last order of the night.

The X-Large Golem lifted both of his hands to the sky, the riders all calmly waiting like they had been commanded too, before he quickly clapped his hands together, sending shattered rock and metal from his hands to the area surrounding him. The Crowd stood in shock silence before, thinking the Golems had no worth anyhow, shot up and cheered even louder.

Crea smiled at the praise and walked back to where she was completely invisible on the dark. There was a show to put on and her mechinations were what kept it running.
The audience cheered as the act finished. But then stage went black. The audience all spoke in hush tones. Suddenly the spot light came on a figure stood in the under it. Roxie smiled and asked "you enjoy the act?!" The audience applauded and cheered. Then went silent as they heard a music playing slowly. It a very creepy sound. All of sudden she began to change.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Akiyama_Mio_full_707703.jpg.e259e77521d8975d4370c906435151d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Akiyama_Mio_full_707703.jpg.e259e77521d8975d4370c906435151d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After she changed she looked out at the silent audience. Smiled and said "I hope you enjoy our next act. I would like to introduce Dolli and Doll. Oh and you might want to prepare yourselves out there. You never know what just might come at you." Then Roxie disappeared. The audience cheered from excitement ready to see Dolli and Doll's act.



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Dolli came out from backstage followed by Doll and went to the middle of the arena.

" The act Dani and I will perform for you tonight will tell a story. A story about a young peasant who wanted

freedom from societies hold and thought she had gained it when she met a handsome man who promised to take her away.

What she didn't know however was this man was no human but the devil himself. She fell into his web and by the time

she realized what he was it was to late. She was dragged into hell fighting and never seen from again. It is a dark

story but nonetheless I believe you will find it thoroughly enjoyable." Finishing his speech Dolli bowed and moved

as Doll came forward.

Dolli hummed a haunting melody, that he slowly started to dance to as he began. Doll copied his movements

beside him as they preformed the first part of their act. He gracefully twirled and leaped around the edge of the

tent throwing and moving his glowing hands as he controled Doll.

Doll ran twirled and leaped as though trying to fly away her feet barely grazing across the

ground. She did it with such passion and longing that you would probably forget she was just a puppet. As the humming

grew louder and faster so did Dolli and Doll until they were just blurs as they went faster and faster then...stopped.

The tent went dark and the humming cut off abruptly leaving the crowd with bated breaths on the edge of their seats

in anticipation. After a moment of this a low humming could be heard and a spot light turned on and shined down on Doll

who stood in the center of the tent eyes closed and rocking back and forth. From the darkness stepped a handsome masked

puppet with bright blue eyes and gently taking her hand they began to dance.

Together they twirled bowed and leaped but then the humming grew faster as did the dancers and suddenly they weren't

alone. More puppets joined all of them dancing together in a circle around them and wearing demonic mask. Doll stopped

dancing when they joined and tried to run but fell back into the handsome puppets arms when she couldn't get through.

Doll looked up and met his now blood red eyes. She opened her mouth in a silent scream as the humming grew slow.

Suddenly thousands of puppets in the form of crows burst from then air blocking Dani and the other puppets from site.

The spot light turned off as the other lights suddenly came on. The crowd gasped as they were confronted with a

nearly empty stage. All that remained was Doll and Dolli. They grasped hands bowed and curtsied then left without

a word leaving a clapping cheering crowd behind them.
Angel finished applying her makeup and changing her hair. Her black, spiky hair was now hidden beneath an achromatic wig that appeared as if it were her genuine hair, and with the makeup on, she looked like a different person. Along with the colors of Angel's wardrobe and the costume itself, it achieved her stage appearance with a sense of balance. Black, white, and blue.

Angel viewed her reflection one more time, and with a self-approving nod, she stepped out of her trailer. Five steps onto the ground she was face by her brother, Zachary Winters, also known as Aries. The expression carved on his chiseled face was an epitome for impatience. He kept his hair jet black, and his eyes were a piercing blue. His attire was simpler than Angel's--he only had to wear a pair of pants, designed with a complex mix of black and white.

"There you are!" Aries exclaimed. "Where have you been?"

"I was getting ready," Angel remarked with a casual tone. "This makeup doesn't take five minutes, you know. And I could ask you the same question. Where were you this whole time?" In response, the young man opened his mouth to answer, but he didn't have one. A wide, perceptive smile arose on Angel's face.

Aries grabbed Angel's pale arm and began to drag her away. "C'mon. We're up next, so we gotta hurry."

"Ohhh, being secretive huh, little bro?"


"Is it a giiiirl?"


"Food? You're holding out on me."

"Angel, you're the one who ate my last Oreo! ...I wanted to buy more for myself."

"A-ha! I was right. But sharing is caring."

"That phrase doesn't apply when it comes to food."

"Yes it does."

"No, it doesn't."

The siblings had their petty argument all the way into the backstage of the tent, where they waited for their cue.

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