Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Surprisingly enough, Cedric was staring at Afriel his eyes full of shock and terror. "Uh oh, Flame Boy might wet his pants Devon," She taunted walking toward the red haired man who was now on the run. Though she knew it was wrong for her to chase after him, the fact that he was running made her want to do it all the more.

Afriel drew from Devon's powers, sucking the electricity from the clouds and into every fiber of her being. She was at the front door when she stopped and the sadistic grin on her face fell flat. The bright light of her eyes had faded and she blocked Devon's path.

"We can go in there and murder him," Afriel was saying, now facing Devon, "I can't let you kill another person, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself," She told him, her eyes locking on his before she turned back to survey the house, "We just capture him, okay?" It came out as a question, but she was definitely telling him in a commanding tone. Afriel was clearly serious about this, "I'll shock your butt to kingdom come if you kill him," Afriel teased half seriously before starting through the rubble of a home with Devon.

She wanted to torture this man for all the awful things he had done, but in doing that she and Devon were no better than Cedric was. She didn't want that guilt, and she knew that Devon would add that to his "doom and gloom" list, only to dread on it later.

Soon, they found Cedric though Devon's winds and such had calmed along with Afriels new discovered ability. He was backed into a corner, much like a child sent to time out. "Lets go Flame Boy," Afriel commanded, lightning crackling through her fingers. After a few moments of struggle, Devon was carrying Cedric out with his hands behind his back.

They made it out to the people standing guard, people that must have been part of Devon's unit Afriel guessed. When she saw Scarlet and smiled fleetingly and passed her, keeping pace with Devon's quick and long walk.

When Cedric was put away however, and the rain had let up, Afriel swayed feeling dizzy. What ever she had just experienced had drained her of her energy and her body was working to hard to give it back to her too quickly. "Devon..." Afriel murmured before collapsing into the mud in the huge dress she'd been put into. She looked much like a doll in the thing, and it would have been very becoming of her if she wasn't out cold in the mud and covered in rain.
Devon groaned. "The son of a b*tch is guilty, though... An eye for an eye?" He asked with a quirky smile, his tone obviously joking. An odd smile danced on his lips as his eyes calmed themselves down. He listened to her halfheartedly, not afraid of being rough with the man. "And you try and use your damn flames and I'll suck the air clean around you, got it?" Devon warned.

When she swayed, Devon picked her up in the mud, still clad like a prince of war and walked to Scarlet. "Oy. I'm sad to say this, but can someone take her home? She needs some rest. I'm not letting Cedric go off on his own until he's in a fire-proof cell. He has the inept ability to create flames. I happen to be able to control air and can 'negate' his flames. As charming as he is, I don't want to pass too much time around him, being he tried to protect my... uh, victim." he grinned awkwardly to Scarlet, aware she could see through his lie. She waved to an officer, who rushed over and took Afriel into a patrol car and off to her apartment. Devon turned around and sat into the front passenger seat escorting Cedric. His armor faded away in soft sparkles of blue dust in the light as the clouds began to dissipate before he got in the car.
-Around 6pm that evening-

It's been a long time since Afriel opened her eyes, she was in her apartment now as her eyes fought to expose the wakening world. She looked around and frowned, how did she end up here? Sitting up, Afriel looked for Devon. "Hello?" She called out, but no answer.

"Maybe all of this was a dream?" She wondered, but when she looked herself over, still in the dress she realized it wasn't. But, if it wasn't a dream then where had Devon gone off too? He was probably roughing Cedric up as she was lying here in her bed.

Looking at the time Afriel yawned and rubbed her eyes, "That late already?" She mumbled to herself before lying her head back down onto her pillow. She was sure that she looked just as crappy as she felt. Staring at the ceiling Afriel sighed again, waiting for the grogginess of sleep to escape her as she tried to remember what had happened. The only things that she could remember were the electricity, and before that being dragged off to some room where a woman named Claire fought her way into Afriel's sub-conscious. It made her shiver to think about it.
A bruised eye and gag were results of Devon going along with Cedric. It took a while for the police to find a fireproof cell to lock Cedric up. It wouldn't be until 9 PM that they would reach destination. Being the only known person to be able to stop Cedric from his fire ability, he had to tag along to make sure he wouldn't cause problems.

9:30 PM

"This is what happens when you mess with a storm. You get zapped." Devon smiled at the thought and nodded off as they shut the cell door behind him. Cedric could kick and yell all he wanted, the cell was impervious to his flames. He would only cook himself. Devon sighed as he stood outside. "I don't have my car... And I'm pretty tired..." He groaned. A gentle tap on his shoulder turned his attention to the red head beside him. Scarlet jingled her keys. "I can give you a lift when we're back... It's a long way from here, since we got here only half an hour ago." She suggested awkwardly

"Giving isn't your forte, Scarlet. But I'll accept the ride." Devon simply responded. They hopped into the next taxi and took the plane back, bringing them back in town 7 hours later. On the flight, Devon fell asleep first. A nostalgic smile crossed Scarlet's lips as she leaned against the sleeping man and closed her eyes. The texture of the coat hadn't changed over the years, as she remembered the times she would do that during long missions. Her dream during the flight was mainly memories of their time on the front lines. How their small recon team all had something off about each other. Everyone had seen unbelievable things about each other, and it made some want to forget...

4:30 AM

The plane touched down, and they soon found themselves aboard Scarlet's black Porsche 911. She drove smoothly for a while, taking the long way to Afriel's apartment.
Afriel had fallen back asleep, but she was now only in the corest she'd been forced into and her underpants. She hadn't been able to get it off as it was tired intricately in the back. When her eyes cracked open again it read 6 am.

"Devon?" Afriel called, but still there was no answer. Where was he? She was starting to become worried, after such a traumatic experience for the both of them, Afriel just wanted to pull him into her and make sure he was okay.

Him not being here yet meant he'd been gone all night. He'd been busy dealing with Cedric she was sure, but that thought did little to ease her mind. "He better get here soon or I'm going to blow up," She mumbled to herself as she stepped out of bed. She slipped on a thin sheer robe that did hardly anything to cover her up and walked into the kitchen.

Her whole body ached with every movement, and she could feel the tax that her new powers had brought on. Using it wasn't something she was going to be able to do all the time, not like Devon could with his own powers. As she worked in the kitchen Afriel produced coffee and pancakes making extra for when ever Devon would arrive.
Scarlet was the one to break the uneasy silence. "You're still wearing that coat?" She asked.

"Oh. Yeah... I guess part of me never really wanted me to forget." The man sighed

"Even if you did." She butted in.

"I remember now, okay?" Devon groaned.

"Did you ever forget about... us?" Scarlet's cheeks flushed up as they stopped to a red light. She pressed her finger together embarrassingly. Devon sighed.

"You knew what it was, We all promised nothing serious was supposed to come of it, Scarlet." He coldly told her.

"I'm sorry. I just... I just miss the days when things weren't so tense all the time." She sighed as she pressed the car forward when the light changed.

"You could start by not blowing up in my face all the time." Devon simply pointed out.

"I do that because you act like a kid." She retorted angrily. Devon only pointed at her with a winning smirk and she groaned.

"We friends with a past. Its the past. I'm sure you can find someone around you-" Devon started but got interrupted.

"Not like you. No one's as strong as you are, Devon." Scarlet cut in. The man rubbed the back of his head with a sigh.

"Why now, Scarlet?" Devon asked her honestly.

"Because... Well, you seemed like you remembered your time on the front and..." She mumbled embarrassingly.

"I never forgot the time we had. I never forgot my friends, for the good times we had, even if they were so few." Devon replied with a smile on his cold eyes. "You're looking at the wrong man. You know how few people ever interest me."

"What about that girl, Afriel? You're interested in her, I could tell by watching you two. She can calm you more easily than music ever did, and that's something..." She sighed. Devon simply shrugged.

"Maybe I am. But given the dangers we just faced, I wouldn't be surprised if that caught the attention of others, who knows what Cedric told others... I'm becoming full-time bodyguard." Devon confirmed.

"No, you aren't going to be a bodyguard." Scarlet replied. "You'll be a full-time trainer. You guys have hidden talents that need to be honed. Teach her how to use firearms and such, get her ready to accompany you throughout missions. If she accepts, she can be an agent like you." Scarlet suggested.

"Hmm... We'd basically be your strong-arm in case things go too crazy..." Devon seemed to ponder a little. "We'll see what the lady says." Devon replied as he pointed to her apartment. He was out of the car before Scarlet had time to close the ignition and up the stairs and knocking at her door. Scarlet was shortly after Devon, still a little blushed from the earlier conversation
There was a knock at the door just as Afriel was pouring cream into her coffee. She felt her chest tighten in anticipation and rushed to the door leaving the cream out that was now spilled all over the counter top.

Afriel practically ripped the door off of it's hinges as she opened it, throwing her arms around Devon as soon as the opportunity presented itself. "Oh Devon!" She cried, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

"I was so worried about you," She said her voice obviously full of tension. She wanted to pull him inside and kiss him all over but that was when she realized that Scarlet was with him. She sighed internally and pulled Devon into her apartment leaving the door open for Scarlet to come in.

"Please tell me everything is okay," Afriel said quickly holding Devon's hands in her own. It was obvious she was still rather weak, and had spent most of the night worrying about Devon.
Devon looked like he didn't exactly know what to do, letting himself be dragged around until she calmed down enough. He softly chuckled. "Everything's fine. I'm fine, you're fine, Cedric is fine, mostly..." He smirked widely with a sort of giggle. "I just came back from a 7 hour flight to lock him up in a fire-proof, high security cell. He won't be causing anymore trouble. I don't know how you were so worried, I didn't get a single phone call." he nudged her playfully in the ribs. Scarlet closed the door behind her and waited for the couple to talk a little before clearing her throat loudly. Devon sighed. "Scarlet would like to offer you a proposition." the man said and the woman stepped up to be in a clear view, her ruby eyes looking down at Afriel.

"The department would like to create a special squad to deal with chosen who go 'rogue'. Devon would train you for any forms of combat expertise, and with time, you could become a fully autonomous agent. We can use people like you." Scarlet simply said before reaching into her bag to pull out a paper ad pen. "Sign this and your training with Devon starts tomorrow." Scarlet added.
Afriel frowned at his joke of not calling, "I couldn't exactly get out of bed," Afriel mumbled. But the smile went back on when he playfully poked her in the ribs. What caught her off guard was when Scarlrt announced her proposition. "I can do the right now,you have to let me think about it," Afriel said stepped back away from Scarlet. "You can't just expect me to jump on board right away," Afriel folded her arms then and frowned at Scarelt before looking up at Devon.

It was obvious she was not happy about this wan forcing papers in her face and she was actually quite mad. It wasnt right for Scarlet to come into her home and throw things in her face. "Look in tired and I'd like for you to go?" She said rather coldly. With out looking at her again Afriel walked off to the kitchen grabbing her coffee and taking a big swig.
Devon arced an eyebrow in surprise before shrugging. He waved to Scarlet to leave, walking her to the door. "I'll talk to her. Get to you when I can, just remember that I'm full time bodyguard now." Devon told her as she left.

The man turned around and followed her in the kitchen. "How are you holding up?" He asked her as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
Afriel sighed as she put her now empty mug into the sink. She was wiping up the mess she'd made when she'd heard Devon come in. "I was really worried about you..." Afriel murmured, not turning to look at him. She was obviously upset, "I thought I was going to have to marry that idiot. He wants me, he wants to use me," Afriel explained and she shivered.

Walking over to a cupboard she pulled out a new mug and poured some coffee into it for Devon. "Here," Afriel said handing him the coffee. Her eyes looked tired and her face was slightly twisted into what seemed like a permanent sour position.

"As for how I'm holding up....I thought I'd be okay when you came home, but no. Now I have a million things to think and worry about. I had papers shoved in my face, and I get the distinct feeling that Scarlet doesn't like me," Afriel shook her head and she brushed past Devon to sit on her living room couch her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.
Devon took the coffee with a sigh. "Scarlet does't like anyone, especially at first. But she gets things done. You aren't a machine like her. You don't need to think about it right now." He replied to her before putting down the coffee to cool for a little and sat down beside. "And so? It ends up as usual, You, me, on your couch really early in the morning." He teased with a smirk. "I'm home, sunshine. You can stop worrying." His smiled softly to her as he stretched his arms to lie them along the top of the couch.
When Afriel exposed her face tears clung to her cheeks and eyelashes. "I thought I was going to be signed away to Cedric," Afriel murmured, her eyes stricken with pain. "I don't want to be ripped away from you like that ever again," Her voice was soft and shaking, what had happened obviously scared her.

She was shaking slightly just thinking about it, "I don't know what came over me yesterday...I was so....scary," Afriel said and put her head back into her hands again. Every now and then Afriel's shoulders would bounce while she tried to hold in her tears. She wasn't even really sure why she'd been crying at that point bu the tears wouldn't stop, and well....she didn't want them to.
Devon placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I was scared to lose you too... I found out of a new ability because of it. I was ready to split that man apart, and anything else until you'd be back. I would've never stopped. It's over now." He gently told her, gently rubbing her back before sitting up and pulling her gently towards himself.
When Devon pulled her into him, she went willingly. It was like they melted together into one person when they were close. "I don't know how I've fallen for you so fast, but I did," She murmured into the crook of his neck. A smiled spread on her lips then as her arms slid around his torso.

"I think we were supposed to end up together," Afriel thought out loud, "My power, the new one I found out about, it feeds off of yours," She said and lifted her head to look at Devon. "Without you, I wouldn't have been able to do the things I did. I was so angry yesterday, so hurt, I wanted to tear him to bits but....of course I thought better of it...the person I was being scared me," Afriel shook her head, her eyes wide with disbelief.
"There is no need to be afraid of that person. These powers only need refining. It's what Scarlet was really trying to offer; a way to hone our skills. It's not your style of life, is it?" He sighed. "The basic idea was that you'd be partnered up with me, so when we go to places, we can both work on getting the job done, instead of having me keep you safe. But enough work talk." Devon grumbled with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her so she would be straddling him. " I've been gone for more than half a day, I want you close to me." He admitted as he hugged her figure.
Afriel almost gasped and blushed at the sudden closeness Devon initiated. "Oh, Devon," Afriel sighed, her voice deep and breathy. She had her hands on both side of his face now and her forehead resting on his. "It felt like much longer than that, I wasn't sure that everything had been okay," Afriel was murmuring to him, her eyes closed. "I couldn't remember much about what had happened, and thats why I was so worried," She shook her head, "I would have called but I could hardly lift my arms up off the bed," She laughed at that remembering just how stupid she probably looked.
Devon's hands wrapped themselves around her thighs and moved along her body slow, up her waist and and back down. "It felt like forever having to keep still and quiet with Cedric in the back. Eventually, he was a lot more quiet though." Devon chuckled with a grin. "I'm sorry I wasn't around you when you were here, I was the only one who could negate Cedric's flames, so he wouldn't exactly have him set fire to the car or the plane. I was obliged to follow him all the way to his cell before being dismissed. Scarlet was nice enough to offer me a ride back." He explained to her softly, his eyes never leaving hers for more than a second. "Can't blame you if can't get up. I'm sorry about the punch. Next time, we should just have a phone in the bedroom. You know, in case of any accidents that could happen in the room." He teased while he rolling his eyes playfully. After a little, he placed a gently peck on her lips randomly and smiled lovingly to her.
Afriel shivered slightly at her lovers touch, though it had been only a day and a half it felt a lot more like weeks or maybe even months. Last night the bed had felt so empty without him and she had wished he were there so badly.

Now that he was here, her heart was pounding wildly in her chest, and she could feel the warmness of her cheeks. She would have leaned down to kiss his neck but the corset that she was stuck in wouldn't allow that. As she made the effort to lean down and do so she groaned slightly, "This stupid thing," She mumbled and again for the fifth time that day tried to reach under her sheer robe and undo it. Of course she couldn't reach it just like any other time but it was just annoying enough she hoped she'd be able to reach it this time.

"Remind me never to go back in time, I don't want to ever have to dress like that again," Afriel smiled at Devon with a soft giggle. "You better help me out of this, you owe me after hitting me so hard," Afriel winked then before kissing him quickly on the lips.
"Fine, fine... Just turn around so I can work on it." Devon gently asked her. After she did, his hands worked on the strings, eventually loosening them and taking the contraption off Afriel. Once done he leaned back into the couch with a soft smile. "I know I've been bad, punching you like that, getting all pissed off and raging and probably over-reacting... I might just need a little punishing." He teased her with a smirk and a wink. Devon was in a good mood that that Afriel was safe, sound and in his vicinity. He was able to relax and joke around, something he didn't exactly on a regular basis.
Afriel wrapped her thin robe around her before turning back into the straddling position Devon had pulled her into before. "Oh?" She smirked and leaned down pressed her warm lips to his cool neck. It was nice to have his cool skin on her again. "Maybe you should just relax in bed for now...?" Afriel asked lifting her head to look at Devon with a slightly concerned look.

"Last time we spent all day on the couch well.. you know what happened..." She blushed slightly, "The good as well as the bad," She pointed out to him and then leaned down to kiss him lightly on the lips before moving from him to stand.
"I slept on the flight back..." Devon sighed. "Things will happen whether we stay on to couch, move to the bedroom or even in the kitchen, good or bad. You worry too much for a man who learned to live life on his own. If you're tired I'll come and cuddle with you." He added.
"I'm not tired," Afriel protested, "I was just worried about you," She said and pulled him into her, her own head now resting on the top of his. "I missed you..." her breath was warm against his hair and as she whispered it caused his hair to stir slightly.

"There was a point where I didn't think I was going to be with you again," She told him, her voice shaking slightly at the words. "I saw you there, fighting for me, and I said cruel things....but in my head I was screaming for couldn't hear me..." Afriel squeezed him tightly into her for a moment before dipping her head to give him a full deep kiss.
Devon placed a finger on her lips. "Shhhh. It's over now Afriel. You weren't yourself, I knew it because of what we shared together. And, Cedric, out of all people, won't be able to pull me away from you, whatever nefarious tricks he comes up with." he told her calmly and wrapping his arms around her. "I'll never simply get rid of the my precious ray of sunshine that easily, that I promise you." He said confidently after returning the kiss.
Afriel smiled and felt her eyes sting with tears of joy. She blinked them away and kissed him again, "I-I love you, Devon..." Afriel murmured before pushing her lips against his again. Kissing him now was more perfect and electrifying than ever.

When ever she was close to him like this, her senses went crazy. It was as though nothing else in the world mattered. No one could touch them or ruin this for them. As their lips connected it caused Afriel to feel dizzy her heart going haywire in her chest.

Her arms slid around Devon's neck keeping him pulled into her, her torso that was hardly covered was now pressed into his. She could feel his cool skin through his clothes and she wanted to be close to him forever.

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