Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Devon simply watched her as she walked by, gently wrapping arm around her waist and keep it there as he turned and walked behind her. "Yeah... Work calls... I've been ignoring them for a weeks now. I'm surprised they were so persistent." He grumbled as he left her space for the coffee to go put some pants on. His shaggy hair was still damp, slightly puffing up as it dried. Devon returned and took a seat at the table, his gaze lazily looking around the piles of books as she made coffee.
Afriel set up the coffee pot and then let it do it's thing, and walked over to sit at the table with Devon. She noticed him looking at the copious amount of books in her small apartment and she felt slightly embarrassed, "Sorry for the mess," Afriel said and put her chin in her hand.

The happy expression however was still on her face as she looked back to Devon. "How long before you have to leave?" Afriel asked him trying to change the subject from the mess that had been made in her apartment. She was sad that he was going so soon, after well...the night they'd shared. Was he planning on coming back? She wasn't sure.

But before Devon could answer a knock on the door beckoned Afriel to the living room. She opened it expecting it to be the food she'd called in but what it actually was shocked her. Peter. Peter was standing in the doorway, looking down at her.

Peter was tall and thin, not as muscled as Devon though his face was just as handsome. His smile was startling attractive as he pulled Afriel into him, "Oh Afriel, I've miss you," He said and walked into the apartment after letting her go. "I'm so sorry, I should have never of gone," And then he actually looked at her, only wearing a mans shirt. His eyes narrowed and he looked around, "Have company?" He asked her expression more than slightly sour .
Devon let Afriel answer the door, but quirked an eyebrow when the words didn't match what he expected. Rising to his feet, he edge to the door between the living room and the kitchen and leaned his left arm against the door frame. Devon had an odd expression. He was in... a good mood? His eyes, however, were locked dead cold on the man who entered. Devon didn't need to ask, he had already heard what he needed to deduct who this man was. A smirk spread on his lips as he pointed to the man. "I'm guessing you're the ex-fiancé." He simply said to him. The chest naked man seemed to emanate from confidence; his good mood not quivering one bit. But there was something a little off. A little too much enjoyment. Like he had seen this coming and was probably going to have fun with it.
Afriel frowned slightly and looked at Peter then Devon, "Well Devon this is Peter,....Peter, this is Devon," She made the introduction awkwardly and walked into the kitchen. Peter wasn't fare behind her but not before he glared down Devon as he went.

"So where'd you pull up that guy?" Peter asked without caring if Devon heard im at all. That question made Afriel blush slightly. They had slept together the night before but she wasn't sure what to call Devon. It was possible that he didn't want to be exclusive, "Well....Devon is....a friend of mine," She said slowly, not looking at either of the men in the room.

She pulled out three mugs and poured some coffee, Peter watching her every move. "Remember when you used to do this for me?" He said putting his hand on the small of her back. Afriel only nodded and poured the coffee.
He let Afriel speak, and as he placed his hand on the small of her back, Devon's tightened. A large shadow covered the apartment as a think cloud rolled in front of the sun. His eyes were locked and glowing in shot pulses. They looked like a wolf's glare eyeing the next move he would do. Not reacting to Afriel's comment on being a friend, he felt a little confused and perhaps disappointed inside. He shook the feeling away, knowing that it had barely been 3 days they had met and nothing had been really official or decided. Devon crossed his arms on his scarred chest, and if Afriel would've been close, she could almost make out a growl resonating from his chest. He didn't like Peter, especially touching her that way in front of him. Peter was presently walking through a mine field and wasn't aware of it. Devon's hand twitched lightly, as he waited for things to move along where he would pass the line.
Peter moved his hand around in circles on her back after catching the glare of Devon. He smirked at him and looked down to Afriel, "You look so beautiful this afternoon," He said and smiled at her. Afriel looked up at him and handed him a cup of coffee.

"Well thank you," She said to him, though she didn't sound all that interested. She walked over to Devon and handed him his cup of coffee. She smiled up at Devon unlike when she had handed him his cup. Peter however did not let them hold their silent gaze for very long, "Do you still have your ring?" Peter interrupted and Afriel frowned.

"Well...yes I do. but I don't wear it," She told him in which Peter only smiled.

"Why don't we get it spruced up at the jeweler and you can put it back on?" He asked her and walked over pulling her to him by the hand. He kissed the top of Afriel's hand and looked her in the eyes, "I still love you Afriel," He told her, then glanced up at Devon with a smirk briefly.
Devon took the cup and smiled back to her. He then looked over to Peter with a large grin. "You're really blind, huh?" Devon asked, jerking his thumb towards the half filled bags. "You ran, she moved on. If you would've came back last week, you would've still had her. But you know what?" Devon told the man before wrapping an arm around Afriel's shoulders, his hand around the hot coffee cup was clenched. "She found happiness. Without you. All because you ditched her to curb after saving your sorry ass. And let's be honest, you screwed up." He told straight up to Peter's face and took a sip from the coffee. "She lost every reason to let you back." Devon didn't care for a single moment if Peter decided to deck him.
Afriel gasped slightly and she looked up at Devon as he talked to Peter. He was so sure of the two of them, and it made her stomach turn with butterflies, the good kind. She looked over to Peter though who looked like he was going to tear Devon apart. "I'm not going to just let you have her," Peter said keeping his cool for the most part. "You may have her now, but I'm going to win her back. I'm going to win you back," The last part of his sentence was directed exactly at Afriel. He sighed and headed for the door, "I'm heading out, but I'm going to be back, don't go marrying this idiot Afriel," Peter said and then disappeared through the door, almost running to a small teenager holding take out. "Oh the food!" Afriel said running over to the door and paying. "Sorry about that," She said to Devon after shutting the door, "I don't know why Peter showed up," she was frowning now, a bag of food in hand.
Devon watched Peter leave, a satisfied grin over his face. Once Afriel had the food and Peter gone, Devon broke into laughter. After a few seconds, he recollected himself, joy dancing in his eyes. "Now that... Though unforeseen, went perfectly. I didn't even get punched." He simply shrugged with a smile. "I didn't do anything you didn't want me to, right? I mean, I know that last night was amazing, but we never really decided if what we share is... You know, official." The blond made sure he didn't step over the line, but he had a good feeling he hadn't. Or he hoped he had done right in standing up to her ex. By the looks, he could have walked all over her and he wasn't sure if she wanted to cast him aside and return to Peter or not.
"No you didn't," Afriel said and looked up at him from where she was leaning against the door. Her expression was a little cautious now though, "Last night...what does that make us?" She asked and bit her lip shyly. She wasn't sure if he wanted to be with her exclusively. Afriel worried that he wouldn't, because if he said no it would probably kill her. They may not have known each other long, but she wanted to be with him especially after the night they had shared.

"Peter...." Afriel started before Devon answered her question before, "...I don't want him back. He broke my heart and I'm ready to mend it. I want to experience things with someone, to be more exact," She locked eyes with him then clearly nervous as she waited for his response.
Devon set his mug down before walking up to Afriel. "Last night can be whatever we want to make it. Remember when I asked you to share your future with me?" He said, honesty oozing from his every word. "I'll unleash hurricane Katrina if it means protecting you." he added, remained silent before chuckling. "Okay, I'll admit... That was bad." Devon was rather estatic over Afriel's words. The man felt so happy, he recalled events of his past without a bat of the eye (why not? xD ) and made them into bad jokes.
Afriel smiled at him at his attempt of a joke and touched his arm affectionately. She was still in her morning garb, which was just simply Devon's shirt. 'That might have been a cheesy line, but it was very sweet." She said and smiled up at him.

Her expression however didn't stay happy and turned to a more concerned look, "Peter...he's a powerful person, " She said walking over to the coffee table in the living room and setting the food down, "He won't stop until he gets what he wants, and knowing him he's going to have people doing that dirty work," She told Devon and sighed.

"Do you want to make this exclusive and deal with that?" Afriel asked seriously as she turned to face him once she'd pulled out the togo containers from the bag. Her expression had a hint of nervousness when she looked at him but it was mostly serious as she waited for his response.
Devon only smiled. "Good. Bring it. Nothing will stop me. You're coming with me when I'm going to work. They'll make an exception. They need me." the wolf smirked, a sparkle in his eyes. "I just need to swing by and get some things. Including clothes." He winked to her as he headed to the bedroom to get his clothes. "You'll understand when we get there. Now eat up, chinese food is messy on the road." Devon called from the bedroom as he searched for his socks and cleaning up after their wild night.
Afriel ate a little bit, as quickly as she could to make sure she'd be ready by the time Devon wanted to leave. As she ate Afriel frowned in thought, not sure what Devon had meant by 'bring it'. Did that mean he wanted to be with her? Or simply that he'd fight Peter if he had to?

She sighed as she closed up the togo boxes and walked into the bedroom. She slipped the shirt off tossing it on the bed for Devon to grab, being completely naked underneath. She didn't care to cover herself up as she'd just been with Devon the night before. She walked over and pulled out an outfit from her dresser, and got dressed slowly because she'd rushed to eat they had the time.
Devon loosely put on the shirt and watch Afriel with pleased eyes. He let her dress without distraction, a blush still in his cheeks every time he looked to her. Once she had dressed up, he buttoned his shirt and made sure his pockets had their original things. "Ready to go?" He asked as he headed to the door, grabbing his coat along the way. The man was a little surprised that she hadn't asked any questions about his job and shrugged, assuming she simply trusted him.
Afriel nodded and followed him out to the living room. "What exactly is your job?" She asked out of pure curiosity. She wondered if it had anything to do with the military, or if maybe it had something to do with hard labor.

Afriel had put on a pair of shorts and a low cut tank top that really accentuated her features, ones of which it were hard to take one's eyes off of. She looked around the apartment and ran over to grab her bag quickly and then rejoined Devon at the door. "Okay, now, I'm ready," She said and giggled at herself quietly.

Being around Devon made her happy, she wanted nothing more than to be in his arms all day every day. But, she kept her distance now, feeling slightly uneasy by his lack of an answer for her question.

Afriel was worried that maybe she'd come on too strong? Maybe he was attracted to her physically but not really in any other way? He had told her that the connection she felt was mutual but that had been after a few beers and they were both basically naked.

Sighing outwardly without thinking about it, Afriel followed him down to his car and got into it without another word to him.
Devon simply smiled. "I'll let you guess. I bet you won't be able to guess it out until we get there." He toled her over his shoulder as he headed for his car. He sat down behind the wheel and ignited the engine. After they were buckled up, he set out to drive through the city. They still had a little time and so Devon casually, windows rolled down and dark shades. The radio was on, playing mostly rock songs. "Still haven't guessed it?' He asked teasingly.
Afriel had her mind on other things, not even trying to think of where he might work. "Nope," She said numbly and looked out the window. With the windows open Afriels blonde hair twisted in the wind, it was obvious her mind was on other things.

She sighed though it couldn't be heard over the music and the wind, but her face was distant. But, the thoughts were pulled back to current when she wondered why it was that she was going with him. "Why am I coming with you, again?" She asked looking over at Devon with a quizzical face. It was the first full sentence that she had spoken to him so far.
Devon lifted his hand, waving 2 fingers. "2 reasons. 1, I don't like the thought that Peter or Flame guy could show up while I'm gone. 2, you wouldn't believe me if you didn't see it with your own eyes. The man turned into a parking lot full of white cars with red and blue lights on top of them. He steadily slowed the car down to a stop near the doors of the police station. Devon stopped the car and flipped the center compartment open, pulling out a black wallet before stepping out of the car. He waited for Afriel to climb out with him before marching in the doors casually. The passed by a counter and down a few halls to an office in the back, which he knocked twice before entering, not waiting for a reply. If she wasn't surprised to see Devon in a police station, she'd be more surprised when she'd learn about Devon's job.

"You know how many damn strings we gotta pull to keep you quiet?! And who is she? Why did you bring her here? What wrong with you?" The woman behind the desk bombarded Devon of questions angrily. Her hair was crimson red, her eyes like rubies as the young girl wore an white office dress. Her voice also matched the one on the phone from earlier. "Calm down, let me talk before you get all fired up, Scarlet." Devon rose his hands and waved them in a calming motion. "One, she's under my protection, someone made attempt at her life last night. I've been keeping a close eye on her since. Two, I got the visual of a target that has probably been behind the outburst of recent fires." Devon listed off his fingers, before waving for Afriel to take a seat.

"Seriously? Fine." She sighed and sat down. The woman named Scarlet took a deep breath before turning to Afriel. "What you need to know, Devon here quit the military without right to leave. Needing to repay his debt, he offered his skills as an agent, helping out with the more dangerous cases. His skills were actually useful enough to use him as a strong arm if needed and the deal was done. With the recent amount of explainable crimes spurring everywhere, he was sent here and out to find information. We haven't heard from him since." She explained. "We've been keeping him undercover and untraceable for a long time, being easier to hide his tracks that way." She turned to look at him with a glare. "And he tends to abuse the fact that he's mainly a ghost on the radars." She added. "Now what was it about the case you found out?" The woman turned to face Devon. He proceeded to explain the events after seeing the man setting fire to the building and poisoning wine and gave it to Afriel. Scarlet took in the information and sighed. "Fine we'll keep an eye out. As for your task, you, here's the files on the next guy. Do your usual. Find and apprehend with whatever means necessary" She added as she picked a blue folder and handed it to Devon. He took it and waved to Afriel to follow him. They crossed the station once more and got back in the car. " Got your answer?" He asked as he put the black walled and the file in the glove compartment of the car. Starting up the car, he began driving around, heading towards a burger joint to grab himself a burger via drive through.
Afriel listened and then followed him out as he beckoned. "So let me get this straight," She said her face looking rather twisted with confusion, "You're....basically a hitman?" She asked. The idea of it made her feel sick, not because he was a hire to kill but because the people he hunted would kill him at any chance.

They had stopped at a fastfood place and she glanced at the man in the window. The man looked at her and winked, "Getting a drink for the lady on the house," He said and brushed off Devon's presence.

Afriel giggled softly at the boy who was probably no older than sixteen riddled with acne scars and bad scraggly hair. She looked up at Devon then and smiled wider at him, not the same smile she'd given to the young man at the window. The smile she gave him was more warm and inviting than the one given to the boy prior.

When they drove off and their food had been given to them Afriel looked out the window, "Do you like your job?" She asked suddenly, the same worried expression back on to her face again.
"More or less. Hitman for the government. I like the idea of secret agent better, but that's just hollywood-izing it." He added with a shrug as he took a bite from his burger. "It's all I can really do. If I could do anything elose just as good, I'd do it. But I'm no good with people, I'm actually allergic to most animal furs, I have no skill in a kitchen, or music, or drawing. I fought all my life, I was trained to deal with these kinds of situations. And there's more..." his voice trailed off a little as he stopped on the side of the road. "The killer of my parents is still on the loose. Helping to find that S.O.B. kinda helps me keep trying to help the world. I always seemed to be faster than they could keep up with and I've been told I have the ferocity of wolf, something criminals nowadays don't face very often. Especially without a leash. And now, a new threat arises. Chosen using their powers in bad or uncontrolled ways." He added, tapping the center box with a hand twice. He meant the badge. "Rumors spread sometimes when people get creative. I'm the ghost within the storm. My 'curse' brought me that kind of name, since everywhere I went, it was storming and raining." He added and looked at her. With a soft sigh, he grabbed her hand. "I won't sit around and wait for that guy to show up again and try and kill you. You won't be able to rest right until he stops tormenting you.: He added, his eyes caring more than anything.
Afriel laced her fingers into his when he grabbed hold of her hand, "I'm more worried about Peter right now," Afriel said and laughed slightly. "I worries me...your job," she told him and rolled down her window to let in some fresh air. "Those people you go after they'd kill you at any chance they got..." Her voice trailed off and she sipped at the drink that was given to her for free.

Afriel looked around and looked back at Devon, "Why are we stopped here? Do you have work here?" She asked him as she went to set her drink back in the cup holder. Afriel was still unsure if she should ask Devon again about where this was going? She wondered if she was making up these feelings between them. Sex didn't always mean love, but she sure hoped it did in this case. Afriel may not know just how strong her feelings are for him yet, but she knew they were there and that she wanted to be with him.
"Peter can try what he wants. My name's technically not even registered with government officials. And if he's a crook, he'll end up in bars. As for work, I rarely go alone. My job is mainly to find where they hide and make sure they get caught with evidence. I'm the ghost because I'm barely ever seen." Devon tried to reassure her. "I make sure my past doesn't happen to other people. I simply stopped to explain and eat. Doing all those at the same time isn't safe." He added before taking another bite from the greasy burger. "Want some fries?" the man offered, holding the bag towards her.
Afriel shook her head and held up a hand in protest, "No thanks," She told him politely, and smiled. "Peter doesn't give up easily...I wouldn't expect you to stay around if it was too much of a trouble," Her voice was sad when she said it. It was like he expected Devon to leave her just like all the other people in her life had.

She'd been alone just like Devon, for most of her life and expected it of people. Her golden eyes were cast down to her free hand that rested in her lap.
At her negative words, Devon sighed loudly. He put the fries down and moved her chin so she'd face him. "Hey. I'm not letting you get out of my sight. You're the sunshine in my life and I don't want another minute without you. Now stop thinking that I'm going to leave." He simply said before pressing his lips against hers. "If it means anything... I wouldn't mind calling you my girlfriend... If you're okay with it." He added after the kiss, his cheeks blazing up as bright as Scarlet's hair.

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