Childhood Demons

Zane smiles. "I'm fine." he rubs his hea and wimpers slightly. He pulls the blanket up around his shoulders "Just tired." he yawns and lies his head o her lap, he wouldn't admit it but he likes it when she was worried about him. It made him feel wanted
She began lightly running her hand through his hair. "Then you get some rest..." She told him softly as she looked down at him with a small smile.


Lanny was trying to come up with a plan to get Tacey into the woods with him, when he spotted Jett out of the corner of his eye. Maybe he could use this to his advantage. "Hey, Jett..!" He called, wandering over to the dark haired male. Jett simply looked at him curiously. "I need to talk to you for a minute..."
Zane also liked it when she played with his hair "Th." he gets inturupted by a yawn "Thanks." he smiles and closes his eyes, slowly drifting into sleep. He wimpers in his sleep as he continues reliving memories
Tacey continued to look down at him as he slept, the smile on her face growing. Well, until she heard the door creak open. "Tacey..?" She heard a whisper. Glancing up, she seen Jett poking his head in through the door. "Can I speak with you a moment..?" He asked quietly so as to not wake up Zane. Tacey looked at Zane before sighing softly. She couldn't forget her duties as leader. Jett barely ever asked her for anything. Carefully, she moved Zane's head from her lap and crept over to the door, shutting it lightly behind her.

"What do you need, Jett...?" She asked softly, a small smile on her face.

He simply grabbed onto her hand and gently pulled her along after him. "There's something I need to show you..." He said as he pulled her into the woods by her hand.

Tacey began to grow worried, the farther they went into the woods. "Jett... I can't go much farther..." She said as her free hand moved to her chest. She was beginning to feel small jolts of pain.

Suddenly he came to a halt and Lanny stepped out from behind a tree. "Thank you, Jett..." He said, tossing a small, silver chain to the boy. He had stolen it to gain Jett's cooperation. With his necklace in hand, Jett darted back into the trees. What he hadn't told Lanny was that as soon as he got his chain back he was going straight to Zane to inform him of everything the ice user knew.

Tacey looked at Lanny with mild confusion. "Lanny..? What's going on...?" She asked, taking a step back only to run into a person. Her arms were immediately seized and held in place. "Lanny..?!"

"Come on..." Lanny said, motioning to the man that held Tacey. He noticed that Tacey was about ready to opene her mouth. ".. and gag her, would you..? Just to be on the safe side." He said, turning on his heel and wandering off. The man gagged Tacey and hefted her over his shoulder, following after Lanny. A muffled scream tore itself from her throat as she was moved farther away from camp, the pain in her chest becoming more intense. Before she knew it, she had blacked out.


Jett raced back to camp, a determined look on his face as he skidded to a halt in front of Zane's room. He was out of breath as he threw the door open, to out of breath to call out. Instead he paused a moment in an attempt to even out his breathing.
Hearing the door slam open Zane hoppe to his feet he saw jet and knew something was wrong. He pulls on a pair of pants and he grabs his knife. Not bothering with a shirt, he pushes Jett "Show me where. Tell me on te way." Zane clenches his knige
Jett nodded, wandering back out into the forest. It took him a moment, but he finally managed to catch his breath. "It was Lanny..." He started as the walked. "He came up to me and stole the only thing that has any meaning to me." He said, meaning the silver necklace that his mother had given him when he was young. "He told me that I was to lure Tacey into the woods and meet him... That's all I know..." Finally, he came to a stop in a small grove of trees. "This is where I met him. They must have moved on..." He then looked over at Zane. "I'm really sorry...."


Farther in the woods, Tacey was coming to. She was still being carried by the man. She'd noticed that the pain was still radiating through her chest. Whimpering quietly, she squirmed against her bonds. Apparently she had been tied up while she was unconscious. Looking over her shoulder, she noted that Lanny was no longer leading them. She absently wondered where he went when another sharp pain coursed through her causing her to cry out. "Oh, shut up, will you..?" The man said in a gruff voice.
Zane ignores jett and sprints off towards Tacey. He just had a feelung she was out there. It may have been the fact that he bit her. He eventually sees a man and Tacey thrown over his shoulder.Zane sneaks, trying to see what Lanny's plan is.
Lanny stepped up behind Zane, tapping him on the shoulder. "...and just where do you think you're going..?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as his hands lit up with fire. From behind Lanny, a few more men stepped out. All of them had weapons of some sort. In the distance, the man with Tacey turned around. Once he notice the confrontation going on a ways behind him, he started running. His job was to keep Tacey away from Zane until Lanny came back to retrieve her.
Zane pushes out on everyone's emotions. Making them scared and angry. Zane looks at Lanmy and grons. He charges at Lanmy with his knfie in hand. He tackles Lanny to the ground
Most of the men backed off, dropping their weapons or lashing out at each other. Lanny, however, just laughed. His hands glowing like wild fire as he hit the ground. "You don't scare me.."
Zane swings his knife at Lanny's hand "Well I should." Zane's hand went from Lanny's collar to around his throat. "Almira idn't here to save you this time boy." Zane tightens his grip
"I don't need Almira to save me..." He growled as his skin began to drastically heat up. A halo of fire appeared around his head as his eyes began to flash dangerously. "I am fully capable of burning you to a crisp without assistance."


Meanwhile, the man with Tacey was starting to get closer to the village. She was beginning to squirm about again as she slowly became more and more distressed. After a particularly painful jolt in her chest, she kicked and managed to hi the man in the gut. Suddenly, as if she'd flipped a switch, he dropped her causing her to land painfully on her back. Now she just had to get herself untied and she'd be golden. However, it was becoming quite difficult for her to focus. Her vision was growing blurry and the pain was distracting.
Zane was being pulled towards Tacey. He punches Lanny then takes off running towards the village. He sees the man lieing on the floor and junps on him. Cutting his throat. Zane looks around for Tacey "Tacey!?"

(Posted on dreamland :D )
At the sound of Zane's voice, Tacey's head whipped up. A muffled call pouring from her lips. She squirmed around on the ground as she attempted to gain his attention. The pain in her chest had lessened considerably as she looked at him through wide, red eyes.
Zane turns and looks at her. He runs over and cuts her ropes. He pulls her to her feet and pushed her towards the village "Go. We need to hide." he didn't know where to go, but he knew he only had one choice.
She nodded, darting off toward the village. In the distance, she could see a fire beginning to consume the forest. "Oh no..." She said softly. She couldn't believe Lanny would stoop this low. Tears blurred her vision as she ran. Where was the friend that she used to know..? It was almost as if he became a whole new person when he became a child.
Zane sighs. He had one choice. Sky. He slams his fist into her door trying to get her to open it "Sky! Open up!!" he slams his fist into the door again "Please!"
The door slowly slid open to reveal Sky. "Zane..? What's going on..?" She asked, then she noticed the out of breath girl standing next to him. "Who's that..?"
"Just, can we come in please?" he turns and looks atthe growing fire. He pushes past sky and pulls her back, slamming the door after yanking Tacey inside "Oh gods." he grabd his face and sighs
Sky looked at him with mild confusion before crossing her arms over her chest. "Alright. Now that you're in can you tell me what's going on..?"

Tacey rested her hand on Zane's shoulder in a comforting manner, the tears still pouring down her face as she sniffled pitifully. "I'm sure he'll come to his senses..." She said softly.
Zane wanted nothing more than to hug sky, but he wasn't going to around Tacey. He sighs and shakes his head "Another one of... Us." he motions to Tacey an himself. "Went crazy and is trying to kidnap her."
Sky blinked in mild confusion. She didn't quite understand what was going on, but she realized that the situation couldn't be very good.

Suddenly all of the shadows in the room converged on a single spot. "Would someone please explain to me why my forest is on fire..?" An irritated voice called before Almira popped into being in front of them and nearly gave Sky a heart attack.
Zane hugs sky slighly so shedidn't fall over or anything. He lets go and looks at Almira "Should of let me kill Lanny." he growls and looks at her. This was her fault. He growls again.
Almira's red eyes narrowed. "So this is Lanny's doing..?" She grumbled. Maybe the boy was more trouble than he was worth. "Don't you go blaming me for this." She said, reading his actions. This was far from her fault. Then again... She sighed, holding out her hand and summoning that black book of hers. She knew this might have something to do with his transformation.

"Oh, Tacey...." A voice called outside. It sounded as if it were getting closer. The forest was blazing by this point. If one were to look closely they'd see the figure of a boy walking along the edge of the burning forest. "I know you're out here somewhere...." He drawled.
Zane growls and opens the door "Sky. Tacey. Stay inside." he walks outside and yells for Lanmy "Hey!" he growls and jeeps walking until he was getting closer to Lanmy

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