Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

The man grabbed his coat from the backseat, draping it over his shoulders like a cloak with a furry hood. Once inside and her comment it was a mess, Devon waved his hand to her in friendly dismissal. " I see you've started to take my advice. My place was worse before I cleaned it up." He commented, remembering the large pile of dishes he had cleaned earlier that day. He placed the coat unto a chair before following her into the living room, walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her from behind and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Stop worrying. The big bad wolf will protect you." He teased her with a chuckle. The man still couldn't come over the fact at how calm and comfortable he was around her, and enjoyed every second of it.
Afriel smiled and was a little shocked when he came up behind her almost soundlessly and wrapped his arms around her. His touch gave her goosebumps, and she shivered in his grasp. The kiss on the cheek was a nice little added pleasure, and she was happy that the two of them could be so comfortable together.

"I worry because I want to impress you," She admitted and leaned her head back against his shoulder. She was small compared to Devon, shorter and slimmer. He was full of muscles and height and as he stood behind her he made Afriel look almost like a child.
A soft smile danced in his eyes as he looked down to the girl. "You don't have to try so hard." He said, his voice deep and gentle as his arms tightened around her slightly to hug her. Devon then let go of her to take a seat on the couch. Whether she took a seat beside him or not was up to her, but a feeling inside of him stirred, wanting to be close to her. He didn't say anything about it, looking around the dim room before resting his eyes on her once more.
Afriel smiled and almost went to grab Devon when he went over to the couch. She didn't want to be even a few feet apart from him. She smiled though and walked over to the piano that was sitting in the corner. It had been dark in the room before and was hard to see. She pulled out the bench and lifted the cover over the keys. The thing she started playing Sonata No.5 also known as Moonlight Sonata. It was smooth and fluent under her fingers, and she hummed along as she played. It was obvious that this was Afriel's element, where she excelled and really fell into her love of music. Afriel swayed slightly as she played, her hair moving gently as she did.
Devon closed his eyes as the melody began, swaying gently from side to side. His index fingers tapped the air to the notes almost like a maestro would, enjoying the relaxing music. It was probably his favorite classical song, and Afriel was playing it well. He also hummed lightly to the song, having passed much time listening to it before. The man's breathing was deep, relaxing himself to the beautiful music. "It's so much better from a real piano..." He muttered to himself with a soft sigh as the song slowly reached it's end. At the last note, Devon opened his eyes and looked at Afriel with gratitude. "I think I'm in love with you" He simply said.
Afriel let the last chord hang in the air, and then turned on the piano bench to face Devon. Though she was sure he had been kidding his 'I love you' comment had made her blush hard. "I'm so sure," Afreil said waving her hand dismissively and rolled her eyes playfully. "I've got another for you!" She told him turning again back to the piano excitedly.

This time she played something more current, a song that she had thought of on the way home.

The words were sweet but passion filled as he sang along to piano music that accompanied it, "When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case, I will offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love..." Was the first verse and it went on with words the fit Devon's situation perfectly. The songs lyrics promised protection and love, and though he had hardly met him three days ago she'd meant every word that had been beautifully sung. When the song was over though? She didn't turn to face Devon. Afriel only stared down at her hands still resting on the black and white keys.
Devon listened to the song carefully, observing her every move. She had his full attention and when the song was over he didn't say a single thing, only standing up and walking over to her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pressing the side of his head against hers. "I have a feeling you really meant that..." He gently chuckled. "Still feeling that drink?" He asked nonchalantly.
Afreil smiled and after a moment slipped her head out from under his so that she could see him, "I did mean it," she murmured and then looked back down to the piano where her hands still lay comfortably. "What drink....? Oh! Yeah, I am, pretty buzzed right now. Why?" Afriel asked with a slight tilt of her head.

She wondered what it felt like to be this happy all of the time. Being with someone you felt such a strong connection with so fast was an amazing feeling. Having your heart pound when he looked at you, his touch giving you shivers. All of these things were intoxicating and Afriel was loving every single minute of it.
"For no real reason." He simply shrugged. "Would you have anything to drink? I remember you offered something to drink, but couldn't because I was driving. Now that I'm staying, I wouldn't mind..." He suggested. The man couldn't stop but think what they would do for the next few hours; a few ideas coming to mind. Lying on the couch with her lying in his embrace was nice, a movie was also an idea. The man wouldn't be able to decide, and would opt to go back to the couch.
Afriel thought for a moment and then got up, slipping away into the dark kitchen. She made some nose of the fridge opening and the clinking if glasses. "Here," Afriel squad coming back with two beers. "Not the best, but it's what I have right now," She explained and sat down on the couch beside him. "If you want we can watch a movie?" She offered pointing to a book shelf full of DVD's.

Not only were there a lot of books in her apartment, there were tons of movies too. Smiling at her collection she cracked open her beer with a opener and handed it off to Devon. "You're welcome to pick what ever it is you want," she told Devon and looked up at him with a smile.
Devon took the bottle and opener after rising to his feet, popping the bottle open as he approached the DVD selection. Opting for an easy choice, the man showed the movie over his shoulders; The Avengers. "I know we both probably saw it often, but I think a movie that's easy to follow is really what we'll need." He added with a shrug as he put the movie in. Once done, he moved back to the couch, beer in his right hand as he stretched his left arm around her shoulders to gently pull her close to him. His touch was cool against her warm figure, the man took a gulp from his beer and shook his head from side to side a little at the taste. Devon's gaze didn't remain on the TV for very long, usually looking away to simply watch Afriel. He was still wrapping his mind around the fact that she actually cared for him, despite the destruction he once caused. It was still hard to believe for the man who had seen the ugly side of life up until he met her. Things seemed like a dream, the murder attempts and life-risking situations did nothing to change that.
Afriel smiled at the movie for a while, and was done with her beer about half way through. When she went to look at Devon he was already looking down at her. "Hello," she said gently with a laugh. Their faces were very close as he had pulled her into him before hand.

Though they had both just had a beer Afriel's breath didn't smell like it. It was more like honey, sweet and warm as it danced along Devons skin with every close breath. She smiled sweetly as their eyes became locked no one anothers like they had in the field. There was just something about Devon that Afriel couldn't shake, something about him that she didn't want to shake, not in the slightest.

Without thinking about it Afriel's hand went up to his cheek and she leaned forward kissing his lips for a quick but gentle moment. Her own actions had made her cheeks flush, not ever being this forward with anyone before. Though she'd only known Devon a short time she felt like she'd known him forever, like they were meant to be this way.
The man smiled softly to her and kissed her back as she kissed him. As she pulled back, he moved forward to kiss her more. He gently placed his beer on the table before using that hand to touch her arm, softly brushing his fingers along her skin. Devon felt himself melt against her warm, sweet breath. He shuffled on the couch to make himself comfortable, barely letting her lips get farther than an inch from his before touching once more. The movie was quickly forgotten to Devon, only there for background noise in the first place. His attention was fully on the blonde in his arms, slowly pulling her closer than she already was.
Afriel gaspe slightly in surprise when she had moved back to have the gap filled a second later. Devon was kissing her now, and it felt even more exciting than it had been in the grass earlier that night. His lips were smooth and cool against her warm ones and the feeling was nice.

Devon's fingertips brushed the skin of her arm and she lifted her arms to slip them around his neck. He was pulling her in closer but she more quickly filled in what little space was left. His torso was pressed closely to his now, her head tilted back slightly to kiss the man before her. Even as they sat there he was significantly taller than she was and so she had to tilt her head to compensate.

Leaning forward, Afriel deepened the kiss slightly feeling their bodies meld like to perfectly cut out puzzle pieces. They were no longer two people when they were like this, more like one person. Her heart was pounding hard against Devon's chest as she could feel his doing the same against her own.
As she pushed herself closer, Devon's arms slid to her back, caressing her and holding her closely. He never wanted to let go, addicted to her every touch. Passion steadily built up within the man, his breathing intensifying as a result. Savoring every second, he gently placed a hand behind her head and pressed his lips even closer to hers, teasing her lips with his tongue. After making out for a few minutes, the man's arms wrapped themselves around her tenderly, gently pulling her over him so she would be sitting atop of him. Devon's breathing was slowly and deep as he tried to keep control of his passion, his hands sliding along her back. After a few moments like this, he pulled away from her to stare in her eyes. His hand blindly reached for the beer, bringing the bottle to his lips to keep drinking. The man wasn't feeling the alcohol yet, being used to drink harder drinks.
Afriel kissed Devon back and smiled while they kissed when she was pulled up to sit on top of him. Her arms were still around his neck as she kissed him and pressed closely to him. It was a long time it felt before the kiss was broken and Devon grabbed his beer to sip out of.

Breathed quickly Afriel grinned down at Devon her hands on either side of his face now. "You...are one hell of a kisser," Afriel breathed, still trying to catch her breath. Her eyes were gleaming as she looked into his her full red lips twisted into a smile. Afriel found her throat slightly dry but didn't dare move herself off of Devon, not wanting to stop the closeness they shared at that moment. She slipped the beer from his hand however at took a small swig. "Thanks," She murmured with a small laugh finding it funny to say thanks when she hand't asked in the first place.
"Better than when I'm unconscious, huh?" He replied with a teasing grin. He could've cared less if she finished his beer, as he leaned aside a little, reach out to grab her beer off the coffee table and compensated for the stolen sip. His blue gaze was vibrant with vibrant with passion. "You aren't bad yourself." Devon added as he handed her beer to her and took his back. The man finished off what was left in the bottle before putting it aside to return his attention on the girl sitting on him. His cheeks had flared pink a while ago, and only turned crimson as he locked his eyes in hers once more. "How are you feeling?" He asked her, checking how drunk she felt. The man had a good memory, remembering she once said she wasn't much of a drinker.
Afriel laughed as he teased, "Much better when you're awake," She agreed and took her own beer from his hands.When he asked about her level of drunkenness she shook her head and gave a light shrug, "I'm still sober, not ever a buzz. Hard liquor is my downfall," she told him and when she noticed how red his cheeks were she looked down. She was literally straddling his lap and that made her cheeks flare too. "Oh sorry," She mumbled and removed herself from his lap leaving her legs there but falling back onto the couch.

Her long blonde hair draped down the side of the couch gracefully and she glanced over at the TV, the movie was about halfway over but she didn't care enough to keep looking at it. She looked back at Devon and studied his face's features.
"I drink the hard stuff because, well, it gets me drunk faster. Before it helped to change my thoughts, helped me forget. Now, I just want to have a good time." Devon pointed out with a shrug. "Would you mind I got myself another one?" He asked her politely. A hand lazily slid along her leg, a little disappointed that she had gotten off of him. Devon just wanted to get lost in her presence, her touch felt invigorating and electrifying. Her smell made him light-headed and he simply felt like he would never get enough of her.
Afriel nodded, and shifted to her feet, "I can get it, I'm going to get something myself," She said and looked over at Devon with a smile. She leaned over and grabbed his empty bottle and took the last drink from her own to empty it as well. "You're welcome to join me, I might be a minute," She walked over to the kitchen and disappeared in the dark before the kitchen light snapped on.

She pulled out two more beers and then started pulling out stuff to make something to eat, "With all the kissing, I've worked up an appetite!" Afriel joked and started tossing things into a bowl. She was making pancakes because it was the only thing she could think of to make. She hadn't gone grocery shopping in a while which needed to be done. So the only things she had were a few eggs, some milk, sugar, and flour.

As she worked she walked over and put on a red and white lace apron then went back to cooking. She looked like an image of a perfect housewife as she worked humming Moonlight Sonata slowly and softly.
Devon followed her in the kitchen with the bottle opener, popping his second beer open and taking a swig. The man walked up to her after putting the bottle down and placed his hands in her waist gently. "If you want, you can make the mix and I'll cook 'em up. I'm pretty good with a pan, if I do say so myself." He commented softly in her ear. Devon listened to her hum with a soft smile as she made the preparation, wondering if standing behind her was going to be distracting for her or not.
Afriel finished mixing and turned with the bowl in her hands, holding it out to devon, "I'd love for you to make them," She said and blushed when she realized how close they were once again. This time however Afriel was pushed up against the counter and Devon was blocking her in.

As she looked up at him her eyes locked to his and she felt her cheeks flush more. If he would have stepped any closer they would be pressed firmly together at the torso their legs intertwined. It was nice and exciting to have someone this close to her again. But as she had thought before, this was nothing any of her other relationships. At this moment, if Afriel wasn't holding a bowl of batter in her hands she probably would have jerked Devon into her by his shirt and attacked his lips with her own. There was just something about Devon that made Afriel's head and heart go crazy.
"Pancakes or crepes?" He asked as he took the bowl from her. He turned to the stove and set the fire just a little above medium, taking a large pan and quickly covering the hot surface with a little margarine. He cooked the preparation, half of them as pancakes and the other half as crepes, flipping them with a spatula and placing them in an empty plate afterwards. Explosions came from the living room movie as it reached the parts with the most action, barely heard over the cooking. Devon hadn't exactly planned on watching it in the first place. "Here, you can start eating while I finish the rest of the mix. They're best warm." He suggested as he finished up the first few ones.

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