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Fantasy Circus

[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Dolli stared down at the bowl of chilli breathing in the tantalizing smells. His stomach rumbling in response. No one could ever accuse Bella of being a bad cook. He was started out of his thoughts by Bellas offer. Nervously he bit his lip, shifting in place as he thought it over. It might end badly as he didn't know if he was any good but it would probably take his mind off of his constant boredom. The thought of a distraction erased any of his doubt. Smiling at Bella he chirped. "I would like that."

Bella smiled at the words "Bueno, do you want to help me? I'm thinking of making a large pot of chilly for the others as tapas for later." She added some meat to a pot of tomato broth and smiled. She loved cooking it brought everything into focus for her. She loved the smells and the taste and even the feeling of food in her hands. "You can help me peel onions for this broth," she pointed over to a pile of onions and smiled at Dolli. "Gracias"
Sharp twirls the knife through her fingers and watches as some audience members take their seats and watch the performeres set up ad prwctice "I hope someone stays back stage, I always like to see these idiots be fed to the animals." She threw a knife and ran it through the stage scaring the members out of their seats.
onion[/URL] in half vertically. Place the halves "cut side down" on the cutting board. Cut off the unusable portions at the top and bottom of each half. Peel back the top layer of each onion half. The you need to rinse it in cold water and then they are ready to be chopped!" She looks at Dolli and smiled brightly. "Si tienes algun problema, just ask me!" She pats her shoulder "Gracias, Dolli, your being a big help here." She walked back to the pot and tasted it, then added some pepper and lemon juice to the pot and continued to let it boil. She turned to the meat and began to grind it out of the grinder.
Dolli listened to Bellas instructions carefully and then began doing as she said. I was easy work in a way that allowed him to lose himself in it instead of being bored. 'Maybe just maybe,' he thought. ' I'll do this again.'
Crea woke up as her small alarm clock went off. Silently getting out of her bed, and going to her closet, Crea looked at the lack of varying outfits and shrugged. She didn't like to wear different outfits, and the one she always had on one was comfortable enough. Her regular clothes was the same way. She had multiple pairs of the same things to lighten the amount of frustration in the morning. Pulling on her costume and quickly applying the slight amount of makeup that went with the look, Crea smiled ever so slightly as she looked at herself in the mirror.

She reminded herself of the fairies in the storybooks she read at night. Calling her personal Stone Golem, who had spent the last hour or so sitting down and dragging its finger through the dirt, Crea had him pick her up and place her on its shoulder. Walking out, Crea was suddenly hit with the sound of Smile singing. Taking a quick glance, Crea rolled her eyes in annoyance as she saw the swarm of guests trampling over themselves to throw their food into Smile's cage.

Grunting Crea forced herself to start thinking about the different stories she had read the past night, forbidding herself to be swept into the hypnosis Smile's singing caused. She was obviously doing it for food, like she always did. For the first few times of Smiles being put outside her tent, she had easily been subjected to Smile's will, but overtime found out a secret to keeping it at bay. While she could of just used pain to keep her mind focused on something else, that was way too exhausting, and Crea didn't like to feel pain, so she had devised a new plan.

It took a lot of mental strength, but over the years of creating different wonders from her mind, Crea's mind had amassed a raw plain of mental power that she had melted down and formed into a rough barrier that shielded her mind from the mental influence of others. The shield itself wasn't powerful enough on its own to withstand Smile's song, so Crea had to lessen the amount that came through. She did this by not thinking of anything related to Smile or songs, and get away as quickly as possible.

Shooting a deadly glance at the two "Freakier Freaks" Crea quickly used her power to make more Golems. From the ground in front of the cages of the two "Freakier Freaks" two brown bubbles of dirt came up, upheaving from the influence of Crea's power. The two bubbles quickly formed into two burly looking dirt colored Golems, who wasted no time in picking up the cages and heaving them off to where the "Freakier Freaks" would be put on display. Crea was just glad that the display case for Smile was soundproof, well, except for a small room that only the bravest of people entered.

With Smile's voice gone, Knowing she needed to get everyone to the Circus Tent, as all the performers had a habit of losing track of time, Crea did what she rarely did, she raised her voice. Screaming as loud as she could, Crea said in her loud pitch scream, "THE CIRCUS IS ABOUT TO START, ALL CIRCUTEERS TO THE MAIN TENT, ASAP!"

Quieting down, her sore slightly sore at the volume she had to use, Crea mentally ordered her Stone Golem to head towards the Tent where she would get into her position, which was a corner of the Tent that let Crea see the entire performance while on top of her Golem with perfect clarity. She needed it if she was going to control them all with fluidity.
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Riik folded his arms in displeasure as his cage was lifted up. He would have even preferred being taken to display on a leash than this rather uncomfortable mode of travel, and he silently blamed Smiles for it. When the golem placed down his cage, Riik waited eagerly to be moved to the bigger display cage. He hated the attention of the guests, but the cage was far bigger than his current enclosure, and the safety fence usually set up around the display enclosure allowed him freedom from the chains he was forced into when in transit. He wondered who was going to move him; he was hoping it would be one of the more kindly staff members.
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Dolli listened to Bellas instructions carefully and then began doing as she said. I was easy work in a way that allowed him to lose himself in it instead of being bored. 'Maybe just maybe,' he thought. ' I'll do this again.'

Bella looked over at the boy as she cut the meat and placed it on a skillet. "Muy bien! Dolli! You have the makings of a true chef." As she finished with her food she placed lids over all the pots and plates keeping the heat in. She walked over to Dolli and smiled at the work, "buenisimo! You have done a fine job. We will chop them up and add them to the pot later. Now I have to move poor Riik to the main tent. Gracias Dolli." She kissed his cheek and smiled.

As she rushed out to the area she sighed as she reached Riik cage. "Hola, Riik are you ready for the performance? I made chilly tapas for later. They are quite good if I do say so myself" She began to push the cage out of the tent and down into the main tent. I really need an assistant.
Smiles eagerly munched on the food that had been throw into her cage. She grumbled some as she was lifted and moved. She hated being on display and wished those eyes started with awe instead of digest. She throws many meat items into Riik cage. "Sorry but hey at last we got food and a big place to stay for now." She turned her back to eat some more knowing that like many other Riik didn't like seeing her eat. She finished up quick and stretch and watched as he was rolled in and away from here into the tent. She couldn't wait to get out of her cage soon enough.
Sharp heard the annoucement from Jenny and woke Sina up "It's time for us to I need to go help tue members move riik to his display cage for the show." She walke to the cages area and saw bella moving the cage and struggling. "Hey bella, let me help you."She pushed the cage and made it easier to move "we have to stop feeding riik so much food."
Harbinger said:
Sharp heard the annoucement from Jenny and woke Sina up "It's time for us to I need to go help tue members move riik to his display cage for the show." She walke to the cages area and saw bella moving the cage and struggling. "Hey bella, let me help you."She pushed the cage and made it easier to move "we have to stop feeding riik so much food."
Bella smiled at the girl "Gracias Sharp, I should have used my powers, but I forgot. Luckily the animals in the act today are in the joint tent. So, its just Riik and Smiles that need to be moved. It's a shame that the other animals arn't as friendly with them." She smiled at Riik "Porbre Riik, I don't know why they pick on you so."
Doll walked backstage her dress floating behind her she passed the edges of the crowds and walked towards the hanger she made sure her silken sheath was secured properly before she sauntered out towards Doli's trailer she knocked on the door "Master We need to get backstage," she called out meekly
Sharp reached her hand in to pet riik for a few minutes before she got back to the tent. "I'll see you after the show riik, maybe I can make somrthing special for you after or bella can do it if I ask her" Sharp walked away after petting him and went back to the tent to prepare.
Riik ate what Smiles had given him somewhat slowly, enjoying the flavour of the meat. When his cage was in motion once again, he sighed. Was he ever going to get a chance to stretch his legs? Still... there were more important things to worry about now. The word 'performance' was mentioned... Riik wondered if he was expected to do anything. He hadn't been trained any routine recently, so he was worried about whether or not he'd be paraded across the tent. He hated that more than anything - all attention on him. At least in the display cage, he could shut it all out. Still, at least other creatures were going to be there. It was unfortunate wild animals were so fickle. The moment anything happened, they would turn on him, given his submissive nature. He was like the abused kid brother of the circus's animal population. In privacy, and when it suited them, even the lions liked to cuddle up to him from time to time. But where food was involved or when the animals wanted to look tough in front of their peers, they always rejected him and even attacked him if he tried to interfere. And more than once, he was used by animals to temper their frustrations. Still, he considered them his friends nonetheless. Maybe one day, they'd stop being so fickle. Especially in front of the humans... for some reason, they were always the worst when the humans were around. Maybe they just wanted to hog all the food.
Dolli smiled after Bella pleased with his work as he began to head over to his trailer. He sa Doll knocking on his door and smiled. He was quite fond of doll even thought of her as a little sister. It made him sad when she rebelled and was punished. Walking closer he noticed she had yet to notice him." Doll are you ready to go?"
(Okay I have to say Riik is adorable)

Bella smiled as she finally got Riik into the main tent "stay here while I go get your friend Smiles." Bella rushes out, but not before touching Trunks the resident elephant. A wave of stength flowed though her as she became stronger. She ran over to Smiles and picked up her cage with one hand and placed her next to Riik with no problem. She smiled at them "Okay you two, just be yourself. Everything will be fine." Bella smiled a little sadly at the two and then rushed off to the animal tent to prepare the other animals for her act.
She blinked at the large crowd and covered her teeth so she looked like a normal human. She growled at the other animals who in turned stayed away from her. Smiles yawns and lays down to wait for her time to shine.
Riik folded his arms, being quite displeased about being left in the storage cage. He at least wanted to be let out and led into his display cage so he actually had some space to relax in. The downside of being small and slender was that he fit quite snugly in small spaces; unfortunately, he was less comfortable in this tiny cage than he appeared. Perhaps someone would let him out and take him into the correct cage before the show began. After all, what entertainment was there in seeing a rather grumpy, cramped child with no space to do anything?
Dirt Golem

The Dirt Golem Crea had crafted stared aimlessly at the wall it had found itself interested by. The tiny specks of dust dazzled the animate creature. The Dirt Golem, or Dirt, looked at the sheen of dust very closely, until it realized it had it's entire face smushed up against the thick wood of the wall. Leaning back in shock, Dirt suddenly found the wall very uninteresting. Wandering around, Dirt stopped as he looked a familiar looking cage...a familiar looking cage that had some nice looking walls.

Lumbering over to the wall Dirt proceeded to smash his face against the wall to look closely at the colorful markings on the it, but was halted by the squeak of surprise that came from within the wall. Staring down at the bars of the cage, the Golem kneeled down and stared at the darkness within. Its eyes quickly grew used to the light and made a audible moaning noise of confusion as it stared at the young boy-thing inside.

It looked familiar, just like the cage...was this the cage that Mistress told him to carry? He could remember the voice of his mistress telling him to bring the boy to his cage. Did she mean this cage...no, mistress knew the boy was already in this one. Looking around for another cage, the Golem stopped as he looked at the wall he had been examining with his face. It was the wall...of a Cage! Nodding to itself, the Golem made sure it looked right, the "Display" on it confusing him for a second before he disregarded the sign and made for the boy-thing anyway. Kneeling down once more, the golem ripped the bars off of the Cage and slipped his large hand in, picking up the boy before he could react, mostly due to the boy's shock, and quickly walking over to the "Display" Cage and opening the obvious door it had on the back.

Throwing the boy in, the Golem closed the door and stepped back, basking in the satisfaction that came with following it's mistresses order. Then, an unusual strain of common sense entered into Dirt's head. He looked around, before finding a fence laying on the ground. taking into its huge hands, Dirt slammed the fence into the back door, making the cage jumping from the force of the blow, and the fence becoming forced into the scramed space of the back door, effectively locking it up "Tight".

With nothing else to do, Dirt went back to the wall of the cage the boy-thingy had been in a pressed its face to the wall, examining the bright colors with excitement only a artificially made creature could have.
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Angel was in her own little world, practicing her 'wind magic' whilst everyone did their own thing. She was lifting three glass plates--well, making them levitate with steady streams of wind to push them afloat. When using her aerokinesis, Angel was able to split her focus in more than one way but less than five. Crea, the girl who could generate golems from natural elements, suddenly yelled.

It caused Angel to lose focus, and thus, the three plates fell and shattered to pieces. The girl's shrill voice announced to everyone that the show was starting. The young woman sighed to herself, looking at the mess in front of her. One of the employees came with a broom and dustpan, but Angel shook her head.

"Don't worry--I got it," she insisted. The employee shrugged, and handed her the cleaning supplies. Damn, why did I say that? Frowning at herself in displeasure, Angel began to sweep the plates in a hurried manner.

When she was finished, she dumped the fragments of glass shards into the nearest trash bin. Angel walked past a mirror as she intended to place the broom and dustpan back, then did a double-take and looked into her reflection again. She realized she hadn't done anything to her hair or face yet. She cursed under her breath and made a cartoonish dash back to her trailer to get the finishing touches done. Using the air around her to accelerate her speed, Angel left behind a gust of wind in her path.

There was one thing about Viviana Winters, also known as 'Angel': she had a bad habit of procrastinating her tasks then attending to them at the last minute.
"Yes master," She said bowing her head in his prescence she trailed behind him making her way to the big tent her long hair flowing behind her the wind rushed in it whistling sounds going through her ears when she heard a familiar voice "Hello I'm looking for my missing daughter Lacey," the voice said to a young man. Lacey turned to the voice and saw her mother she yelled "Mum," sprinting towards the road quickly "Mum, Help me,Help me," She screamed hysterically her voice shrill but she didn't look like the daughter that her mother had lost "Who are you," Her mother asked skeptically turning around ands quickly walking to her car "Please, Mum it's me," she begged as the car pulled away. "Please take me out of this prison," she whimpered realising she would be punished for trying to escape she fell to her knees and started to sob her head in her hands.
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Dolli growled as he watched the scene. How many times is Doll going to try and escape before she realizes that no one ever escapes the Ravenwood circus? Stalking over once her mom left he angrily grabbed by her hair and and yanked her head back ignoring her cry of pain . Leaning in he began whispering how this will play out.

" For that little stunt you fucking I'm uncultured," He growled tightening his grip." after the show ends I'm going to need to punish you. I think a little experiment on just how much pain you can handle is in order."

Standing he began walking to the performance tent again dragging a fighting Doll behind him by her hair. All thoughts of caring for her like a little sister disappearing as blood lust took their place.

' Oh yes,' He thought licking his lips. ' the real fun begins when the show ends.'
Doll screamed and shouted as she was pulled by her hair towards the tent her heels kicked at ground that wasn't there and her hands flung around hitting invisible people. She saw Dolli's expression and nearly vomited she had seen that face only once before and let's just say she still has a few bruises from that experience. As they entered the tent she tried one last time she kicked Dolli' in the ribs and started to sprint faster and faster until she tripped and fell seeing dolli behind her
Roxie Breathed in and apperanced changed. It was time, the audience had taken there seats. Everyone had taken there places. The stage went dark and the audience went silent. All that could be heard was foot steps on the stage. The foot steps stop a spot light shines on a figure on the stage. Roxie looked at the audience.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.8149ee8a7655176dc02ebd7368844957.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.8149ee8a7655176dc02ebd7368844957.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Welcome." She smiles snaps her fingers and the stage lights up with a burst of color with glitter falling all around the audience. The audience cheered. Roxie spoke into the microphone. For our first act is our beautiful Doll! Please give a around of applause!



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Dolli gripped his side as pain flared up where doll had kicked him. He grinned his eyes flashing with blood lust as thoughts of what he could do to Doll after the show flashed through his mind. She was going to regret kicking him.

Looking forward he saw Doll fall and eagerly made his move to recapture her. Throwing his left arm forward he sent energy like strings toward her. They wrapped around her arms, legs, and throat tightened so she couldn't move, or speak and brought her to kneel before him. Leaning down his lips curled into a demented smile as he spoke in a mocking gentle voice.

"I'm very disappointed in you my dear Doll. First of all you try to run twice" His voice turned into a his as he said twice nd his strings tightened around her making her let out a chocked gasp that was promptly ignored as Dolli continued, and not only that but you injured me in your second attempt. That wasn't very nice at all Dolls should listen to their masters."

He heard cheering behind him and pouted. He wouldn't get to finish his threat. Shaking his head at his thoughts he finished."Make no mistakes you will be punished but for now you have a show to perform." Standing straight he made the ropes around her arms and legs vanish leaving only the one on her neck left."You will go in there, perform, ad if you even seem like your going to try something stupid again that string will tighten until you can't breathe and the other strings will come back to make sure you finish the act. Understand?"

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