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((I liked it! Don't worry about it.))

There were times, which didn't occur very often, that Amy actually had to remind herself that she was the best friend of the son of a billionaire. She was certain that most teenagers out in the world those days wouldn't so easily forget a thing like that, but Derek didn't exactly make it very easy for her. It wasn't as though he would pull up to school every day in a Lamborghini or a helicopter, and he didn't frequently fly to Paris or Rome every weekend. Not to mention, he didn't even seem to like to dress up in all of that fancy gear you could buy from Chanel and whatnot. Sometimes, Derek would even appear to be embarrassed about the wealth in his family.

If some random stranger met Derek on the street, Amy was almost certain that they wouldn't be able to guess that he was the son/heir to Vinyard International. A few presents and whenever she came over to his house were the only real opportunities when Amy was able to see what his family really was like. One didn't become friends with Derek just to reap the benefits of his father's money.

She wasn't exactly sure how she was supposed to describe the habitat Derek lived in. It was much too grand and big to be described as a mere house, but it still wasn't enough to be called a mansion. Yet it also wasn't an old, Victorian style mansions either. Not like those great big beasts/castles out in the country. It was more modern, more expensive and technological. Amy gave up. It was probably almost impossible to describe with having a master's in architecture or something. "Seriously Derek, sometimes I forget you're rich." Amy commented as they walked up the front steps to his door. She smiled then. "It just makes me love you even more though."
"Yeah.." Derek said in a sort of half sigh and flashing Amy a small smile back. He didnt really like being rich and he didnt really have much of a reason for it and he certainly didnt look it, he didnt wear designer clothes or shoes infact his current shoes were quite old and battered, tearing at the seams. The two walked up the two or three steps to Derek's front door which was a smooth black metal door, infact the entire house looked like a brand new super advanced technological house and the eye and hand scanner built into the wall didnt help. He put his hand on the hand skanner and moved his head so his eye was in line just above it.

"Scanning, please wait" The electronic voice spoke. After a few seconds it spoke again "Welcome home Derek" And the smooth metal door split apart into two, moving into the wall on each side, almost like something you would see in a sci-fi movie. He glanced at Amy, a little embarrassed, he didnt know why, she had been to his house numerous times although he had ever really like how much technology his house ran on.

They moved through his house quickly and into the backyard which, only due to Derek's begging still had real grass. "Wait here a second" He said to Amy and then ran quickly upstairs into his room, which for being the son of a billionaire didnt have a whole lot of expensive items or technology in it, He lifted up numerous piles of dirty clothes until he found what he was looking for.. a baseball. He ran back downstairs quickly, "Throw this at me" He said, handing Amy the ball.

((Yes, i am copying the movie))
Amy wasn't going to lie, she did love his house. Who wouldn't? Well, maybe Derek but right now, he didn't exactly count. It was only in her wildest dreams that Amy could even imagine living in such a house. No matter how hard her mother worked for the rest of her life, she would never be able to afford anywhere near enough money to even rent a cupboard in this house. Her father was out of the picture, so she didn't dare assume that he would be of any help to her. She couldn't even count on herself to try and achieve so much money. She wasn't smart enough. She didn't have the kind of dedication that it took. She didn't even know where to start. With a sigh, Amy sat down on one of the comfortable chairs out in Derek's backyard. Considering their very separate lives, she and Derek probably shouldn't even be friends.

She dragged herself out of her money thoughts when Derek burst out the backdoor and handed her a baseball. She frowned and studied it, wondering if there was something fancy about it. Some kind of technological advancement or something. Something special which would really help them learn more about their powers. Something more than just playing catch? "I'm going to be completely honest here Derek. I don't really understand why you want me to throw this at you." Then it hit her. When she had been standing out in front of the school that morning, she had managed to telepathically throw the bicycle and it's rider away from her. He was probably going to try and stop it or something. "Oh." She said, before throwing it up, catching it and then turning to face him. "Ready?"
Derek prepared himself, planting his feet firmly on the ground and taking a sort of stance you would take in american football. He concentrated on the ball, he didnt know exactly what he was going to do but that was the whole point of this, trial and error. "Ready" He said to Amy. She threw the ball fast and it hit him smack bang, right on bridge of his nose, he stumbled backwards a little as his nose became a little numb. He moved his hand up to his nose to check for any bleeding, but there was none.

"Come on.. i get hit with a baseball and no bleeding but i bleed five times a day for no reason" He said half to Amy and half to himself.

"Okay, your turn" He said, walking up to Amy and taking the ball from her. It would be fun to hit her with a baseball.

((You can make Amy get it on the first try if you want))
"Oh shit, sorry." Amy winced when the baseball landed smack dab in the middle of Derek's face and proceeded to bounce off his nose. She picked it up when it landed in a close vicinity of her. When she glanced back up at Derek she had expected some form of blood, but there was absolutely nothing. She frowned. Maybe they had made this whole thing up? Maybe everything that was happening to them was some kind of coincidence? Maybe she was making up excuses already because she didn't want to get hurt. It had looked painful getting hit in the face and Amy hadn't thrown it softly. She grimaced as she handed the ball over to Derek and then stood a few feet away from him. If she knew anything about her best friend, it was that he was going to pay the same back to her.

Not feeling like copying Derek's methods, Amy threw her hands up in front of her face like she was warding off some kind of attack. Her face was even already pulled into one of pain as her body expected to be hit. She let out a deep breath, closed her eyes and shouted out to Derek. "Alright. Go!" There was a slight grunt of exertion from Derek, nothing for a second or two and then a strange force of pressure slammed into her hands. However, the ball had not touched her. She cursed vividly as a fresh torrent of blood started but she didn't lower her hands. Floating in mid-air, right in front of her palms, was the baseball. "I did it? I did it! Derek, are you seeing this?"
Derek threw the ball with a fair amount of force straight at Amy's head, yes it was mean but Amy's reaction would be priceless. my threw her hands up to cover her face and suddenly - the ball stopped? The ball had stopped only inches from her stretched out palms.

"Wha- how? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" Derek said with a huge amount of enthusiasm in his voice, throwing his hands up onto the top of his head. It was amazing, they really did have "super powers". He ran over to Amy picking lifting her off the ground, an amazing thing had happened to them, something that no one else in the world had, they could make things move without touching them. Derek span her around until they both tumbled over laughing, him on top of her. Even though she had blood smeared under her nose she was still beautiful, he felt like kissing her but would that be weird? Would it wreck their friendship, the thoughts raced through his mind as he looked at her.
Amy squealed in excitement and dropped the baseball just as Derek lifted her up into his arms and began to twirl them both around. She had managed to do it! Together, she and Derek had unwittingly discovered a power greater than the world had ever truly witnessed. They had somehow broken the laws of physics within their own bodies and their minds and were now able to affect and control the world around them. A strange, beautiful ability existed now, between both of them. It proved, not only to them but to everyone, that anything was possible. If two teenagers could somehow manage to develop telekinesis, what else could the world do? Suddenly, everything which Amy had once assumed about life was entirely different. She could do anything. Amy couldn't help but laugh as Derek celebrated her win with her. She could remarkably improve the life of herself and her family. She could get anything she needed now. No one would stand in her way. Everything really was possible. They could be superheroes... or villains. After all, what was wrong with looking after yourself?

Derek stumbled and they both fell to the ground, him on top of her. She laughed harder now, her attention momentarily turning away from her darkening thoughts. She looked up at him and laughed again, finding his own happy emotions infectious. Yet then, he paused. His laughter faltered as something crossed her mind. Was something wrong? She tried to look down at herself and then remembered her nose had been bleeding. He was probably worried that she was going to get some on him. She giggled, gazing up at him again to tell him that he need not worry. He was rich. He could buy another shirt if he wanted one. But then something made her pause. It was the way he was looking at her. Like she was the only person in the world. His eyes had darkened slightly and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. She hadn't seen this look before on him, but then again, she wasn't always looking. Did he...? Did he have feelings for her? "Derek?" Amy whispered, her voice quiet and soft. Neither of them were laughing anymore.
(@Rise of Albion)

Derek's heart started to pound, he had planned on kissing her but now he was starting to have second thoughts. What if it's weird? What if she get angry and stops being his friends? He moved his head back slightly, deciding not to go through with it, but then another series of thoughts popped into his head. What if she DOES like it? Would she kiss him back?

Sweat started to gather on the back of his neck as his heart continued to pound rapidly. The situation was infact, a little nerve wracking. After Amy whispered his name, he knew he had to decide in the next few seconds. Should i risk their friendship or as his friend Kyle would say "Bitch it".

It was a split second decision, but Derek decided to kiss her. Their lips met, it felt.. wet. It took Derek a second to remember that she still had blood on her face and that it was probably now on his own too. It was a little gross but Derek didn't really care. After a few seconds and from what Derek thought was an acceptable length for a kiss, he moved his head back so that his lips were now a few centimeters from Amy's, in case she wanted to slap him or maybe even kiss him back. Derek didn't know what would happen next.

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