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Fantasy Circus

Sharp came from her trailer on the fai grounds. She had her performance attire on and headed to the bckstage ofthe tent. Her gear had been set up and she had her knives strewn across the table, they sized from small pocket knive to a large butcher knife that could chop off a limb within a flash. She began to practice throwing her knifes and was milimeters of the small dummy that was the same height as her assistant Sina. The loud thudwas heard for the next hour as she tried it.
Doli hummed cheerfully as he skipped through the circus grounds his bare feet sinking into the plush grass every time he took a step. All around him his friends and fellow Carneys were getting for the show that would begin in an hour. This week they were performing in Georgia and like everyone else he was itching to start. Though maybe not for the same reasons.

Five of his dolls were destroyed in the last act and though he could make some more just by using his energy he preferred to use more premium parts. Unfortunately he was low on supplies and hoped that normal people would linger behind so he could get what he needed from them. Maybe he would even find himself a new eye and though so far hes been unlucky hes optimistic about his search.

He made it to his tent and walked in carefully making sure he didn't step on a part he might need or worse one of his dolls. His tent was a mess like always. Dolls both big and small hung from above on glowing string like energy waiting to be picked to perform a few were even scattered on the ground among his tools and extra parts or buried under his purple blanket on his bed. The only places spared was the shelf he kept more quality parts on stored in jars and the area where a gold glass case rested holding Dani as she slept. Dani was his favorite doll and he made sure no one touched her.

He quickly changed into his performance outfit and grabbed Dani swinging her case onto his back as he noticed the time. H needed to get all set up and ready to go.

The once glaring sun of the afternoon was now timidly dipping behind the horizon to mark the evening. It silently promised a greeting to all by the break of dawn. With every inch the sun sank, more colors melted into the cool sky. Stars were yet to make their appearance, but the shadows of anything and everything grew long and thin. People who were working during the day were now returning to the comfort of their home.

Relaxing. Eating. Talking to family.

In this case, not for Viviana Winters. She is a young woman, whose demanding but exciting job has promised so much for her heart's desires. A hoop aerialist for a well-known circus; that's what Viviana Winters is. But that's her old name. She is now referred to as 'Angel' by her peers for her acrobatic talents--she can cause herself to appear as though she's flying. She also has . . . . special abilities that ultimately made her and her brother a member of the Ravenwood circus.

Angel was in her backstage of the tent, already dressed in her performance costume. She was doing stretching exercises and taking calm, deep breaths as she did so. This wasn't going to be her first time being in a performance, but she was fairly new to the circus. Angel and her brother had already been doing what they loved for years--so there was no need for training when they became members.

Angel opened her dark blue eyes, and spotted Sharp, Sina, and Doli doing their own exercises. She didn't know them that well, but was hoping to. She wondered where her brother was.
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Crea munched on a warm cookie from a batch she had made the morning before as she watched her Golems get ready. Most of her Golems were ready when they were crafted, but the ones made for the purpose of being clowns had to have little make-up touches down before the show. Of course, she did them. Why would she allow anyone else to touch her masterpieces. Looking down Crea petted the head of the giant stone Golem she was sitting on as she continued eating. Yes, this was the life. Narrowing her eyes, Jenny began to call out more orders to her Golems, hoping they would be able to follow them without lighting something on fire again.
Positioned outside one of the smaller storage tents, nestled among a collection of boxes, crates and barrels, Riik sat cooped up in his cramped little metal cage, the majority of his limbs cuffed and chained to a tether in the centre of the cage to prevent him from reaching through the bars and interacting with the outside world. He was bored. But there was little he could do. He was waiting to be moved across the complex, although he knew not why. He was never told of these things, nor did he have a particularly predictable schedule. His performances were often infrequent and sporadic; scheduled to fit into whatever gaps that were available. Often times, he could go days of merely sitting on display or waiting amongst storage containers, kept like an animal, only ever let out to exercise the minimum amount to keep his body remotely healthy.

Watching staff and performers go by doing their normal routines, Riik was primarily met with gazes of uncaring, casual nature, with the occasional glance of pity mixed in. But more people ignored him than paid him any heed, allowing him the limited freedom of singing quietly to himself in an untrained yet mostly pleasant voice. It was a distraction to his captivity that would last only as long as he could keep his mind off his discomfort.

And so, Riik waited; waited for... well... for anything. Whether he was to be called up to perform, moved to a more public area of display or offered a rare greeting by one of the performers, all he could do was wait.
Sharp finished throwing her knifes and pulled them out within millimeter of the dummies skin. She walked out to the other trailers to grab Sina so she could pratice with a live target. When she reached the trailers he could see Riik among other boxes and crates. She walked over but stayed a few feet away so she wouldn't get swiped by him "Hey Riik, how are you doing today fella. I know it sucks being locked up in that cage but it's for everybodys good."
Sina changed into her red and black performance clothes and picked up the knives so she could give them to Sharp. As she walk to where she knew Sharp would be practicing then she saw Sharp standing a few feet away from Riik's cage. She felt bad for Riik, we're all able to walk around freely, but he can. Sing shook her head and walk to stand next to Sharp. "You need a target?" Sins asked Sharp. Even though she knew what the answer would be, she still want to confirm that before she assume anything else.

"there's my favorite assistant." Sharp picked her up and carried her to the target. "Were going to be trying something new today and you have to not move a muscle when I do" She placed her on to the target and latched her to the wheel and began to spin it. "Don't move now and you'll be just fine."

Riik immediately stopped singing to himself the moment he heard someone approach. He slowly looked up in the general direction of the incoming individual, and found his eyes fixed upon Sharp's feet. He quickly looked away again timidly, listening to what she said with evident sorrow.

Nobody ever comes near me, he thought to himself in despair. Nobody except his handlers, at least, and they usually tried to cover themselves with (mostly ineffectual) protection. They perhaps did not realise just how easily Riik's claws could cut through bone and teeth could dent metal, but Riik never made any attempts to test the padded clothing his handlers tended to wear. He allowed them the illusion of it seeming safe so that he would be allowed even the most limited of freedoms and company. Still, Riik hated being feared - he was a gentle soul. Small, weak, shy, easily frightened... he just happened to have a body covered in deadly weaponry, coupled with the agility to handle his natural tools of combat with frightening efficiency.

Riik's attention returned to Sharp and her words. At least she spoke to him at all... but that was many steps away from the sort of attention he craved. He had seen others embrace each other in love and friendship, watched people hold hands and children run together. It made him feel... lonely. Everybody's good... Riik doubted that statement.

The arrival of Sina only added to his anxieties, but again, Riik's reactions were subtle and depressed. He reached out toward the pair with longing for freedom and care, but his hand was caught short of the bars by the tension of his chains. His little pointed fingers for a moment grabbed with futility at the bars that were just out of his reach, until he eventually gave up, his hand going limp and dropping to the base of his cage in hopelessness.
Sina saw Riik's hands reached out towards them. She looked at him with sad expression, she was just a child in the circus, she can't do anything even if she wants to. Sina told herself that she'll give him some food later when she finished her work. As Sharp picked her up and carried her to the target, listening to her instructions, Sina smiled, "ok, I won't." She let Sharp place her on the target and latched her to the wheel. The wheel start spinning.
Sharp picked up small pocket knives and threw them a few inches aroud Sina. She picked up a few more knives that were small daggers and threw them closer to sina between her legs and under her armpits. She finally picked up two large butcher knives and threw both of them and stopping them in midair making them spin faster. They released and hit their target millimeters from sina's neck cutting off a small piece of hair on both sides.
Dolli stopped setting up when he noticed Sina and Sharp in front of Riiks cage curious he went over to see what all the fuss was about but just saw Riik bound in chains as normal. He hated the fact that they chained and locked one of their own up like animals. He stared at poor little Riik until he had to turn away. He paused glancing back as a idea came to mind. Turning back he kneeled closer to Riiks cage made sure no one was watching then... blinked.

Instantly a small doll began forming in his hands made of cotton and wool clothed in a white dress with brown yarn for hair and big black button eyes. It wasn't his best work not even close but it would do. Cautiously he slipped his hand between the cages bars and set the doll within Riiks reach.

"There you go buddy." He whispered smiling gently. Standing he began to set up again. He still had a lot to do before the show began.
Sina stayed still as Sharp threw the knives. When she saw the butcher knives she smiled and as Sharp threw them she just look ahead and the two butcher knives landed next to her neck, cutting bits of hair off. "Not bad Sharp," Sina called out to her with a grin on her face, "and that was fun!" The wheel start slowing down and Sina was surprised that she didn't flinch at all, maybe she was used to it now. "Is this for tonight's show??" She asked Sharp as the wheel stopped.
Angel did a few more stretches to cover all of the basics, and decided she had made herself loose and as nimble as possible. Across the room--well, area--Angel caught sight of Dolli standing in front of Riik's cage. Riik. Most people she had seen were very afraid of him, but she always saw a sadness in his glassy, cherubic eyes. Angel wasn't sure what Dolli had done, but she caught sight of a doll being given to Riik, through the bars of his cage. Angel grinned.
Riik glanced at the doll in confusion. It looked like a miniature person... but Riik didn't quite understand its purpose. Why was he given this unusual gift? Was he expected to use it in a performance? He sighed and lifted it up with one hand, looking it over with his mismatched eyes. He supposed that it made better company than cold steel bars and iron chain. Riik gently set down the doll by his side and sighed thoughtfully. Sadly, nothing could replace real company. Still... every small comfort was a luxury Riik could not overlook. He gave the doll a thoughtful glance and thought to it silently will you keep the loneliness away?
Smiles yawned and stretched as she awoke from a good dream. She had her back turned and many people stared wondering what she was. Smiles stood finally and walked over to the bar as some people begin to jump back and let out screams and gasp. They stared at her and she stared back wishes they would leave so she could at least properly wake up. "Riik ..are you up." She crawls over and looks at him. There were only thick bars separating them but it was enough for her. The people watched and jeered as the two "freaks" interacted with each other. "Did you sleep well? I had a dream where I was free and had a normal." She looks at the doll. "That's nice, where you get it?" She firmly pressed against the bars the dived them looking at him.
Crea looked up with annoyance sparkling in her eye. From all the mumbling and footsteps going on outside, Crea could tell that everyone was once again piling around Riik and Smile's cage to mingle. She often wondered why everyone did that, was it because they wanted to slowly get to know them? Or was it so they could throw the harsh reality of his lack of freedom into their faces. Either way, she was getting slightly annoyed at the action, as the cages built for the "Freakier Freaks" cage was always positioned outside her own tent, due to her Golems being the only defense against the two current Freaky Freak if one of them ever got loose.

Yelling out a few orders at the stone creations, even though mental ones sufficed on their own, Crea had her Golems finish their preparations and line up in their sections. The Mediums built for Clowns went first, the Small Builds made for juggling and unicycling were second, and the Largest of them came last. The large ones were made in order to carry around big piles of things and prepare certain acts. They were also there for clean up, as it wasn't easy or enjoyable to have to round up the normal animals the Circus had like the Elephants and Tigers for Belle and packing up the Circus's stands and equipment. The large ones were also for security, but the only reason that worked was because people were intimidated by the mighty Golems, but truly the Golems could do nothing, but wander as without Crea prompting them to do things, the security was lacking.

She could probably give them the order to just attack and incapacitate everyone they see, but the Circus may actually get sued if they were to kill the entire audience, and Crea didn't want to be the reason that the thing everyone thought about came to fruition. She was already pushing it by making so many Golems out of an abandoned house she had walked to that morning. It was a complex made out of stone, so she just borrowed some of it. She didn't know that it was only being held up by a few support beams. She also hadn't known that the stone she was making her Golems out of was coming directly from the support beams.

Crea patted her stone stead on the head as she prompted him to move forward and lead his brothers towards the main Circus tent. As they went, Crea ignored the other performers as they practiced their own routines or meandered about, and only gave a passing indifferent glance to the "Freakier Freaks" Smiles and Riik, before moving on, and every so often turning around to keep the Golems in check. It was exhausting having to take care of all these Golems, but it saved the Circus a lot of money in manpower.

Reaching the main tent, Crea moved all of her Golems inside, save a few Large ones and sent them to places around the Circus to intimidate people. Hopefully the little kids would be scared of them too, because the last time there had been a kid who had tried to get comfortable with the Golems, it was on a while later that there was a unnerving stain on the cement. Of course, Crea had been forced to clean it, and she didn't want to do it again, even if she would just use her Golems to do it for her. Now that her Golems were in place and under firm orders to not move until she said otherwise, Crea had her personal Stone Golem, which dwarfed the other Large ones by a good feet or two, walk back to her tent, where would be content to take a small nap before the performance.
Roxie was in her room pacing. She hated going out on stage. "What was I thinking when joined this place." She sat down on her bed. The show was going to start soon. Good thing every time she transform her personality changes. Or there would be no way she could perform. She thought about form she would use tonight.
Riik peered over at Smiles timidly, and as usual, did not offer a vocal response. Although he could speak, he was yet to say even a single word to anyone at the circus, so nobody knew that he had such an ability. Still, he listened to Smiles thoughtfully, and ended up holding up the doll so she could get a proper look at it, although he wondered if she really had eyes to see it in the first place. Still, the way Smiles acted, it was apparent she had the ability to see, Riik had just never seen any proof of her having eyes. It was the same with Riik and speech. Although he had never actually spoken, he acted like he could understand speech, and thus it was apparent to most of those who knew him even a little that he could understand language.

As Crea passed by, Riik ignored the passing golems, having gotten used to most of the circus performers and their abilities. It was clear that they had no intention of helping him gain his freedom - nobody here really did. But then, the circus staff could be quite imposing at times. It was rather difficult to act against them, at least as far as Riik could determine. Even if they wanted to free him, chances are the other performers were too afraid to. And not because they thought Riik too dangerous.

Although Riik was too naive to work it out, to the more intelligent of the performers, it would not be impossible to work out that his secure captivity was not entirely out of the wish to keep him from running or hurting people. This was, after all, a circus. And the circus was all about the show. What better way to make a creature look magnificent than to keep it caged like it was dangerous?
Sharp had a wide smile on her face when she saw Sina was happy from it. "It will have that, we're going to be throwing a special variable into the qct. One of the audience members will be throwing the knives but I will be having complete control over where the knife goes. Ifyou don't want me to do that just let me know and we'll stick with what we have." She took Sina offf the wheel and walked with her to the main stage to set up their equipment.
Roxie finally decided on what she was going to do for the show. She headed out to walk to the stage. While walking she notice Riik. She looked around before walking up to the cage. She bent down and said "hi" in a quiet shy voice. "Um here I snatched some for you." She held out her hand which had some candy. "I'm not sure if you like candy but I thought I get you some anyway." @Riik
Sina nodded, "it's fine." They walked together up to the main stage, with Sina carrying the knives for tonight's show. "How many people do you think will come tonight?" She asked, looking up at Sharp, "I hope it's full. It's more excited if there are more people." Sina set up the knives like she usually does and put them from smallest, on the right, to the butcher knives, which is the biggest, on the left.
"It's supposed to be one of our biggest shows I believe. Everyone will be bringing their best in the performance today I think." Sharp lifted all the blades at once and sent them flying around the stage for a few seconds before launching them all at the wheel and making a perfect star shape with them. "It's good I can still do that, I accidentally stabbed a volunteer in the leg with that one, he wasn't to happy. Good thing he stayed after the show to try and find me, we would've been in trouble if he didn't." Sharp put the knives back and took a seat next to Sina and had some coffe that she had been carrying with her.
Sins listened to Sharp's story as she looked around. The seats that are empty will soon be filled with many people, excited to watch the show and participate in some of the acts. She turned to Sharp, "yup! If he didn't then we'll hunt him down." Sina grinned, "plus if you can't do that, I might be doing something different now," She leaned on Sharp and closed her eyes, "I might still be at the orphanage."

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