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Two New York teenagers gain amazing powers after wandering around inside a sewer system. In this sewer system they find a dirt tunnel that leads them to an open cave, where they can see a bright pink glow.

-Character Signup-






-Character Signup-

Derek Vinyard

Age: 16


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_n0n8p2AQAh1s01fsdo1_500.jpg.c775b4cfaac1d77848c5c5efa157876f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_n0n8p2AQAh1s01fsdo1_500.jpg.c775b4cfaac1d77848c5c5efa157876f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Derek is a social and quite popular person, he can be extremely cocky at times too. He can go from being calm to extremely violent in a heartbeat and does become angered quite easy. He hates losing and likes to feel like he is in control or more superior/powerful then everyone else around him.

Bio: Derek was born and raised in New York City to an upper middle class family who lived in a large comfortable house in upper Manhattan. ((will find out the rest in the RP))

Other: N/A<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/edwards.jpg.6d4f77c8385f23054200254f30e33680.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/edwards.jpg.6d4f77c8385f23054200254f30e33680.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Amalia 'Amy' Roarke

Age: 16



Amalia is a gentle-hearted, shy, soft-spoken girl who is more interested in books than any social activities. She is quite a curious girl but doesn't always have the confidence or the strongest will to actually investigate. Pride however, is her downfall. Not in herself, but in her little brother and her single mother. She isn't a physical fighter, but is definitely mentally strong. She is often forgetting important events, little items and names. Navigation is also not her strong point.

Bio: Amalia was born in Washington DC but after her father abandoned her family when she was four, her mother moved them all up to Manhattan. She has a little brother named Jasper, and is continually in awe of her mother.

((Will find out the rest in the RP))

Other: N/A
[QUOTE="Rise of Albion]
Name: Amalia 'Amy' Roarke
Age: 16



Amalia is a gentle-hearted, shy, soft-spoken girl who is more interested in books than any social activities. She is quite a curious girl but doesn't always have the confidence or the strongest will to actually investigate. Pride however, is her downfall. Not in herself, but in her little brother and her single mother. She isn't a physical fighter, but is definitely mentally strong. She is often forgetting important events, little items and names. Navigation is also not her strong point.

Bio: Amalia was born in Washington DC but after her father abandoned her family when she was four, her mother moved them all up to Manhattan. She has a little brother named Jasper, and is continually in awe of her mother.

((Will find out the rest in the RP))

Other: N/A

DENIED! Just joking, Accepted :)  
"Ugh" Derek exclaimed as the sound of a foot stepping in water echoed through the dank sewer tunnel. He had just stepped in something mushy, probably human waste. He quickly jumped to the side of the sewer tunnel, making the mistake of pressing his hand against the wall to steady himself. It was covered with a thick slayer of slime, which stuck to his hand. He wiped his hand back against the wall causing part of the slime to stick back onto the wall while the rest he brushed against the side of his pants. Why he had convinced his best friend Amy to explore the sewer with him, he didnt know. But he was already starting to have alot of regrets. It smelt awful, like the smell of human waste that had been rotting for years and that was the third time he stepped on something disgusting, now soaking his left shoe.

He looked back at Amy, who was a little distance behind him. Unbeknown to her, He had had a HUGE crush on her for years, which still existed to this day, Sometimes he thought that she felt the same, but he could never tell for sure, and he didnt dare tell her. She looked beautiful even in the dank and awful sewer. He noticed she was staring at something, at first he thought it was him, then he noticed that she was looking past him. He turned around, and a little ahead of his was a large hole in the side of the concrete sewer. From his angle he could see the inside of it was dirt. He didn't even know that there was dirt next to the sewer.

(Godmodded a little, just to set up the scene and if your uncomfortable with the 'crush' thing i can remove it. But i think it will add to character development, choices ect.
(Yeah, no I'm fine with that!)

A rat scampered past her foot and for a moment, Amalia almost fooled herself that the little scare was actually worse than the stench of the sewers. Seconds later however, her fear and the adrenaline died down and she was absolutely certain that her nose was suffering the most. When she and Derek had first entered the sewers, she had been forced to hold back a disgusting retch, deciding that even with her best friend she wasn't comfortable with appearing that unattractive. Although, thinking back on it with a frown, she did begin to wonder how exactly they became friends in the first place. They were completely different, in more ways than one. Glancing up at Derek however, she soon confirmed that if they ever made it out of the hell hole and she remembered, she would actually ask him. In the right context however, or he would believe that she was trying to break their friendship. Fat chance that that would ever happen willingly.

Human excrament was everywhere, certainly covered over her shoes and the bottom of her jeans, slick along the walls and plopped all along the narrow walkways. She glanced up from watching her step when Derek made a nose of complete disgust as he stepped in a rather large dumping of waste. She managed to hide most of her grin before actually giggling a little when he made the fatal mistake of placing his hand against the wall for balance. In any sewer system around the world, it was of paramount importance that every step was made with careful reasoning and prejudged placement. Amy had already gathered that it would be relatively easy to misstep and end up swimming with the 'fish'. She grimaced at the thought of such a horrendous endeavour when her attention was drawn by something she had never expected to have ever seen. Just past Derek was a gigantic hole that shot straight through the ground and disappeared in both directions up and down. Even in the poor light it was evident that the hole's walls were made of actual dirt. This was no construction by the city's maintenance crew.

"What do you think it is?" Amy asked tentatively, walking up to stand next to Derek, both for assurance and a closer look. "Do you reckon we should have a peek down it? See if it's got anything interesting down there? This could be a potential danger for the city if this hole remains here... but there could be something down there that's important. Do you reckon we should go and see?"
"i.. dont.. know" Derek said pausing after each word as he examined the large dirt hole. He noticed that after it went into the wall it seemed to slope downward, but he couldn't see all that much from the angle he was standing. "pfft, screw the city, we HAVE to check it out" said Derek as he took a few steps towards the hole. When he reached it, he saw that it sloped steeply downwards to which a pink glow was emanating. The dirt sides of the hole seemed to be naturally formed, he doubted anyone had been here before. He cautiously took a step out of the main sewer passage and into the hole, it didnt give him much of a better view.

He went to take another step into the hole and as he did this the thin top layer of dirt beneath him became loose causing him to slide down the steep sort of hill towards the pink glow. Derek struggled to keep his balance but luckily managed to do so as he reached the bottom. He heard Amy's panicked voice from the top of the hill "Im ok!" He yelled. He turned to see the source of the pink glow. It was a strange large ball like structure of crystal rock, with large spheres of what also looked like crystal shooting out of it, nearly touch the roof of the cave he was now in. "Come down here!" He yelled to Amy, slightly worried.
Amalia could feel her heart thumping in her chest, sending tiny shockwaves surging through her body with every beat, her senses on high alert. Her breathing was slightly restricted in her recent fear, but it was also slightly erratic with her adrenaline. Derek had already ventured down into the hole, and once he had disappeared, a wave of fear like nothing ever before had stolen her breath away. For a moment, she was scared that he was dead. Her eyes had grown to the size of dinner plates. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, what was she going to do? What could she do? What if he was dead? What would she do? Her best friend was... And then he had responded.

He sounded a little surprised, and shaken, but definitely awed about whatever that he had found down there. If she wasn't so scared, then she would go down there solely just kill him. It took her a moment to steel her nerves before she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, and nodded in confirmation and acceptance of his command for her to come down after him. Of course, he wouldn't be able to see it, but that thought didn't even manage to cross her mind.

She stepped forward onto the edge of the hole, accidentally stepped onto an unstable section and slid forward faster than she could react. Her scream was short and sweet before she fell onto her bottom, and slid the rest of the way down to where Derek was waiting. "Holy shit." She whispered as her gaze fell upon the alien object that lay jsut in front of them. "Derek... I... I don't think that this is safe. I have never seen something like that before in my life. I'm not even sure it's... from Earth." She was about to suggest getting out of there, but her mind quickly changed when she noticed something strange about the object. It was almost luring her forward. "Help me up. I want to get closer."
Derek quickly helped Amalia up as she had fallen down the hole, just as he had before her. "Come on, im sure it's not thaaat dangerous" He said in response to her worry. Suddenly the strange object which was glowing brighter (pink) by the second let out a strange sort of sound wave, it sounded almost like a deep drum and wave rustled his hair.

It let out another wave, and another, then suddenly there was a high pitched ringing in his ears as his vision shifted from out of focus and then back to focus. He could feel blood dripping from his nose.

and then all was black.

((im feeling we could do a time skip from here, you can do it after you post your characters experience with this event))
It was beautiful, in a strange, dangerous way. An ethereal power seemed to radiate straight from the object itself, filling the small cavern just as the pink glow did the same. It almost washed over the couple as they stared at it in awe, wondering how they could have stumbled across something so wonderfully impossible. For a moment, Amalia believed that she would never be able to take her eyes off of it. It was captiving and enchanting, and utterly overwhelming. There was no way that this thing could be of their world. It was only, in Amy's modest opinion, solely up to chance and fate alone which had led them to discover it in the first place. She was about to consider talking with Derek about what they had found and what they were supposed to do with it, when her senses were suddenly assaulted by a pulse sent off by the alien device.

Amy gasped, hands flying up to cover her ears as the pink object slowly began to grow even brighter and an almost wailing noise began. If she was asked later, she couldn't tell for certain whether or not the high pitched cry was being emitted from the mystery object or was being created within her own mind. It didn't take long for the wails to get louder, and the waves to become more powerful. Her weak mind couldn't handle it for much longer than Derek could when her vision began to distort in and out of focus. Not good. She stumbled backward and hit the wall of the little tunnel they were standing in, her eyesight swimming, making her feel disorientated and dizzy. Had her mind not currently been occupied by the attack, she would have tried to wonder what the hell was currently going on and then found out whether her best friend was currently okay or not. Unfortunately, as her body reacted with a shaft of pain surging through her, all thoughts were turned towards herself. She could feel the warm drip of blood on her upper lip, stemming heavily from her nose, before she passed out as well, unable to take it any longer.

(Yup, sounds good)
The next 4 days were strange and he hadnt seen Amy since - well since whatever happened down in the sewer, he didnt really have much memory of it. Amy hadnt answered any of his calls and he hadnt seen her at school, he hoped today (Monday), she would be there. Why had the last 4 days been strange? Either he was going insane or, just maybe he had gained some sort of power, he had sworn he had accidentally moved his dirty clothes and even knocked over lamps without even touching them, he had also been getting atleast 2 nose bleeds a day which was extremely strange.

When he woke up on Monday he immidiatley checked his phone to see if Amy had rung him, but she hadnt. Hopefully she would be at school today, had she been experiencing the same things he had?
Amy cursed lightly as she drew another blood soaked tissue away from her nose and dumped it into the bin beside her bed. The last four days had to have been the absolute worst out of her entire life. Not only had she managed to follow her best friend into an dangerous, unknown pit in the city's sewers, but she had also been knocked unconscious somehow whilst down there, couldn't remember a lot about what had happened and was now suffering from the worst unstoppable bleeding force since she got her period. Not to mention, her recuperating time at home was also being seriously hindered by Derek blowing up her phone every minute begging to talk to her. After half a week of not replying to him, she would have thought that he might have received the message that she didn't want to talk to him at the moment. It didn't seem to have happened though. She pulled another tissue out of the box, stuffed it up her nose, groaned and managed to struggle up into a sitting position.

"Honey, honey. What are you doing?" Her mother asked, chancing to walk into her bedroom at the exact moment she finished lying down. She hurriedly placed the steaming bowl of chicken soup down on her dresser and sat down next to her daughter. "Lie back down, you need to rest. You can't just be getting up to walk around and the like. Your nose is still bleeding. Isn't this like the eighth time since you had that accident?"

"Mum, I can't stay here anymore." Amy replied, pushing her hands away. "I need to get out of the house. I need to get out of this bed. I need to get away. Plus, it's Monday and I have school today. I have to go. Derek is also going out of his mind wondering where I am and why I'm not talking to him. I have to go. I'll be fine."
((I changed my characters appearance, im using this one for Mutants too))

Derek walked quickly to school all the while wondering if his best friend Amy would be there and if she had experienced what he had. Well, he didnt even really know what he had experienced, was it.. telekinesis, he didnt know and he certainly couldnt control it very well. He sat there for hours trying to move his lamp but all he had accomplished was a severe nose bleed.

As Derek grabbed his books from his locker, the door suddenly hit his face. He jumped back, thoughts of if this was his "powers" coming into play quickly vanished as he saw his friend, Kyle standing there trying to hold in a laugh. "Ow" Derek said to him. Kyle gave a chuckle, leaning back against the lockers. "So.." He said expectantly.

"So what?" Derek replied.

"So did ask her?"

"Eh.. no i didnt"

"Come on man, just do it already" Kyle said in an exaggerated tone.
((Ah yes. I see))

Amy growled a little as she stepped off the school bus and swung off her backpack to fix up the square box of tissues she was carrying so that one of the corners wasn't poking her in her back every single time she moved. At the incessant nagging of her mother, she had finally relented to bringing along some "cautionary measures" so that she wouldn't be caught in a "situation" if the "nose bleeding" picked up again. She almost felt tempted to really use her fingers to air quote the specific words her mother had stressed so heavily during their heated conversation in the morning. However, she did have to admit, despite the many hazards she had been forced to endure, Amy couldn't be more glad to be out of the house. Her mother's pressure and constant protection had slowly been suffocating her. Even school had been better than being trapped for an entire day again. Added to possibly facing an endless tirade of questions from Derek.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Amy quickly typed in 'I'm at school. Sorry for not replying. Wanna talk?' to notify Derek of her arrival, before she swung her bag back up onto her shoulders and began walking forward again. That was until a biker suddenly honked his horn as he accidentally swerved straight towards her. Frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, Amy wasn't able to move until a moment before he was about to hit her. The bike was coming so fast that it had shocked her into becoming immobile. Until she swung her hand in a wide arc to the left, the biker and his bike magically toppled past her, not even touching her and a warm, wet liquid was suddenly pouring out of her nose. "Shit." She said.
Derek's phone buzzed and he quickly pulled it out. 'I'm at school. Sorry for not replying. Wanna talk?' The message from Amy said. Derek type back 'Sure, see ya in maths?' He knew they both had maths for first period and they were in the same class.

"Who was that?" Kyle asked.

Derek had almost forgotten he there as he looked up "Eh, Amy"

"Did you-"

"No" He gave a loud sigh "I didnt, stop asking" He said as they both started walking down the now crowded hall towards their math class.
She didn't bother thinking about going to the nurse's office. If she did, she would just be sent straight home and if there was one thing that Amy did not want to happen that day, was to do just that. Instead, she held a pile of tissues up under her nose as she made her way through the crowded hallways to her first period of the day. Maths. Yep, this was already turning out to be such a fun week. Not to mention, she was beginning to become seriously creeped out about what was currently happening to her. Heavy nosebleeds 24/7, the strange ability to suddenly have some form of telekinesis, and the weird pink thing which seemed to have erased most of her memories from a couple days before. She hadn't spoken with Derek for a while, but as events began to connect, she figured that soon they might need to discuss what was happening to her. Since it might be happening to her best friend too.

Thankfully, by the time she made it to class, the worst of Amy's nosebleed seemed to have stopped. She quickly wiped the stains away, took a deep breath, faked a smile and walked into the room as though nothing was wrong. Unfortunately, she couldn't see Derek anywhere, nor his friend Kyle, so she decided to choose a seat near the window, which had a couple of spare ones near by. For some reason, she wasn't in a very good mood and it irked her beyond measure to have this certainty within her that the worst was not over yet. She just hoped that Derek would be able to help her out somewhat.
Derek and Kyle followed the stream of students into the math class. What a bad way to start to the morning, Derek hated Maths. It took him a few seconds to spot Amy, she was at the back of the class, sitting at a desk near one of the windows. Derek walked over and sat at the one next to her, Kyle sat next to him.

"Hey Amy" Kyle said although it seemed like he was saying it more to Derek than to Amy. Derek gave him a disgruntled look before turning to Amy.

"Where have you been?" Derek asked her a the classroom started the fill up. This was the first time he had seen her in over 4 days, was it possible she had experienced what he had?
Amy smiled in greeting to Kyle before turning her full attention to Derek, even swivelling around slightly in her chair so that she was facing him more. "I've been sick. Really sick." She began. "Look, I'm really sorry about not replying to all of your messages and calls. I just... after what happened, I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I can't even really remember what happened on that day, and I've been spending the past four just lying in bed. It was rude of me to not tell you anything, but I was going through a bit of a rough patch. For some reason, I've been getting a lot of nosebleeds lately. They just haven't been stopping."

She didn't try to imply anything in her tone of voice. If she acted as though she was expecting some kind of answer from him, then she might get just that. An answer which Derek felt that he owed her, but not the one that she needed to hear the most. For some reason, it was really important to her to find out if her best friend was suffering from the same symptoms that she was. Not just because they might have contracted some deadly airborne disease down in the sewer tunnels, but also because he might have discovered something as well. Maybe it was all just a trick of her mind, but what had just happened outside wasn't ordinary. Some might even call it a display of telekinesis. As a result, even though her heart was speeding away like crazy, she kept her expression neutral.
"N- Nosebleeds?" Derek said in reply to Amy. So it wasnt just him, His best friend had been getting them too, It had to be because of whatever happened to them down in the sewers.

Before Derek could say anything more the teacher, Mr Stanleys strutted into the room

"Ok people, settle down, turn to page 394, Trigonometry"

There was a collective groan and sound of books being opened and pages being turned.

Derek swiveled in his seat so he was facing his desk again and lazily began to turn to the pages in his Maths book, yes, it was safe to say that he wasnt to enthusiastic about maths. Suddenly the pages flickered, almost as if there had been a gust of wind, to page 394. Before Derek could react he felt something wet on the tip of his nose, he already knew what it was, even before a drop of red blood appeared on his book. He had another nose bleed.
Amy was in the middle of sorting back through the pages of her Maths textbook because she had managed to go too far forward when she happened to glance over at Derek. His nose was bleeding and yet he didn't seem too surprised that it was happening. That meant he had been suffering from them as well.

Before the rest of the class could notice that Derek's pages were quickly turning crimson, Amy dug out a couple of tissues and handed them to her best friend so that he could stop the flow before it became too extreme and ended up dripping all down his shirt. Kyle hadn't seemed to notice yet, but Amy's hand was already in the air. It was evident that they needed to talk about what had happened to them both, and they couldn't very well do that in the classroom. Thankfully, she had just been given the perfect excuse. For at least a time window of around fifteen minutes.

"Sir." Amy called out when Mr Stanleys didn't respond immediately. It took him a moment, but eventually he turned his attention over to her.

"Yes Amy, what is it?" He asked. "If you need to get your book, just share with the person sitting next to you."

"No sir, Derek has a nosebleed. Can I take him to the nurse's office?" At her words, most of the class turned back to stare at Derek to see his injury, and a quiet chatter started up.

"Yes Derek can go, but do both of you need to?"

"Yeah, just in case he faints or something."

Mr. Stanleys sighed. "Alright, you may go. Hurry up though."

Amy turned to Derek and slipped her arm through his to support him. She knew full well that a nose bleed shouldn't have any cause for worry about being unable to retain balance, especially since this was only the start of it, but she wanted to keep up appearances that she really was needed to help him. "Come on Derek." She winked at him.
Derek ignored the other students stares and Kyle's tap on the arm as Amy helped him out of the classroom. It was evident that she wanted to go with him and he was pretty sure he knew why.

"You're getting them too arent you?" He said to Amy as soon as they left classroom. They were now out in the hall which was completely empty.

He knew that had to be the reason she was so eager to take him to the Nurse's office.
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As soon as Amy felt that they were comfortably far enough way from their classroom so that their conversation couldn't be overheard, she pulled them both to a stop and turned to face him. Whilst nose bleeds weren't an uncommon occurrence amongst most of the population of America, it appeared that the cause for their specific effect on herself and Derek was unusual. Something had happened to them while they were down in that sewer tunnel. Now for some reason, strange things were happening and even though they hadn't spoken about what was happening between them yet, she had a feeling that he understood exactly what was happening to her.

"Yeah. These past four days have been like a constant flood. It's completely disgusting." She told him. "And it always seems to happen after something... like telekinesis occurs. I don't know. I feel like I'm losing my mind over this, like I'm just imagining the whole thing but I can't help it. Though now that you seem to be having it too, I don't know what's going on."
"Yeah, i didnt even know i had that much blood" Derek said in reply to Amy. The amount of blood noses he had been getting was very unusual and like Amy had said, they almost always happened after he somehow made something move, like with telekinesis. The bleeding started to subside rather quickly, like usual. "Well, i think we should, like test it out" Derek paused "But uh.. i dont know about you but i dont exactly know how to do it, every time i've done - whatever it was, it was by accident".

((Ugh, im not writing to well today!))
((Oh no, don't worry. Your writing is perfectly fine!))

Amy laughed, a little nervous but a bit more distracted, at Derek's probable attempt at a joke by referencing the amount of blood that he had lost. Her brain was already whirring as she tried to sort through the different circumstances, situations, consequences and side-effects which their newly discovered... accidents could possibly cause to them. Her interest, however, was peaked when Derek suggested that maybe they should test out their telekinesis somehow, figure out what was physically and maybe mentally occurring to them. She found herself nodding in agreement with him before she had even made up her mind to do so.

It just felt like the right thing to do, and she wasn't exactly sure what much else that they could do. It wasn't as though they could go to their parents or any authority figures. If they tried to tell them what they thought, it would either be attributed to blood loss or hysterics. If they told their friends, they wouldn't be taken seriously. If they told any one of the government, they'd just get in trouble for having been down in the sewers in the first place. "Do you have any ideas?"
Derek thought for a moment before coming up with an idea of how they could test their powers, it would also be fun too. "I have a few.. we should probably go to my house though.. like now" He said in reply to Amy. He didnt know if Amy would be alright with just leaving school. Their powers - or whatever they were seemed to be quite uncontrolled and it would probably end bad for them if they didnt figure out how to control them, someone could easily notice or they could even end up hurting someone.
Amy nodded and pulled out her phone, already in the process of texting her mum to warn her. Usually, she wouldn't even think of pulling a stunt like that. Wagging school? Not something that the great goody-two shoes Amalia Roarke would ever do. She hated disappointing people, and she knew that if she ever did so, not only would the school find out, but also her mother.

After everything that woman had done to look after Amy and Jasper during their lives, it would break Amy's heart to hurt her. Had her bastard father still been around, it might have been a different story. Got another nose bleed. Going home with Derek. Can you call the school and tell them I got sick?

She didn't have to wait long before her mother interrupted her shift to send a quick text back. Sure thing sweetheart. Stay safe and get better. I love you. Amy smiled and then glanced up at Derek. "Yep, let's go." She replied to his suggestion. "So, do you want to tell me what your plans are now? Or show me when we get to your house?"
Derek knew that his house would be the best option for them to experiment with their new found powers and hopefully figure out to control them. His Dad was never home, it was fair to say that Derek's Father was a HUGE workaholic often flying across the world weeks and even months at a time as the owner and CEO of Vinyard International a huge multi billion dollar company and leader in a wide range of technology ranging from computers and smartphones all the way to weapons and armored vehicles. This also meant that Derek himself was quite well off with a unlimited credit card although Derek had barely used it, he wasnt to fond of being rich and his relationship with his father was basically non existent, even Amy who he had known since he was in kindergarten had only met him a few times. Derek's mother on the other hand had died a few years ago of cancer. But - back to the point, they wouldnt need to worry about anyone seeing them.

"You'll see when we get there" Derek replied as he grabbed his bag from his locker.

((Sorry about the huge back story lol))

((you can time skip to the house or something.. it would be a huge expensive house btw lol..))
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