Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Devon turned to look at Afriel. "I've only started to see the sun. And that wouldn't happen if it weren't for you." He nudged her gently with his elbow. "But I'd like to enjoy your presence anywhere, whether its in the sunniest of days or in the strongest of nightly storms. Whether we're freezing our butts off or melting in the hot sun, I wanna share it all with you." He smiled to her before wrapping his free arm around her. "Sometimes, my job might give me opportunity to travel. I can easily arrange for you to come along, if you want. The world is really beautiful out there, and I can't wait to see under the sun." He grinned to her.
Afriel's face lit up and she scooted closer to Devon her hip brushing his leg. "I'd love to go everywhere with you," she said her tone serious. When she looked up at him her face was bright and glowing in the dark of the night, "I didn't know I'd ever feel this way about someone, I had no idea it was even possible," her voice was sweet and soft as she spoke to him. Her arms slid around his waist as she pressed into him. The rain was harder now and the wind was picking up. Afriel wondered if Devon had something to do with it, but right now she was focused on his sparkling blue eyes on her. Their gases were locked together now, both of them smiling.
"Then it's decided. We're swinging back by the station tomorrow and putting you in the witness protection program, gratified with a bodyguard as bonus." He smiled to her. "But don't be surprised if they ask me to do both. They don't have many agents who can do this line of work." Devon shrugged and took a drag from his cigarette. The rain dripped down his built skin, trickling along the deeper scars. His hair was damp and shaggy, but the rain brought a glitter to his eyes that was like none other. A soft, nostalgic smile rested on his face and he listened to the pounding of the rain.
Afriel grinned and her face lit up more than it had when he first mentioned the idea. "I'm super happy!" She said and threw her arms around him in a hug. For a moment she just held onto him, and then finally she let go after kissing his lips briefly. "I can't wait to go on our first trip together!" Afriel said with agrin, clapping her hands together in excitement. The rain had made Afriel cold and so she shivered, "I better get in before I get a cold.." She said wrapping her arms around herself in a hug.
Devon hugged her back with a happy smile, pressing cheek gently against her head. He felt so natural around her, and he liked it. The ease of being himself came easy to him when she was around. Not a single care in the world was given to the fact they had met only a few days ago, he was happy right now and that's what counted. "I'll finish this first." Devon waved the cigarette over his head. A few seconds after she shut the door, Devon looked to the clouds, smiled and closed his eyes. Rain came pouring down strongly, as if it had been held back. It was almost like a shower and Devon had to lea over the gate with the cigarette underneath him to protect it. The man had a large smile on his face, a soft laughter, enjoying the heavy rain. Devon took a deep breath and the last few drags from the cigarette before flicking it over the edge. The man entered the apartment, not taking more than a step. "Hey sunshine, could I have a towel?" He asked her softly, dripping from rain.
Afriel was coming out of the bathroom with a dry towel in hand, just like she'd read his mind. "I figured that you'd need one, it was raining pretty hard I noticed," She said and smirked, "I have windows you know," Afriel added and smirked as she handed Devon the towel.

Once the towel was out of her hands she threw her arms out into a stretch. His t-shirt she was wearing rose up to expose part of her stomach and her messy blonde hair draped off of her head and down her back. "I'm wiped," She said with a slightly mischievous smile.
"Windows don't let me feel anything." He simply commented as he took the towel and began to dry himself. When she commented of being wiped. 'I apologize. I probably have something to do with that." He smirked to her before beginning to dry his hair. After a few minutes, the man was... damp. Not dripping as he came in, simply damn. The smell of rain really seemed to fit him, his eyes glittering like slow-falling rain from the center out. "We still have at least 4 hours to kill before the station's remotely open. Should we jump into our grocery and watch something? You pick this time." he suggested with a grin over his shoulder as he walked into the kitchen to check on the things they had gotten. "Didn't we-" knocking interrupted Devon as the delivery finally arrived.
"Yes but they let me see what you're feeling," She said and then blushed when Devon made his second comment about it being his fault she was tuckered out. "I think I know what I want to watch, " She said as she was opening the door, it was the pizza man. "Hello," She said simply as though she were slightly underwhelmed by the persons appearance.

The man before her was probably her age and though handsome looked wiped. His hair was slightly greasy and it had a poor attempt at facial hair that looked more like coffee grounds stuck to his face with vaseline than actual facial hair. She paid him, and he made a pass at trying to give her his number. Afriel took it sweetly with a smile but once the door was shut, set it on the end table by the door and walked the rather hot box of pizza over to the kitchen table. "Food's here," She told him.
"I almost want to put a ring on your finger, just so other guys understand that they're messing with someone they probably don't want to." He teased as turned around and hugged her from behind. He was a little bothered that other guys kept trying to do moves on Afriel, but the smiles she gave him were a reassurance that helped putting the foot down on the ones who cross the line. Kissing her on the cheek, Devon turned back and got some plates out and put them beside the pizza box. Once served, the man headed back into the living room with a bag of chips under the arm and took a seat on the couch, bag of chips on the coffee table.
Afriel who was now blushing rather hard from his comment put pizza on her plate and followed him in. She set the plate down on the coffee table and went over to her collection of Dvd's. "I had one inked, but I can't remember which one..." Afriel thought out loud as her eyes scanned the binding of the cases.

After a while however she picked out a love story, "The Notebook" (lol sorry ;3) and popped it in, "Sorry if you can't handle this girly movie," Afriel smirked and gave a shrugs before walking over to sit beside Devon on the couch. When she was comfortable she took a big bite from her slice of pizza and leaned back to relax and enjoy the film. It was nice to have Devon around, no longer alone doing these thing because she wanted to avoid people and the outside world.

The movie was about a quarter of the way through when their pizza was done and they were sharing the bag of chops. Sometimes Afriel would trick Devon into thinking she was going to feed him a chip before pulling it from his mouth and quickly popping it into her own.
Devon smiled sweetly to her as she teased around, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He didn't really pay attention to the movie, his attention was much more found on Afriel. She was like a drug he couldn't get enough of. He simply observed her, if she looked his way, he'd lock his eyes into hers with a soft smile.
Afriel was falling asleep towards the end of the movie where the two on screen were reuniting in the pouring rain. She was falling over into Devon her eyes closed. He'd really taken the energy out of her now an she was exhausted. Her face looked paler in the light of the TV. Shifting she wrapped her arms around Devon's torso and snuggled into him. "I'm so sleepy," she mumbled still partially awake, obviously trying hard not to fall asleep.
"It's okay." Devon murmured as gently stroked the back of her head as she snuggled into him. Shuffling a little, he made himself comfortable, leaning his cheek against her warm head with a soft sigh. He closed his eyes himself for a moment. Said moment lasted longer than he thought as he dozed into a light sleep.
The sun wasnt up until Afriel was waking up, a soft knock on the door waking her. She yawned and smoothed down her hair some with her hand. When she opened the door it was a woman, and she was completely unaware of who she was. "You need to come with me," he said, her voice smooth and hypnotic.

Something washed over Afriel and he felt instantly compelled to follow her. She was out the door and in a car driving quickly from her apartment before she'd even noticed she'd left. The woman who had coaxed Afriel down stairs had fiery red hair much like a certain flame boy she and Devon knew. In fact this person looked like she could be his sister.
It wasn't long after Afriel had left that Devon woke up, feeling her warmth having disappeared from his side. "Afriel? He called out as he began to stretch out and look around. "Sweetie?" He called out once more as he entered the kitchen. With no answer, he grabbed himself a shirt from one of the bags. He would return it later. Grabbing his coat and her keys, he locked up behind himself before taking a few steps on the balcony. "Where are you, sunshine?" He mumbled as he glared in the distance. The thinning clouds began to darken rapidly, curling onto themselves and slowly covering more ground. The man didn't bother jumping in his car as he simply march out into the street. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkening day, a cold, dead set glare set the gaze so sharp, it seemed to cut the air itself. With a few steps, he sped up to high speeds, the blond blur bolting through the streets with surprising handling. The man dashed the the station staggering in front of the building before breaking in a normal sprint inside and burst in Scarlet's office.

"You're as rowdy as ever." She simply mumbled.

"Afriel's been kidnapped. I'm pretty sure it Cedric Helvenia, I fought him off yesterday when I came back from here and he told me his name. I was going to bring her today and sign her up in the witness protection program. With myself as a bodyguard." Devon prompted, almost out of breath himself from sprinting across town.

"Are you crazy? We need you hunting those-" Scarlet began to fuss, but Devon rose his hand.

"I'd be willing to bring her along. Cedric can start fires at will. You knew odd stuff were happening around us, even back on the line, Scarlet. I can break the wall of sound, control the weather and wind. Who knows what else? Afriel saved my life, she can heal. And now that pyromaniac has her."

"Wait.. Weather? You were the reason why it was always raining, even when it should have been sunny?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah probably." Devon sighed. "Can we please turn to locate Afriel? I have no clue what that idiot wants, but given his family problems and his actions, I can only guess he's trying to thin out the chosen and establish a new reign. I said try." Devon shrugged. "Where should we start looking?" he pressed. Scarlet's expression grew serious.

"For now, we just need to keep an eye out for any descriptions." She sighed. Devon slammed his fist on the wall.

"It's not enough." He grumbled and turned around to leave

"I haven't seen you this flustered over someone before, Devon." Scarlet commented, freezing Devon in his tracks. "Who is she? What did she do to the man you were?" She asked

"She... She changed the way to see the world. With her, I'm actually willing to try and make the world a better place. I don't want anyone to take away my only sunshine." Devon replied over his shoulder. Scarlet stifled a giggle. "What?" Devon asked.

"Admit it, that was corny." Scarlet teased. "But I see what she means to you. I'm sending search patrols for both individuals." She added more seriously.

"Thanks, Scarlet. Keep in touch through cellphone" Devon replied.

"Devon" Scarlet called after the man just before he left through the door. "Just... Don't get yourself killed over some girl." She warned more sincerely. Devon simply chuckled.

"That's the problem. She isn't just some girl anymore." Devon simply said before leaving. He quickly burst off to find himself a high tower, closer towards the center if he could. From there, he simply closed his eyes and stood in the starting rain as the stormy blue-gray clouds grumbled overhead, swirling around menacingly. The aura that he emanated was powerful and angered. They had messed with the wrong forces, even after being warned multiple times. Whoever took her away from him wouldn't get off so easily this time.
((I don't know if I can match such a long post...))

Afriel had been gone for almost an hour now, but was still confused as to where it was she'd been taken. Right now she was staring out a window, where she noticed it'd begun to rain as winds whipped around violently outside. It wasnt a material thing and Afriel knew right away the Devon must have been behind it.

As of now she was at a bay window, no longer dressed in Devon's shirt. Someone had helped her get dressed into a 1700 period dress with corset and frills included. Her long blonde hair had been pinned up in curls against her head making her look like she'd just step right out of a history book. It was odd, the house she was in seemed like it was owned by rather wealthy people.

Looking out the window, Afriel tried to remember the woman who had beckons her here. All she could remember about her through the haze was the unsettling bright red hair. It was familiar yet strange to her all at once. It reminded her much of Ceric as she thought more about her.

Signing Afriel sat down at the bay window, everyone in the house looked like she did. They all looked like they belonged somewhere in a history text book and much less out in the 21st century. It was odd to be dressed this way, but he had to admit the century's garb she sported was a nice match for her.

About thirty minutes of sitting and thinking of Devon was broken when a maid came in with a tray of tea and a letter. It was brief as she read it te words states "Dinner is in fifteen minutes, please do not disappoint me by being late -C" it was all written in rather elegant writing.

What in the world could he possibly want from her? Had she done something wrong that he wanted to hurt her for? Smiling she stood and smoothed out the heavy dress she wore. "Ma'am, can you show me the dining room?" She asked politely of the woman dressed as a maid and she nodded leading her down the room she requested.

Food had been laid out in warming trays, ready to be served but no one touched a thing. A man whome she recognized right away was at the head of the table, "Vedric," Afriel hissed and he only responded with a single smirk.
Bzzz. Click. "Yeah?" Devon's voice was stern and direct.

"Uh-uhm. 3 possible locations that we suspect. The first one was burnt down 3 years ago, the second is a warehouse and the third is their vacation home. Which are you going? I'll dispatch others to the other-" Scarlet had been taken off guard by the held anger in his tone, even if it wasn't hostile. She was cut off by Devon and even more taken aback by his reply.

"Unnecessary. I'll check all 3 within the next half hour." Devon replied

"They are an hour's drive apart." Scarlet retorted.

"Yeah, by car."

"How are you going to go faster than a vehicle?"

"A new way I've been working on."

"What is it?"

*Click* Devon hung up, feeling like he didn't need to explain Scarlet at the moment. His mind was elsewhere. Simply checking the cellphone for the coordinates, Devon closed his hands into fists, the winds began whipping wildly around his arms, and as he imagined it around his legs, it began to happen. Hovering a few feet above the rooftop, the man smiled to himself. The clouds above him were pitch black, but rain had yet to fall. Giving it a test, he simply imagined himself flying forward, using the winds as a way to push himself around. With a few minutes of practicing different movements, he decided to test off the roof and head towards his destination number one. Gravity didn't seem to affect him as much, and so he took more height and bolted towards the closest one, the warehouse. Finding it empty, he passed over the burnt house and found nothing. That only left the vacation house. Taking a small break before leaving, the man passed by a food joint to grab a bite, making sure he wouldn't be fighting empty stomached.

Flying down to the entrance gates, Devon took a few steps and closed his eyes. He was steaming in anger, the black clouds that had been hovering over the city all this time rapidly moved over the mansion and began swirling menacingly A gentle rain began to drop on the mansion, gently beating against the windows as the wind howled restlessly. The man in the black trench coat pressed the intercom on the gate. "Let me in Cedric. I know you're there, you know what I want, I know you're expecting me." His cold, deep voice growled at the mic before looking back at the fences. His eyes glowed menacingly, dangerous and feral like an angered wolf.

((It's okay. I'm good with action stuff, but I do like the romance =P))
((Thats good. haha. Most of the time too, im typing from my phone and my hands get tired, so I'm like "Ehh good enough" lol :P ))

Afriel had sat down at the other end of the table, Cedric and her being the only ones in the room. She glared down at him, but he only smiled to her and offered her wine. "Please, please, " He started, his voice calm and sweet, "I'd appreciate it if you would stop glaring at me like that, and enjoy this fine dinner. In fact, you'll be sharing many dinners with me," He said and laughed darkly then.

This caused Afriel to stiffen but her face relaxed as he asked, and she sipped at her wine glass. It was a familiar taste, the same wine she'd had on the boat only this time it didn't seem to be laced. When Afriel looked frightened for a moment Cedric shook his head. "No, I didn't poison this cup, I need you healthy," He told her, his bright and captivating eyes locking on her own from down the long wooden table.

"You're probably wondering why I've brought you here," Cedric said after another sip of his own wine, "Well, it's simple. You can heal, and if I want to gain power over the rest of the "chosen" I'm going to need YOU to do so," He waited for it to click her in head before he continued, "I'm planning on becoming betrothed to you, Afriel," He said, his voice like acid to her ears.

She went to stand, but a rather burly man had stepped in beside her and pushed her back into her seat by the shoulder. Sighing slightly, Afriel looked back up to Cedric who was watching her with longing and fascination.

"You'll be my own key to becoming invincible," He said, clarifying every thought that Afriel could have had.

"I-i wont marry you!" Afriel practically shouted in response, but this only caused Cedric to shake his head slightly.

"Of course you will, my sweet," He said simply and looked at one of the door leading out of the room they were in.

"Please Claire, step on in," the doors came open and the person who stepped through was the same red headed girl that Afriel had felt so obliged to listen too. Cedric rose to embrace the woman and smiled at her, "Nice to see you dear sister," He cooed and let go of her.

"Now you see, Afriel," Cedric had turned back to face her now, "My very own sister is a "Chosen" and she had the power to make anyone bend to her will. How do you think you came here so willingly?" He offered but didn't let her answer out loud nor did he give an answer.

"She will convince you that you're in love with me, and not that low life Devon you were with before. Once that is done, you will be forever willing to be with me and heal me as I please....that and....well please me as I please," He laughed at that part, raking his eyes over Afriel which caused her to shiver.

"Please take Afriel with Claire to her room, and get to work," Cedric ordered to the large man behind Afriels chair. In moments Afriel was being marched down a long hall and being tied up. Claire took no time to start working on her.

Cedric, who was now being informed of Devon's presence sighed, "He just can't quit, can he?" Cedric said shaking his head. Walking down another hall he went into a control room and looked at the camera's. Devon of course, was standing at the gate waiting to be let in. "Afriel left with us upon her will, she want's nothing to do with you, scum," Cedric's voice went in the mic and out to where Devon was standing through the small speaker embedded in the wall beside him. "Just go home," click. The microphone button had been let go.
A smirk spread across his lips. "Wrong answer." Devon replied. He raised his fist and smashed the gate's intercom system. He took a few steps back from the gate and took a deep breath. "By the storms I bring my judgment." Devon muttered to himself. His eyes were 2 bright lights, shimmering an intense blue. A bolt of lightning cracked through the sky and impacted upon Devon. The blast smashed the gates open, along with part of the gates themselves with the violent winds as a silver armor sparkled from the smoke of the lightning impacts. A large sword rested in the right hand, a large tower shield across the left arm, the clinking of metal armor resonated through the winds with every step. A large black cape with white fur trimmings and shaggy collar was attached the knight. A large wolf bearing his fangs was engraved in the shield, blue jewels as eyes that seemed to glow with the same 2 glowing blue embers behind the helmet. This glow was visible through the tiny slits of the helmet.

With every advancing step, the ripping winds grew closer and closer, ripping plants branches and things from the ground and sending them flying. The windows began shaking as the first powerful gales hit the building. When he was at the doors, loud creaking of wood could be heard around as the winds pushed against the structure. With the slash of his blade, Devon knocked the doors in, a violent gale blasting into the mansion. The air seemed to twisted and swirl as the armor-clad man walked into the building. "I won't say it again. Where is Afriel? I'll tear this building apart if I half to." Devon called out. His voice wasn't the same, it sounded distorted. Like there was more than one person talking the same words with the same tones.
It wasn't long after that the front door to the home had opened, and standing there was Afriel. She and Cedric together, that is. The two of them had their hands linked with the fingers laced, much like two lovers. It had worked, Claires powers and made her now believe that she was in love with Cedric. But not only that she had a burning hate for Devon.

"Calm down, you baby," Cedric said and pulled Afriel into him by the waist. She complied as though she really wanted to be there and smiled the one smile she'd only give to Devon now up at Cedric. "I told you she came here on her own," He said to Devon and looked down at Afriel, "Isn't that right?" He asked her and she nodded effortlessly, with another one of her smiles.

"You can ask her yourself, take her if you want, but she wants nothing to do with scum like you," Cedric said and gently pushed Afriel up toward Devon. Their eyes met a moment, but her were not the same as they had been the night they spent on the couch, and in her room together. They were different now, distant and cold.

"Go home," She said, and her voice was harsh and un readable, "I love Cedric, and you wont tear me away from him," Afriel told Devon before stepped back to stand closely to Cedrics side.

"I'd invite you to our wedding, but really I think it might just upset the guests," Cedric retorted, and Afriel laughed at it. Laughed as though it were a truly funny and true statement.

"We don't want you here," Afriel finished. It was hard to recognize her by her looks though, because she was still dressed in the garb that had been given to her. Her hair was still curled and pinned, her dress hugged her tightly around the middle and hung big and flowy around her legs. If Devon hadn't known her he'd assume she was straight of of the past.
Devon raised his sword to point it at Cedric. "I'd suggest you think twice before angering the man who caused several hurricanes, Helvenia." Thunder clapped loudly outside, lightning striking out violently and powerfully. "No one will take her away and live. No matter if she did so 'willingly' or not. Who would willingly go to someone who tried to poison them?" The building creaked loudly, small snapping noises as winds tore at the building. "You're the scum, Cedric. Murdered most of your family who weren't like you because they wouldn't let you be the heir. Burnt down their estate with a full building. You know nothing of me. Now release her before I cut you down." Devon called out once more. Under the helmet, he was grinding his teeth, growling lowly as Afriel admitted to the lies. The man glared up to the two before him. If Cedric wasn't going to give in, Devon wouldn't hold himself back for a single second.
Cedric only smirked, "You see, if you put me in harms way you put HER in harms way," he told Devon.

Afriel was now standing in front of Cedric, ready to bleed her own blood for him. "Stay back," She said her voice cold, she stepped close to Devon now.

"You see, Lover Boy," Cedric said, motioning to Afriel, "She will continue to heal me over and over and over again, and unless you want her to die, you wont lay a hand on me. We both know what happens when she heals," He said with a smirk.

On the inside, Afriel was screaming for Devon to help her. She didn't want to get hurt, nor did she want to oppose him. What she wanted was to be back in his arms, being somewhere where this horrible Cedric couldn't hurt him or herself.

Afriel tried to scream out to him but, what ended up happening was just her stepping more in the way of the two people around her. It was taking a lot of her energy to fight the trance that was over her. She was worried now that if Devon hurt Cedric she would try to heal him and die because of it.
Devon moved his head from side to side. With a deep breath, the winds slammed into the building, the blue glow becoming light under the helmet. The sound smashing windows echoed throughout the mansion as the man seemed to stretch forward. " You really underestimate me apparently." Devon stomped a heel. The winds around swept upwards and slammed through the mansion, piercing a straight way up to the sky. Soon after, rain began to pour inside and the thunder growled overhead menacingly. His gaze met back to Afriel and stepped up to the girl. "If it has to be this way..." Devon sighed, his helmet disappeared for a moment to reveal his face. His expression was pained, his eyes were only blue light. The man seemed wild as his muscles clenched up. The sword disappeared from his hand, which he curled into a fist " I'm sorry." He muttered to her ear, his voice, normal for that second, before slamming his fist into her diaphragm, cutting out her breath completely. He caught her and put her down gently on the ground before turning up to face Cedric once more. His expression was fit for a wolf who was angered beyond belief. "I'm sick and tired of you." His voice had become distorted once more. The helmet phased back around his head. "Tell me how to bring her to normal or I bring the whole building down with us." Devon threatened and rose his free hand. A sword didn't phase into his hand, a .50 caliber sniper rifle did, aimed straight at Cedric's head with a single hand. The knight was going to make his stand.

The sound of sirens echoed faintly through the howling winds and Scarlet pulled around the building to see the roof get blasted outwards. "You guys stay in your vehicles and make sure no one gets out. I'm going in." She oredered as as she clambered out of her car and ran over inside. She came to see Devon in clad armor pointing a rifle at Cedric. "You said... it was just a dream..." She mumbled to herself as she recalled the armor. If anything, Scarlet didn't stay in plain sight, hiding in the corner behind the entrance door, watching on the events.
((I'm going to add a 'power' hope you don't mind))

Afriel was out cold for a long time, but when her eyes open they were lively, bright light coming from them. She stood quicker than she could have after the hit that Devon had laid on her. Everyone's eyes were on her now.

Her hair was whipping in the wind violently, having come undone from it's pins. As just as the clouds rumbled loudly, lightning struck Afriel dead on. She took it in and there was now lighting at her fingertips. She flashed a bolt toward Cedric who was now backing up, apparently not wanting anything to do with her now.

"Nice to be back," Afriel murmured, walking up beside Devon. She was feeding off of his weather controlling abilities. It was as though the two of them were one, as she stood there electricity flowing from her fingertips. "You better run, or I'm going to dry your little brain," Afriel said, her voice cold and harsh. It was like something inside her had been taken over, though it was clearly her own self speaking.

She smirked and rose her hands above her head before bringing them down hard on one sweeping motion. Lightening struck the house sending it sparking and spraying about. "Ready, Lover Boy?" She asked Devon teasingly, a smirk still on her lips.
"Good to have you back. " He replied as the helmet phased off once more. The shield disappeared as he rose a finger, pointing to wait a moment. The winds seemed to swirl around Devon violently enough, it seemed to rip off the armor. His clothes hand changed, under the familiar black coat. He wore a tighter armor plating under his jacket, this armor very ornate, being silver with sapphire trims and vine-like patterns. The sniper rifle disappeared once more, letting the man be bare-handed. "Oh, I'm ready, sunshine." With a downward spreading motion, the air seemed to move downwards and part before Devon, almost pulled by the motion. "Forget about getting away this time Cedric... Because we're tearing you house down until we get you." Devon snarled and swiped an arm aside. A gale outside ripped through a wall loudly. He became a blur as he rushed ahead to block off Cedric's way out and crouched, his hands became covered in thick armor that made his hands like sharp claws.

"The wolf is on the hunt." Scarlet muttered to herself as she saw Devon and the girl manifest very powerful features. Scarlet's mind was already working. She wasn't sure if the threat level demanded this much power, but sending them out against the harder targets was best, especially in critical conditions where damage wasn't an issue. If anything, Devon sure left a mark, Afriel only adding to it like fuel to the fire.

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