Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Afriel smiled at his words, the kiss helping lift the stress on her heart. "Oh Devon," She sighed happily and leaned over the center console to kiss him once again. "I'd like to call you my boyfriend if you don't mind," She said and laughed gently.

She kissed him again quickly and then leaned back in her seat, "I could only imagine the look on Peter's face if he saw us now," She said and started laughing, hard. Afriel couldn't remember the last time she'd been so happy, able to laugh so freely. With Devon beside her Afriel felt like she could forget everything bad in her life, be happy without a single care in the world.
"Then it's official, we're dating. Ad there isn't a single person in the world who's gonna stop us." Devon simply said. "How about we head over to your place and finish packing his things for him? Next time you see him, you can even give him the ring. It'll get the message across." He suggested as he began to drive once more.
Afriel smiled at him and nodded, "Thats right!" She said and laughed, "He's in for a rude awakening," She said and giggled at herself and squeezed Devon's hand that was still holding hers.

When they made it to her apartment she got out before Devon and ran over to open his door. She grinned as he looked at her and slipped out.

"Aren't I a gentleman?" She teased and shut the car door, "Let's get packin' " She said and went up the stairs and into the apartment.
Devon only smiled before getting out of the car. "Somebody's excited." He pointed with a grin. "I'll have a smoke, I'll meet you inside he called out to Afriel as he leaned through the open car window to get his cigarettes that had fallen from his pockets when he drove. He flipped the pack open, took one and threw it back on his seat. He smoked the cigarette calmly, leaning against his car and walking around it to check if there was anything potentially off. It was also a matter of seeing if anyone would tamper with the car by first seeing how it was left. With his rapid check, he finished the cancer stick, rolled the windows up, locked his ride and joined Afriel inside the apartment. "How's it coming along?" He called out as he walked inside.
Afriel had tied off two bags and was working on the third and final. There was a small velvet box now sitting next to the chinese take out boxes on the coffee table. "I think it's going well," She said and stuffed a few pairs of shoes into the bag.

It was sad how much of his clothing she'd held on to, for a long time she'd been waiting for him to come back. Now, she couldn't care less if she ever saw him again though she was sure she was going to. "What do you think?" She asked, beaming at Devon. She couldn't be more happy in her life right now then she was right at this moment. She was moving on with someone she was very excited to move on with.

Afriel had tied back her blonde hair in a bun much like it had been that night, but Devon had remedied that hair style to let her hair hang loose around 4:30am last night. She smiled up at him again as she started pulling things off hangers.
"Well, seems like you're doing it like a big girl." he teased her as he sat down. "You know... We should probably hit the liquor store before it closes. We could always go back to that bar we met in too. Isn't this worthy of a celebration?" He asked with a grin. The man was glad and just enjoyed the thought of having good times with her to celebrate the day the began going out together. Seeing her so happy made it feel like it was contagious. Her smile made him melt, he could never stop himself from smiling back to her.
Afriel tied off the last and final bag and looked up at Devon, "If we go out we need to be careful," She said and glanced uneasily at the window. "We have no idea if that guy will show up again, or if Peter will for that matter, " She frowned and walked over, sitting down on his lap.

Afriel laid her head on his shoulder and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, "You'll protect me, won't you?" She asked softly, her breath dancing along the skin of his neck. Her arms slid around him pulling them closer together. It was nice to be here, sitting with him like this. Just being close to Devon made her heart pound and her head spin. His scent was enough to make her pass out, and she was sure if he'd let her they'd never leave the apartment. That meaning, never leaving the bed. ( ;D)
Devon chuckled. "Of course. If anything, you have the best bodyguard the world could give you. Someone hurts you and the skies will descend upon them." He teased as he wrapped his own arms around her. "So, what are your plans about your ex exactly? We wait until he comes back, dump his stuff on his steps, take him out to tell him... What's your choice?" He suggested with a smirk.
Afriel sighed at his question, "I think we should probably leave him be, if we seek him out things will only get worse," She explained. "I've seen it before," Afriel sighed again and then lifted her head to look at Devon. "I don't really feel like talking about that though. How about we talk about us?" She asked, the words 'us' sounding wonderful coming from her mouth. She leaned into him and kissed him lightly on the mouth before pulling back and moving to get off of his lap.
Devon chuckled gently and returned the kiss. "Fine, fine. Is the talking about us going to require actual talking, though?" He laughed a little before she got up. He quickly sprung up before her and pulled her back to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and placing a firm kiss on her lips lovingly.
Afriel squealed in glee as she was pulled back to where she had been lying. She smiled into his kiss, kissing him back. When the kiss broked she kept her mouth only inches from his, "That depends," She brushed her lips along his, "Do you want it to?" She smirked and rested her hands on his chest, keeping herself close to him.
"I don't really have much to say myself." He simply admitted before pressing for another kiss. "What shall we do on this saturday evening?" He asked her once the kiss was broken. The man would go around the world with her if she simply said so.

((Sorry for short posts, I'm making chocolate-chipped pancakes >.>))
(( haha, you're fine :P ))

Afriel smiled and kissed him again taking his touch and movements. "What is there to do?" She asked him resting her forehead against his. Her eyes were shut now as she listened to him breath. It was slow and rhythmic, something that sounded like a song to her.

Her hand went up to his face automatically as she opened her eyes. "Your skin is so cool," She murmured to him and smiled slightly. Her eyes bore into his as she looked at him, it was like she was seeing every bit of him all the time. Like she knew him more than he knew himself.
"Celebrate?" He simply suggested with a grin. Devon felt like the happiest man on earth. He felt forgiven, he had a reason, someone to protect. Someone to protect him. "Your's is warm." he relied to her sweetly. His piercing blue gaze was as sharp as ever, as it glowed lightly in the afternoon light. He kissed her gently for a little before speaking once more. "I remember you saying there wasn't much left to eat here. Maybe we could go get more food and have our own little party?" He suggested

((I'd share, but pancakes don't go through internet very well XS))
(( Aww it's the thought that counts. hehe. ))

Afriel grinned at that idea, "I'd really love that," She said and there her head back to yawn. "I'm still pretty tired from last night, " She admitted, her cheeks reddening in the sun. She lifted herself off of him and threw her arms out into a stretch her back arching.

"What should we get?" She asked looking down at Devon who was still sitting on the couch. He looked wonderful in the afternoon sun and she wanted to pull him back to the bedroom then. But, she refrained from doing so as she looked down at him.
"Whatever you want. Ice cream? Sure. Tacos? why not. Rum? For sure. A bunch of chips too. I'm in a really good mood, so I just want to eat whatever and pass time with you." Devon said simply with a large grin. "I'll even pay, so lets' hit a grocery store." He added with a smirk.
" We can walk, theres a store a few blocks down," she said and smiled. "I don't know if I want to leave though," She winked at him overdramatically, hoping he'd get the joke and then went to her closet to pull out her coat. It would start to get cold soon and if they ended up doing something other than shopping she didn't want to be left out flat.

"Ready?" She asked after slipping on a hoody. She wasn't in her best outfit ever but, even when she was dressed casually with her hair tied up did she look beautiful. It was apparent why people gave her looks all the time, and young men even gave her free drinks at drivethrus. Walking over she helped Devon up and started for the door.
Devon shrugged. " You feel like bringing it back by hand when we have a nice trunk? Your choice." He simply said as he got up himself, draping his long coat on his shoulders loosely as he always did and exited the apartment. The man clambered down the steps and waited at the bottom for Afriel. He would then let her lead them to the grocery store she mentioned.
Afriel smiled at Devon when she made it down the stairs to him. She laced her fingers with his after she held his hand for a long while leading him to the store down the road. When they got there, she picked out a few things, including but not limited to beer, rum, chips, and ice cream. "We're going to get fat you know," Afriel said as they were walking back toward her apartment. But, she froze dropping the bags of food from her hands. The red haired man was waiting for them just down the street. "Devon.." Afriel whispered her voice shaking slightly, "what....what does he want?" She asked.
"You know I was just spouting random ideas, right? And one night or 2 won't kill us." He simply commented with a shrug. When prompted about the red haired guy, Devon was unsure how to tackle the situation. He felt like simply running over and kicking the guy's ass. However, he also didn't want to risk anything else starting up. He didn't have much time to ask as the guy walked towards them. "I'm tired of waiting. I know you guys got something special. I'm not letting anyone else rule this place." He called out and opened his palm. A bright flame surged from it as the man grinned. Devon turned to Afriel, "Can you take the food and hide somewhere safe? I have a feeling he's here to test me this time." Devon warned. His voice was serious and eyes were hardening by the second. Clouds rapidly rolled in from thin air, covering the sky within barely 10 minutes of thick dark blue-grey clouds. Thunder growled at the man, who stood with a flame in his hands. "I have yet to actually use this skill... Might as well try it against you." Devon called out the the red guy. He arced an eyebrow and Devon when he closed his eyes. The man reached into his pockets and pulled out his phone... and a pair of earbuds? Was he planning on listening to music while fighting?

The man set up his cellphone and pressed play. The song began softly, rising steadily in volume. The winds swirled around Devon as he focused his attention to the music. Even the flames in the red guy's hand seemed to fluctuate to the air as the mass grew in size and intensity as the music in his ears climbed. He snapped his eyes open at the drop, a loud clap of thunder shaking the city. The red guy took a step back as Devon took a step forward. He swatted his wrist at the flame, dispersing it. "Flames cannot live without air. Flames will never touch me with the winds under my command. I am stormborn." Devon coldly said. His tone was sharp, the air around him seemed to beat with a powerful pulse. "You endangered the life of the one person you shouldn't have. This is your last warning." On the last words, lightning struck brightly behind Devon with another thunderclap. "I see your sorry ass one more time, I'll smother you." Devon was only a few feet away from the red guy and he pulled off an ear bud in case he spoke. The flame boy sneered. "You think a few breezes are gonna put the flames of Cedric Helvenia, you're wrong." The boy lit himself ablaze completely, trying to impress Devon. He didn't budge from the sudden bonfire before him. "Helvenia... I know who you are... Makes all sense." Devon simply said and opened his eyes to glare at the man. His eyes glowed bright electric blue as the man pulled his right arm back and slammed his palm forward. A gale of wind blasted through the street, flipping trash cans and send things flying in the same direction. The flames around the boy were cut out and their level in power was obvious, Devon held the upper hand. "I dont want to have to deal with your bullsh*t tonight!" Devon shouted as he slammed his open left palm forward with another step. A gale blasted by once more, stronger this time. Strong enough to have pushed the red man 20 feet before toppling him over. He quickly got to his hands and ran off. Devon could've easily stopped him but didn't.

He turned his attention back to Afriel. "See? The big bad wolf scares everyone away if he wants to and barely has to try." Devon smiled. He looked at his open palm for a moment as he registered what he had just done by simply concentrating on music ad thrusting his arms forward. He looked up to the sky as a droplet of rain dropped. Soon though, it was pouring. "I'm sorry about that. " He apologized. The rain didn't bother Devon for a single second. In fact, he seemed more calm and himself in the rain. The cold droplets trickled down his shaggy hair and along his face, almost capturing the mesmerizing blue glows his eyes emanated. He reached to her cheek and pressed his lips against her, ignoring the bags of food at her hands, simply kissing her under the rain, where he felt himself at best.
Afriel watched as everything unfolded, when lighting and thunder happened though she looked like she'd just been kicked. It had scared her as a child and it did now, but her fears faded when Devon's lips found hers. She kissed him back hard and fast like she'd been afraid for him.

When their kiss broke Afriel pulled Devon practically all the way back to the apartment, slamming the door and locking it once they were inside. "What did he want...? Who....who is that?" She asked, Afriel had heard him mention his name but couldn't make it out over the winds and rain. She was drenched as she panted against the door, her hair had falling out of his tired up state and dripped from it's tips.

It was cold in her apartment, but everything seemed to be untouched void of any others contact but Afriels and Devons. Walking over she set the bags on the floor by the couch and collapsed beside them not bothering to sit on the couch.

Afriel was shaking slightly now, her hands quivering as she brushed hair out of her face. She'd been so worried that something was going to happen to her or Devon. Afriel wondered what would happen if she didn't get a enough rest and then tried to heal someone. It could possibly mean that they would both die. Shaking the thought away she looked up at Devon who was looking at her now.
Devon leaned against the wall as she asked him about the other guy. "I've figured who he is. Cedric Helvenia, 3rd son of the Helvenia family. Mostly nobles and entrepreneurs, their estate burnt down a few years ago. Cedric was reported missing, the rest were found burnt to a crisp. It was afterwards that there was a large breakout in 'accidental' fires around the area, but no one really paid attention to him, given our ignorance on the existence of chosen. To what I understood, he's got the idea that his powers give him the right to rule over the normal. And knowing we are chosen as well, he targets us so we can't take his crown away. Or so he thinks... I don't know if I scared him for good or not. Nonetheless, I've seen that fire can barely harm me, the winds will kill most nearby flames by itself." Devon explained. "I'm thinking he also has the mental ability to enter other people's dreams and uses it to torment us. He might have other tricks up his sleeve, but think of it. He was a few flames, I have the wind and a storm to my beck and call, apparently. It's just finding how to use it." the man smirked.. Everything had been explained with a methodical and serious tone to his voice. "Scarlet's going to be glad to have a name to the face. He'll be easier to track down, given that he still uses his actual name." he added.
Afriel nodded with him as he explained things to him, and pushed herself to her feet. "But...he knows now he can't hurt you.....doesn't that leave me for a target?" She asked her expression full of worry. She was pacing the room back and forth, back and forth now.

"You saw what he did to me on the boat," She said tears starting to fill her eyes. She was shaking more now as she tried to keep from crying. It was hard though, as her heart slammed in her chest and her head reeled. If this Cedric thought they were threats then he'd do everything they could do to stop them.

She ran a hand through her damp hair and continued to pace. As she walked, Afriel's form became more and more deflated and sad. This was much like she used to be everyday after she'd found out she had powers. She'd gone back and forth like this racking her brain for at least a month.

"Devon," She breathed, her voice shaking, "I-I'm scared..." She said and looked at him her pacing stopped, and her big golden eyes looked fearful. It was obvious that she was scared, and her stating so was a no brainer. A couple of tears slipped down her cheeks down and she felt her knees getting weak. "I feel like I'm going to be sick..." She mumbled and started for her bedroom. What she planned on doing was holding herself in there and never coming out.
Devon sighed and walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hey. Do you know what that means? You fit into the protection program the police can offer. And..." He rolled his eyes teasingly. "I can volunteer to be your personal bodyguard. Like, literally getting paid to be with you. It also gives me right to be armed, should that assure you." he suggested. "Being under the protection program usually has it's benefits." he added. He had told Scarlet he was protecting her. If she knew they were dating though, she might be reluctant to leave him as a bodyguard.
Afriel turned and looked up at Devon, "That would mean giving up on that horrible person who hurt your parents, even if it was only for a while," She said frowning. "I couldn't ask you to do that just because I can't be brave."

Biting her lip, Afriel looked down at her feet and then back up as she worried that she was asking too much of him.

"You're already giving so much to me.." Her voice trailed off as she looked up at him.

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