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Fantasy Circus

Riik took the new gift gently with another confused expression. Twice in one day? This was unusual. Then again, his cage was positioned more or less in the middle of the utility area of the circus; plenty of supply tents and trailers and dressing tents around in all directions to put him more-or-less in the crossroads of the circus's 'backstage' bustle. He wondered if a lion or tiger caged in this location instead would receive the same generous treatment from the performers...

Riik returned his attention to the candy. He didn't really know what to do with it. He'd never seen anything like it before... was it some kind of precious gem? Some kind of toy? Some kind of food? He glanced over at Roxie with the confusion still on his face, waiting for some kind of explanation as to what to do with his new gift.
"Oh do you not know what it is? It's candy you eat it. It taste real sweet it's good." She smiled at him. She took another piece from her pocket and put it in her mouth. Showing what to do.
Riik put the candy in his mouth carefully and closed his eyes. It... did taste good, but... it just didn't taste like... food. Riik immediately knew that it wasn't meat; which meant it would put more strain on his digestive system than it would energise his body. Still... the taste was worth it. As long as he didn't eat too much, he would be fine.

When he was done with the candy, Riik looked back over to Roxie and tilted his head. All he could really do was wait and see what she would do next; given his caged condition right now, he did not really have the opportunity to do anything of more substance in this encounter.
"Haha looks like you like it." She smiled at him then stood up. "Well I have to go get ready." She waved at him and headed to the stage.
Smiles looked on in awe, most of the time people didn't give her or Riik the time of day. She stares at the girl before looking back at Riik, what were they doing, it looked fun and she was getting bored. Smiles finally come fully into the light of the day as her teeth glint some when the sun hit them. She tries to touch the doll but gives up after a few second, seeing as her hand could never reach that far across the bars. She tilted her head at the candy and pressed her face to the bars. The girl had left before she could ask from some and her tummy growled. "I'm hungry, when is the food coming." She nibbled on her bars some.
Riik gave Smiles an uneasy glance. He never felt comfortable when she spoke about food or eating... he couldn't help but imagine himself being chewed up by her impressive teeth.
Roxie stopped on her way to the stage. 'Oh yah I wanted to give some to smiles to.' She ran back over to the cages and walked up to smiles. She was afraid of Smiles at first but then she got use to her. She didn't really seem all that bad. She looked around then held out her hand. "You want some to?"
Smiles nodded quickly and took the candy. She played with it some before popping it into her mouth and crushing it very quick. She grinned "Mmm it's good..what is it?"
"Jawbreakers their my favorite. Well I have to go bye." She waved at her and hurried to the stage she had to prepare for the show.
Sharp ran her hand through Sina's hair and gave a small smile to herself. "I feel like your my little sister for some reason. We've been doing this act for a while now and It's shown me some things but I'll talk about those later. Don't ever talk about that blasted orphanage again, as long as I'm around you'll be just fine." She closed her eyes and thought about what she has been through in the past few months.
As she plopped down onto the seat and gave a long sigh. Bella had just finished cooking, feeding and tending to the animals. It was a big job for one person. After she finished she leaned back and sighed "Geeze, I really need a assistant." She wiped some sweat off her head and smiled at the animals. She loved tending to them and was excited to see all the amazing creatures of the world. She smiled as a puff of smoke came from one of the covered cages in the back.

"Well time to spend time with the people of the world," she stretched and got up. She walked out of the animal tent and shouted out to the whole circus "hey everyone I'm making brunch!! Shout out what you wan't or suffer the consequences!! Plus anyone who wants to help, come over to the kitchen area!! I will put red peppers in you food!!!"
Riik's attention turned to the shouting outside of the animal tent. Food... he reckoned that Bella had probably just fed the animals, and he had missed out. All because he had been locked into this stupid little shipping cage a few hours ago whilst the staff decided where to move him next. He folded his arms jealously and imagined the smug expressions the animals would have given him right now had they known of his situation. Still, the plus side of being out here was that many of the other creatures were less hygienic than he. Still, what was the point of being clean if it cost you your freedom?

Riik leaned back against the bars of his cage. The chains that kept him bound were designed to stop him from reaching out and potentially wounding staff and guest alike, but did not prevent him from touching the bars with his torso. The feeling of the cold metal against his bare back was rather enjoyable, but the shape of the bars would soon become uncomfortable, he knew all too well. He sighed, wishing that someone in the staff would do something with him soon. Even if it was to put him on proper display, at least the display cage was more spacious and comfortable than the shipping cage he was currently stuck in.

Riik picked up the doll again and poked at the dress it was wearing. You don't need that... he thought to it, before ripping the dress off the doll. Much better, he thought afterwards now that the toy was just as naked as he was. Riik didn't like clothes, but thankfully both his physiology and purpose here allowed him to avoid the disagreeable fabrics.
Roxie stepped into the stage. If there was anyone in there she didn't notice. She stood on the stage thinking of what she would do. Just standing there made her nervous. "Oh man."
Sharp saw roxie and decided to hqve some fun before the show. She took control of one of the small pocket knives and sent it flying around Roxie, she made it fly between her legs and left it floating right it front of her face. A smile protruded from her face when she saw Roxie's reaction.
"Aaah!" Roxie screamed when she saw the knives. She jumped out of the way and turned around. "Oh h-hi Sharp. D-did you have to do that?" she said while trying to calm down. Roxie could get scared easily which pretty much everyone knew.
"I'm sorry but I had to cheer up Sina and I somehow, we've been thinking about some things. " Sharp continued to run her hair through sina's hair and smiled when she saw her eyes closed. "How are you doing Roxie, you must be nervous since it's our biggest show in a while."
Dolli finished setting up and looked around for something to do now bored. He didn't see anything of interest to his disappointment, sighing he grabbed Dani's case and began to walk around looking for something to do. Living at a circus was fun or awhile but eventually everything became old news. Even watching the others practice new tricks got old. Shoving his hands in his pockets he looked up at the sky watching as the light of day was drowned in darkness.

He looked back toward the rest of the tents when he heard Beast yelling about food. His stomach growled reminding him that he had missed dinner. Interest peeked he headed to the tent and saw Bella there setting up supplies. He leaned against the portable table they used as a counter and watched her in curiosity. He had never really cooked before and wondered why she liked it so much. Maybe she found it fun or relaxing. Shrugging he pushed his curiosity to the back of his mind deciding to worry about it later.

"Can I get some medium hot chilly and a piece of bread?"
"Yah I am luckily though that will go away when I change." She looking out at the stage. "What time is the show again?"
"I think in a few hours or so, I've been here with sina fora little bit." Sharp threw her knife at a few of the stage hands and watched as they pulled the knife out. "ifyou want to stay go right ahead. I'm just gonna sit here with Sina until everybody esle arrives."
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Dolli finished setting up and looked around for something to do now bored. He didn't see anything of interest to his disappointment, sighing he grabbed Dani's case and began to walk around looking for something to do. Living at a circus was fun or awhile but eventually everything became old news. Even watching the others practice new tricks got old. Shoving his hands in his pockets he looked up at the sky watching as the light of day was drowned in darkness.
He looked back toward the rest of the tents when he heard Beast yelling about food. His stomach growled reminding him that he had missed dinner. Interest peeked he headed to the tent and saw Bella there setting up supplies. He leaned against the portable table they used as a counter and watched her in curiosity. He had never really cooked before and wondered why she liked it so much. Maybe she found it fun or relaxing. Shrugging he pushed his curiosity to the back of his mind deciding to worry about it later.

"Can I get some medium hot chilly and a piece of bread?"

Bella smiled at the voice "Most certainly, ah I love people who know how to spice life up." She tossed some spices and peppers onto a grill and sautes them till they were ready for the chilly. She flips them into the pot and stirs rapidly the spices flowing down and seeping into the meat and beans. When she was done she turned and smiled at the him, "Here you go! Straight from the pot!" She poured the warm chilly on some toasted bread. The warm smell tickled the inside of her nose, ah esta es la vida. She handed the plate over to him and continued back to pull out a batch of cookies she had in when she was fixing the animals food. "Digame, If you like it. I love company when I cook."
Sina was happy that Sharp thought of her as a little sister, in fact, she thinks of her as an older sister too. She giggled when saw the knives went flying towards Roxie, as she screamed, Sina laughed. It was funny to watch that, it works every time the time and it's always funny to watch people's reaction. She smiled and said to Roxie, "sit with us, it's not that long before the show, I hope."

@Harbinger @animegirl20
Dolli stared down at the bowl of chilli breathing in the tantalizing smells. His stomach rumbling in response. No one could ever accuse Bella of being a bad cook. He was started out of his thoughts by Bellas offer. Nervously he bit his lip, shifting in place as he thought it over. It might end badly as he didn't know if he was any good but it would probably take his mind off of his constant boredom. The thought of a distraction erased any of his doubt. Smiling at Bella he chirped. "I would like that."
Smiles stomach growled loudly and she growled herself. She was hungry and was not going to starve out here because those jerks didn't want to bring her food. She pressed herself to the bars trying to get out. She banged and chewed but it was no use all she was doing was hurting herself. She gave a glance at Riik..maybe he was hungry too. Smiles didn't want to do this but her tummy needed something in it other then popcorn. She stood up and walked to the edge right were the bars started. She took a deep breath and begin to sing. Her voice drifted all through the circus filling the air with something magical. She seemed to glow as she got louder and even time seem to be stopping to listen to her.

Riik peered at Smiles, giving her an expression of knowing suspicion. Riik felt the pull of her hypnotic voice, but as he did not use ears to hear, even though his hearing was significantly more sensitive than most creatures, he was just about able to resist its effects if he concentrated hard enough. He held his tail tightly in both of his hands in an effort to ease the struggle, letting the severe pain of his tight grasp counter-act the hypnotic effect the singing had. He did not protest, however; if Smiles was doing this for food as was most likely, then it would probably benefit him, too.

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