Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Afriel who wasn't sure what else to say nodded, "You can come up!" She said cheerily. She sighed slightly in happiness as she got out of the car and back into the warm air. It was a lovely night out, despite the fact that someone had tried to kill her.

"You don't have to come up though, I'll only be a few moments," Afriel offered, trying not to put him out of his comfort zone. He'd spent the night in her apartment last night, but that didn't mean he wanted to be invited up into it. Even if it was just to protect her, she didn't want to make Devon unhappy or anything.

Devon had followed her up and she walked into her apartment after unlocking the door. "Want a drink?" She asked but then wrinkled her nose, "Oh no, you're driving, " She remembered and went to her bedroom. "Should I wear something more comfortable?" She asked from in the darkness of her bedroom. That sounded far to sexual for her taste and she blushed, but waited for an answer besides.
Devon remained near the entrance, as she had mentioned she wouldn't be too long. At her question to change into something more comfortable, the man's face turned red, and so he turned to face the door. "Wear what you want. I mean, we're going to go where there shouldn't be anyone, no real need to dress up. But if you want to, you can" Devon replied, his cheeks very slowly losing their crimson blush. He shoved his hands in his damp pockets and grimaced, personally looking forward to changing his clothes. "It's a lovely night, I bet the views are going to be nice." He added, more to himself than to Afriel, though he was sure she probably heard him nonetheless.
After about five minutes Afriel came back out looking more freshened up than before. She had picked out a pair of short, flat sandals, and a tank top. The tank top was red like her dress had been and again brought out her best features. This also hugged her every curve and her long pale legs looked wonderfully sculpted as the protruded through her shorts, "How's this?" She asked when she walked out of her room, shutting the door behind her.

Afriel felt the need to impress him and so she hoped that this outfit didn't look TOO relaxed. She wanted him to think she was trying because well...she was. It was that simple, she wanted to make a good impression on Devon because she was sure that the two of them weren't going to fall out of each others lives any time soon.
Hearing her come out of her room and ask his opinion, Devon first looked over his shoulder before turning to face her. "Looks great on you." He smiled to her and reached for the door knob. "Got all you need? If so, then let's stop by my place so I can stop smelling like a wet dog." He asked, pointing outside with his free hand. Though he didn't actually smell that bad, it was enough for his nose to pick up unto it and be rather disgruntled by it. Once Afriel had everything, Devon headed through the door first, letting her lock her apartment as he descended the stairs and towards the car. Once, more, he held the passenger door open for her, leaning against the door as he waited for her to join up and hop in his car. Rarely did his eyes leave her from sight more than a minute, a fuzzy feeling sweeping over him when his gaze followed her. Soon, they were on the road again, and heading towards the very bar they met. They passed in front of it and headed down a few blocks before pulling up to Devon's building. It looked a little run-down, the neighborhood seemed a little shady itself, especially at night. It didn't seem to bother the man at all, however as he stopped the engine. "I'd bet you're curious as to what my place looks like, am I wrong?" He asked with a grin, looking at her eyes through his center mirror. "C'mon. It's only fair for you to see where I live after I saw your place." He added with a wave after cutting off the engine and stepping out.

Climbing some rickety-looking stairs, Devon headed to the top floor of the 4-story building and fiddled with his key in the lock for a second before pushing the creaky door and entering. The apartment was rather small, being only a living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and a small bathroom with a cheap quality light. Cracks were in the walls, but the place didn't look that bad. The cleaning he had done during the day had really helped as well. But all the cleaning in the world wouldn't hide the fact that Devon wasn't living in a palace, far from it. "I won't be too long." He said over his shoulder as he tossed his keys on his small kitchen table, heading for the bedroom and closing the door behind himself. Fretting around the bedroom, he tossed his clothes aside and elected to go with a simple button-down white shirt, blue jeans and a pair of moderately worn black sneakers. Devon made sure that any odors from the river would be eradicated from his being, a small amount of cologne to help. He stepped back out of his bedroom once he felt set, grabbed his keys and his black coat that Afriel had so generously washed that morning. The man made sure that a dry pack of cigarettes and lighter were in the coat pockets before draping the black trench on his shoulders, even if it looked awfully out of season with the warm breeze outside. "I'm good. Ready to go?" He asked her, a twinkle in his eye.
Afriel smiled at him, and felt his gaze on every move that she made. Just knowing that he wanted to keep his eyes on her made her feel special. There was a handsome man in her apartment who was ....or seemed to be attracted to her.

They walked out together after she grabbed a pull over hoodie, and a large blanket. She'd grabbed a few sandwhiches from the fridge that were already made and then they were on their way. On the way to Devon's apartment Afriel was finding it hard to keep her eyes off of him. She felt light headed when she looked at him for too long, like she was intoxicated.

Once inside the apartment she'd been so curious to see she wasn't surprised. It was similar to her own when she had first moved in. The only difference was an extra bathroom, some paint, and a little nicer furniture. The apartments appearance didn't bother her one bit, and she waited excitedly for Devon to change. Once he was done she smiled at him, "You look nice," She admitted with a slight blush and nodded to his question, "Ready."
The man let her leave first, locking up the apartment behind himself. Said locking took much longer than it should, cussing under his breath at the lock until it finally clicked. He double-checked the door to make sure it was locked and wouldn't open if pushed and such. Finding the results satisfying, he followed Afriel towards the car. If she had waited for him to open the door, he would've done so. If she had hopped in by herself, then he would simply jump behind the wheel, buckle up, start up the engine once more and drive towards the highway. Devon turned on the radio, with a volume perfect for conversation should it arise.
Once they were in the car, Afriel buckled in and looked around. It was dark now, which in turn made it dark in the car. It took her a moment to really let her eyes adjust but that wasn't until they were already moving along down the road.

"How far out are we going to go?" She asked Devon, looking over at him. Again she was drawn to him and she wanted to pull one of his hands off of the wheel and hold onto it. Somehow she felt like her hand belonged in his. She felt that though she hardly knew him, she knew that he was worth all the love in the world. Despite what he thought of himself, but she kept her hands folded neatly in her lap.

"I know a nice spot to star gaze if you're interested," She told him tearing her eyes from his face.
"A good distance. If you can drive, you can drive us there later. Unless you can't drive standard?" Devon asked her, looking away from the road for a few moments to look at her. A song came up on the radio and his left fingers began following the guitar rhythm, like he would be playing a guitar, only on the steering wheel. He was also lip-singing to himself as he took the car off the highway and into the country. The city was now a good distance behind them, though it was not out of view. His eyes really stood out, glowing lightly in the darkness of the car.
"I can," Afriel had locked her eyes on his, and watched him sing. The song that had come on was one of her favorites, and she sang softly to it after looking back out the window. She wasn't lip syncing but she was singing softly her voice was hypnotizing but, she never sang because she was embarrassed about it.

"Where are we headed then?" She asked after the song had come to an end. She brushed her blond hair behind her ear and looked back over at Devon. She wished he'd been looking at her but that's kind of hard when he's driving. Her golden eyes too, also glowed dimly in the dark, though their appeal was something different from Devon's. His brought you in with mystery and allure, while hers were innocent and full of passion all at once.
Devon slowed the car down and stopped on the side of the road, unbuckling but leaving the car on. The road they were on was an empty country road that seemed to stretch for miles. "Here, You drive off with my car. It's my stop. Just trust me and do it." He simply said with a grin before getting out of his car. He made sure his arms were through his coat's sleeves so it wouldn't stay behind when they would take off. He knew she would feel odd and maybe even question it, but he knew this would work. Devon stood in the opposing lane, the looks seeming a lot like a race. Only rather ridiculous, since it was a car against a man.
Afriel got out and didn't say a word, she only watched him as she walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. Her eyes were filled with confusion and her eyebrows knitted together. But, she did as he asked her too, and when she had settled in she gunned it.

It had been a race she was sure, though she didn't see how he could outrun the car. But something clicked and she realized that there must have been something with his 'gifts' he wanted to show her. She couldn't quite place what that was but, she just decided to focus on driving. She was hitting close to ninety-five miles per hour now, and if she wasn't careful she could crash.
He let her drive off for about a hundred meters before starting to run himself. His cadence increased, and soon, the taillights were catching up and then kept up with the car, waving at Afriel before running ahead of the car. Devon then decided to head up to his top speed, a loud clapping sound resonated through the country as he broke the wall of sound, becoming a small dot along the road quickly. Heskidded to halt, skidding across a good distance before looking towards the small dot in the distance that was Afriel's headlights. The man reached into his pockets and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and waiting for her to catch up.
After about five more minutes Afriel caught up to Devon. She parked the car quickly and ran up to him, her face glowing with excitement. "Holy crap!" She yelled throwing her arms up in the air, "That was awesome!!" She shouted and spun around. Afriel was overwhelmed with excitement and even a little jealousy, "I wish I could do something cool like that!" She said and touched Devons arms with her hands, "You're amazing," She breathed, locking her sandy eyes with his ocean ones.
His eyes were shining more brightly than earlier, a smile on his lips. "Super speed doesn't save lives." He simply said. "And I have no clue if moving at those speeds has any side-effects. For all I know, there could be serious side effects that could kill me or age me faster than I should." Devon admitted. He was wary of the source of their abilities and the toll they took on their bodies. Afriel's healing abilities transfered the injuries to her body and healed them afterwards, he couldn't stop but wonder if his had repercussions. "So? Wanna bring me to the star-gazing spot you were talking about earlier?" the man suggested before taking a drag of his almost-dead cigarette. Taking the passenger seat, he buckled in and awaited to see how Afriel would manage his dear chevy.
Afriel gaining a mischievous smile to her face walked over to the passenger side of the car as well. She leaned down so that their face weren't far apart as though she might kiss him. Leaning slightly she unbuckled his seatbelt and locked eyes with him.

" I was thinking..." She whispered, her sweet breath dancing across his lips, "You could just run there," She moved quickly and was laughing, pulling him from the car and slamming the door shut. Afriel raced for the other side of the car but knew there was no way she'd make it if Devon chose not to let her. As she moved her hair bounced and shone brightly in the moonlight, her smile perfect on her face. The laugh that came from her ran through the night air like a song, it would have been attention grabbing to just about anyone.
Devon sighed, tilting his head to the side once he was yanked out of his own ride. Seriously? he thought to himself. Sure, he could reach high speeds, but didn't she just hear him talking about how he had no clue if there would be side effects. His mind passed over the fact that moving fast might speed up his biological clock and shuddered at the thought. However, since he only reached those speeds twice now, he would let it go by this time. "Is it far?" He asked her before she could be back in his car, drawing out the last drag from his cigarette, tossing it to his feet and stomping the butt to make sure it wouldn't be any fire hazard. Even if there wasn't much to burn around, Devon felt it wouldn't be good if crops caught ablaze.
Afriel frowned as she opened the driver side door, "I was kidding, Devon," She said and rolled her eyes as if she were rather annoyed though she wasn't really, "You were supposed to chase me, I was trying to cause some sort of rise out of you." She said and shook her head.

"Some one is too serious!" Afriel told him and slipped into the car. "Get in!" She shouted after rolling down the passenger side window. Afriel sighed but smiled as he got into the car, "I don't know if you're going to be able to handle me if you keep being to uptight," Afriel teased and looked over at Devon, smiling her sweet perfect smile at him.
Devon shrugged. "I'm not exactly used to jokes and such." He added with a sigh. She had struck a little nerve, as his eyes shifted their hard, icy cold while he looked ahead. The man simply wasn't used to be around others, let alone have fun. That night was probably the most fun he'd had in the company of someone in a very long time. He buckled up after shrugging his arms out of his thick coat, tossing it in the back seat with his tux jacket and his hat that he had removed earlier. He stretched out his arms with a groan, before letting them flop on his legs, then leaning against the door as Afriel started driving.
Afriel frowned as she drove, there was tension in the car now. Have I done something wrong? she wondered, but said nothing of it. All Afriel did was drive, neither of them talking nor moving to turn on the radio. When they got there about twenty minutes had gone by neither of them saying a word to the other. She felt rotten for having put him off like that, it'd been so long since she'd had any sort of fun and she had just been trying to make him laugh. Apparently that wasn't her strong suit.

When they finally pulled over to the side of the road, Afriel was the first to speak, "We're here," She said softly, not daring to look over at Devon. She slipped from the car quietly and pulled the large blanket she'd brought out and started walking out into a large grassy field.

All around them were stars, it was far from the city so they all showed up so well. Some were blue and some red, shooting stars happened frequently and Afriel laid the blanket out without another word. She sat down and pulled her legs to her chest with a sigh.
Devon wondered why they were sitting in silence. Once they arrived, he grabbed his coat from the seat, got out of the car and leaned against it as she got the blanket and followed her in the field. Seeing a strand of wheat in the green grass, he plucked it and bit on the stem, waving it around a little in the night breeze. He then joined up with Afriel, lying down and crossing his arms behind his head. "You're right. This is a nice spot." he complimented as he let his gaze search the stars. His eyes had lost their coldness, reflecting the night sky as little specks of light seemed to flow through his blue eyes, emanating from the pupil and disappearing off the edge into the whiteness. A warm wind blew through the long grass around them, gentle rustling sounds matching the large sweeps that the grass reflected as the moon illuminated their night. Fireflies danced around in the distance, dancing to their own music with the winds.
(That was poetic, lol)

Afriel rested her chin on top of her knees and looked across the field. Fireflies used to be one of her favorite things when she was young. She used to bring jars upon jars out to see if she could fill them up with the light making bugs, but she'd never been very good at it.

Sighing slightly Afriel looked up at the sky, the breeze blowing her hair off of her shoulders and sending it cascading down her back. "I used to come out here as a kid," Afriel said suddenly breaking the silence that had fallen once again. "My parents and I would come and I'd try to catch fireflies," Afriel explained, and a distant smile of a memory played on her lips.
A soft smile cracked Devon's face. "Sounds like good memories. Cherish those moments, because they come and go." He sighed. The man broke his gaze from the stars to set it on her. "Had a nice childhood?" He asked her before returning his gaze to the stars for a few moments. He would return his gaze on her when she would talk, listening to her.

((Sorry for short port, I'm a little tired, so it might have something to do with my lack of creativity... XP))
Afriel nodded when he spoke of holding onto memories. Her expression turned slightly sour when he asked her a question, "No. No I didn't." She said and looked down at him then their eyes locking. "That memory was the last and only I have of my parents," She told him and then looked back to the sky.

Her eyes now held sadness, her mouth drooping into a frown. Afriel's hair swayed with the breeze and she let her legs fall out straight in front of her before falling on to her back and laying closely beside Devon. "What about you?" Afriel asked looking over at him, "Any good memories of your parents?"
A cold breeze swept over them as she asked about his parents. "Sorry for the breeze." He apologized. "No, I barely, remember them. I remember the night they left this world. They died when I was a child. In front of my eyes, murdered. A serial killer got to them, and he would've gotten me if I hadn't fought back at the last second. And the number of parents had afterwards never had the chance to take care of me much, they were busy with the younger kids. I barely remember what my parents looked like. It wasn't a nice childhood, I was alone against the world most of the time." he admitted. "If you get cold, you can have my coat. I'm used to the cold." Devon added, noticing the quivering temperatures and the irregular breeze as he tried to keep himself from turning their beautiful night in a storm. "I see people walking on the streets and I know that most of them had a nicer life than I ever had. I used to despise them, I was jealous. I wanted the suffering to stop. I wanted something to go right most of the time. Life always turned me the cold shoulder, kids in school pushed me aside because I was different and always uncertain." Devon told her, keeping in check the clouds that seemed to restlessly gather in the distance. The man then shifted himself to lie on his side, propping his head in his hand and leaning against his elbow. "But you know who finally broke the storm that has been raging around me since the beginning of my life?" The temperature hiked up, the wind seemed to ease and warm up once more. He hoped she would guess the answer, a little smirk twitching at the corner of his lips.
Afriel had looked at him the entire time he was talking not saying anything. Everything he said was how she felt, what she used to feel. But with him here everything felt different, and though Peter had been in her life it had never felt completely synced. Never quite perfectly right.

When Devon shifted onto his side it took Afriel a moment to recover at his closeness to her. Who had been there since the beginning of his life? She looked at him a long time and finally gave up on trying to come up with an answer. "Since the beginning of your life? I have no idea," She said and frowned.

Afriel's eyes were on his as they spoke softly in the dark, the breeze becoming warm once again.She had learned in this short time that it meant Devon was feeling happy or something along those lines. She was sure there was more detail to it than that, but for now she could only guess based off intuition rather than fact. Neither of them knew much about their 'powers' and so it was hard to gauge them.

"Tell me. Who finally broke the storm?" Afriel murmured to him, she was looking up at him still lying flat on her back. Her arms were resting relaxed on her stomach and she breeze ruffled a few of the smaller strands of hair that framed her face.

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