Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Afriel walked over and grabbed a pancake in her hand and took a large bite from it. "I never did use silverware with pancakes," She mentioned after swallowing her bite. She laughed at herself and took another bite, "These are good, perfectly cooked," Afriel complemented and then finished off the small flapjack with a couple more bites.

"This makes me really thirsty," She announced and walked over to the fridge to pour herself some milk. She drank down a small cup full and then put the cup into the dishwasher. Devon was done cooking by then and she hoped that he'd eat quickly. She wasn't very interested than anything other than being close to him. "We should finish our movie," Afriel offered jerking her thumb toward the living room. Though actually WATCHING the TV was the last thing on her mind.
Devon finished up and grabbed himself a crepe. The man rolled it up, making it look like a long burrito more than a crepe. "Yeah. Call me crazy, but, peanut butter in these is great. Not so much with beer though." He added as with a smirk before taking another swig of his beer. Devon simply grabbed the pate with all the pancakes and headed to the living room, putting it down on the coffee table, his beer beside it and laid down on the couch, pressing himself against the back of the couch, tapping the space in front of him invitingly as he waited for Afriel to join him.
Afriel followed and smiled when Devon laid down pressing against the couch to make room for her. She walked over and plopped down beside him lightly, laying on her back. She had her head turned toward the TV though. She didn't really watch it as she laid there, she was thinking about Devon's touch against her and his soft and slow breathing.

She twisted her head to look at him, his eyes were on the screen for a moment longer before he looked down at her. Probably curious as to why she was looking at him, and honestly she probably wouldn't of been able to tell him why. All she knew was that she couldn't keep her eyes off of him, there was always something pulling her eyes back to his face and it was more than just his good looks.
Propping his head in his right hand, he rested his head higher than Afriel's to equally see the movie. His left around seemed to naturally wrap itself around Afriel's waist, only leaving to grab the the beer for a swig. When she looked up to him, he gave her a small smile and a little peck on the lips. Devon was starting to feel the alcohol as he nearly finished off his beer, his hand gestures to and fro the table becoming wider and less gracious. The faint smell of beer and pancakes was on his breath by then as he locked his sapphire eyes back into the golden irises that were Afriel's.
Afriel smiled but turned her head to yawn, and threw her arms out in a stretch. Lifting herself up she pushed to her feet and looked down at Devon. "I think I'm going to hit the hay actually, " She told him, and glanced uneasily at her dark bedroom. "That energy drink didn't last me very long," Afriel admitted and picked up her unopened beer and walked it back to the kitchen.

When she came back she walked more toward her room than toward the couch. She stopped in her doorframe and leaned on it facing Devon. "I can pull out the hide-a-bed for you after I change into something to sleep in," She said and disappeared. About ten minutes later she had come back with her hair tied back into a messy bun and nothing but a t-shirt. It was obviously a man tshirt by the largeness of it and the length but it only landed about to her upper thigh. She smiled and flipped another lamp so that she could see what she was doing, "Want me to pull out the bed?" She asked looking at Devon from where she was standing.
Devon rose to his feet after her and awaited for her return. During his wait, he moved the furniture out of the way and made space for the bed, brought the leftover pancakes to the fridge and returned to the living room. When she returned after changing, he blushed at seeing what she was wearing. "It would be appreciated." He simply said. He watched her pull the bed out, keeping his eyes locked on her head so he wouldn't be tempted to look elsewhere. When the bed was pulled out and made, he sat down on the bed gently to look at Afriel. He, too, was starting to get tired, and the alcohol he had drank did nothing to help. The man stretched his arms out with a groan. "Guess this is goodnight. And as yo can see, no boogeyman anywhere." He sighed.
Afriel smiled at his little joked and said a soft "Good night," Before turning on her heels and disappearing into her own room.


-At around 4 am two hours after they went to sleep-

Afriel was tossing and turning in her bed, sweat clinging to her forehead. It was obvious she was having a horrible nightmare. Every now and then she'd cry out in pain in her sleep though it wasn't very loud and she'd toss her head to the side violently.

Her dream consisted of a room of fire, and the man from before inflicting pain on her. In her dream she had been so weak that the powers she possessed weren't working. The "fire man " had seriously hurt Devon and she used all of her energy to save him. That was when he attacked her torturing her slowly while Devon could only stand and watch.

As she laid in her bed, moonlight streamed from the window resting on her face. The sweat caused free strands of hair that had come loose from her bun to stick to her cheeks and forehead. As she slept she looked afraid, dark circles loomed under her eyes and she moved with jagged gestures. Her chest heaved up and down as though she had just gone on a ten mile run and she mumbled in her sleep about every couple of minutes about pain and being hurt begging for someone to stop.
After Afriel had left the room, Devon took his shirt and socks off and waited for sleep to greet him. Even if he was tired, the man found no sleep. So he decided to step outside for a few moments and enjoy a cigarette. He didn't button up his shirt, leaving his chest exposed, put his shoes on and stepped on her porch, lighting the cancer stick and taking a drag. It was still warm out, surprisingly, but the breeze held a midnight nip to it. Closing his eyes, he listened to the noise of the city, clearing his mind of anything that bugged him. Devon reopened his eyes when he felt a small drop of water fall on his hand. While he his had been closed, clouds had swept over the city once more. His cigarette had also burned up by itself. He simply sighed as he finished up whatever was left and came back inside, locking the door behind himself. In the silence of the apartment, his ears picked up on Afriel in her agitation. He couldn't just leave her in her state, and quietly moved into her bedroom to lie down beside her. A soft drizzle echoed against the window as rain began to fall, something Devon had always found comfort and calming. Devon gently placed an arm on hers, rubbing it gently to help her sleep, unsure if it would wake her, help her or simply do nothing at all.
After a moment Afriel's eyes snapped open and she took in a loud sharp breath. A few tears slipped down her cheeks and into her ears before she looked over to see Devon in bed beside her. It took her a moment to remember what he was doing in her apartment and then she smiled. "You're okay," She breathed, remembering her horrible nightmare.

Shifting, she laid her head into the crook of Devon's neck comfortably. Her arm was now draped over his torso as she laid half on top of him. "Was I talking in my sleep?" Afriel asked, as she wondered if it were her nightmare that had brought Devon in to lay beside her.

Though Afriel had hoped to fall asleep again she didn't, the nightmare keeping her from wanting to anymore. "Why aren't you asleep?" Afriel whispered into the dark finally look at the clock. It was 4:30 am now, and she rolled her eyes at herself. She was never very good at getting regular sleep, not since she'd found out about her powers.
"Nothing in particular or clearly audible. I just heard you shuffling, whimpering, having a hard time and couldn't just leave you fighting by yourself." A soft smile crept over his tired expression, bags clear under his eyes even in the dark room. "I tend to have bad cases of insomnia. Sleep isn't very resting, especially when it keeps bringing back memories I just wish I could forget. I'm cursed to stay up until I pass out of fatigue. I can't rely on sleeping meds, they knock me out cold for too long." He sighed. In truth, his sleep often brought him back to his military past, when he was still in service. The sounds of gunshots, explosions, vehicles and yelling were things he couldn't shake off, even after a year of going AWOL. The man slid an arm around her shoulder to hug her comfortingly as the sound of rain still beat against the window.
Afriel more surprised than anyone hoisted herself up over the top of Devon. Her hands were on either side of his head and her knees on either side of his waist. "Well, it looks like we should do something else then," She whispered, her mouth inches from his.

Her heart was pounding and she wasn't sure what it was that had just come over her. Afriel's body ached to be near his, feeling his cool touch on her warm skin. Her hair was still tied up, but the bun flopped loosely as she moved. The t-shirt she was wearing was even shorter now as she stood on all fours the way she did, her eyes locked onto his, "What to you think, Devon?" She asked and the way she said his name was not like she had said Peter's. She said his name delicately but also feverishly at the same time.
Devon's shirt was still unbuttoned, revealing not only his well-built figure, but the many scars that lined and doted his body. Some indented into his flesh, remains of old, deep cuts and bullet holes. His cheeks flared red as she pulled herself on top of him, gulping a little as his eyes following her body before locking unto her eyes. Carefully reaching into his pockets, he grabbed whatever was in there and placed them on the floor beside them, his gaze never breaking from hers. "Your desires are my commands, Afriel." Devon replied. His heart was going crazy in his chest, feeling like it was about to burst out of his chest.
"But doesn't Devon have any of his own?" Afriel wondered with a smirk. She'd never been so forward like this before, but here was something about Devon that brought this out in her. It made her feel passionate like never before, and want things she'd never wanted this badly.

As she held herself over him she lifted a hand to touch his scarred chest. "Your skin if beautiful," Afriel whispered sincerely. She really did think so, scars and all. His scars were part of what made Devon well... Devon. As she traced a few of his scars with her finger her touch was warm and light like a butterfly's wings.

In the dim moonlight Afriel's eyes glowed, the fire and passion she felt evident in her eyes. Her breath was quickening now, though she tried her best to control it. "I don't know what it is but I feel so drawn to you Devon, so... Connected," Afriel murmured lifting her hand away from his chest and back to its spot beside his head.
"Your desires are probably the same as mine. And if it isn't, I don't care either way." He simply replied with a soft chuckle. "My skin is marred with memories of darker days. Traces of storms that will never leave. I remember how I got every single one so clearly..." He sighed back to her as she passed her hands along his scars. Her touch against his chest, even though it was warm, sent goosebumps all over his body "We're drawn together so much because we are so different yet we are the same in so many ways, Afriel... We know each other so well, yet we discover new things about one another every day. I'm sure you've already realized it." Devon explained, a smile the softened the blue eyes like soft blue silk in the breeze, the glows pulsing and dancing along. He raised a hand to her cheek and gently moved it behind her ear, gently tickling her affectionately.
Afriel smiled at him, listening to his voice deep and sweet. When his hand went to her cheek and then to tickle her she laughed softly. "Stop that," she said teasingly and leaned down to brush her lips along his, slowly and lightly.

His touch was causing all of her senses to become hyper active as she focuse on Degon. His smile, his scent that made her dizzy, his touch that made her shiver.

The feel of his lips on hers was better than being drunk and she enjoyed every second of it. His eart was slamming his heat and she could feel it in time with her own. Both of their hearts beat as one both quickly paced. As she pulled back to look at Devon Afriel coal loses her legs so that she was sitting on him now, her knees still on either side of his waist. "What are you thinking?" Afriel asked him in a gentle murmur.
As she leaned down to kiss him, he only moved his hand from her ear to wrap itself around the side of her neck, letting her do as she pleased. "I don't know..." He mumbled as he passed the tips of his fingers along her left thigh, slowly moving up and down, his eyes looking away for a moment, as he turned to look in a random corner of the room. "I guess I'm just really thinking of you." He replied, bringing his eyes back on her. Propping himself up with his elbows, he placed a soft kiss on her lips before backing up. "What are you thinking?" He asked as he wrapped his left arm around her.

((I must admit to disliking the PG-13 line at some extent >.> Your say? Heading for a fade to black or...? Something else to happen? I'm thinking like every male and have the wrong idea? She's just teasing the hell out of him? xD ))
((Few more posts leading up to it, and no she'd not being a tease. Haha then do a time skip to morning. That was my plan. LOL))

Afriel smirked as his answer came, and she kissed him back, "I'm thinking about you," Afriel admitted feeling her cheeks warm as blood rushed to them. She leaned down again now to kiss him fully and firmly on the mouth. Her tongue teasing at his lips as he did so.

After the long kiss she pulled back and brushed his shirt aside so that his whole torso was exposed. She but her lip not sure where to head from there. "I have no idea what I'm doing," Afriel murmured shyly and looked down at Devon. Truth was she didn't do things like this often an now that he was she was pretty much clueless.

As she touché his skin again this time with both hands they shook with nerves, being to shy to make any more loves on him. Her eyes were locked on her own hands now afraid to look at Devon because we thought he might be disappointed for her not being well versed.
As she kissed him and teased his lips with her tongue, he began to return the gesture, pressing his tongue along hers. A chuckle escaped his throat as he quirked an eyebrow. "Really? You seemed to be doing just fine a few moments ago." Devon told her teasingly, his hands slowly moving to her shoulders. With a soft push, he flipped their position around to lie her on the bed. His arms were on each side of her, while he remained between her legs as he pressed his lips against hers in a firm kiss. After the kiss, he shrugged his shirt off. "You've never done this before? Not even with your fiancé?" He honestly asked. Her answer would affect how he would choose to approach the next moments as his breath itself seemed to shake with nerves. On exterior, he looked calm and sure of himself , but his heart, his light-headed feeling and her sweet, intoxicating smell made him feel nervous himself. "It's not like I do this everyday, but I understand the basics..." Devon reassured her.
Affirm thought for a moment, and wondered why she'd never slept with Peter. Shaking her head she looked at Devon who was now a over her holding her in place as her mind and heart went haywire. "Peter and I... No never," she admitted, "I understand the basic idea, but I have no prior experience," she told him and looked away shyly, slightly ashamed.

Her heart was slamming in her chest as she could have sworn it was loud enough for Devon to hear, when he kissed her again she wanted to rip off every single item of clothing he had on but was too shy to bring herself to do so. It wasnt as though she she and Peter hadnt been together in other ways. But, lying here with Devon was something else entirely, she felt entirely different with Devon.

All if her body ached for him now as she leaned over her, his skin exposed to her in the moonlight. The scars drew her touch in once again and she raised a hand to his chiseled chest to trace the roadmap of his woes.
Devon leaned towards her and kissed her neck, gently biting teasingly. "I'll be patient then. We'll take this ice and slow, don't be shy to stop me if anything's wrong." He whispered in her ear, a low and deep rumble from his chest as he spoke. Allowing himself to pass a hand under her shirt, he caressed her skin, slowly hiking it up as he kissed her passionately. After a little, he proceeded to slip under the blanket and remove his own clothes, barely stopping from kissing her as he did. Pressing himself close to her, he felt himself light up like a flame at the touch of her skin against his as he slowly began to show Afriel the ropes.

((Aaaand time skip...))
By the next morning the bedding on Afriel's bed were tangled and mostly on the floor. A thin sheet was covering the two of them both Devon and Afriel who were both out cold.

As Afriel lay there, completely void of clothing as well as Devon, she stirred slightly. The sun was not and bright as it poured through the window her hair messy from the nights activities. Rolling over Afreil bumped into Devon and her eyes slowly opened wary of the morning sun.

His scarred skin was visible much clearer now and she found it more complex and beautiful than she had in he dark. But, sleep soon took her over again as she had begun to trace his scars once more. They were both tangled together, the night before having held so much fiery passion that it should have broken down he bed.

Afriel looked peaceful and calm now as she laid in the morning light, her pale skin and blonde hair glowing almost like the sun itself. She breathed slowly and her chest rose and fell rhythmically under the thin sheet. Last night was more than Afriel could have ever asked for, and she wondered just before falling back asleep if it would have been the same with anyone else and that was when she knew there was something amazing between them. No one else could be the same as Devon... Not the same as HER Devon.
Devon probably found himself with the best sleep he had had in a VERY long time. He would sleep until the sun was high up and his eyes opened to Afriel's sleeping face. A tender smile crossed his face as he simply watched her sleep, her peaceful expression beautiful in the morning light. His mind reviewed the events of the night as he began to wake up and his cheeks flushed red for a few moments. Gently, he caressed her sleeping form until she would wake up, taking the saturday morning lazily. He peered to the clock to see 11 AM, and simply shrugged before lying back down and scooting himself close to her. After a while of cuddling though, he decided to get up and allow himself to a shower, being covered in sweat from the night before. He would emerge half an hour later, checking the time and seeing it was noon. He walked back into her bedroom, only a towel around his waist, wondering if she had woken up yet. If she hadn't, he would crawl up on the bed and kiss her gently until she'd wake up.
Afriel had woken up however, the sound of running water and the movement on the bed spurring her to the waking world. She was sitting up now with his shirt on hardly buttoned at all, "I hope you don't mind," She said gesturing to her outfit, "I didn't want to get out of bed," She smirked then and put a hand to her head to indicate how tired she was from the nights activities.

She'd smoothed her hair out some and she shifted slightly, "Hungry?" She asked, and picked up her cellphone from the nightstand, "I can order something for us?" She offered and slipped back down on the bed so that she was laying rather than sitting. Afriel didn't look tired as she had before, she looked rested and was glowing with happiness. This was the first time she'd been this close and intimate with anyone, and she was surprised that it was someone she was so drawn to. Even the person she'd thought she was going to marry didn't get to have her, and now there was a man named Devon in her apartment smiling at her from across the room.
Devon blushed a little as he approached her and kissed her lovingly for a second. "I don't mind one bit." He purred, liking it more than anything. When offered to order, he looked happily surprised. "Sure, where do you plan on-" Bzzz. Bzzz. Devon groaned as he crossed the room in search of his phone. Once found, he looked at it with a pondering expression for a second before taking the call. He waved to her to wait for a minute before briskly leaving the room to head into the kitchen.

"Finally, you pick up." A woman's voice was heard from the phone as he left the room.

"I was busy. I told you guys not to call me anymore." Devon replied coldly to the woman as he crossed the living room to go to the kitchen.

"Well, it's kinda hard when you're supposed to be repaying your debt. Your AWOL records won't disappear on their own. Should I send someone to forcefully pick you up or are you going to be a grown up and come here on your own?" the woman sounded aggravated and scolding.

There was a pause before Devon sighed.

"Give me 2 hours. I'll be there." -Click- Devon hung up and looked at his phone with a thoughtful expression. He turned to look in the direction of the bedroom and gently smiled. If anything, she would probably like the news. He walked back into the room, stopping at the door frame to lean against it. "What did you feel like eating afterall?" He asked her
Afriel had already called and held up a take out menu for a chinese take out restaurant. She smiled and set it down, "You have to go soon?" She asked regarding his phone call. She hadn't hear it but figured someone was pulling him away from her.

She slowly threw her legs over the bed, slightly sore and pushed herself to her feet. Devons shirt hardly covered her up, but it managed if only slightly. Walking over to him she smiled and lifted herself to the tips of her feet and kissed him on the cheek, "I'll make some coffee," She said and walked into the kitchen. She pulled out a can of coffee grounds and her coffee pot and got to work, humming softly as she did so. Afriel was unbelievably happy right now that she didn't think she'd ever be unhappy again.

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