Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Devon kissed her back, feeling himself melt against her warmth and caressing her body as they shared the moment. Passion was subtle at first, but as she kissed him, she slowly pulled out the passion from him, his kisses becoming quicker in movements. "I love you too, Afriel." He whispered in her ear before pressing his against her neck and trailing his lips against her jaw teasingly. His hands caressing sometimes stopped to grab her thighs and hips, sometimes pulling her tighter in their embrace as they made out, comforting one another.
Afriel kissed him back, panting slightly when Devon's lips met her neck and then her jaw. It took quite a bit of effort but after a while Afriel pulled back and smiled at him, her chest heaving with shortness of breath. "If we're not careful, we're not going to leave this couch," She said with a smirk.

Her voice was breathy as she spoke and her eyes held that fire they usually did when she looked at him. Her lips met his briefly for another moment before she pulled off of him and got to her feet. "Are you hungry?" Afriel asked as she threw her arms out into a stretch. When she was done stretching she picked up the corset Devon had pulled off of her and walked over throwing it into the closet. Now all she wore was a pair of underpants and her sheer robe.

Standing now by her bedroom Afriel smiled at Devon who was looking at her from the couch. "I can make us something if you like?" She offered leaning against the closet door. Her blonde hair was slightly ratty from the rain and the curls that Cedric's maids had put in her hair. She looked slightly tired, but not as much as she had before, and her brilliant smile was for only Devon now.
Devon followed her into the bedroom. "I'm only hungry for one thing. You." He teased as he walked up to her at the closet, kissing her while wrapping his arms around her once more. The kiss wasn't very long, interrupted by Devon who lifted her off the ground and dropped her on the bed. "I passed too much time without you. I'm letting you out of my sight now." He growled to her teasingly as he climbed over her, pinned her down with arms on each side of her shoulders and stared straight into her golden eyes.
Afriel gasped audibly this time and her cheeks turned a deep red color, "Devon..." She sighed, a smile spreading across her lips. When he lifted her up and dropped her onto her bed she squealed slightly followed by a short happy giggle.

Her eyes locked onto his in the dark room, something new was there. Something more passionate than it had been before. The both of them had been worried they weren't going to be together again and now that they was like a whole new relationship. One filled with longing and passion for the other, closing out the rest of the world.

Her heart was slamming in her chest and ears as she looked up at him, her body wanting his against her own desperately. "Devon.." She whispered again, beckoning him to waste no time.
A smile spread against his lips as he reached with a hand to unbutton his shirt. Shoving it off his shoulders, the man curled over Afriel, pressing a strong kiss on her lips. With a free hand, he gent;y massaged her side, pulling himself against her as they made out. Devon's breathing was deep and it's pace was quickening as he felt passion lighting through Afriel. Her very touch felt electrifying against his bare skin as she followed along the lines of his scars. The man soon began working on his pants before scooting under the blankets, pulling Afriel as close it was humanly possible, his hands grabbing at her lustfully.


Devon sighed, an arm behind his head as he spooned Afriel, the free arm wrapped around her and holding her close to him. The man hadn't found sleep, but simply observed Afriel as she slept, brushing the hair from her face gently. A loving and content smile seemed glued to his face.
After about a good few hours sleep, Afriel started to stir. She was completely naked now as well as her lover beside her. Rolling over and yawning Afriel opened her eyes to look at Devon. He had seemed to already been awake, "Couldn't sleep?" She asked him gently, her hand going up to caress his cheek.

She looked slightly concerned but a smile quickly replaced that look when she pecked his lips quickly and gently with her own. "How about something to eat now?" She asked him with a smirk.
Devon simply smiled with a soft chuckle. "Slept on the plane, remember? It WAS a 6 or 7 hour flight." He sighed. "Something to eat now would be nice." the man added with a smile before kissing the girl in bed with him. "I'd eat you up, but I want to keep you for my life, so..." he teased her as they shuffled around the bed and got out. Devon chose to go around with the usual, a simply pair of pants on. He would usually try to wear a shirt to hide the scars, but felt like he had nothing to hide. The needy feeling of covering up had disappeared, mostly around Afriel. He followed her in the kitchen, sticking close to her with his hands around her.
Afriel made her way into the kitchen and started pulling things from the fridge and cupboards but stopped to turn and look at Devon whose arms were still around her, "Hey now, I can't get anything done from here," She said and smiled sweetly at him.

She'd slipped on her robe again, and if someone were to drop by they would know right away what the nights activities had held for the two lovers. "Would you rather me make food later?" She asked and giggled. Her arms went around his neck, and Afriel pulled him into her hugging him tightly before letting her arms fall down to her sides again.
Devon only grinned after being kissed. "Fine, fine... I'm just the happiest man in the world with nothing to do but look at your sweet... figure prance around the kitchen. What do you want me to do?" he asked, blushing brightly and lamely holding himself from laughing as he took a few steps back, simply having fun with her. Flipping a chair around, the man took a seat and leaned against the table with a smirk, watching Afriel work with a loving smile.
"You flatter me," Afriel said and smirked, moving over to the stove and putting butter in a hot pan. She was making french toast now, whipping eggs as she waited for the butter to melt. Once it was melted, egg coated slices of bread hit the pan with a sizzle. "Just gotta keep an eye on those now," Afriel said walking over and sitting on Devon's lap.

Her expression was slightly serious now as she looked down at Devon, "Would you want me to sign those papers...?" She asked out of nowhere. She wasn't sure what he was going to say to that, but whatever he wanted she'd do it.
When prompted with the question grew serious. "Well, I'd think that you could at least try it. The worse you'll get out of the training is self-defense courses, basic physical fitness. With your progress, you would eventually move to small firearms. If things were to end up us apart once more, I kinda like the idea that you can at least fight back without endangering yourself as much as using untamed abilities." Devon explained, admitting the idea wasn't bad. "If anything, they are paying you to do it, no strings attached. Well, if you complete the training, they kinda expect you to work for them for a while and it's kinda hard to get away with a whole country government. Trust me." He smirked and looked down to Afriel. "It would mean we would work together. We wouldn't have reason to be far away from each other. Being an agent like me, your word is higher than police officers..." Devon added with a shrug. "But more importantly, do you think you'd be able to handle it? Do you think you can face other people who could be just as strong or even more than Cedric on a weekly basis? Not immediately, only when you'd be ready, but still..." Devon asked her seriously.
Afriel looked down in thought for a moment before going back over to the stove. She didn't say anything as she was flipping the bread in the pan. When they was done and the other side was cooking she turned to face him, not walking back over to him from the other side of the kitchen.

"Well...I think I could handle, but it would take some getting used too..." She said her eyes locking on his, "It would be smart to become stronger, learn more about these things, but....I don't want to sign away my life," Afriel told him shaking her head, "If they want me to work for them, then they have to back off some." She smirked over at Devon now, though Afriel was small she was also just as ornery as Devon was. She would do what she wanted when she wanted to, "I don't know that they know what they're getting themselves into asking to team us up," She said and laughed at that. Her laugh was genuine and full of music, it lit up her whole face and she looked back at Devon who was laughing as well.
"Yeah, well, when you need to hit something hard, they won't bat an eyelash. They'll clear the damages and pay the medias even. The mansion we tore apart? Flash storm, passing around the house the closest and at it's strongest. I can tell they aren't too fond of keeping me around as your bodyguard. However, they're also willing to assign me to the task, compared to the usual military training camp." Devon shrugged. "I don't usually think of things too far, especially given my past situations not really requiring me to think too much. I never felt like I was risking anything. Now, I just want to fight more to protect what I have. Keeping you nice and close only lets me protect you better. And if she can join me while I knock the teeth out of people who endanger the world, all the better, no?" He asked with a smirk.
Afriel nodded and turned her back to him slipping the food from the pan and adding more in. "There," She said and smiled. Walking back over she climbed into his lap her knees on either side of his lap. "As long as I'm with you I'll do whatever," She said and smirked. Placing her hands on either side of his face Afriel leaned down and kissed him.

"You're a good kisser, you know that?' she asked after pulling away. There was a smirk on her lips as her hands stayed rested on his cheeks.
The man raised an eyebrow to her when she pointed out he was a good kisser. "My kissing skills are nothing against your sexiness." He said with a serious face a for a few seconds before a large teasing grin spread his lips. "So... When would prefer to start? We can start in a week, we can start on 3 days, we can even start today.-ish." He looked aside, unsure about the last statement. "I just want to know what we're going to be doing." He added defensively before she could think he was pressuring her.
Afriel pecked his cheek and then thought for a moment, "Why don't we start in about three days?" She said and pulled herself from his lap and back to her feet, "That way we can get rested up, and be together before we have to start working," She said and looked over at her calendar that was hanging by the stove, "I need to call into my old job and let them know I'm not coming back," She said and shrugged, "They'd put me on leave after that whole Peter thing," she walked over and flipped the food for the last time and slid it into a pan. "Ready?" She asked turning the plate toward him to look at, there were about eight pieces of french toast stacked there and she walked it over to the table.
"3 days... Lets hope nothing happens in between. We'd like this to be actual rest." He said out loud, to no one in particular. When presented with food, he nudged himself aside to let her put the food and plates down. While she set the table, he got up and fetched the peanut butter for himself, grabbing utensils behind her and putting them down beside their plates. "Looks delicious, honey." He commented to her as he sat down.
"I'm glad you think so," Afriel sat down as well, and their breakfast went happily and smoothly. No one interrupted them, and they talked about everything from their favorite foods, colors, and songs. "I'm stuffed, " Afriel said patting her stomach just as she emptied her plate of it's last bite.

Just as she was standing to clear the table someone knocked on the door. "Oh great," She said softly with a sigh, "Another thing to deal with, " She went over and opened the door to find Peter standing there.

"Told you I'd be back," He said with a smirk, letting himself in without asking for permission. Afriel tried to protest but he ignored her.

"Where's that other kid, Derek...or whatever his name was," He walked into the kitchen with Afriel on his heels, "Oh hey," Peter said coldly to Devon before promptly walking to the fridge and grabbing something to drink.

Sighing Afriel walked over to stand beside Devon, "What do you want, Peter?" She spat his name as though it were acid.

"I've come to collect you, I made reservations at a restaurant, " Peter told her with a shrug, "If you won't just come right back I'm going to woo you," He told her and then smirked at Devon, "You've got competition."
Devon smirked and back in his chair, lazily stretching. "I'm thinking that the competition is getting WAAAY too ahead of itself." He simply said confidently. "Now you better sit you butt down and listen to the lady say what she has to say." He added, a lot colder this time. He then turned to Afriel. "Now remember, you can't let anyone walk all over you, not even me. I know you've got quite the spirit inside of you. It's time to stop being easily pushed around." He encouraged her before watching to see how the man would take it when Afriel would hand him the ring and kick him out the door. Or at least, he hoped she would do it. If she would let that man walk out of line too much, Devon wouldn't be shy to do it for her.
Afriel sighed, obviously nervous. "Well, I have some things to give back to you," Afriel said to Peter who was looking at her from where he stood.

"Your ring, and clothes mainly," She said and walked over to the other room grabbing the stuff and bringing it back. She shoved it into him with a 'oof' sound and walked back over to stand by Devon.

"Well, I see that someone over here had been brain washed," Peter said rolling his eyes, "Like I said, if you're not going to come right away I'm going to woo you," He said and waved his hand dismissively at Devon.

"For now, why don't you just let me be your friend, hm?" He asked and Afriel felt pressured, she knew what she was supposed to say but she wasn't sure if she could.

Biting her lip she looked at Devon to help her out in this. She was never rude to people, and right now she was trying to avoid being rude.
"Do I have to rip your heart out for you? You broke her in pieces when you left. I picked her up from the ground and put her back together. You won't just swoop in and claim her yours after the ungratefulness you presented her. She doesn't need you anymore." Devon got to his feet from the chair he had been sitting on and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her up against himself. "And if you won't accept reality, I'll make you face it dead-on." Devon warned the man and turned to face Afriel and gently lifted her chin. With a soft movement, he pressed his lips against hers in front of Peter. He wanted to get the message out. Once the kiss was over he looked back to the man. "And now, I'll warn you. You show disrespect over Afriel, once peep of a complaint, and the whole sky will fall down on you, Peter. I'm Devon, and you will remember that name, especially since I technically took your girl. Or should I say, the girl you abandoned?" Devon pointed to the man with his free hand.
Afriel was taken back by his actions, Devon was treating her like a item to be won. When the kiss needed Afriel ripped herself from Devon's grip. She looked mad now, and well she was. "Don't talk about me as of I'm not here!" She half shouted and walked over to Peter grabbing him by the arm and pulling him through the door slamming it shut despite his protesting.

She didn't look at Devon after she was done she simply walked to her room and sales the door, hard.
Devon sighed and waited for her to have kicked Peter out. "I was trying to provoke him." He sighed. It obviously provoke the wrong person. The results were still successful, but it prompted another problem. the man thought to himself. "You know I care about you, and I know that you aren't some prize to be won. That man seems to think that way and I simply told him with the words he would understand." Devon sighed as he walked up to her door, talking through it. "I don't like it when other men walk all over you... I just... I screwed up, I know. I haven't exactly felt jealous like this before, I don't know." The man sighed awkwardly at the door. "I'm sorry, sunshine." He apologized before walking to the couch and taking a seat, looking out the window. He was a little mad at himself for the way he acted, perhaps a little too boldly than he should have. But things with Peter didn't sit right with Devon, he was annoyed of the ex buzzing around when he should simply stop bugging her and return to having disappeared on her.
Adriel was listening to him talk while she sat on the bed they'd messed up the night before. "You acted just like him!" Afriel shouted, but continued to listen as he spoke. When he spoke of being jealous Afriel sighed softly and got to her feet. After letting the angered expression fade she opened the door but hid half way behind it.

"You were jealous...?" Afriel asked, her voice soft. Her eyes were on him as she waited for the answer bright in the dimness of the room. "I'm sorry for shouting," she told him giving a small embarrassed smile. The way she looked at him said that she'd forgive him even if she didn't think he deserved it.
An embarrassed smirk covered his lips when she cracked the door open. "A little. I mean. he got 2 years by your side. I barely got 4 days, 2 of those he tries to take you away, one where I almost die, the other you get poisoned, the third you get kidnapped..." Devon summed up their time together rather quickly. "I wish I could have met you earlier, like he did." Devon looked back to her for the first time after he had smirked to her. His eyes were apologetic and honest. "I did say I was the big bad wolf." He pointed out with a weak smile and a shrug, trying to alleviate the tension.

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