Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Afriel sighed and smiled, at his touch. "I'd like to learn sometime through, when we aren't buzzed," she laughed and took the last few drinks from her own glass. She set it back beside his and looked up at him. It was nice to be near someone that she cared for. His cool hand on her leg made her shiver as he continued to move it up an down.
Devon simply shrugged. " You're in luck. I happen to be a good dancer, given I know the steps. Training different martial arts get you to learn movements easily. At least, last I checked I was." He commented. "I'm guessing you want me to lie down with you. After locking eyes with her for a little while. And the man did so, changing posture to intertwine their legs as Devon came for a kiss, kissing her neck and jaw with quick little pecks.
Afriel smiled at him, "You'll have I teach me," she said and smiled wider. When Devon went in for the kiss Afreil she exhaled a shaky breath obviously enjoying the light kisses on her skin. This gesture caused her to shiver and for her breath to become more jagged. " have to stop that," Afriel tried to protest her voice a whisper. It drawled out lazily and breathy as he tried to pull herself away from him but not really wanting too.
"Why?" He mused in her ear. "Still sore?" He teased as his arms reached over her to pin her down. He locked his blue eyes in hers, his intense blue stare really accentuating the pulsing energy behind them. "One thing at a time." Devon purred before propping his forehead against hers, planting his blue gaze in her golden eyes. Every speck of blue lights that seemed to pulse from his eyes were clear and visible, seeming like the sky dotted in stars that moved lazily across it's stretch.
Afriel whimpered, it came out like a sexual noise more than anything. She had taken in a sharp breath at his words, and she opened her eyes to lock them with his. Her eyes in contrast to her looked like flames, not calm like the night sky. The sparks of color danced as she waited for his next move, unable to keep from staring into his eyes. Her breath was quiet but quick, the faint smell of coke and rum spilling from her mouth with each exhale. The two o hem on the outside looked almost odd together but, their souls and heart melded perfectly.
His chilly gaze looked down slowly, a grin creeping on his face. "Want to have a little fun right now, or... Should we save it for later?" He asked, his voice a low rumbling before pressing his lips to the ear he was whispering to. His head was spinning from her smell, the alcohol and his own emotions, taking over him like an animal. The wolf took a deep breath to try and calm himself, even if she would choose to agree.
Afriel thought for a small moment and only a moment. When she was with Devon she thought with her heart and not her head. Though they probably should have waited, she didn't want to. Her body ached for him every time she was near him, her heart pounded, and her head spun with no help from any alcohol.

She didn't give him a verbal answer only lifte her head to kiss him and bit his lip, letting Devon know her own intentions. She wanted to be with him again tonight. She wanted to feel her skin against his cool body. Every nerve in her body longed for Devon and his touch.
Devon sighed happily in the kiss as his hands reached to his shirt and began quickly unbuttoning it. Once that done, his arms looped around her as he returned the kiss with languorous passion. The man grasped at her back as he held her against himself, pressing her against the couch. Letting her hands roam across his skin, he ran his own under her shirt, helping her out of her clothes.


Devon stretched out, barely covered as he cuddled Afriel on the couch. His heart was still pounding but his breathing was back to normal by then. With arms crossed behind his head, she was practically lying unto him, her skin feeling warm against the air of the room. The man wrapped an arm around her back, keeping her nice and close.
((Gonna assume this is right afterward and they're still awake, I'm with the bf I'll be back on tonight) 
Afriel smiled up at Devon now, her head on his bare chest. As she looked at him her fingers were absently tracing the scars on him. It seemed that she was learning each and every scar rather quickly. Of course the amount of clothing they wore around one another was almost none, so she had a lot of time to look.

Afriel looked as though she were thinking about something and after a long time of silence she asked him a question, "Have you slept with the same person more than once?" She asked, being curious because this was their second time. She wondered if he ever opened up to people like he did her, or if she was the only one.
"Depends... Do you mean while being intimate or not?" He asked her. "Because, yeah I've slept with the same person more than once, but when you're out on the battlefield for a while, both men and women want blow some steam off." Devon explained. "But... the battlefield is different that here, it's like a whole different world. I never got attached to anyone, nor did we get attached to each other. I can honestly say this is unlike anything I ever had." He added with a soft smile.
Afriel was about to clarify more when he gave the first half of his answer, but the second half answered her perfectly. She smiled back at him and shifted into a more comfortable spot before speaking again, "Have you ever been in love before?" She asked him, this time though her eyes were closed as she waited for the answer. She hoped that Devon didn't take the question wrong and get uncomfortable. In fact he didn't even have to tell her she was only curious.
"I've only had petty and un-returned high-school crushes. This is the first time that I think I'm truly in love." he simply answered back. He didn't need to ask her, he knew of Peter. The man simply drifted his hand along her smooth skin, content and satisfied.
Not sure what she had just heard Afriel's eyes opened, "You think you're in love?" She asked slightly shocked. Her cheeks had reddened, and she was looking straight into his eyes. They were lying naked together on her couch, and she'd never wanted this more with anyone than she did with Devon. Is that what love felt like? She'd thought she was in love with Peter, but that couldn't have been. She'd never felt so alive when she was with Devon, which was the opposite of when she'd been with Peter.
Devon moved a little to have a better angle to look at her. "What else could it be? No one drives me crazy like you do. No one ever got the sun to shine around me. Literally." Devon stated. "If this isn't love, what could it be?" He asked her honestly.
Afriel didn't speak for a long time, she looked up at him and then away. After she thought about his question for a long time before looking back at him "I must be in love too then," She murmured, and a grin spread across her face.

"I did use to think I was in love with Peter, but came along and now I don't think I ever truly loved him," She said. Lifting her head slightly Afriel kissed his bare chest where a large scar was, "You've taught me to feel love," Afriel murmured against his skin.
Devon chuckled. "I can teach things even I don't know anything about!" he exclaimed with a large grin before looking down to Afriel with a loving smile. "I don't know about you, but I think I'm getting a little hungry." He added with a smirk.
Afriel giggled along with Devon and smiled back to him, "I am too," She agreed, "Want to order in again?" She asked him, not sure what else to do. After their rigorous time on the couch, there was no way she was going to be able to make them a meal.

She sat up slowly, the thin blanket that she had draped over them fell off of her front, exposing the scar that laid right over her heart no wider than the blade of a knife. She touched in absentmindedly in thought and looked around the room for her phone.
Devon sat up afterwards. The fact that her scar stood out from the others caught his attention. "If you don't mind me asking, how did that scar en up on your lovely body?" Devon asked as he pointed to her chest. He reached for his pants and pulled out his cellphone, handing it over to her. "Dunno if anyone delivers so late at night, though." He commented
She gripped the phone with her free hand still touching her hand with the other. "Well...." She thought for a moment. A pained light shone in her eyes briefly and she looked down, "I got it from uh, well, this man...I don't know his name, but he had tried to kill me when I survived the car accident that killed my parents," She said and shook her head, "Anyways, I bet I can find a pizza place or something," she said and flipped open his phone and started dialing.
"Oh." Devon regretted asking the question. Some of his scars held bad memories, and knew how it could be painful to remember."Sorry for asking."He added. "I'm guessing you'd prefer me to step outside to smoke, right?" He asked politely, as he looked around to locate where his clothes were.
Afriel looked at Devon and gave her a sad smile, "It's fine, I hardly remember the incident," It wasn't the whole truth, but she'd forgotten a lot about it. The thing she remembered clearest was the feeling of the knife in her chest. She remembered the strange feeling of when she didn't die, but laid there waiting for someone to find her.

Shaking the thoughts away Afriel slipped off the couch and snatched Devon's shirt before he could use it and slipped it on. She buttoned it half the way and the tossed him his pants. "Here," She said and smiled to him, "I'll go out with you," Afriel told him and put his phone to her ear. She ordered a pizza and looked at the time, it was really late but they said they'd deliver.
Devon raised his eyebrows. "You're not planning on going out just like... that, right?" his face blushed as he pointed towards her general direction and then to her underwear still on the floor. " We aren't exactly on the first floor and we're still in the city." He added before getting up and putting the pants on. "And so, I'm feeling rather selfish and want to keep you all for my own." He added with a teasing growl as he rushed to grab her. Hugging her from behind, he lifted her off the ground playfully for a few seconds before putting her back down with a chuckle.
Afriel laughed when she was lifted off of the ground, "No one is going to see," She said and laughed but shook her head, " But, if you feel more comfortable I'll put on some shorts," She ran into her room and slipped on a pair of short pajama shorts, leaving his shirt on, "Better?" She asked walking back into the living room.

Afriel smiled at him and looked herself over curious if her appearance was acceptable now. She spun so that he could look her over and then stopped and walked toward the door.
"Better indeed." He smiled as he followed her out. They stepped out to a city covered in water from the rain that had ensued the encounter of the evening. Lights reflected vividly off the drenched streets. The familiar smell of moist asphalt mixed with rain covered the nearly-quiet city, except for the occasional car or siren as ambulances, police cars and fire trucks would travel in the distance, keeping the order in the city. Devon leaned against the railing as he lit himself a cigarette, puffing on the grey smoke. He shoved his lighter back into his pocket, along with the cellphone and cigarette pack, before grabbing the cigarette from his lips. "I have to admit... I grew to like the rain. There's a calming rhythm in storms, if you don't let it's power shake you." He smiled lightly as he starred off in the distance.
Leaning against the railing Afriel nodded in agreement, "I think that I've always loved the rain," She said and smiled, holding her hand out to catch a few drops in her palm. "It's like it....washes away everything, just give you a fresh start," Afriel said and smiled. It was obvious that she'd thought a lot about it, something as simple as the rain meant something to her.

"But the sun, it's nice too," She said and looked over at Devon with a smile, "It's nice to have it come out after the rain comes out and stays for a long while," Afriel turned her face back to the city, looking at the night life. It was so large and they were so small.

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