Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Devon shrugged. "Nah, the guy they gave me was someone else to deal with while they still try and find the guy. They'll either put it on stand-by, make me do it at the same time or throw it to someone else to deal with if it's really that pressing. Why do you think I ignored them for 2 weeks?" he said nonchalantly. "And so, what would you do without me? This is even legal rights to have time off from work without the penalties for you, if that bothers you. I just need to tell them that I'm impervious to his flames because of my control over air. I just need to get a hand on my control and the whole thing would be a breeze." A smile cracked at the word play. "There's a reason I've been enjoying it all this time. Things simply just keep getting better." Devon added with a smirk.
Afriel looked at Devon for a long time before she nodded in acceptance, "okay, as long as you don't think you'll be in trouble?" It was more of a question than a statement but, her face had relaxed into a smile nonetheless.

"I think I need a nap," Afriel stated now, turning and walking into her room. Today had been crazy with Peter and Cedric it one day. But, this day had also been wonderful, all of those moments with Devon made tha bad worth it.

Devon had follows her into her room and she slipped her hoodie over her head her thin shirt rising with it exposing her stomach, "Thank you for protecting me again today," Afriel said thought her hoodie until it was off.

She kicked off her shoes and fell onto her back onto the bed, "I'm exhausted now though," she admitted and turned her head to the side so that she could look at Devon.
Devon leaned against the door frame. "Well, if you're resting, I'll put the food away before what can melt actually melts." He stated before turning around a disappearing from her view. "My pleasure. I'll have experience when the job comes up." He called from the living room as he grabbed the bags and moved to the kitchen. He began by putting whatever needed to be either in the freezer or fridge, leaving the rest in the bags as he was unsure of her storage habits.
Not wanting to get up Afriel listened to Devon shift around her apartment. She thought of their night before in this very bed and felt her blood rushing to her cheeks. She hadn't known what came over her last night to make her so bold and forward, but she hoped it wouldn't be the last time she did so.

Yawning Afriel swung her legs into the bed and pulled the sheets over her, kicking her pants off the make her nap more comfortable. She hoped that Devon wouldn't mind it, hopefully not finding it very inappropriate . She shut her eyes and snuggled under her bedding, silent waiting for Devon to come back of he planned to at all...
The man returned to the room and smile warmly, crawling in bed to lie down behind her to spoon her. He hoped his presence would be enough to help her rest better, as the mental capacities with Cedric were still unknown. Devon wanted her to feel safe and calm.
Afriel opened her eyes when she felt the bed moving under Devon's weight. "So you decided to join me," She said sleepily with a half smile. Rubbing her eye with one hand she threw her other arm out into the stretch.

When her hand dropped from her face she looked up at Devon, he was close to her and she could smell him. The rain that had poured over them before was the strongest smell she could smell on him. His scent mixed with that relaxing scent was intoxicating.
"I'm just here for your comfort." He simply replied. An arm was folded under his head whilst the other had passed over her, resting around her. Devon kissed her cheek, "Now rest up if you want to be up all night." He added with a teasing grin.
Afriel blushed at his tease and rolled away from him falling asleep momenys later, it was about 11pm when he woke up the next time and she sat up.

Looking around the room had grown darks again. It was chilly so he pulled the covered up under Devon's chin when she realized he was still sleeping. Quietly she slipped the the bed and went out into the living room. Still slightly groggy she say down on the couch and rubbed her eyes.

After a while of waking up Afriel walked into the kitchen and poured herself a rum and coke. Plopping ice into the cup and a straw she sipped at it. The hardness of the liquor made her wince but she took another sip an went to sit at the piano. Lightly she played moonlight sonata and hummed along.
A groan came from the room shortly after she began playing, one the accompanied a man who was stretching out as he woke up. Devon was surprised he had fallen asleep so easily. "Now I really am going to be up all night" He told himself as he got out of the bed. Smiling at the music, he slowly walked out of the bedroom to the living room and walked up behind Afriel to kneel down and wrap his arms around her waist, pressing his forehead against her back.
The song was slowly coming to an end by the time Deon had wrapped his arms around hers. She let the notes dangle in the air before shifting to face him. "Mornin' sunshine," she teased and ran a ham trough his hair comfortingly. It was something she did with out thinking about it, and she was smiling down at him now. "Rum and coke?" She offered looking over to te kitchen, "I didn't wait for you," Afriel grinned sheepishly and picked up her glass to how him before taking another drink which made her face twist up
Devon smirked at her offer, laughing softly at her face when she drank. "Sure. Let's get this party started." He added with a large smile before he rose to his feet. "I'll just serve myself." He added as he made his way to the kitchen, coming back shortly with a glass himself and taking a large gulp. He shivered at the taste, shaking his head to the side a little. "Anything you feel like doing?" Devon asked kindly.
Adriel laughed at him, when he made a similar face to what she did. "Well, not after today... I'm pretty content to stay in," she told him and shrugged, "Did you have anything in mind?" She asked and walked over to the couch to sit. Afriel put her feet up on the coffee table and sipped at her drink again, the face following behind shortly.
Devon blushed. "Not really. I never really had any occasion to celebrate before." He simply admitted with a shrug. "We could..." He began walking in the room. "Make out while listening to music. Normal couples do that." He rolled his eyes with a teasing grin, a small chuckle rumbling in his chest and walked over to Afriel, taking a seat beside her, sipping on the strong alcohol. "I bet my drink's stronger." he added after shaking off the bad aftertaste. Their drinks were probably mixed differently, due to different people making them.
Afriel blushed, "I wouldn't mind tht," she said and laughed along with him. When he sat beside her and commented on their drinks she nodded in agreement, "Im sure they aren't, I can't handle my hard liquor, remember?" Afriel said and leaned over so that she was leaning against Devon.

Looking up at him she laughed again, "Don't go getting too drunk on me," Afriel said, "I wouldn't be able to pick you up if you passed out," she grinned up at him and pecked his cheek. Sitting up he grabbed her drink and took a large gulp, letting out a satisfied exhale and shaking her head slightly, "I can handle my hard liquor," she repeated and laughed.
Devon chuckled lightly. "Fine, fine... If I pass out somewhere, leave me there so I can wake up and be aware of the embarrassment I did to myself." he joked as he put his glass down. He passed his cool hand along her skin, cold from holding the glass. He leaned in for a kiss with a smile before locking his eyes with hers. A soft smile seemed glued to him, rarely ever leaving.
Afriel giggled, "I think I can do that," She grinned playfully at him but her expression became more serious when he leaned into kiss her. His hand was cool on her skin, and it felt nice much the opposite of what Cedric's touch probably felt like.

Leaning the rest of the way Afriel closed the gap between them, her lips were also cool from her drink having tons of ice in it. She melted into Devon then, not able to stop it from happening even if she wanted to. Her hands slid up his chest and stopped at his shoulders pulling him into her.
Devon's kiss had a literal 3 2 1 countdown, before passion came along with a sigh as she pulled herself closer. His arms reached her to pull her closer as she did, giving her better support, his tongue beginning to tease her lips. The subtle taste of alcohol was present in both, but it didn't bother Devon for a second. Using his right hand, he reached into his pocket and pulled out it's contents, mainly the cellphone and put them aside. It wouldn't be until the took a break that he would grab the phone and quickly sort through it. After a few seconds, he rose his eyebrows and pressed the big play button. Classical music poured out of the phone, Canon performed by Johann Pachelbel. "I like this song okay? It makes me cheery" He smiled, a little blush on his cheeks. He was aware that it didn't look his like his things, but she was his girlfriend and they both liked classical.
Afriel kissed him back, feeling her own heart begin to pound in her chest. Her cheeks were red and having Devon so close made her head spin. When they stopped kissing she almost wanted to pull him back before he had the chance to do anything else but kiss her.

But, holding back that urge she watched him move to his phone. He put on some music, sweet classical music. "It's perfect," Afriel smiled, touching his cheek with her hand. He seemed to be embarrassed by his music choice but Afriel had no problem with it. In face she loved it very much. "Now that music is settled get over here and kiss me," Afriel demanded playfully, feeling at assertiveness she had the night before. Devon someone how brought that out in her, and she couldn't help but act on it.
Devon smiled, her assertiveness setting him ablaze as he rushed back for the kiss and biting her lower lip teasingly. At the same time his grasp around her tightened, his breathing becoming deeper and quicker. Every moment felt amazing for the man, addicted to her every touch. He reached up with a hand and pressed it behind her head.
Afriel was pleasantly surprised by Devon's heated reaction, as she matched his passionate movements. When he bit her lip she shivered and laced her fingers into his shaggy blonde hair. She pulled him down so that she was lying on her back, her lips never leaving his in the process. She was pressed close to him, their lips moving perfectly together.
When she pulled him down, he adjusted to be lying on top of her. After an elongated kiss and the song ending Devon broke away for a moment to catch his own breath. His cheeks were pink from excitement and passion they were sharing, the man grabbed his glass and took a gulp., shaking his head back and forth once more after swallowing. "Would you mind putting an actual radio on or something? I'd like to save some battery." He asked apologetically.
Afriel giggled as the rum caused him to shake his head back and forth. "Sure," Afriel said, "I have a couple CD's" She said and disappeared into her room. The room she noticed was still a mess in from the nights activities and she blushed with a small smile.

Walking back out she walked over to where the DvD player was and popped in a CD. She didn't feel like dragging out the CD player, so she turned on the TV and Beethoven's entire collection of symphony's started. "How's that?" She asked walking back over to the couch. She didn't sit however, but grabbed her own drink and took a swig.
"Works for me." He simply replied as he sat back down in the center of couch, taking another sip. He didn't shake as violently this time, starting to get used to the sensation of the alcohol going down his throat. His eyes glimmered in the dim light glowing in pulses brightly as he looked Afriel up with a smile. He couldn't be happier.
Afriel smirked at him, "So...where were we exactly?" She asked and looked at him. It was dark in the room, only the moonlight and now the tv lighting up the room. She draped her legs over his lap and grinned, letting herself lay on her back.

"I wonder how people used to dance to this music," Afriel thought out loud, her feet wiggled to the light beat of the music. It was nice and airy, the music was, very uplifted to those who listened to it. At least those loved classical music anyway.
"They danced elegant dances that took practice to get right." Devon answered, placing a hand on her leg and brushing along her shin, up her thigh and back down. With alcohol starting to pass more easily, Devon drank more often, soon finishing his glass. A pinkish hue was under his eyes, the alcohol only beginning to show. "In any case, trying tonight would probably end up badly." He added as he put his glass down and pointed at hers.

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