Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Devon rose his eyebrows before driving. "Just wanted to make sure. It would've sucked if I'd bring you somewhere and turns out you'd be allergic to it, somehow." He simply pointed out as he drove the car downtown. Her mention of the word date made him shift a little in his seat, placing his left arm on the edge of the open window. Sushi wasn't really his thing, having a dislike for fish. Not voicing his opinion, he simply chose to stop elsewhere. His hat flopped off his head and unto the back seat beside his jacket from the wind, Devon only made sure it hadn't flown out of the car. After a little while, the man parked the car in front of a buffet, rolled up the windows and shut the engine. He reached into the back seat for his hat and jacket before getting out of the car. Once on the other side of the car, he flopped the tux jacket on his shoulders without passing his arms through the sleeves and awaited for Afriel before presenting her his right arm and standing straight, almost soldier-like.

A man walked up to the 'couple' and bowed politely. "Table for 2 on the deck." Devon grinned. The man nodded and waved for them to follow. Inside, the buffet seemed large, with many tables. Of course, it was busy as well and all the tables seemed to be full. In the back of the restaurant, the wall seemed to be made of windows looming on the river that happened to be passing behind the buffet. Devon had already been to this buffet and was aware that the restaurant had a few parts to it. The main room was the usual restaurant. Behind was a boardwalk where people could sit and eat, enjoy the view of the large river that cut the city in half. And then, there was where they were being led. The man who led them brought them to the boardwalk and down some steps, to a dock. "What do you think of this for a first date, huh?" Devon asked, grinning widely as they approached a yatch half the length of the boardwalk. The river was known to have many boats sailing across it, since the waters were deep enough to do so. The servant waved them to get on board, letting them clamber aboard first before following them to lead them up the flight of stairs that led to the deck of the boat. Many tables were set around, and the same sized buffet as in the restaurant was in the middle of it all. There were much less people aboard the boat than in the restaurant, surprisingly. Devon knew why but never spoke up about it as they were brought to their table along the edge of the boat. Devon pulled a chair from the table for Afriel to sit before he shrugged off his jacket to put it on his chair and took a seat himself.
Afriel wasn't sure that she'd ever been here before, and once they were inside she KNEW she hadn't been there before. It was a lot nicer than most of the places she was used to going to, and they seemed to be being lead right back out of the restaurant. When she asked her about this being a good 'first date' she felt herself blush and gasp. "Y-you don't have to do this!" She told him as she climbed onto the boat with Devon's help.

It was slightly warm out, a warm breeze ruffling her curls as they made their way to her seat. He had pulled her chair out for her, and was now sitting across from her smiling. "This is so beautiful, no ones ever done something like this for me," She said looking around them.

Afriel took in the whole scene, her face glowing with happiness, "You didn't have to go through all of this trouble, this place is so nice," She said and looked back to him smiling. The dim lighting and the setting sun made Afriel glow, the red of her dress and her lips popping. "This is the best first date I've ever been on," She said and giggled gently.
Devon's eyes softened along with a softer smile. "Yeah, well... Like I said, the least I can do is take you out to diner after saving my skin. Sometimes, it's all about knowing what to ask for. Most don't know that this place offers this, so they don't ask for it. They don't want people to swarm the boat, because too many people ruins the experience." Devon explained. The yacht began to move away from the river bank and slowly edged it's way towards the center of the river. "This cruise brings us to the big sailing lake ahead. You know, the one where people go with their sailboats and such. It loops around the lake before heading back up the river to dock." Devon said as he pointed behind Afriel, the direction that the boat was moving. The man rose to his feet and extended a hand towards Afriel. "Shall we go serve ourselves? What's great about buffets, it's serve yourself and all you can eat." He smiled to her before looking over towards the bar.

Devon looked around the bars a little, checking what there was before starting to serve himself. There was a good amount of variety, fitting general tastes. Taking a bit of this and a bit of that, Devon had filled his plate, grabbed himself a cold glass of water and returned to his seat and waited for Afrield before digging into his plate.
Afriel looked out to the water and smiled, it was a beautiful evening and she was glad to be here. Biting her lip she stood and followed behind Leo. "I'm coming," She said after he started dishing up his plate.

Though she didn't put much on her plate she had a lot of different types of things. When she made it back she had a glass of red wine that someone had sent to her though she couldn't figure out who it was.

"This all looks so good!" Afriel said excitedly, after sitting and picking up her fork. Devon was already scarfing down his food, obviously hungry. "Is that good?" She asked him, not really expecting much of an audible answer.

As they ate Afriel watched Devon, he was very much a gentleman. Taking her out like this, treating her, pulling out her chair...her mind snapped back to reality when she caught herself staring at his mouth. She had kissed him, and though she couldn't stop thinking about it she knew Devon had no idea what it had been like. Devon had been unconscious. She sighed internally and ate a little of her food on her plate.
Devon cleared his mouth before talking. "It is. How do you like it?" He asked before taking another bite and rising it all with a gulp of water. "You know... We're actually lucky to see the sky so nicely today... I personally haven't seen the blue sky for a while. It was always cloudy around me. It's nice to have a break from the rain and the storm once in a while..." He sighed, his mind not clicking on the fact that the storms were probably because of him. His gaze went to the coast line, simply enjoying the breeze that picked up and ruffled through his blond hair. His blue eyes seemed like pieces of the azure sky that had fallen, glowing in the orange and pink glows of the setting sun behind him. The boat passed under a bridge and soon, the boat began to turn as it emerged into the lake.
Afriel looked up at at Devon and then out to the water. As she was looking out she took a gulp of wine that someone had sent her from the bar. She looked back to Devon but her face went white, something had been in the wine. Something that was making her woosey, and she couldn't focus well on Devon's face.

"Devon," Afriel choked, and looked over to someone standing at the side of the boat, back by the bar. It was the same man she had seen at the burning building. He was now holding up a glass of red wine and nodding to them. "Devon," She said again, putting a hand up to her throat. It felt like it was closing in on itself and she wasn't sure what to do.

She couldn't keep her eyes on anything but the man who was smirking at her, watching her struggle for breath. If what Devon had said was true, this was a test. He was trying to see how strong she was, but now as she struggled the man was looking at Devon. His expression said something more along the lines of "Leave her" than anything else. He was testing them both.
Devon watched her and followed her gaze. He frowned as he spotted the man and jumped to his feet. He was a blur, grabbing the red haired man by the color, surprising him and catching him off-guard. "What did you give her, you sick sonofa..." Devon growled. The wind picked up violently, causing women to hold their dresses down and men to hold on their hats. His eyes had turned from soft to ice cold and murderous, their glow intensified in pulses along with the wind. "I swear to you, if she doesn't recover from this, I'm going to be jamming the whole damn bottle down your throat until you choke down every last drop." Devon snarled.
Afriel had stood up, and was gripping onto the bar of the edges of the boat. She was holding her throat with the other as she tried to grab at the closing pipe in her neck. Her head was spinning now, and she looked over at Devon just before she slipped over the railing.

She reached out as if she could reach Devon though she knew she couldn't. It wasn't long before the sound of her body hitting the water sounded. It had been a rather loud splash and several people had stood to look over the edge of the railing.

The man, who was still unnamed, only smirked, "You better go find her," He said, "She's going to drown," Afriel's throat was closing in on her and she was trying to fight to the waters surface. But it was proving to be difficult, things were starting to blacken and she was losing her ability to move.
Devon heard the splash and looked back curling his fist and decked the guy, sending sprawling to the ground. Before anyone had time to stop Devon, he already had his tie and vest off and diving over the edge. The man swam down and caught Afriel by the waist. Wasting no time, he began kicking his way back to the surface. He broke the surface and swan towards the yacht. "MAN OVERBOARD!" Devon shouted. The crew aboard the ship checked and realized that there was indeed someone overboard and quickly helped them back aboard. Devon didn't fret around. "She's been poisoned, swallowed." Devon said out loud. His first thought was to cause her to throw up, so he sat her up. "We need to make you throw up. Either you do it, or I will." Devon warned her.
Afriel was soaked, her hair sticking her her forehead and cheeks. She wasn't responding to all the movement going on around her nor the shouting. Lying there she was limp and weighed down my unconsciousness. The man who had caused this ordeal was gone now, nowhere in sight.

The crew looked at Devon in shock, "I-i can't do that sir," He said stepping back from Devon. He was retreating and Afriel was still limp and not breathing. She looked like she were dying, though it was obvious that her body was trying to heal itself. She wasn't doing it so well though, the poison that had been given to her must had been rather strong. Whatever that man wanted he was aiming to kill.
Devon looked at her, took a deep breath, and began to perform CPR. Bringing her back to consciousness came first. After that, he'd be able to make her throw up the ingested poison. Blocking her nose, he didn't think about it too much, pressed his lips against hers and pushed his breath into her. Devon placed his hands on her chest and began pumping, counting under his breath up to 30, and repeating until Afriel would wake up.
It took a scary five minutes, which if you think about it would be a long time to wait for someone to come back life. Once a man on the boat ha tried to pull Devon off of her believing that Afriel was dead. it wasn't a minute after that until she was gasping for breath and her eyes were flying open.

Looking up at the night sky she panted, her chest heaving up an down quickly. It wouldn't my be a few minutes before she was better, her powers were good about that. The initial threat was out of her body so now the healing process was simple. It took Afriel's mind a moment to settle though, and she looked over at Devon in shock. She and Devon were both soaking wet, so she did fall off the side but... He went after her? "I guess we're even," She said finally, her voice weak. She tried to laugh but that made her cough so she stopped and only smiled up at Devon from where she was lying.
Devon's lips broke in a smile as his laughter sounded a little winded. He flopped back and leaned against the railing, his lips the same color as her lipstick. "Stop kidding, you would've made your way out from there on your own." He said, sounding joking to the crew who were gathered around the 2, but Devon meant that. "Now you rest up. It's the second time your life is risked in 2 days." He said as he leaned his head back against the cold railing. He then realized he had forgotten to empty his pockets and face-palmed himself. "I jumped in with my cellphone, my wallet and my smokes..." He groaned to himself as he pulled out his things from his pockets, everything soaked. His blond hair was still dripping and matted to his head, just as Afriel's. "Talk about a way to ruin a date... I swear, when I catch the guy..." Devon didn't finish his sentence out loud, the winds started picking up as he began thinking of the red-haired man once more.
Afriel watched him and sat up, her body already almost back to normal. She bit her lip as she noticed the winds starting to pick up. He had mentioned this being a date and after them stating that several times she realized that it probably... No definitely was a date.

Something clicked in ER kind as she watched Devon, "Devon..." Afriel said in a warning tone, he had gotten into her knees and was reaching out to him. When he held out his hands for her she leaned forward so that she could lean in his ear, "Watch the sky," she told him, "The clouds get angry just as you do," she told him. She didn't know why she hadnt noticed it before, the rain following them wherever they went, te clear sky web Devon seemed to be happy. Her fingers were laced in Devoms now, and to the guests and crew who had started back to their seats they must have looked like lovers.
The man listened to the girl and looked up towards the darkening sky as the sun began to fade from the horizon. The full moon began to make itself more present in the twilight sky as clouds had began gathering in the distance. Devon's mind began bringing back all the times he had passed his life in a storm, as if it had been chasing him. The storms had sometimes gotten pretty bad, especially with his past and remembered the natural disasters that had followed his steps. The idea that he would've been the cause of the bad weather around made his face look like one of a madman for a few moments as the second epiphany of the day struck him. The man laughed to himself, holding the his right hand to his face as the images of the destruction and sadness he had been the harbinger of. "If it really was because of me... All these storms, rain, hurricanes, tornadoes..." The man began listing the natural cataclysms that had stalked his existence for a long time now. "I've caused so much destruction, so much pain... I'm not any better than flame boy." He admitted to Afriel, coming up with the nickname on the spur. "Most of my life, it was always raining... I grew used to it. It's why I said it was nice to be out of the rain for a little... I haven't seen the sun in years." Devon told her, remaining on the floor. A servant came up to them with towels, which is at that moment that the man rose to his feet, helping Afriel to hers as well and taking the towels. He also wrapped his cellphone in the towel and grabbed the rest of his things from the ground.
Afriel walked over to Devon and did the only thing she could think of to comfort him. She slipped her hand into his and laced their fingers. After a brief squeeze Afriel let him go and looked up at him, "You had no idea about that. I think those things would have happened with out you being there. That's why they're called natural." She said to him, she had dropped her hand back to her side and then went to sit down.

Though she felt felt okay physically but she felt bad for Devon, he was beating himself up right now and there was probably nothin she could say or do that would make him feel better. She put her face in he hands then, and thought about what he had said. If she had known about her own powers... There were so many lives she could have saved.. That thought made her sick to her stomach.

After a long momen of silence Afriel looked up at the water, it had been so cold but now looked so inviting. Maybe tonight would have seemed more like a date if this hadn't of happened? She sighed again and looked up at Devon was was already looking at her.
Devon blushed as she laced her fingers between his and gave a squeeze. He then moved his head from side to side in disagreement when she spoke of things not being her fault and were caused naturally. "I can't ignore the fact that, if anything, I made the weather worse... I wasn't always this calm and controlled." The man sighed. After a few seconds though, he seemed to straighten his back a little, a shift in his posture. "Dwelling on the past is pointless. What has past cannot be changed, only tomorrow can be changed for a better day." Devon pointed out, more for himself than Afriel. He thought sharing that thought would be good nonetheless. "And so, the night has only just begun... Though I believe you'll probably want to change into dry clothes first, no?" He asked politely as he tugged the towel around his shoulders a little tighter, feeling a little chillier from the breeze. By now, the yacht had crossed most of the lake's circumference, slowly making it's way towards the river opening.
Afriel looked up at Devon and nodded at him when he spouted out what sounded like a motivational quote. She smiled and then looked herself over, "I don't have anything to change into," She told him and looked back up to Devon, "Did you have more planned than this?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head.

It was funny to her how easily they slipped right back into normality. Someone had just tried to kill her and a man she hardly knew had risked his life to save her own. But here they were almost acting like they were in fact, on a date. "You don't have to go through all this trouble," Afriel told him, though she was sure he was aware of that, "It's been a crazy couple of nights and I bet tonight tuckered you out," She said and stood up to stand beside him.

The events of the night would have tired her out more if her main ability wasn't that of healing. Her body bounced back abnormally fast so she didn't feel all the worn down. However, Devon's body did not and he was probably sore and cold. "If you need me to go home, thats fine, I don't mind, " Afriel said touching his arm comfortingly.
Devon scoffed with a smile. "Pfff, are you kidding? I wouldn't simply stop at a boat ride and a supper for a date. We can always stop by your place afterwards if you wanna change. I'd stop by my place as well, I don't want to smell like river water all night." the man chuckled and leaned a arm on the table as he used his other hand to peck at his plate for little bites here and there. His blue eyes, who shimmered lightly in the lamplight, drifted from Afriel towards the night sky. "We've got a clear sky tonight, more or less. Wouldn't you like to profit of it a little more? I had a late rest today, so I'm good for another few hours, even more if I decide to take caffeine." he suggested with a smile before looking back to her, driving his piercing gaze straight into her golden eyes. "And so, wasn't tonight supposed to be a night where we would get to know each other better? You can ask me anything, I'll reply honestly." he added before finishing his plate.
Afriel was looking over the railing of the boat down to the water, it looked cool and calming now. The blackness they were floating on now didn't look the same as it had when she had fallen into it earlier. "So much for a date," Afriel joked with a mocking rolling of her eyes.

When she looked back at Devon her eyes were caught by his and their gaze was locked. "I can say the same, I'm a pretty open book," She told him and inched closer to him slightly. It was mainly due to the cold hair on her wet hair that made her move closer to him. But, she also felt drawn to him as she had at the bar the night before. "So, what did you have in mind for the rest of the night?" She asked looking away from Devon for a moment to look at all the other couples on the boat. Did the two of them look like that? Did they look like she and Peter had? She wondered about the for a moment longer but shook it away and looked back up at Devon.
"Perhaps, but in my case, not everyone gets the chance to know everything about me. Then again, rare are the people who choose to want to know more about a wolf like me." Devon said with a shrug. It was the truth, many chose to avoid Devon, as if he was simply a ghost, overlooked by the common citizen even when he had been a child. Afriel had been the first to voluntarily talk to him in a long time, let alone want to pass more time with him. Devon shifted in his seat once more. "Do you like car rides? Like driving out in the country, away from the buzzing city and bright lights?" Devon asked as he rose his glass of water to drink. Once the glass empty, he placed the glass back down on the table. The boat had reached back the river by now, passing under the bridge. Faint glows of orange and yellow lined the distance behind Afriel, the clouds that had begun gathering earlier were dissipating once more.
"I'd love to know more about you," She said and smiled over at him. When Devon mentioned taking a drive out to somewhere she but her lip in thought "I don't know..." She said and looked away from him. Afriel had to think about that. She had just met him but, he had saved her life today which deemed him trustworthy.

After her internal dialog she looked back to Devon and smiled, "I'd love to, it's always nice to get away," she admitted. Slowly she walked over and sat down in her seat. The night was only beginning and the overhanging lights on the boat had come on. The dim glow made Afriel glow along with them, her blonde hair and pale skin were accentuated by the light. When she locked eyes with Devon her golden eyes seemed like flames. Full of passion and mystery.
When she accepted, a small grin split Devon's lips. The unnatural blue glow of his eyes gave an illusion of movement in his irises, slowly pulsing with the soft breeze, which, if she paid attention, was warming up even if the night was settling. "The winds and weather isn't the only thing I can do. I'll show you when we go for a drive. " the man said, a sparkle of enthusiasm. He was looking forward to passing more time with Afriel. She was the first person in a long time to want to pass time around him. Soon, the yacht was back at the docks of the buffet and the staff were beginning to ask people to finish up and leave the boat to head inside the buffet to pay. When they would be done, Afriel and Devon would do the same, Devon paying with half-soaked money. He apologized for it, and when the clerk heard that he had jumped overboard because his date had fallen, leaving the poison out of the story, the man didn't question him, took the towels back and let them leave. Devon opened Afriel's door before walking around his Chevy, sitting in the driver's seat and started up the engine. "My place or your place first? You know, to change clothes from these reeking clothes." Devon asked, waiting for her answer to decide which direction he would take before driving off towards said location.
Afriel had slipped her hand into his as they walked, she felt quite a connection to him and holding his hand felt nice. "It's getting warmer," Afriel mentioned as they made their way to his car, "Do you have anything to do with that?" She asked him and smiled.

"I can't wait to see what you've got!" Afriel responded to him and buckled herself into her seat, "Well I think I'm closer...right?" She asked, not knowing because she'd never been to his place before. She thought about it and wondered if he'd invite her in when they went to get him something dry to wear. "I'm sorry about your clothes," Afriel frowned looking Devon over. He had started to drive and wasn't able to look at her so she kept her eyes on him while she could go undetected even if for a brief moment.

She wondered why she felt so drawn to Devon, he was handsome that was true but there was something more. Afriel believed it had something to do with the fact they were 'chosen ones' what ever that meant. As Devon looked over at her in a glance she looked back ahead. If this were a possible relationship...which she hoped it was, she didn't want Devon to think she was being overly creepy.
Devon's cheeks blushed as she held his hand but didn't say anything. When asked about the breeze, he noticed it himself. "Maybe. I'm not sure myself... This power... Seems to go more subconsciously. I haven't a clue how to use it, it just happens. But... If you consider my usual moods and the weather that follows them..." He insinuated. The weather seemed more like an open door to his emotions and feelings now, and it bugged him a little. I really need to learn to get a hold of that ability... he noted to himself, knowing the warm breezes probably showed that he was enjoying her company and was warming up to her. Devon drove up to her apartment, stopping in front. "Would you want me to come up with you or leave you go by yourself?" he asked politely as he turned the car's engine off to save gas. Want it or not, his car wasn't too friendly on the wallet for that, like most old american cars. Devon had asked if she wanted to be accompanied in case flame boy was near and would try once again to pull something stupid. In all honesty, he really hoped he wouldn't see the guy anymore that evening. He wouldn't know what he would do to him, or more, he didn't want to think about it.

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