Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

A soft chuckle escaped Devon's throat. "You got the question wrong. My life has always been in a storm. I mentioned earlier that I haven't seen the sun in a while..." He gave a few seconds for that to seep in before speaking more. "If I had to rephrase my question, someone finally shined a ray of sunshine my way, after passing so many years in the cold bitterness of the rain. I'm pretty sure you can figure this one out." Devon closed an eye as he anticipated the moment she would realize he had been talking of her.
Afriel narrowed her eyes in thought for a moment before they went wide with realization. She felt her skin heat up she blood rushed to her cheeks and she flopped onto her back. "I've done nothing," she said softly, looking up at the sky nervously.

Had she really had that much of an impact on him as he had for her? She bit her lip briefly before letting it go and turned her head to look back at Devon, "I don't believe anyone has ever laid claim to me changing their life," Afriel said in a soft and gentle whisper.
With another chuckle a satisfied smile, Devon flopped back on his back. "Yeah, well... Saving lives tends to do that, on most part." the man simply said. "If it weren't for you, I might still be in that bar, drowning myself in another glass of rum'n coke. People would've died in the burning building and I wouldn't have saved those lives because I wouldn't have left that bar in that state of mind." Devon explained. "And you're the first girl to go on a date with me and actually enjoy it. You didn't come here out of pity, nor are you looking for a sugar daddy. Am I wrong?" He asked, looking back to her over his arm as he rested his hands behind his head.
Afriel shifted onto her stomach and put her chin in her hands, "A sugar daddy? No, I can't say that I am," She told him, "Besides, you saved my life too..." She pointed out and smiled down at him. Her eyes were watching his intently, "And if it weren't for you, I probably would have shut myself in my house again," She said, "I wouldn't be out here on a beautiful night on my first date in months, " She smiled sweetly at him then.

Afriel lifted one hand and brushed some of Devons hair from his eyes, it was a rather loving gesture. "To tell you the truth, I'm surprised to wanted to continue this date after having to jump overboard to save me," Afriel said obviously embarrassed.
His eyes locked unto hers as she moved the hair from his face, the blue speckles glowing brightly as a soft sigh escaped Devon. "You probably wouldn't have risked your life twice if it wasn't for me. You would've stayed safe and sound within 4 walls." He pointed out, not forgetting about the fact that saving his life meant risking hers. And she obviously wouldn't have been poisoned if she hadn't went on a date with him. "Why ruin a night after just a life-threatening situation?" He added with a laugh
Afriel laughed along with him, and her eyes settled back onto his with out her really having to think about it."I don't think that being safe was as nearly as exciting, " She said and smiled at Devon. She glanced around them and then back to his face where she didn't say anything only moved hair from his face again as a breeze had blown it back. When she looked at you it was like she was burning into your soul, reading everything about you as if it were a book.
Devon shifted on himself to be on his side again, keeping an arm folded under his head while he idly drew circles with his free hand. Her gestures and intense gaze brought a pink glow to his cheeks, shyly looking away for a few seconds. He found himself unable to keep his eyes away from her for long, however, darting between the circles his finger was doing and her. The fuzzy feeling had returned, little butterflies batting in his stomach. Unsure of his own emotions, Devon tried to remember the last time he had felt like this. He didn't find anything close to the comfort he was feeling. A little smile teased his lips as he fretted subconsciously with the strand of wheat he was still chewing onto. The next time she would move a strand of hair, the man would bat her hand with the wheat teasingly.
Afriel looked away from Devon after a few times he hit her hard with the strand of wheat he had picked up. She slipped back onto her back but looked back to Devon then, "What are you thinking?" She asked him, curious as she watched his expression change from cool and collected to more of a shy and nervous uncertainty.

As she laid back Afriel placed her hands on either side of her head letting her arms lay flat loosely. She was still looking at Devon now waiting for him to respond. A sudden urge of wanting came over her and she pulled her gaze from his face and up to the sky. Her cheeks had turned a deep crimson and she tried her best to hide the color in the dark.
Devon shrugged. "Not sure myself." He replied to her question. As he eyes darted up to the sky once more, he let his gaze drift there as well. A bright shooting star dashed across the starry sky, his expression lighting up in amazement, as the shooting star had been of a rather big size compared to other ones. "Pretty." He mumbled under his breath to himself before looking back to Afriel. "Did you make a wish?' He asked with a teasing smile.
Afriel nodded to him after looking away from the sky to acknowledge Devon. "I did," She smiled at him and put her hands behind her head, causing her shirt to rise and expose her stomach partially. "I wonder what happens when I kiss a person when they're not hurt..." Afriel wondered out loud. She had her eyes back on the sky again and was obviously thinking hard about it. If she contracted the injuries injuries did she take something from the healthy? Afriel wasn't sure and was actually afraid to find out. The last two kisses she had were both to those almost dead, in return hurting her badly. What if she had some negative effect on people who weren't hurt? The thought made her shutter and she looked over at Devon who was already looking at her.
His cheeks flamed up crimson as she thought out loud, with only the stars and moonlight casting their glow on the 2. "For all we know, you might just end up with smoker's lungs." He said jokingly. The man closed his eyes, concentrating on his breathing as he felt his blood begin to rush in his veins. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest. "There's really only one way to find out." Devon pointed out. With a gulp, he grabbed all the courage he could gather and gently drifted his hand from the blanket to her cheek, brushing it with the back of his fingers so lightly it would probably tickle.
Afriel gasped softly, the only sound she made as he eyes locked with his. Devon was still on his side and now leaning over her, the closeness made her heart pound hard in her ears. "I supposed you're right," she finally murmured, her breathing slightly jagged.

Devon's touch was cool and gentle, as though he were afraid he might break I be touched with too much force. She wondered then what exactly was going trough his head, she could guess probably about half of it but the other was a mystery to her. Their expressions were both about the same redness taking over the color o thir cheeks and a small smile hinting at their lips.

A almost abnormally warm breeze ruffled both of their hair as they staid locked in a gaze. Something was holding her there and it was more than Devons bright eyes and handsome face.
Devon slowly leaned towards her, inching closer and closer to her. His heart rate was over the charts, his cool breath wavering as he approached. The man's eyes never broke from hers until the very last moment, when their lips were but an inch apart. He closed his eyes, and with a soft sigh, Devon closed the distance between them, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. Surprisingly, his lips felt cold against her warm lips, a contrast worthy of their personalities. At the contact, the winds picked up, swirling faster and faster in clockwise fashion around them so much the whooshing sounds of the powerful forces audible in the clearing as the grass swayed to the rapid dances of the midnight gales triggered from Devon's strong emotions. After a few seconds, he broke the kiss, backing up a few inches to stare in her eyes, a new spark in his blue eyes that seemed to glow brighter than the moon, the glows matching the pulses of the wind.
Afriel felt herself be pulled into him with a kiss and she smiled as their lips met. When she kissed him her senses went crazy, and she wanted to press herself into him but she restrained herself. The kiss was broken before she had water it to but she was smiling nonetheless. "Wow.." Afriel exhaled breathlessly, her eyes locked into his.

There was a glow in his eyes now, something she hadnt seen before. "How do you feel?" Afriel asked him after a long moment of scilence. She wondered if her powers had any power over him while he wasnt hurt, did they work all the time of only when dangerous situations occurred. Her lip as shaking slightly from nerves and her cheeks still held a deep red color, they were still only inches apart.
Devon only smiled to her as she asked how he felt. "I feel... amazingly warm." He replied, shrugged off his out-of-season coat before bringing his hand back to her cheek. Not waiting for her to say more, he pressed his lips against hers once more, a stronger kiss this time, desire lighting up inside of him as he moved closer to her subconsciously. His head was spinning and was feeling light-headed, but Devon felt like he couldn't get enough of her, wanting the kiss to last so much longer than the first.
Afriel gasped again as he leaned in for another kiss. This kiss was stronger than the first filled with more passion that Afriel returned. Her arms slipped around his neck as he moved into her, pulling him into her closely. Their torsos were pressed together with no space between now and Afriel kissed him passionately. This kiss was nothing like she had felt before not even with Peter and Peter had been her fiancé. As they kissed Afriel's hand went up and twisted into his blonde hair, hiding his head gently but firmly as they melding together like puzzle pieces.
Passion flowed from Devon, the winds singing around them, a howling symphony as the forces of nature seemed to bend to said passion. Wrapping his arm around her, he hugged her firmly against himself. The man also swung his left leg over her, nudging her closer than they already were and wrapping himself around her figure. Afriel's grasp at his head only increased the passion he felt as he lost himself in their kiss. A new strength seemed to flow through him, something Devon had never felt before.
Afriel kissed him like that for a long time before Breslin to catch her breath. Her eyes were on his and she was grinning at him, "Please tell me you felt that too..?" She asked, speaking of the strong passion she had felt erupting out of her and from him.

It was an odd feeling to be this happy with someone, having them smile down at her like she was the only good thing in the world. Right now Devon was the only thing she could see and feel in the entire world. It was like their hearts were attached now, being one heart instead of two. She could feel his heart slamming in his chest against hers which was also hammering wildly.

The wind she noticed was hot and crazy and she knew that Devon had everything to do with that. It made her happy to know that he was feeling just as she was. Happy and full of passion. They'd only known eachother a short time but, she'd felt she'd felt a connection immediately at the bar, that had been the only reason she'd come back to her seat that night and stayed.
"Yeah..." Devon said, seeming short on his breath. The man's breath was deep and slow, with a large smile splitting his face from ear to ear. His cheeks were still ablaze, their redness never leaving. "Did your wish have anything to do with this?" He added with a chuckling grin, teasing her playfully, without breaking his intense gave from her golden eyes. "Like your golden eyes, you were the ray of sunlight that broke through my eternal storm, bringing spring I never thought I'd see." Devon added with a gentle smile before kissing her forehead. "Thank you."
Afriel blushed more than she already was and mumbled and embarrassed, "No," she said and then laughed. What she had wished for was that Drvon find pure happiness. Happiness that no one could ruin for him, that his life would give him a break and be was aloud to enjoy it.

When he spoke to her about her eyes and breaking his storm she smiled sweetly at him. "That was so poetic," she teased, her voice still full of its caring tone. She reached up and touched his cheek gently with her hand running her thumb along his cheek home, "Guess we could call this a good first date despite almost dying," Afriel chuckled and dropped her hand.
Devon chuckled softly. "I guess I'm just really good with words." He replied. "For all we know, everyday might just be filled with those situations. I mean, yesterday was a burning building, today was a poison and fall overboard a boat. I'm almost curious to see what tomorrow's going to bring." He pointed out with another chuckle, still grinning. He hadn't felt this happy in... ever. Devon found himself unable to remember the last time he had felt joy, let alone anywhere close to what he felt now. The thought made him feel euphoric, if he were standing, he may have been able to run around the world 5 times. He couldn't stop himself from feeling like he had been forgiven, the happiness stirred a single tear to form in the corner of his left eye and softly flow down to her thumb.
Afriel looked a little shocked when a tear slipped down Devon's cheek. "Hey, hey.." She murmured and then smirked an ornery smirk, "I may be a really good kisser but you don't have to cry about it," Afriel joked and wiped the tear off his cheek.

She returned her thoughts back to earlier that day when she had called him 'hero'. "You know," Afriel whispered to him studying his face, "I haven't known you for long, nor do I know what your life had been like... But what ever you're ashamed of I don't care. This is you as I know you, a man who will run into a brining building to save lives. A man who jumped over a boats railing to save my own life. If it matter at all, I do not hold any of your past to you now," Afriel's voice had been smooth and soft just like the breeze was now, and she lifted her head from the blanket to kiss Devon's cheek.
A soft chuckle came from his chest as she mentioned him crying over her kissing. "I've never felt this happy." He simply replied. His eyes darted to the side as she mentioned his past, lying back down on his back. "I can't stop but think of the cities who were leveled and destroyed from hurricanes that followed my wake. Making thousands homeless tends to haunt you. Military years leave a bitter taste when you see the wreckage you caused to others. Only last year, I was still in the forces, gunning for a better country. I've killed with my bare hands for this country, only to be cast aside when I needed them. And when you start travelling and see the rest of the world, you see how much pain you brought to others." He explained. "I used to stand beside death like an old friend... Can you still accept the suffering I spread across the globe?"
Afriel looked at him seriously then rolling onto her stomach to look down at him, "I know that I can. You may see it as suffering and pain, but what I see is someone who hasn't known. Someone who only knew what was taught to him by those more damaged than he." Her voice was serious but gentle, "I know now that there is good in you. The accidents that happened in your past are not something you would have her known about..." The last phrase held some pain for her as she spoke it. It was as though she were speaking to herself as well as Devon, "There wouldn't have been a way for you to know.." She fell onto her back then and stared up at the sky biting down on her bottom lip.
"Perhaps. But it doesn't stop the fact that, if it wasn't for me, many would still be enjoying life. Unlike your abilities, mine do not risk my survival. They risk the lives of innocent. It doesn't matter whether I am aware of it or not. I want to believe you, but I simply can't forget the happiness I denied to so many lives. I can't allow myself to forget." His gaze locked unto the moon as he explained to her how he felt. "If I would dare forget the pain I caused, I wouldn't be any better than the man who took my parents away. Or the man who tried to poison you and set the building ablaze. Unlike you, who only brought a breath of life and happiness into my life, I was a harbinger of sorrows. I'd be ready to bet that, sure you would've stayed in your apartment, but I still am a reason why you risked your life twice." Devon let out a long sigh.

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