Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Afriel sighed and looked over at Devon, her eyes quizzical and thoughtful, " you've saved my life in more than one way," She said and smiled sadly at him. Her one was on her memories now, her parents death was the last thing he remembered of them. A car crash that she should have died in killed her parents. She had te abilities then to save but he didn't, she hadn't known about them. But the guit was still there beating her up every day.

Sighing again Afriel pushed herself into a sitting position and drew her knees to her chest. As her chin was rest i her knees and looked down at her feet, "There are a lot of things no one is proud for in their lives but you have to look forward, make the best with people you have and knowledge you have now," she said seriously though she wasnt sure she was following that advice herself.
The man looked away from the moon to settle his eyes on her once more. Once she had finished speaking he himself sat up and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her gently but firmly. "You're right. The storm has passed. Reflecting on the past won't bring any good anymore. We can learn from our mistakes and move on and make the best of what we're given." He simply said. Devon approached his mouth to her ear. "And so, we were given to each other... How about we build a nicer future?" He whispered to her with a gentle smile. A gentle breeze basked around them, the fireflies had gathered around them, having gotten used to their presence. Devon reached out with his left open palm and a little firefly landed in it. "We're here right now. That's all that should matter." He added as he brought his hand in front of Afriel, the little bug blinking in his open palm for a little before lazily flying up and dancing to the invisible beat of nature in front of them. Soon, more fireflies gathered around him, with the help of a breeze to push them closer. The winds were still subconscious to Devon, but his will seemed to have an effect on it nonetheless.
Afriel smiled sadly at his words, not sure what to say. But when he wrapped his arms around her she fell into him comfortably like it had always been that way. That she had been resting closely there all of her life. "A future with you sounds wonderful," Afriel finally murmured looking at the fire flies. She wasn't sure how long they'd been out here alone in this field together, but she didn't really care either.

"The future is what we make of it I suppose," she added and tilted her head back to smile at Devon. Her eyes still held some of there sadness as she looked at him but not an strongly as they had before when she spoke about the past. There were many thing they still had left to of each other and Afriel was glad to do it.
Bzzz. Bzzz. Devon looked down to his pocket, a little surprised that his cell was still working. Bzzz. Bzzz. The man pulled it out and pressed dismiss. "Well, would you look at the time... Passed 11 o'clock. Want to start heading back?" he suggested. "I mean, it's okay if you wanna stay here longer. I'm fine either way, I've been trained to work of few to no hours of sleep. This is all for you in the first place." he added
Afriel yawned after he announced the time. She looked significantly more tire than she had moments ago. The adrenaline of their kisses had worn off now and she looked over at Devon. "We should probably head back..." She said drowsily, "Though I wish I were more awake to stay," she told him and rubbed on of her eyes.

Afriel's makeup had come off when she fell over board, and now her natural face was glowing in the moonlight. Her skin was perfectly smooth and her lips red on their own. Her lashes were long and dark with no help of mascara and she looked beautifully naturally. She pushed herself to her feet now holding out her hand to help Devon up though he was sure she didn't need to.

"I'm worried to stay home..." Afriel admitted and looked shyly down at her feet after helping Devon to his own. It had only been a few hours since she'd been attacked and she was sure being alone wasnt the best idea on the planet.
"Hey, we can always come back whenever we want." Devon pointed out and took the offered hand to rise to his feet. Grabbing his coat and the blanket they were lying on with his free hand, he turned around to face her once more. "If you don't want to go home, where do you wanna go?" he asked her as they began to walk towards the car. Not once since he had taken her hand did he let go of it until they reached the car, where he would hop behind the driver's wheel. But not before opening her door first. Before Devon had the chance to turn the ignition, his stomach growled loudly. The man froze for a few seconds, slightly embarassed. "I guess the buffet feels a little far by now." the man admitted. It had been nearly 4 hours since they had left the buffet.
Afriel laughed and it came out sleepily and drug out though it still held it's musical charm. "I can make you something to eat at my place?" She offered and looked over at him, "Or we can stop by one of those twenty-four hour diners," Afriel suggested, and leaned her head back against the seat. She yawned again and rubbed her eyes before shutting them. "Though I'm not sure I can make it long enough for either of us to eat," Afriel admitted with tired tone and sleepy smile.

Now, unlike before there were dark circles under her eyes. All of the excitement they had today was overwhelming to be light and she was finally starting to feel it's effects. As she sat still in the passenger seat with her eyes closed, the woman looked tired and worn like she had been holding in feelings for years that tore out her soul at the thought of them. Though her face was relaxed she looked sad, broken when she couldn't keep her wall up around her.
Devon arched an eyebrow as she suggested making food. "Thought you brought sandwiches along, didn't you? I remember you getting something out of your fridge if anything." The man reminded as he turned on the car. He reached to the glove compartment, popping it open and getting a can. "I have an energy drink here,m if you want it. Sure, that stuff is crap, but if you want to stay awake, you can have it. Dozing off is always a possibility as well, you don't need to stay up." He suggested, placing the can in the center cup holder and started the ignition of the car. He turned the car around and drove towards the city, flipping on the radio once more.
Afriel sat up and stretched, shaking her head, "Wake up wake up wake up," She told herself and shook her head more. When she was done with that picked up the drink he had set in the cup holder and gulped it down fast. "That should do me," Afriel said laughing slightly and reached back into the back seat, "Here," She said and tossed a ham sandwich into his lap. "We can stop and eat them, or head back to my place, or even yours," Afriel said with a light shrug. All that she knew now was that she wanted to spend more time with Devon, especially now that she had taken something to wake her up.

Soon though, she'd probably be bouncing off the walls and Devon will probably want to get rid of her. The thought of that made her giggle as she looked over at him. Remembering their kisses in the grass Afriel's cheeks burned and her heart started to hammer in her chest.
Once they had reached cruising speed, Devon grabbed the sandwich and ate it. Because the road was long straight, he lifted his leg to hold the steering wheel and with his free hand, he grabbed Afriel's hand. He kept his eyes on the road, but his grasp on her hand was warm and firm. "These are good." He commented to the sandwich after emptying his mouth. "And I honestly think your neighborhood is safer. I know not everyone is used to hear yelling and gunshots." He pointed out with a smirk. It was true that his neighborhood was shady and rowdy, even more late at night. It never really bothered him, having passed a few years shooting guns himself. But he was aware she wouldn't be as used to it and it might just worry her more. If it were to be a problem, he was willing to take the couch once more.

((I will warn, I have been drinking tonight, and I apologize if posts come out weird))
Afriel looked over at him, "You drive like a madman," She told him with a laugh. "I can make a pretty mean sandwich," Afriel responded next and nibbled on her own helping. As they drove Afriel thought of something and looked back to Devon, "This might sound odd...but you don't mind staying over again tonight do you?" Afriel asked, keeping her eyes on him now.

As of this moment she was afraid to stay by herself, after that man had tried to end her life. If they split up it would probably be more likely he'd come after one of them. She couldn't heal him if he left, and he couldn't save her if she let him go. "I mean...I just don't feel safe alone..." She added awkwardly hoping that asking him to stay wasn't something crazy and forward.

((It was fine, only a few typos xD just don't get too crazy on me LOL ))
Devon laughed at her saying her drove like a madman. "Do you want to see me drive seriously? I know this car like the back of my hand. I can drive her practically anywhere." He asked her. A glimmer of mischievousness glowed in his eyes as he looked away from the road momentarily. The man had built this car as a project since he had the legal age to drive, took it apart completely and rebuilt it to fit the standard norms and regulations of modern day, with an extra kick to boot. The man took another large bite of the sandwich before addressing her question. "I don't mind. I was thinking you'd say that." He admitted with a smile before turning his gaze back on the street. Devon continued to eat the sandwich, having already gobbled up more than half of it.

((No worries, I was a lot worse earlier xD ))
Afriel felt uneasy about the idea of Devon showing him what the car had in her, "I'd reather we didn't, I've had enough near death experiences for one night," She said and laighed squeezing the hand that was holding her own.

"I'd rather just head home, it's late and I don't want that man finding us again, for all we know he could have watched us that entire time.." Her voice trailed off when she thought about just how serious that probably was. It was highly possible and highly likely that the man had followed them, though she hadn't seen him get on or off the boat.
A disappointed expression covered his face as she denied Devon of showing off his driving skills. "Eh. This is a straight line... Oh well." He simply shrugged, a smile coming back to his face as he didn't care. "And next time I see him, he's chugging the rest of his damned poisoned wine. He's one of those I wouldn't blink while pulling the trigger, even today. I'd like to think that we won't be seeing him for a while, but I think that's more wishful thinking than anything." Devon commented before finishing the sandwich. He returned his now-free hand unto the steering wheel. A song came up on the radio that caused Devon to grin. It was Savin' Me from Nickelback. The man didn't shy himself from singing along, loving this song. Especially now that he felt so much more tied to the lyrics.
Afriel felt happy to hear Devon singing, he hadn't struck her as one to openly sing. She looked over at him and sun along, her voice hypnotic as she lulled. She knew the song well, loving it just as much as Devon seemed to,

"Hurry I'm fallin' All I need is you, come please I'm callin' and oh, I scream for you," Afriel sang along and smiled to the song. It was sort of more relevant now probably more so to Devon after what he had told her.

Had she really been that much of a good change in his life? As she thought about it Afriel looked over at Devon and watched him, no longer singing. Slowly she brought his hand to her lips and kissed the top of his knuckles.

"You have a lovely voice," Afriel murmured, his hand still pressed to her mouth.
A smile spread on his lips as he sang the song, practically word-perfect. Once it was over, he took in a deep breath before speaking up. "Thanks. I try to practice when I have the chance, but I'm far from being able to career in it. I used to play guitar when I was a teenager. I was being told I should find something to occupy myself, so I learned to play and sing along... I haven't touched a guitar in ages and I never really had any skill at it." He admitted to his past teenage years in music. Never really having the talent for it, Devon never really got serious about it. It was a good conversation topic nonetheless. The drive would be a longer one than usual, since it took them 20 minutes from their racing point to get to the field they had went to stargaze.
Afriel looked up at him and smiled while she listened, when he was done talking she thought back to when she was a teenager. "I play the piano, I don't know if you noticed but I have an upright in my living room, " It had been rather busy and dark in the room so it would have been easy to miss. "I've played for a long as I can remember, my mother used to play I think, I feel close to her when I play," She told Devon and her free hand tapped on her leg like graceful piano finger would. Her hands were perfect for the piano long and slender, easily able to reach and play wide chords.

"I'd love to hear you play sometime," Afriel told Devon looking back up to him. She had been lost in thought a moment before and she forced herself to stop thinking about the things she didn't want to remember. Music made her think about her mother, and her mother made her think of...she shook her head to get the thought away again and looked out into the darkness of the night.
Devon looked away from the road to look at Afriel, his eyes wide with excitement. "You play the piano?! You've just stolen my heart." He simply said with a wide, dreamy smile. "I love the sound of the piano, but I don't have the ambidexterity to play at all. That and the fact that the classes were too expensive." He pointed out with a shrug. "Tell you what. If I get my hands on a guitar, I'll play for you if you play for me." The man suggested, though he wasn't even sure he could still play, let alone a full song.
Afriel nodded, and then made a faux sourly offended face, "I didn't steal it already?!" She demanded, but broke into a smile moments later. With a grin Afriel squeezed his hand again, "I can play for you tonight if you like?" She offered and looked up at him waiting for a response.

As she waited she went through the music she knew in her head, trying to find the perfect song to play. It clicked in her head and she knew what to play. It was sort of a love song, but she thought the words might speak to Devon. Hopefully it wasnt too over the top romantic. Afriel laughed internally and crossed her fingers, she hoped he'd like it.
"Well, you stole it before, and you just stole it from yourself. Honestly, I'm a sucker for Moonlight Sonata, even if my favorite music genre is probably metal or hard rock. There's just something about the melody..." Devon admitted to his appreciation of classical music. "Sounds like a plan." he added to her proposal to play for him. The man idly drummed his fingers to the simple drum beat of the music, though it showed he had no talent whatsoever for percussion, barely able to keep up with simple drum rhythms.
Afriel blushed when she looked over at him after his comment. "Well, lucky for you I know that song by heart," She grinned at him. "There's just something about classical that makes me melt," Afriel gushed and clapped her hands together happily.

"Maybe I can show you a little bit on the piano, too, " Afriel added and looked over at him with a sweet gentle smile. She looked back out her window then still smiling, she was glad to have been with Devon. There was something about the two of them together that just made sense. Something that she felt with him in less than three day that was stronger than anything she had ever felt for someone else.

Her hand was still laced with Devons as he drove, it probably wasn't the safest to drive one handed but she didn't want to let go of his hand. It was worth the risk.
"I did mention I have no ambidexterity. I've tried it before, it's one of those things that my hands just don't want to work with." He sighed as she proposed to show him some piano. The man enjoyed listening more than playing, singing being the only form of music he knew he was able to perform without too much embarrassment. As they entered the city, Devon moved their hands to the stick-shift to get in the right gears for the speed limit, not letting go of her hand. The streets were much more quiet around midnight, especially if they didn't go through the downtown areas. The man kept their hands resting on the transmission, since shifting was something done often in a city. Soon, they were at her apartment and Devon cut off the engine.
As they pulled up to her apartment Afriel felt rather nervous. She was inviting someone to stay the night with her that she had just gone on a date with. It wasn't that she was opposed to anything happening, it was more that they had hardly just met, and the only person who'd stayed at her apartment with her was Peter.

Glancing over at Devon before Afriel slipped out of the car she smiled, "Better get inside," She said, hoping the darkness of the night was hiding her red face. After a few minutes they were inside her apartment, the bags of clothes where she had left them, "I have some old pajamas you can use," She said pointing to the closet that was now half empty. She placed her hands on her hips and looked around, "Sorry it's such a mess in here," Afriel apologized and brushed her hair out of her face with a slight frown.

Afriel had turned on one lamp in the living room giving a dim light, it made her look mysterious and beautiful. Her hair that was long and bright blonde glowed slightly just like her eyes always did.

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