Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Devon's eyes settled on the man, but didn't pay much attention to him. "If anything he's someone who's not here to help." He sighed as the man began his way towards the scorching building. "I'm not going to idly sit around and watch people burn. I might just be one guy, but I have nothing left to lose." He said loudly, not aimed to Afriel and more to himself. The wind seemed to accompany Devon as he made his way down the street, with or without Afriel. The black coat on his shoulder dripped of the heavy rain, whipping in the wind as the white fur lining slogged itself of water. Lightning struck not too far, the arc reflecting with the same glow as Devon's irises. As Devon approached, the red-haired man noticed and walked around the building, keeping his distance between Devon and himself. Once again, Devon paid no heed; that man only seemed like a coward afraid to face the flames to help the poor trapped souls within. "I'm going in. I'll gather as many as I can and return. Try and stay safe." The blond man warned the girl before turning towards the doors to the building to open them.
Afriel was frozen in place for a moment, but quickly fell into step behind Devon a moment later. She wasn't sure who that other man was, but she decided to keep her eye on him. There was something about him that she didn't seem to like. Something about him that didn't settle with her just right. Biting her lip she stopped in front of the building. Around the building was dry, the flames had burned so hot that the rain didn't have the chance to settle onto the ground. "Please be safe," Afriel told him before Devon turned around and walked into the flames. There was something different about Devon she noted. It seemed like the weather itself was following him around, but even if that were the case it wasn't enough to put out the fire.
The words echoed in Devon's mind as he emerged into the brazen flames. Please be safe. The man noticed something peculiar about the smoke of the fire, it seemed repelled to a 10 foot radius. The flames near him seemed to die down and the heat seemed to lower around him. With adrenaline starting to course through his veins, Devon began to inspect the rooms around, kicking the door open and yelling "IS ANYONE IN HERE?!". The first few e stumbled upon were empty, but on the second floor at the other end of the hall, a woman cried out from help. The inconvenient was that the staircase leading to the third floor had fallen apart and blocked her door. As Devon neared the blazing debris, the flames lowered down like the others. It allowed for Devon to grab the debris and chuck it out of the way, piece by piece. He burnt his hands a few times on unseen embers, but he did quick work of the pile.

With the door cleared, the man swung the door open and allowed the woman with her child to escape, Devon following her. The smoke seemed to part before them and soon emerged back outside in front of Afriel. The man didn't stay, returning into the blaze once more and leaving the woman and child with Afriel. Running through the place, things seemed to slow down as Devon raced through the building. On the 3rd floor, he found a family of 4 blocked with their door and wall ablaze. The flames seemed to fear Devon as they parted away from the man, as if unable to breathe and simply died. The blackened door crumbled to pieces with little force, the man urging the people to quickly escape the building. Instead of walking them out this time, the man continued higher into the building.

Devon noted that many on the fires seemed to have started within halls themselves, remarking the areas where the flames had ravaged more. In the distance, sirens could be heard approaching the area, but he couldn't hear them over the roaring on flames, his attention on the floor before him and keeping an ear out for a call out for help. The building cracked and groaned as Devon headed to the 6th floor out of 10. His coat was fine and untouched, mainly from the rain, but the heat was drying out the textile effectively. Embers had fallen on Devon's face, leaving little burns like freckles on his stern cheeks. Most of the apartments were empty except for a few more families, quickly sent on their way as Devon went higher in the building. "This place is deteriorating by the minute... I can't waste any more time walking everyone out. "He sighed to himself as he was climbing to the 8th floor.

The 2 last floors were nothing but flames and ashes, the structure itself wanting to give way below its own weight. "If I go down and this starts falling, I'm done for." He pointed out to himself before the flash of memory from the earlier events came back to mind. "Let's hope this works..." He sighed as he headed for the roof. Things seemed to move sluggish around Devon again, this time catching his attention. Something was definitely going array, Devon was certain of it. He didn't have much time as he reached the roof. The floor was starting to give under him as the man ran for the edge of the roof. Without being aware of it, it was the same side that Afriel had been left outside, Devon jumped off the roof barely a few seconds before the 2 top floors collapsed on themselves. The structure of the rest of building groaned loudly at the heavy impact but held for the time being. The wind howled loudly in the man's ears as he looked down upon his eminent death and saw Afriel below. I would've rather she didn't see me fall to my death... He thought to himself before closing his eyes, sighed and closed his eyes. He had accepted that fate, to die splattered on the pavement below. The same light feeling came over Devon, and this time he cracked his eyes open again. What he saw was brief, seeing the ground nearing barely a few feet from him. Afterwards, things went dark with a VERY loud thunderclap and bright lightning arcing the sky. The man had fallen unconscious after hitting his head on the ground, miraculously surviving a 10 story fall. The winds had lightened him at the last moment to break his fall. The firemen arrived a few minutes after Devon's landing and began to work on the flames.
Caos was ensuing in and outside of the burning building. Firemen had shown up moments after Devon had helped out a few people, who were all now hugging each other and getting fresh oxygen from tanks that had been brought by the ambulances.

Afriel wanted nothing more than to run into that building after Devon, though she hardly knew him this man had a truly strong heart. She didn't want anything bad to happen to him. As she stood watching, making sure that everyone who spilled out got help, Afriel breathed hard. The building creaked and swayed slightly, it was obvious how weak it was becoming as the flames ate it up.

People around her cried, and screamed. Some even tried to pull her back away from the building, asking her if she was okay and if she knew if there were anymore people inside. But, she didn't respond to them, only pulled away and searched the building with her eyes. She was looking for Devon then, trying to find some glimmer of hope that he hand't collapsed inside from smoke poisoning.

As she scanned, she finally noticed a dark figure all the way at the top of the eight story building. The long dark coat and the bright blonde hair was unmistakable. Devon was there on the top of the building that swayed left and right slowly under his feet. What was he doing up there? She wondered, but before she could come up with an answer of his own he had jumped.

Horror swept over Afriel as she tumbled toward the ground silently. It wasn't until he hit the cement with a sickening thwack that he made any sound at all. "Oh my god!" Afriel cried running toward him. People around her screamed in horror, looking at his limp body. He was out cold, but perfectly in tact. There wasn't any blood, but some bones HAD to be broken. She rushed over, pushing people out of her way and even fighting through the path of a firemen to get to him.

When she got to him she took no time in deciding what to do. Afriel sunk to her knees scraping them up on the rough cement and bent over Devon. "Hey..." She cooed, touching his face, "Wake up..." She patted his cheek but there was no response. This was when she looked him over one last time, his leg was twisted in a sickly shape, and a few bumps protruded from his ribcage leading her to believe there were a few broken ribs. "Damn it," She breathed and leaned down to him. Suddenly without thinking about it any longer Afriel had locked her lips with his. It was a firm yet gentle kiss, and as she kissed him his broken bones went smoothly but not painlessly back into place.
The pain of the bones returning to their original places stirred the unconscious man to awakening, wincing in pain. A surge of invisible energy seemed to pulse from the man as he regained his consciousness and rose a hand to his face with a groan, his motions still sluggish and slow. His eyes cracked open to peer into Afriel's eyes and caught himself getting lost in her bright golden eyes. The rain was still pounding against them, thunder grumbling. The rain itself had passed insanely cold during the time he had been out, but the droplets now were warm. The moonlight cracked though the crying clouds, casting it's blue glow upon the duo as they laid amidst the chaos of the burning building. Devon's eyes seemed to reflect the light of the moonlight, the usually cold eyes were not so. His eyes held satisfaction and content with himself. A faint, large grin spread across his lips. "Guess it didn't work this time." he mumbled, dropping his arm to his side. "I feel like I can barely move right now..." Devon groaned as he attempted to sit up in vain. Pain seemed to radiate from his chest as the bones still squirmed below his skin, finding their locations and bringing a rather bad grimace out of Devon. The man looked back to his hands as the pain reminded him of his burns in his hands from moving debris. The burns healed themselves before his eyes and he turned to face Afriel, out of words and mostly, surprised to see himself regenerate as such. "What... How... But mostly, why?" Devon asked her.
Afriel had just healed this man in public, but no one had really seemed to notice. Most 'regular' people would have assumed that the kiss was nothing more than emotional and that it had woken Devon up. "I'm so glad you're okay," Afriel murmured, touching her face. "I...I healed you," She admitted, looking over to the side quickly before looking back to him. "Don't move to much, your bones are still setting," She told him.

As she spoke she was breathing hard. Using so much energy like that had taken a toll on her and she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get up from where it was she knelt. But, she forced herself to forget that thought and she looked down at Devon, "You're a hero you know," Afriel told him. When he mumbled about it not working this time Afriel put together in her head. He was like her, but not exactly like her, there was some sort of 'power' running through him just not the SAME power. It seemed to be very uncontrolled and new to him, much like her own. As she looked down at him she winced, and sat back slightly, the burns that he had once before faintly showed up on her own skin.
Devon first had trouble believing her, rather thinking she was simply joking and that he had survived by a miracle. The pain of another bone discarded that thought. When told not to move much, he simply stopped asking himself question and laid back down against the wet asphalt, letting water run mud through his blond hair. He closed his eyes and rested his hands on his stomach, droning the chaos of their surroundings out and concentrating his attention on 3 things; the pain, the rain and Afriel. "I'm no hero. This is the least I can do to repay my sins..." He sighed, his tone grave and meaningful, but his expression was peaceful, minus the winces as his bones set themselves. "I'd honestly wish I didn't have to stick around." Devon admitted with a painful shrug, trying to switch topics from his past before saying more than he would want. "I know, can't move faster than the bones can heal, but I never really had to deal with injuries this bad. First time hitting the pavement from a 10 floor building..." He added with a annoyed sigh, mostly because he was stuck lying on the ground. Deep down, Devon was hoping to god that no fireman, policeman or otherwise would come up to them, hoping to leave before anyone could realize they were even there.

The red haired man had joined the crowd who had amassed around the building keeping an eye upon the man who jumped and the girl who ran to him. It was to his surprise to see the man come to and begin to interact with the girl. He also felt like all the rapid changes in the temperature and rain were nothing normal, but remained hidden among other people to, what appeared at first glance, observing how the firemen would put out the flames. His attention truly resided on the couple as he could feel the almost-tangible vibes emanating from Devon, his aura powerful even when it was at a weakened and fluctuating,
Afriel, who had shooed off some more people listened to him talk. "He's fine," Afriel told them, though they believed her they still seemed very concerned. She looked back down to Devon, and then to the now ashen building.The firemen had gotten most of the flames to die down, the rain seeming to finally help slightly.

Sitting back on her heels Afriel tried to cover up her pain expression as Devons wounds transferred into her. Though she heeled on her own, it still caused a lot of pain to transfer someone's wounds to her. She remembered when Peter was shot, and all the blood that has poured out of her. Shaking the horrible thought away Afriel looked back down at Devon. "Let me check you," She said gently, leaning back over him.

Her long hair brushed his chest as she stooped over the top of him, her golden eyes were full of pain and concern as she ran her dainty hands over his torso. "If anything hurt, let me know," Afriel told him. It probably seemed like she knew what she was talking about but the truth was this was the only other time she'd healed someone like this. As she looking him over small speckled burns appeared on her cheeks, the very ones that Devon had gained from going through the building.
Derek remained quiet as she inspected. He observed her and saw the burn freckles appear in his face, frowning. "You can't keep doing things like this. If anything, you shouldn't be the one to bear my wounds." Devon seriously pointed out. He only felt bad for her, even if he was glad she saved his life. It just wasn't her cross to bare and the fact that she took on his wounds didn't sit right with him. However what was done is done. Devon made a mental note to refuse her healing ability in the future. In the meantime he simply laid and waited for the aches to come to a rest. Water had covered the ground, streams pouring into the storm drains loaded with ashes and thunder rumbled in the pitch black sky, only the moon shining down upon the drenched city.

The man's bones seemed to have regained their original emplacements, any injury he had were healed thanks to Afriel's gift. Devon could feel his strength coming back to him gradually and soon, the man pushed himself off the pavement to sit up, groaning a little as he still felt a little stiff. "I think I'm good now... Thanks to you." He added as he locked his blue eyes in hers, grateful and thanking. However, they never lost their sharp, piercing strength.
Afriel who was fighting pain forced a smile. "I'm glad you're okay," She said to him, and looked at the people around them. They seemed to be ignoring them now, which was a definite relief. Then as he told her that she couldn't keep doing her healing she almost laughed, "You know you'd be dead if it weren't for me, don't you?" She said gently. It wasn't a rude thing, at least not the way she said it. It was more of a tender comment, her way of telling him that if he needed it she'd do it all over again.

"It's going to hurt for you to stand," Afriel told him, keeping her eyes on his. Her's almost glowed like a cats in the moonlight, big and golden. It was almost like the flames of the building though died out, were still shining in her eyes. Slowly, Afriel forced herself to her feet and she held out her hands to help Devon up. She stumbled slightly as she stood though, pain still racking her ribcage.
Devon lurched forward to press a hand against the ground while he reached with his other hand for Afriel's. "I'm aware that I'd be dead right now if it weren't for you, and I'm grateful for it. But not everyone is meant for saving." He stated before looking up to her as she staggered. "Are you going to be okay, or do we need to switch places?" Devon asked with a teasing smile on his weak face.His eyes seemed to pulse like the heartbeat of a storm, lighting up like lightning. The storm raging overhead had nothing threatening to him. Devon hadn't felt like this in a long time, he felt... forgiven. Before attempting to depend on Afriel for support, he was fearful to depend on her for support with all the ribs and the leg.
"N-no, I'm okay," She stammered, looking up at him. "We just need to get out of here," Afriel told him, though she was sure he already knew that. "My apartment isn't far," She explained and started forward. As she walked the world spun, but she forced herself to focus. She was helping Devon walk and didn't have time to worry about what she was feeling. He was the hurt one, not her, she told herself.

"I'll get you something dry to wear, and something to drink," She told him as they pounded down the side walk. Afriel wasn't sure why she felt she needed to help Devon so much but...she did. He hadn't freaked out when she healed him with a kiss, not like Peter had. This was someone she hardly knew and he had judged her less than her own fiance had. Something about Devon, though he was so sad and dark, was warm and comforting though he probably didn't know that. This man had just rushed into a burning building to help people he didn't know, he was a hero in her eyes no matter what he thought of himself.

Out of the two of them she was the weak one, all she could do was stand and watch as he rushed through that death trap of a home. He helped people out until his own life was at risk, yet he didn't stop until he knew everyone was out. There was something different about this man too, just like there was something different about her. Storms and weather seemed to pulse through him. Afriel wondered then what his powers were, because she knew he had them, that was plainly obvious to her.

As they got to her apartment Afriel unlocked the door and helped him inside. It was not very big but looked even smaller with all the books she had lying around. A lot of them were classic literature but some, were for research about her powers. She'd gotten them just recently after Peter had left her, she had wanted to know what she was. Walking over to the couch, Afriel helped Devon sit down, and walked over to a bedroom. "I have some of my....friends clothes here," She said cautiously. "They should be just about the right fit," Afriel then proceeded to pull out a white button up shirt and a pair of jeans. It was actually a quite classy looking outfit, one that someone might have gone out in. Walking it over to him, Afriel swayed again her apartment spinning around in her head. She tossed out the clothes to him just in time to catch herself on the wall.
Once Devon was back on his feet, it didn't take long before he regained a normal walking ability. Maybe not without pain and a slight limp to his previously broken leg, but the man was able to manage. Seeing Afriel fighting to stay upright, he pretended to feel weak and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. His grasp was steady and firm, giving support to her more than depending on her. He was used to life-threatening situations due to his past, but he was ready to bet that Afriel wasn't. The efforts done this night were probably much higher than his, in Devon's opinion. The hardships were easier to take the more they came and he never asked for her to do more than she could allow herself. Devon couldn't help himself of feeling responsible for the hardship that had happened to yet another being due to his presence. Thunder rumbled as the thought ran through his mind. He didn't complain nor speak on the way, his ears enjoying the sound of the rain as the sounds of sirens started to drift away from them.

Once inside, the man shrugged off his heavy coat, dripping of wet ashes and mud and left it by the entrance door. He was a little surprised, his expressionless face simply looking around for a few seconds as he observed the books. Devon was then led to a couch as he kept quiet, she was the caregiver and therefore Devon would trust her. He was tossed clothes and didn't ask questions. While she was still out of view, the man quickly changed his pants. He took more time with the shirt and didn't button the shirt, getting on his feet with a groan to look at himself in a mirror.

It was at that point the Devon realized his head injury that he hadn't even felt. It was the collision between his head and the pavement. Just above the eyebrow, a small gash had sealed up after bleeding along the left side of the face and into his blond hair. The man looked like a mess; covered in ashes, splinters, blood and dirt. Some of his hair had burnt but he was mostly unscathed considering the circumstances.
Afriel pushed herself upright once again, after catching herself against the wall. She'd would've walked out to see if Devon had everything he needed but, she was afraid to walk out into the living room. After a long moment, and a few deep breaths Afriel started toward the door of her bedroom.

It was only a short moment and it only took a few steps before she stumbled back, this time not able to catch herself. She'd reached out to her dresser but only managed to slip and knock off a small glass jewelry case. It crashed to the floor loudly, and then a loud thump followed.

Afriel had hit the floor hard, out cold and unmoving. She'd used a lot of energy to heal Devon and her body wasn't taken to her newly added injuries well. That was a major downside to healing, she had to take on every one of the painful injuries she healed.

As Afriel lay there in her soaking clothes her nose bled. Blood slowly slipping down the right side of her face and onto the ground. She wasn't in good shape, but her body was fighting hard to heal her. What she really needed was bed rest, food, and to sleep off some of the alcohol in her system. She was a lightweight when it came to alcohol so it really wasn't helping her situation. A small pool of blood was starting to accumulate around Afriels head, staining her blonde hair. A bigger pool of water had formed too, Afriel had never gotten the chance to change out of her sopping clothes.

Laying there still on the ground she looked awful. Afriel looked weak and broken, like a fallen angel that had lost her wings while falling to the earth. It was sad really, her even now whiter skin, the blood and the glass laying near her head. It almost looked like a crime scene.
Devon slowly approached the bedroom after hearing a loud noise, knocking on the door a few times before actually pushing it open. His eyes skimmed the room for her before seeing her on the ground with blood pooling around her head. Lightning and thunder clapped practically at the same time, Devon carefully picked her from the ground and placed her on her bed. Trying to think quickly, he wadded tissue around her nose to contain the blood carefully removed any of her clothes that wouldn't leave her in her underwear. "The soaking clothes are a problem though..." A blush crept on his cheeks before her took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly to remove her blood-stained dress and shoved the blanket over her. Once she was covered, he allowed himself to open his eyes once more. Rain batted against the windows and the wind bellowed outside as the man kept an eye on her, making sure her nosebleed wasn't going out of control. He had received medical knowledge in his past and treated her wounds like a concussion. That was his guess for the time being, hoping that her bones wouldn't be the ones in shambles. After a few hours of staying up and keeping an eye on her, the tired man stepped outside of the apartment as the sun started rising behind the dark clouds of rain. He lit himself a cigarette and inhaled, thinking of what had just happened.

He had met someone who had healing powers. She had saved him from the grasp of death, something he was all to accustomed to be living in. If she had powers, could it explain what happened the day before? His first fall had been interrupted by the winds, but the reason for it was still unknown to him. His migraine had left since she had healed him, but he still remembered the feeling of jumping off, something whispering him he would make it... Devon took in another drag from his cigarette as he tried to understand a puzzle he felt was still missing pieces. A gentle breeze blew through the rain and under entrance roof, ruffling the unbuttoned white shirt. This early in the morning, there was no one to see the scars he bore on his chest. Bullet wounds and large cuts were mismatched across his chiseled chest. Old battle scars that left sour memories on Devon's body and he rarely showed these to anyone. Thunder grumbled once more, bringing a small smile on the man's lips as he bathed in the atmosphere on the storm.
Finally, after about 4 hours Afriel stirred. When she opened her eyes there was a little bit of grey light in the room, making it a bit easier to adjust to the darkness. "Mmnh" Afriel groaned, bringing a hand up to her head. "What in the world happened?" She asked herself, pushing herself into a sitting position.

As she sat up the blanket fell off of her and she felt cold. This coldness caused her to look down and realize she was practically naked. "What the..?" She looked more confused than anything as she looked around the room. No one was there, and she couldn't hear anyone as she listed to the dark.

Slowly and quietly, Afriel slipped from bed wrapping the sheet around her like a dress. "Hello?" She called trying to make her way to the bedroom door and smoothly as possible. She stumbled and swayed for a while before collecting herself enough to walk straight and then stepped on the spot where the glass had spilled. She looked at it and the incident came flooding back to her. She'd remembered falling after a bout of dizziness, but nothing after that.

As she tried to think another memory hit her like a sack of bricks, "Devon," She murmured and walked out into the living room the sheet training behind her some. He must have been around her somewhere, and must have been the reason she'd made it onto the bed. That thought spurred another, had he seen me naked!? Afriel wondered, her cheeks heated and turning a deep crimson. "Hello?" She called again, not seeing him around. Her voice was weak and hoarse as she called out to him. Maybe he'd left already?
The man threw away the cigarette butt as he sighed as gazed up to the rainy sky front the little roof. "I haven't seen blue skies for long time..." he told himself before turning on his heels to return inside to check up on Afriel. Devon looked down to his chest and buttoned his shirt as he eared her apartment door. The man didn't knock, knowing the door would be unlocked. Someone out cold can't open the door. He was surprised to see her up on her feet. "How are you holding up?" The ma asked. Bags were under his eyes, fatigue was written all over him, yet the vividness in his eyes showed he was fully awake and alert. His eyes then slid down to the rest of her and realized she hadn't put anything on except that blanket and he quickly diverted his eyes away by turning his head to look outside the window. The rain had finally ceased from it's constant pouring since the day before.
Afriel jumped when the door opened, and she saw the person she had saved hours before. When he asked her how she was it took her a moment to think about it and respond, "I-I'm alright," She managed not really believing that herself.

"I thought maybe you'd left," She told him, not wanting to keep the subject on herself. He looked so tired, yet so aware all at once. It was hard for her to see him in the dim light, but she avoided looking at her. "Sorry," She mumbled when she remembered her lack of clothing. Maybe he hadn't seen her naked? She thought before turning to head back toward the bedroom.

As she turned though, it caused her head to spin once again and stumble forward. This spinning made her feel sick to her stomach and she bit down hard on her lip.
Devon saw her fall from the corner of his eye and things went slowly once more, even if he rushed to her. He caught her, wrapping her in his arms and holding her close to him. like a hug from behind. to make sure she was okay. "You've done more than you could allow yourself. You can stop pushing yourself and rest now" he told her, his tone soft and gentle. He glanced down to her and blushed crimson before looking away once more. "Think you can make it to the bed by yourself or do I need to carry you there?" Devon asked
Afriel blushed when Devon caught her, looking up at him. "I-i don't know, " she answered honestly, trying to stand firmly on her own. But even as she tried to stand up straight she swayed something horribly. She didn't look so good right now, her cheeks pale and her hair stained red.
Devon kept a hold of Afriel as she swayed once more. "Given my injuries and what was broken, I'd judge it's a miracle you woke up at this time." He simply pointed out before leaning forward. The man swept her off her feet and simply carried her in his arms back to her bed. Once she was in her bed, he spun on his heels ad tilted his head towards her. "I'll allow myself to see if I can make anything to eat, if you don't mind." the man said before walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

Devon twisted his mouth to the side as he tried to think what he could make. The man was no cook, only knowing a few recipes. Nonetheless, he shuffled around and gathered what he needed with astonishing speed. Quickly frying up some eggs to add to the pancakes, the man was back within half an hour of bustling in the kitchen. A dash of flour was still on his right cheek and nose. Nonetheless, he served the home made pancakes and eggs on a platter which he gave Afriel. "I'm sorry, I probably spiced the eggs too much and some of these pancakes are a little burnt." He apologized with a shrug. "Cooking was never my forte." he admitted with a shrug as he turned his back to her once more so she wouldnt think he was peeking,
After a while, Afriel couldn't stand it anymore. She got to her feet and slipped on a new outfit, which consisted of a pair of shorts and a tank top. Shuffling into a pair of slippers Afriel walked into the kitchen, "Why don't you let me go ahead and do that," she said walking up behind him. She slipped her arm around him and took the bag of flower out of his hand. Devon looked pretty helpless standing here in the kitchen, but there was something about being so close to him where she felt confidence oozing from him that made HER nervous.

Reaching back around and putting her arm down at her side Afriel looked up at him her cheeks heating slightly.

As Devon turned to face her she backed up and turned so that her her face couldn't be seen. Last night this man had run into a burning building to save people he didn't know. He'd fallen to his death, but Afriel risked people knowing about her healing ability to save his life. Why? She didn't know, there had just been something about him when she'd sat beside him in the bar. Something about Devon had drawn her in, and she was havning trouble pulling herself back out.

Afriel walked past the stove and caught her reflection in the glass, frowning. "I look awful," She mumbled to herself, forgetting for a moment Devon was standing there watching her. Shaking out her hair she used her fingers to brush through it and smooth it down. "That's better," She said to herself and then blushed again catching Devon's eyes looking at her in the reflection of the oven. "Oh, dinner right," She said and turned around on her heels to face him. Afriel was feeling a lot better than she had been before, the grogginess had worn off now. "Anything you want specifically," She asked looking up at him.
"If you think you can do it, be my guest." Devon simply said before stepping away from the cooking area. He stretched out his arms with a yawn, dark bags were under his eyes. The man hadn't slept yet and it was starting to catch up to him. His stretch pulled his shirt up a little, revealing some scars that he faded in his skin. "I won't take anything specific except a good rest, I think." Devon said as he leaned forward and drooping his shoulders in fatigue. The only thing that had him still up was if Afriel needed his help. Her recovery seemed rather fast, enough show that she wasn't in dire need for his help for the moment. That was enough for the fatigue that he had been pushing off to catch up. "Would there be somewhere I can -yawn- just rest for a little?" Devon asked with another yawn. Tears of tiredness welled up in his blue eyes, one running loose down his cheek.
Afriel was already working, putting thing into a pot and she looked over at Devon. "You look awful, how's your head?' She asked him turning to face him, "I can pull out the bed in the couch for you," She said walking past him and into the living room. She walked over and pulled off the cushions on the couch and tugged on a metal bar. A bed that had been tucked away now laid out in front of them. "Let me get you some bedding," She told him and walked down the hall quickly coming back with two blankets and a couple pillows.
"My head's fine, thanks to you." Devon replied as he followed her groggily into the living room. He let her pull out the bed and watched her leave to get bedding. The man was tired to bother about the bedding, simply getting on the mattress and lying down. Afriel would come back to find Devon already asleep, past out. For maybe the first time since she had met him, he looked calm and at peace. The man's sleep was deep and it would take shaking him (not violently, mainly a hand on the shoulder and being nudged from side to side) to stir him if she chose to wake him up.

Devon began to dream as he rested, the dream starting off on the rooftop that he had fallen off the first time. The aching feeling was there again, only much less intense, Devon was able to bear with it. He moved to the edge and looked down once more. The winds seemed to pick up and tried to lift in the air. Eventually, it did lift him off the ground. Only to be thrown against a taller building. The impact in his dream made his sleeping body flinch, a pained expression passing over his calm face, only for a few moments before returning to it's normal look. The dream had blacked out and came back to a different scenery; the roof of the burning building. Only this time, he wasn't alone. The suspicious man with red hair was there. "You did a nice job saving all those people." The man told Devon. The man before him seemed rather relaxed, even with a burning building under his feet. A cigarette was in the corner of his mouth and his hands were in the pockets of his black pants. "I honestly didn't expect you'd be able to. But then again, I didn't think you were 'Chosen'." The man pulled his hands out of his pockets to bracket the word chosen with his indexes and middle fingers, before returning them into their pockets. "Nor the girl for that matter. But now that I know of your existence..." The man eyed Devon maliciously, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips. "I won't let you rest until I've seen what you can all do." The man began chuckling, the flames around them becoming slowly more intense as his chuckle slowly turned into laughter. Other building around them began to catch fire and then the roof they stood on collapsed. Devon jolted upright from his sleep, breathing rapidly. Cold sweats dripped down his body as he ran the fresh dream in his mind. "I knew it... It wasn't accidental..." He huffed, unaware if Afriel was still in the living room at all.

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