Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Afriel had heard him stirring and his loud gasp had sent her running into the living room and over to his side. He was covered in sweat, and he looked frightened, "Hey,'s okay," She murmured into the warm morning light.

Her thin pale hand went up to his forehead and brushed his hair from it's spot. "I made you something to eat, that would probably make you feel better," She told him. Afriel was kneeled down beside the bed with her hair now tied up. She looked worried about him, not afraid or weirded out.

Afriel without thinking about it, smoothed out the blanket she had laid over him. In fact she had made the whole bed up for him while he was asleep. She'd put a glass of water beside him and a few pills of aspirin. Dropping her hand from his face with a slight blush she stood again, "I can bring it to you in bed if you like, so you don't have to get up," She offered
Devon simply nodded to her offer for food, a troubled expression over him. He took the aspirins and followed it with the glass of water, drinking all it's contents in a swing. He then realized she had made the bed whilst he was asleep, a small smile coming to him before turning his blue gaze upon her once she returned with food. He scooted himself to rest his back against the back of the couch so he would be in an upright position and crossed his legs. "The building. I think the man we saw outside with the red hair caused it. Just as you can heal. ot sure how I know, but I have the feeling it wasn't the last that we'll hear from him. It's like he came in my dream. He said we were 'Chosen'."Devon told her, his face cold and serious as it usually was. He also made the movement with his fingers at the word. "I have no clue what it meant, it might just be a dream, but..." Devon trailed off with a sigh. All these hints and clues, yet he felt unable to see a distinct line to link them all.
Afriel looked at him after setting a tray down in front of him. What was on the tray was another glass of water, a plate of rolls, and a bowl of stew. "I had a bad feeling about him," She said after he told her about his dream.

Sighing slightly she let her hair out of it's tie and shook her head. Her blonde hair shined in the morning light that was pouring through the window. Her eyes, brighter than anything in the room. "But right now, we can't worry about all of that. You need to rest," She told him and lifted her hand to touch his face but stopped. She dropped her hand and looked away awkwardly. Those comforting gestures were something that she'd done for Peter, and she hadn't been with anyone since then. There was something about Devon that brought that back out in her though she wasn't sure why. "Here. Eat." Afriel said, tapping the tray gently.
" He said he won't let us rest until he finds out more about us. It's hard to rest when someone tells you that he'll set the world on fire." Devon replied as he locked his cold blue eyes in hers for a moment, before reaching to the tray and putting it on his crossed legs. He grabbed a roll from the plate and bit into it. It was then that he realized he hadn't really eaten anything since the first incident the day before and felt the hunger kicking in. The man began to eat a little faster, as he enjoyed the food she had made for him. As he ate, his mind tried reviewing once more the latest events. His fall off the first building, which he wasn't sure if it was real in the first place, the reaction the smoke and flames had in his presence, the second fall that would've proved itself fatal if it wasn't for Afriel's healing ability, the dream that the wind took him up in the air and lastly, the man with the red hair and the fire around him. The only line he could trace through it all was that they seemed to have been chosen, somehow. Chosen to bear a new gift, previously only seen in movies and digital animation. "Can I ask you how... it all started? I don't want to be rude in any way, I just want to understand what's happening..." Devon asked as he finished the plate of rolls and took a sip of water. He would then move the bowl of stew closer to him and begin eating it.
Afriel stiffened and stood up, not sure exactly where it was to start. She sat down on the edge of the bed beside Devon and looked down at her hands that were folded on her lap. As she looked down at her hands, thinking, she looked tired and sad.

"Well, I didn't know about my...uh power, until about a half a year ago," She said not looking up. One of her hands tucked some of her blonde hair behind her ear and she shut her eyes to think. As she spoke now, she didn't open her eyes back up, "I had been with fiance at the time, and we had just been to dinner. We were walking back to his place just like we normally did, and we were caught in the crossfire of a gang rival. When the bullets started flying Peter...he stepping in front of me, protecting me. He was shot, and I remember...I remember falling down beside him covered in his blood. He...asked me to kiss him one last time, and well...he was better," she said, a single tear slipping down her cheek. A hand went up quickly and Afriel wiped it away. "It freaked him out so much he cast me away and I haven't spoken to him since," Afriel told him and stood slowly, "It's been just me ever since," Afriel said and finally looked over at Devon, "Eat up," she told him as he stared at her with an expression that was hard to read.
Devon listened to her story. His mouth became a grim line as he sighed. "Ungrateful." Devon didn't say more, knowing she might still be attached to her ex-fiance, but a few more insults paraded in his head. Other than that, it didn't help Devon understand what started it all. Another question strolled through his mind unvoiced; what was he able to do? What made him a chosen? Other than a migraine and uncertain events, Devon didn't recall other events. Either from the alcohol or being in the moment, had never realized it when he had a pistol in the bar. He still had difficulty grasping at all the events that had happened so suddenly, especially since it was all so... surreal. "We know you can heal others and your regenerative ability for yourself are rather impressive. I have no clue what I can do. I'm not even sure I have anything special, it's all just so hazy and difficult to believe... And when I tried to re-do what I thought I could do, well... I hit the pavement pretty hard." Devon sighed before taking another bite of the stew. "Nothing makes sense anymore." He added as he leaned his head into his left palm. propped on his leg.
Afriel looked over at him, "I don't think that you were meant to recreate that event," She said more in thought than anything else, "Maybe that was just the point in time that you got your abilities," she said and ran a hand over her forehead brushing her bangs from her eyes.

"I don't know why this is happening, but there is something going on. Who ever that was who started the fire, must know more about this...about us..I don't think it was a mistake that we ended up in the same place together. That I was there to heal you with a kiss..." Her voice trailed off in embarrassment, she was pretty sure that he didn't remember her kissing him. Her cheeks heated slightly, and she looked down at the tray on his lap, "You cleaned that up pretty good," She commented and reached over to take he tray from him, her long blonde hair brushing his lap.

After she wrapped her hands around the edges of the tray she pulled it towards her and stood. "What ever it is, there are powers you have, we just need to figure out what they are. Want anymore?" She asked jiggling the tray to show she was talking about dinner. As Afriel waited for his answer she hoped that he had forgotten about the kiss comment completely.
Kiss? Devon didn't remember a kiss. But the thought brought a blush to his cheeks. "No thanks, I'm full... If I really do have abilities, I think it's just the right thing that I find out what they are. I just wish I had clues on where to start. If they are distinctive to the person, then I probably can't heal others or use flames to my will." The man sighed as he let his gaze drift towards a window to look at the clear sky outside. "At least the rain stopped... I wonder how long that'll last." he thought out loud before stretching out. The man proceeded to swing his legs off the bed and getting up. He gathered the bedding that she had done for him, neatly piled it, and headed into the kitchen to inspect his coat. The black trench with the fur hood was a mess of ashes, singed leather and dirt. If anything, the coat looks battered and used. "Ehhh... I'll need to send that to the washing machine" He sighed to himself.
Afriel was washing dishes and avoiding his eye contact, embarrassed about having admitted to the kiss. "I can clean it for you, if you want to stay that long.." Afriel said, finally turning to look at him. "I'm pretty good with strains," She told him and nodded in confidence.

Walking over, Afriel picked up his coat, inspected it and then nodded again. "This should be rather easy, a lot of these stains having settled in," She said and looked up at Devon. For a moment their eyes held one another and then she blushed and turned away from him. "I'll get working on this if you don't mind waiting," Afriel said walking toward the small closet that held her washer and dryer.

Afriel hummed softly as she walked over and she continued as she worked on his coat. The tune was smooth and melodic, attention catching. She moved with an almost overwhelming grace and she wasn't even aware of it.
"Well, since you're offering..." The man shrugged in acceptance. Devon walked to the door and turned around. "If you need me, I'll be outside." He simply said as he reached into his pocket with one hand and opened the door with the other. He returned to the spot he had been earlier, pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, lit it and shoved everything back in pocket, cigarette at his lips. He inhaled the grey smoke, closed his eyes for a moment and let himself bask in the sunlight. The wind swirled around him gently in a clockwise motion, which he realized when he opened his eyes and exhaled. The smoke seemed wrap itself around him before dispersing itself in the air. "Could it be...?" He arched an eyebrow but didn't do anything else but inhale another drag from the cancer stick. Devon leaned against the wall as he stared at the sky, soft little white clouds racing across the azure skies. A small smile crept on his lips as he remembered a childhood memory. When a child, he always wanted to fly. Just to take off and fly to new places. Any place away from the foster homes he had been stuck living in all his childhood. There weren't many good memories Devon had. Before his mind could linger too much in the past, Devon finished off his cigarette.
After about ten minutes, Afriel followed Devon outside, "I've got your coat washing now," She told him, "Should be done in about an hour," Afriel explained, and stopped to stand beside him, resting her hands on the railing of her porch.

"Sorry about this taking so long," She said and frowned slightly. "You're probably itching to get out of here," She said and then shook her head, "Not many people like to stick around here," She told him and looked over at him, smiling a rather sad smile.
"Don't worry about it. Its nice to have company once in a while." Devon replied to her. "I have to thank you for taking care of a wolf such as myself. Not many pay attention to a broken soul, let alone want their company. It's a nice change of pace from my usual lonely life." He added with a shrug. The man shifted his gaze from the sky down to Afriel. "I'm almost surprised you never asked what happened for me to end up looking so miserable at the bar last night." Devon smirked. The weather was nice, a soft breeze blew by the porch, ruffling his shaggy-looking blond hair. Mud had crusted a little in the back of his head, but he never really noticed until then as he passed a hand through his hair.. "I'm also surprised you didn't rush in the shower to wash out that dried blood in your hair. We're 2 dirty people" The man pointed to the spot where blood had pooled when she had passed out earlier, chuckling.
Afriel grinned, "I was too worried about you to worry about taking a shower. I think you should take a shower before you get out of here," She said and nudged him with his elbow in a friendly way. "I mean, you can at least stay and shower after you forced me to kiss you," she said and looked up at him, "Even if you don't remember," Afriel mumbled and laughed.

"I can shower after you've gone, even though I look like a huge mess," She said rolling her eyes, "I just want to make sure you're not in anymore pain. You took a huge fall there," She said like he hadn't known that he'd fallen so far. "After what we've been through I don't think anyone really cares what we look like, hero," She added on the last word with emphasis and left she before he hand the chance to argue. That was how she saw him, despite how he saw himself.
Devon watched her leave before looking up to the sky. "A real hero wouldn't need to repent." He sighed to himself, his gaze becoming distant as memories flashed through his mind, memories of gun shots, screaming, fighting, destruction, explosions... Chaos. He shook his head to snap out of it, his eyes settling down with the same look they had back at the bar. Devon pushed himself off the wall and followed Afriel inside. A warm shower might just be what he needed. Devon entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him before turning on the water. The man made sure that the ventilation was on as hot water quickly steamed the room. He slid out of the borrowed clothes and hopped under the practically-boiling water. Letting the water soak up his dirty hair, the mud soon flowed out along with the remnants of ashes that were still there. He quickly washed up his body, sighing as he rinsed out the old scars that were located in random areas of his body. Some were small cuts, sometimes an old mark where a burn would've once been, while others were old bullet wounds. A rather large cut scar adorned his back, stretching from his left shoulder down to his right hip. None of the scars seemed very recent, some dated back to his childhood. Devon still remembered clearly how every single scar had happened, bearing marks of memories. Some he wished he could forget, tied to a past that he had turned his back to. Once the man clean, he closed the water and stepped out, grabbed a towel and began to dry himself up. Devon got himself dressed back with the borrowed clothes, as his were definitely not in any state to be worn, and stepped out of the bathroom, blond hair still damp and messy. A familiar buzzing came to his ear, as his cell phone began ringing. He grabbed it, looked who it was and pressed the button 'dismiss' with a bothered sigh. "I told them to stop trying to call me..." He grumbled to himself before looking around to find Afriel.
Afriel had cleaned up already, a shower already been taken. Her hair was still damp, and she wore different clothes. A pair of shorts and a tank top, they fit her in just a way that made her looks lovely. When she heard the water turn off she went to check Devon's coat. She pulled it from the dryer and inspected it, it actually looked better than when he had come into the bar with it.

"Look familiar?" Afriel asked stepping from the kitchen to face Devon. She was beaming over the top of his coat, looking at him waiting for some sort of reaction. Afriel laughed slightly and walked up to him, "You don't have to keep wearing those anymore, I have a lot of other clothes that...Peter left behind," She struggled with his name, the pain it brought her. In the outfit she wore a lot of skin was showing, and a scar thick and purple showed up easily on her chest. It was right over where her heart would be, and no wider than a blade of a knife. Just because she could heal, didn't mean she never scarred, in fact. The burn marks that she'd taken from Devon were still there, only faded to scars now.
Devon smiled to her as she presented to him his clean coat. "Looks good as new" He said as he took the coat from her. Noticing her difficulty when her ex came up in conversations, Devon tilted his head to the side. "You should depart yourself from them. Not to be mean, but they are only turning a knife in an old wound. It's painful to think of getting rid of his things, but you'd feel much better afterwards. I can just pass by my place and change there." he said honestly. He draped the clean coat over his shoulders, even if it was clearly out of season and his eyes searched the room for something. He found what he wanted and grabbed it; a pen and a small piece of paper. He quickly scribbled a series of numbers on it, writing his name under it, then proceeded to take Afriel's hand and placed the paper in her palm. "Here's my number. I always have my cellphone on me, Glad I didn't fall unto it." He added before moving towards the door. The man opened the door before turning to face her. "I'll pick you up at 6 tonight, sounds like a deal?" He asked over his shoulder with a smirk.
Afriel listened to him with a saddened expression. "I know I do, but I don't know where I could take them. Peter wouldn't speak to me long enough to get them back," She said sighing. But Devon had turned from her and was writing something down. She wasn't sure what that was, but realized it was his number once he'd placed it in her palm. "Six? What are we doing at six?" She asked, following him to the door. Was he up to something? That smirk made her believe so, though she trusted him because he was just like herself. Afriel looked up at him curiously, her damp hair falling off of her shoulders. "What should I wear?" She asked, wondering if her regular garb wouldn't fit the occasion.
"A charity would probably enjoy them and it would help out people who can barely get nice clothes." He suggested. "As for tonight... I owe you my life, the least I can do is take you out for supper. Not going anywhere too fancy, but I'm not going to dictate what you should wear." Devon shrugged. "If anything, think of this as an evening with a friend, just to get to know each other. I'd bet you'd like to know more about me, so there's your opportunity to find out what there is to know about Devon, the broken soul you saved from the edge of death." he added with a wink before crossing through the open door, closing it behind himself.

The man walked back home, passing by the building that had burnt down just to check unto it. Apart from the lack of flames and firemen, not much had changed from the night before. Devon kept on his way towards his apartment. Once there, he dropped his keys on the kitchen table with a sigh. His small 3 1/2 was in no shape for any sorts of visit. That would change as the man began picking up the trash that littered his place. He emptied the overly filled ashtray, worked on his large pile of dishes, passed the broom and did his laundry, unsure if he would even have visit. "Meh, it was something that had to be done eventually." He sighed to himself as he chucked the large black trash bags into the dumpster. Looking at the time, the 'spring cleaning' hadn't taken half as much time as it usually did. "What's with all this free time anyways? It's as if I can do things twice as fast in half as much time..." Devon sighed before stopping in his tracks. His mind stopped on itself as well, as he realized that it was probably one of his abilities. Not wanting to wait, he yearned to test out his theory. The man headed back home and locked up the now clean apartment with still a few hours before him. Hopping behind the wheel, Devon started up the engine of his silver '72 Chevy Nova SS. A nice piece of machinery, it was kept in the building's garage to avoid theft. The car was probably Devon's most precious belonging, a car that he had spent a lot of his money on to bring back from the 'dead'. At first, it had been a pile of junk he had bought for cheap when he first started driving. With time, money and many blisters and cussing, the car was restored by Devon's hands, with a few upgrades. It had long been a project, and it was finally ready to roam the streets. The blond drove out of the city, to wide open spaces. Once in large, open fields, Devon stopped on the side of the road and extinguished the burning cigarette before taking a step outside.

He walked into the open field and stopped, closing his eyes and breathing in the fresh air. Starting off slow, the man began jogging, slowly augmenting his speed as he began to run. Soon finding himself sprinting, things started going by quicker and quicker as his speed augmented. He looped a large arc as he ran, coming back on his tracks. Giving it all he had, the wind began howling in his ears as the world around him seemed to tunnel forward. A loud bang was heard maybe halfway through the field, a ring had clearly been visible. Devon skidded to halt barely after he heard the bang and looked back to find himself at the other end of the field. "Daaaamn." a large smile was plastered on his face, barely able to believe what he had just done. According to his knowledge on speed, a bang such as what he heard was the normal occurrence when the wall of sound was broken. He flopped on his bum in the grass as he stared at the field he had just ran to and fro within minutes. "Wait t'ill she hears I broke the wall of sound." He laughed to himself feeling a little delirious from the confirmation of what he could do. Or at least, all that he was aware of. After a little while, however, the man rose back to his feet and hopped back in his car, drove back into the city and stopped at his apartment once more to change. He folded Peter's borrowed clothes and neatly stacked them on the corner of his table before looking for something to wear.
Afriel idled around her apartment for a long time. She couldn't figure out what it was that kept her interest about Devon. Maybe she wanted to know more about him? But, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something drawing them together. Something that wanted them to be with each other, though she didn't know if that were a romantic thing or not.

At about five o'clock Afriel changed into a steamy red dress that made her pale skin look like porcelain, and added some red lipstick that made her blonde hair and her golden eyes pop with striking color. "Hopefully this isn't over doing it..." She said to herself as she curled her hair in the mirror. For some reason after Devon had seen her so beaten and tattered she felt that she needed to impress him. Afriel hardly knew this person but there was something about him that made her want to be perfect for him.

It was about five thirty when Afriel was done getting ready. She walked out into the living room and looked around. There was time to start packing up Peter's old clothes like Devon had suggested. He was right, it was going to be hard to finally let go but, there was something about the events that have happened and something about Devon that she believed made that possible. Grabbing a garbage bag, Afriel started pulling things quickly off their hangers and stuffing them into the bag.
Devon decided to wear black jeans with a chain linking his wallet to his pants on the right and a black button-up shirt. The man walked into the bathroom and fiddled around with his collar and a plain white tie, tying it in a half-windsor knot. He brushed his hair so it wouldn't be too messy, even if, with his length of hair, it wouldn't take long for it to lose it's placement. Walking out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom, he grabbed a pristine white vest and slid it on. The vest, tie and hair really stood out over his black clothing, Grabbing his things throughout the apartment, he made sure to have his lighter, cigarettes, cellphone, keys and money in the wallet before heading out. Devon locked the door behind him and took maybe 5 steps before turning on his heels and unlocking the door. He quickly grabbed a sharp tux and the black corner-bowl hat that were on the coat hanger by the entrance and left, locking the door behind himself once more. The man walked down to his car, shoving the jacket in the back and putting the hat in the passenger seat as he buckled up and started the muscle car's engine. Proceeding to drive through the city, he arrived exactly on 6 PM below her porch. "I forgot to go fill 'er up... Guess I'll have to swing by a gas station soon." He sighed to himself as he saw the little gas indicator a centimeter away from the red E on his dash before turning off the engine, and climbing out of the ride, hat it hand. Things became a blur as he raced up the stairs with his new-found ability, placed the black hat over his head, knocked on the door and leaned with his arm against the wall beside it.
Afriel jumped when she heard a knock on her front door. It had been years since someone had knocked on her door, wanting her to answer it. "Coming!" Afriel called, looking herself over in the mirror one last time. She bounced the blonde curls on her head and sprayed them a couple times with some hair spray. Once she was satisfied with out she looked Afriel walked over to her front door and answered it.

"Hey," She said with a sweet smile when her eyes rested on Devon. "Long time no see," She joked and giggled softly. Her laugh was sweet and melodic.

Looking Devon up and down Afriel's eyes widened, "You look wonderful," She breathed and looked him in the eyes. "You put me to shame," She said and she smoothed out her red dress. It was nice to know that she hadn't overdressed for where ever it was that Devon was planning on taking her.

"Let me grab my coat," She said and walked over to the closet, brushing past a half full bag of mens clothes that was propped up against the wall. Afriel pulled out a white peacoat from the closet and slipped it on over her shoulders smoothly. Her hair fell down on her shoulders gracefully and she turned on her heels to look over at Devon, "Ready?" She asked, a small smile on her cherry red painted lips.
Devon shrugged at her comment of his looks. "A man should know how to dress when he takes a pretty lady out for dinner." He simply replied. He tipped his hat along with a small nod to notify he was ready and spun on his heel to face the stairway before going down first. Walking up to the car, he pulled the passenger door open of his silver car to let her sit down and closed it behind her. He jumped on the hood to slide across it, landed on the other side and took his seat behind the driver's wheel. "Before going too far, I need to stop at a gas station. " He stated before starting the car. Putting it in reverse, the man drove out of the spot he was in and mixed into the traffic. The man reached for the radio, turning the volume down before actually turning it on to a random radio station. The volume wasn't very high, perfect if she wanted to have a conversation as he headed to the closest gas station he knew.
Afriel looked at him as he drove, he looked rather nice. The whole car was nice too, and it smelled like him. Afriel remembered his scent mixed with rain and ashes when she had kissed him last night. She remembered the smoothness of his lips and the taste....slapping herself mentally she shook the thoughts away.

"Gas, right," She said awkwardly, her cheeks matching the color of her dress. Not sure what else to say, Afriel folded her hands down in her lap. "So...did you find anything else out about your abilities?" Afriel asked trying to get her mind off of her thoughts before she did something she'd probably regret.

As she was sitting beside him, her heart was pounding. Though she wasn't sure why, Afriel felt like she already knew Devon. She felt like she knew more about him, but just couldn't remember it.
A large smirk spread across his face. "Maybe." He simply said before swinging the car in the gas station and in front of a pump. Devon turned the ignition key to shut the engine but not the electronics. "I won't be long." He said over his shoulder as he unbuckled and stepped out of the car. The man waled around the ride to the pump, and began filling the tank. "Do you need anything inside?" Devon asked from outside as he jerked his thumb towards the gas station's store. Once the tank at 3 quarters, the man stopped the pump, closed the gas tank and headed inside. He paid his due for the gas, got anything that Afriel would've asked for if she did and came back to the car. Briskly, he started up the car once more and began driving. "Sooo. What are your tastes, food-wise? Anything to avoid , allergies or do you eat anything?" Devon asked
Afriel waited for him, and when he came back she almost jumped. "Nothing I want to avoid, I love sushi though," She said and looked over at him with a smile. "Did you not have an idea of where you wanted to take me? I thought this was a proper date," She said and laughed, feeling a slight rush of blood to her cheeks.

Was this even a date? She didn't know, earlier he had just said that they were going out to get to know each other, but he had never said anything about romantic involvement.

She looked out the window at a couple of gas station mechanic's and they were eyeballing her. Most of her upper torso was visible and the way they had been staring made her uncomfortable, "You ready? I think we should go," She said keeping her eyes on the men.

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