Childhood Demons

Sky heard a crash as Zane fell off the bed. Rushing into the room, she knelt down next to him. "Are you alright..?"

Outside, Lanny and Tacey were wandering through the charred remains of the woods. Well, until she stopped suddenly. "I can't go any farther.. Let's turn around..." Lanny sighed, but complied none the less. This was really starting to irritate him.
Zane laughs and looks up at her "yeah. I'm fine." he chuckles and sits up "Gah, i might aswell go get Tacey. Bye." he frowns and looks down. He hated leaving
"Bye..." Sky said, watching sadly as he left. Back outside, Lanny and Tacey had just emerged from the woods. Lanny was currently grumbling about how they couldn't go to the lake because it was to far away.
Zane pecks Sky on the cheek then walks towards Lanny and Tacey, his hands i his pockets. He glares at Lanny "How was the walk?" he smiles very forcibly and then looks to Tacey
Tacey smiled. "It was fine.." She said softly, moving away from Lanny and closer to Zane. "I'm just happy to have my old friend back and not that...." She trailed off.

"That what..?" Lanny raised an eyebrow. Even though in a way it wasn't him, he still felt as though it was. So he was curious as to wht she would use to describe him.

Tacey sighed. "You know, you really don't want to know the words I'm thinking of.." She said with a small giggle. "So, did you enjoy your nap...?" She asked, turning her attention to Zane. 

Back at camp, Jett was in shock. He couldn't believe it. He had watched the forest blazing and yet the camp hadn't been touched at all. "How..?" He mumbled, settling himself down on one of the logs surrounding the dying fire. He glanced around again. Not a single thing was out of place.

"So, you doubt my magic..?" A voice startled him. Whipping around, he seen Almira standing behind him with a smile on her face. "Nothing can touch this camp.." She said softly. Jett opened his mouth to ask why she was here when she cut him off. "Oh, I just came to drop off a few new children I picked up in the woods..." She told him. "They should actually be right..." She paused. "They're not behind me anymore... are they..?" She said with a small sigh. "I suppose if they wish to be rid of me that fast that they can find their own way around..." With that she disappeared leaving Jett to sigh. Great there were new children running around the camp unsupervised. Where was Tacey when he needed her..?

Meanwhile, a rather small girl with pink hair breathed a sigh of relief. She was leaning against the back wall of one of the small huts surrounding the camp. It seemd like forever, but the silver haired one finally left. Rosalie knew she should be thankful to the woman for bringing her back to life, but she wasn't sure that this was exactly what she wanted. What would stop people from killing her again..? Oh well, she would face that hurdle when she came to it. In the mean time, at least she was alone.
Night wandered around the forest staring at the charcoaled woods only shrugging. "I'm alive...." He muttered before sighing softly. "Why was I brought back to this world? I don't even want to be here, for all I know those kids will come back and do it again." He spoke softly then closed his eyes letting his thoughts ponder. He could hear the laughter of his other side deep inside, he hated his other half it was so dark and evil. But he was human once before. Being brought back would mean what? He wondered and pondered at this thought. What was so different about being brought back, he could feel a strange energy deep inside him now that felt like it screamed to be let out but he only had assumed that it was his other half trying to force it's way out. He had terrible control over this side but for now it was being substained. Who knows about later tho?
Rosalie's head snapped up as she heard a voice coming from the nearby woods. She could risk going out there to investigate. The worst it could be was some stray villagers clearing up from having her killed. Some how, she doubted that though. She had this strange feeling that she'd just know when the one that killed her was nearby and he wasn't at the moment. She supposed they'd fled to the village when the fire broke out. She sighed, deciding to find out who it was. Pushing herself from the wall, she began to wander into the forest, but froze as she heard a voice.

"Come one guys..." Jett called. Minutes before hand, he had stood and began combing the camp in an attempt to find the new children. The last one that had been left unattended ended up trashing half the camp. He wasn't going to get the blame for that one. He was in charge when Tacey wasn't around so he was going to act accordingly. Even if he'd rather sit down and work on his ice scupltures. He sighed, combing a hand through his black hair. "Just come out.. please..?"

Rosalie shook her head. There was no way that she was going to respond to the call of someone unknown. Not gonna happen. She waited until she was sure he wasn't looking before darting out of her hiding place and into the charred forest. "Hello..?" She called softly, searching for the voice she'd heard before.
Night's head perked up slightly as he heard someone say hello. They weren't to far and he could actually see them from behind the tree he was sitting behind. It was fallen over from the fire but he could easily be seen when he stood up. Night smiled and hopped over the tree waving softly. "Hello." He spoke with his voice raised slightly hoping she would notice him. He had no idea who she was only that she was with him when he was first brought to the forest.
Zane smiles "We should go back." he looks at Lanny "If it didn't burn down." he stares daggers at Lanny then puts his hands in his pockets and keeps walking.

(Sorry writers bloccklk)
Lanny's eyes narrowed as he tried to keep th smile on his face. Sure he was different now, but there was just something about Zane that he didn't like. "Hey, not my fault.. Wasn't myself, remember..?" He said, lightly grabbing onto Tacey's hand and pulling her along after them. She just blinked in response. There was no way that she was getting in the middle of this.


Rosalie glanced over at the sound, spotting the boy that had accompanied her and the silver hair woman to the camp in the forest. "What are you doing out here..? She asked softly. She knew her reasons for trying to stay hidden, but she was curious about his. She tucked a strand of pink hair behind an ear as she absently thought about needing to find a lake or something soon. She probably still had blood in her hair. Pushing the random thought from her head, she took a step closer to him, a small smile on her face.
Zane laughs and sneers at Lanny "Yeah." he stares daggers at Lanny and growls lightly. He sees the camp and sighs "Wooh. Good thing it's still standing. I need a bed and some food." Knowing Tacey couldn't be too far from him, also meaning not to close to Lanny. He walks in his room. But he knew Tacey was glad to have Lanny back "Lanmy, if tacey is okay with it you can come in our room."
Lanny glanced over at Tacey to ask her if it was alright, only to note that she had somehow slipped out of his grasp. "Maddie..?" He called, whipping around only to breathe a small sigh of relief when he seen her having a hushed conversation with another boy. She looked mildly alarmed. She was glancing around furiously as if looking for something. Finally she sighed, leaving th boy wander off into the woods before she made her way back over. "What's wrong?" Lanny asked.

Tacey simply sighed again. "Apparently while we were gone, Almira brought in two more children. They ran off." She explained. She knew that children when they are first revived could be dangerous at times depending on their personality. She'd have to see them to know if they were alright on thier own. Sometimes bing the leader sucked. Ducking past Lanny, she approached Zane and told him what was going on. "I have to help Jett search, but I'll be back in a moment. He just wants me to try and summon them..."
Zane groans "I'll come with you I guess." he just couldn't seem to catch a break. He just wanted to sleep. He looks at Tacey and sighs. "Should I go put a shirt on?" he didn't have one on because he had neglected to put one on when he ran off after Tacey and Lanmy
Tacey gave him a look. "I know what you should do. You should lay back in bed and get some sleep. I'll handle this." She said softly. She could tell that he needed some rest. She'd like nothing more than to join him, but she had duties to attend to.
Zane knew better than to argue. He walks in his room and slips off jis pants, He pours some food for Marcy and fills her bowl with some water. He lies in his bed and cuddle with the cocers around him. He slips into sleep and hufs the pillow infront of him
Night shrugged softly staring at the forest. "I don't know....Last I remember there was a bunch of kids around me one of them had pulled a knife, next I knew I was here in a forest behind some lady. I believe you were there to but other then that I'm not sure." Night simply shook his head in confusion sighing. "This confuses me so much. I don't know what I'm doing or why I'm here. I think I was dead but then again how if I'm right here?"
Tacey smiles before turning to wander back outside and past Lanny who just shrugged and followed after her. She made her way to the center of the camp and stood on a log. Clearing her throat, she looked around the camp. "Hello.." She called clearly, putting her power into her voice and pulling on the attneion of those around. "If the two new children could please make their way to the camp, that would be much appreciated." She said, using her voice to try and draw them in. Stepping down, she sat down on the log she'd previously been standing on.

"What now..?" Lanny asked, settlign down next to her.

She shrugged. "Not much to do, but to wait. If they heard my voice, they'll come... They won't be able to help it." She explained. She just hoped they were close enough to hear her call.


Rosalie sighed. "I understand completely.." She said softly. "I was killed by my only friend. Well, after the villagers decided they wanted to burn me at the stake anyways.." A single tear slid down her cheek at the though of her friend before she stubbornly wiped it away. She wasn't going to cry over that traitor. "I think that woman brought us back... I don't really know. I just know that I woke up on the ground and she was hovering over me. That and my hair changed colors. It used to be raven." Absently, she glanced down at her, now pink, hair. This was going to take some getting used to. Just as she opened her mouth to say something else, she heard a voice from the direction of the small camp. It made her want to listen to it. She couldn't help it as she took an involuntary step in that direction. "W-what's going on..?" She said. It was like the voice was calling to her and she couldn't disobey it even if she wanted to.
Zane squirms slightly in his sleep and rolls over onto his side. He was still reliving some of his memories when ever he closed his eyes. Now he was on te final one getting killed. He was being chased by Elend and his gamg and they corner him. He tries to fight but Elend slides a knife between his ribs. Killing Zane. Zane jolt awake and sits up "Oh god." he covers his face and tries to cal down
Night looked to where he heard the voices coming from and shrugged softly. "I can't remember if I died or what. Last thing I remember is I had a knife pulled on me then I woke up in what looked to be a void. And the lady asked me a question then said don't worry I'll get my revenge soon. I don't remember much of that but I showed up here next confused." He simply folllowed her towards the voices unsure of what was going on he didn't know who he was going to or why but it felt as if he should.
The voice pulled her to the edge of the woods. It appears that someone in this so called camp was trying to get them to come out. She wanted to resist. She truly did, but no matter what she tried, she couldn't help but to follow the voice. "This is so unfair..." She mumbled under her breath as she wandered into camp against her will, finally coming to a halt in front of a young girl in a night gown.

Tacey smiled as she seen them. They looked young enough that they wouldn't cause much trouble. Then again, she had said that once before only to regret it. So, she raised her red eyes to carefully look at them. "Hello. I'm Tacey." She said softly as she continued to smile. There was no use in upsetting them.

Lanny just blinked in shock. "...How did you...?" He trailed off, shaking his head. He had to remember that they were different now. Like supposedly he could wield fire. The thought just seemed so hard to grasp.
Night perked seeing the two in front of him and tilted his head. "Well hello there....How are you?" He asked only to smile and wave softly to them. He didn't know who they were but they looked friendly to him and if they were then it was a good thing they found them, if not? Well then this situation would get really bad really quick. He did wonder tho if his other side would protect him in this situation, you know now that he was dead? Night didn't want to find out but he could feel something deep down in the dark.
Tacey smiled. So far it looked as if she had nothing to worry about. Sure the pink haired one was sulking unhappily, but the other one seemed friendly enough. "I'm quite well, even btter now that I've found you two. You guys nearly gave poor Jett another heart attack." She said as she looked at the two of them. Usually she was with Almira when the new children were revived, but she supposed she wouldn't be able to do that anymore. Well, unless Zane accompanied her. "The question is though, how are you..? Are you holding up alright..?" She asked.

Lanny looked on with shock. He had never seen Tacey behave in such a manner. Usually the only one she was this nice to was him. Maybe she had changed since becoming a child. Maybe it was for the better though. He didn't know. He just knew that he had a lot to catch up on and a lot to make up for.
Night stood there and simply shrugged. "I don't know how I am. I think I am well but I have no clue what I'm doing here or how I even got here. This is so confusing to me." Night blinked his off coloured eyes and shook his head softly only to put his hands on his temples sighing. "I'm so confused, I have no clue whats going on, why I'm here, where I am, or anything about whats going on I don't like it."
Tacey nodded her head in an understanding manner. "Believe me.. I know what you're going through and it's my job to answer all of those questions. First of all, you got here because you died. Anyone that dies befor their time is up while in this forest can be revived by Almira. She behaves as our mother of sorts. Even though I'm in charge of camp, I still answer to her... You are what's called a child now. It can kind of be compared to a demon since we have some similarities with them. You are currently in our camp. This is th place that we call home. In fact..." She paused and pointed over to one of the little huts. "That one over there is yours." She smiled. She tried to explain the best she could. She was used to having Almira here to help her.

Rosalie simply looked at her with blank pink eyes. So she was expected to live hre now? With all these other children? She took note of the girl's.. Tacey's red eyes. Maybe she would be able to fit into this place after all. Besides, if they were all close to demons, she would be fine since she'd been called one at birth.

Taking a breath, Tacey continued. "To top it off, now that you'r a child you have certain... abilities... I don't know what yours is, but I can use my voice. That's how I got you out of the woods. You'll have to figure out for yourself what yours is..."

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