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Futuristic -Children of Aspera-

Alice continued a few moments without notice, until the aerosol seeped through the cracks and gaps of the ship. Standing up suddenly in surprise she hit her head on the metal casing with a loud thud, followed by a solid FUCK. Alice covered her mouth and nose with her jack, attempting to squeeze herself out of the ship.

Kayla ignored the floating ball's comment, she wanted to turn around as Arin said but the guy he was talking about mumbled some random propaganda that didn't interest her and then vanished. She had the armed guy in her attention, she decided to talk to him in lowering his gun while shrinking the AOE of her snow barrier (dome) putting him out of it in the snow storm:

"We have no business with you, but if you decide to attack us, Sanctum Knights, we will act in consequence, now lower your weapon. If you need a lift out of this place I will happily help you." Then she heard a BANG coming from the wreckage. She turned her head a little so that Arin could hear her:

"Is there anybody else on that ship? I thought I heard a sound, did that ship had any explosive aboard?"

Aila then decided to whisper in her earpiece:

"Ari, sorry to disturb you but Sir Kazuma has exited 'The Vanguard', it appears he's waiting for for the right moment to intervene." Kayla then let out a smile. They were know 3 knights, whatever this guy was planning he wouldn't act so reckless.
Kessler chuckled at Arin's statement, but he stopped right when the female knight started speaking, adopting a rather ugly expression. "Blah blah blah, consequences, knights, you know it's boring bullcrap like this that made me take my leave in the first place!" He hissed, but almost immediately readopted a calmer state. "Thanks for the concern, but I've got my transportation. If it means anything, however, I know a way to make get you out of here REAL quick." He turned his head upon hearing the loud BANG as well, looking curious. "Ah what the heck, maybe I should go investigate... or maybe I'll hang around with you two!"
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(Sorry about Inacitvity. I'm getting quite busy right now though.)


Haze immediately blasts gunshots at the immerging CA, it would be much easier just to knock this CA unconscious as it would be much easier to take this bounty alive then dead, a lot less effort.


Arin watched Kessler curiously, trying to make up his mind about him.

(Well Haze is trying to force Alice to go back into the ship where she would go unconscious, I didn't state that in my quick post, my apologies. It's a tad bit unfair as well, considering Haze right now has an advantage so if you were to get a creative escape I would allow it. My recommendation is use your power or something to get out or just...blow open the top of the gunship with an explosive or something. If you want me to redo my previous post it's fine.)
(( Nah it's fair for him to take her, I put her in a vulnerable spot that's fault. I'm just not sure how to respond like, just fall on the ground unconscious then? ))
(I gotcha covered)

Archimedes glared, or would if he had eyes and wasn't just electrons. This pathetic human was attacking a CA. That just couldn't be allowed to happen. With another bang he landed on the ground with a flash of lightning armed with his daunting six foot long one foot why black blade.

"You there. Human slime." Archimedes growled at Haze.
(@Roo Well since it's gas your character would probably have a fair bit of coughing before falling to the ground unconscious)


Haze scanned Archimedes right away. 'CA, Power Level Master. No Files Detected, Scanning Black List....



No Files Detected!'

That only meant one thing, a CA of this power level must have done treason. Didn't matter what side, if you're not on the black list or normal files than your crimes are serious indeed...so serious infact that the reward would outweigh anything of the CA in this ship!

From the looks of it this one manipulates actual lightning...So he must be dealt with quickly in that case. Trying to capture this one would be too risky...Might as well go with the safer bounty.

Haze simply reached into his pockets, quickly making a game plan. He activated a button, and a transparent bubble formed around Haze made up of thousands of tiny Hexagons, and it slowly fades away to the point of not being visible.

Then Haze jumped onto the snow covered ice below, reaching into his duster and pulling out a strange metallic orb. He casually click the top of it and tossed it right next to Archimedes.
archemedes blasted the orb directly back at Haze with a blast of lightning, this pathetic human was going to attack him? His death would be merciless indeed. Swift and painless, pathetic being.

(This is going to be a very cheesy move but I want to do it.)

Haze didn't hesitate, right as Archimedes blasted the orb he drew out his pistol and shot the orb right as it was deflected, popping the incinerary bomb right in front of Archimedes.

Haze didn't stop there though, Haze charged Archemedes at remarkable speeds, running to his flank and blasting him with his Heavy-Impact assault rifle.

Archemedes wasn't there anymore.

in fact his move had backfired and Archemedes used it against him as the blast obstructed Hazes vision as well.

A light whining sound was heard as Archemedes, now to the far left, had his rail gun aimed at Haze before he pulled the trigger.
With his Vision obstructed Haze's helmet quickly sent out echo-vision signals, getting a map of the area in his helmet.

There that slick bastard was...He couldn't tell what was in his hand though. Haze clicked a buttons on his helmet while doing a solid speed dash for cover.
The slug blasted where he'd been last with an explosive blast, throwing dirt and snow through the air. Haze would have been obliterated if he'd not moved.

Archemedes trailed the un after him, firing again.
"I believe it's time for me to put an end to this farce." Kazuma said. He used invisible energy to fly upwards into the air. He hovered above everyone else, he had an irritated glare on his face. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" He boomed. His voice echoing around the entire area for everyone to here. His sword's hilt in his hand sending a message his prepared to fight any one who dares attack him. The fool or fools who try to attack him won't even know what hit them.
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Ariel made the shield between them disappear after hearing loud sounds coming from the wreckage, "Do as you want!" she stated while addressing Arin next:

"What was that? was there somebody with you on that wreckage? Let's go see." she took a quick glance at the man that had lowered his gun. Then she started running towards the origin of the sound. meanwhile Kazuma decided to appear , making a grand entrance floating above them. She turned at him and send a light snow wave towards him to get his attention:

"Quit your threats and tell us what you see up there"
Aoi sat on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, watching as the blue ocean waves brushed up against the ship softly. There were a few fighters on the deck, but the carrier was obviously far below capacity. A wind passed over the ship, Aoi noted the relatively mild temperature of the air surrounding her, they weren't in the tropics or in the frigid arctic, she was never really a fan of either extreme, but at least she could heat herself up in the arctic. Although the airships had mostly taken over many of the duties formerly fulfilled by the wet navy, Aoi had a certain appreciation for the personnel of the navy in that they weren't as arrogant as those flying in the sky. There were only two escort ships protecting the carrier, a consequence of downsizing the naval fleet.

Aoi stood up and stretched her arms out, letting out a yawn as she entered the island, or flight control tower of the carrier, through a hatch. After several minutes of walking about and occasionally bumping into a crew member, she reached the briefing room and sat down. Immediately afterwards, several pilots, who flew the few fighters on the carrier, sat down in the folding chairs aligned in rows and columns in the room. They were practical, but not exactly comfortable. A young man in an officer's uniform, entered the room last, he was obviously one of the newer officers aboard the ship. Judging from how nervous he seemed, the officer was either inexperienced or scared of the pilots in the room.

"M-My name is Lieutenant Maylon," he stuttered at first, but regained what little composure he had and turned on the large screen in front of the room, showing the current position of the carrier and the two-ship escort that guarded it.

"You will be intercepting a small force of enemy aircraft that we detected, they are most likely heading towards the fleet; it's a force of several strike craft and fighters from the Sanctum."

Aoi and the pilots stood up and left the briefing room, heading for their aircraft as the general alarm was raised across the carrier. "Combat alert, all personnel to combat stations, prepare for aircraft launch!" was blared over the loudspeaker. Aoi reached the flight deck and got inside of her gunship as a fighter was launched by the carrier's catapult. Her gunship was a standard-fare fighter type that was used as a standard combat aircraft for most of the Terran military, she deemed a custom-gunship a risky investment since replacement parts were harder to come by in logistics. She slipped into a flight suit and stowed her weapons in the ejection seat's flight pack; except for one of her pistols that she kept in a holster. Putting on a flight helmet, she activated the gunship and prepared for launch.

She braced herself as the catapult suddenly launched in the gunship into the air, Aoi lurched slightly forward before leaning back against the seat. "I'm all set, everything okay on your end?" She spoke into the microphone attached to the helmet.

A fighter passed by Aoi's gunship, the tails of the fighters and the accompanying squadron were painted with Viper emblems. "This is Viper One, we're good to go, I'll buy drinks for everyone if we all make it back!" A pilot in one of the fighters gave a thumbs up before breaking off to fly towards the enemy gunships.

Above the white clouds, they would soon face their enemy again.

Haze continued to run extremely fast, and suddenly Haze launched himself up into the air using his jetpack and jump boots. From out behind him, two chain like materials started dragging behind him.
Gilzar said:
Haze continued to run extremely fast, and suddenly Haze launched himself up into the air using his jetpack and jump boots. From out behind him, two chain like materials started dragging behind him.
Archimedes glared as haze took flight, "You're not getting away..." he growled.

He held his hands in the air a Moment, lightning cracking around him. With a scream that went from human to electrical his body seemed to dissolve away until he stood, a crackling form of electricity. With a single jump he arced through the air after Haze with tremendous speed and was gaining on him.

(@Atom My bad for the mess up. But now I guess Haze will get to use this tool properly after all)

Haze glared down. Now this CA Was pursuing him? Fine. Let it be then.

Haze pressed a button on his gloves, and the metal chains dragging out from behind him unlatched, falling down below to Archimedes.

Suddenly flashing lights began to form on the chains, and small barb-wire like pricks formed out of them. The chain seemed almost aware of Archimedes below, moving in a snake like motion to create a coil form that would completely encircle Archimedes.

Archimedes then pressed another button on his gauntlet.

"Leech Chain Activated." The computerized voice in his helmet said

Suddenly the barbed chains latched onto Archimedes, and began to try to suck his precious energy reserves from out of his body.

Haze then clicked his heels together, and increased his flight speed trying to evade Archimedes.
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(In a normal form that would have worked too ;D)

Archemedes flashed out in a burst of lightning, leaving the chains without a target.
(@Atom Redid this post. EMP's are so cheap.)


Haze immediately clicked the safety's off of both of his SMG's. He aimed then down, pointing at Archimedes.

Immediately fire rained down onto Archimedes, Haze also shifted his jetpack to maximum climbing speed for an escape attempt.
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Gilzar said:
(@Atom Redid this post. EMP's are so cheap.)

Haze immediately clicked the safety's off of both of his SMG's. He aimed then down, pointing at Archimedes.

Immediately fire rained down onto Archimedes, Haze also shifted his jetpack to maximum climbing speed for an escape attempt.
(EMP would've been useless, it only messes with electronic devices, not electricity itself.)

Electricity cracked off of Archemedes and struck both guns, arcing between the bullets that had no effect on Archimedes electrical form.

Haze quickly shifted direction, spiraling down toward the ground in an evasive manuever. He began clicking more buttons on his helmet, trying to evade this god damn CA...
Archemedes shot after Haze with a shout of fury, peppering him with lightning every second.

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