Childhood Demons

Zane smiles, swinging his feet slightly "I was. But someone saved me. Her name is Almira." he looks around wondering if Almira would show up because he said her name. He yawns an looks at Sky happily "You can not tell anyone ou saw me."
"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. I don't want to ruin the chance of seeing you again." She said, a smile on her face. She was so happy that she got to see him again.
Zane hugs her. He couldn't help it. He had missed her a lot. "Oh. Want to see something cool?" Zane closes his eyes and pulls on Sky's emotions quite noticably. He makes her happier annd he smiles at her. "Now. Would you like me to let you go back to sleep?"
"Oh wow..." She said softly, a smile immediately lighting up her features as she felt an unbelievable happiness. "How did you do that..?" She asked, looking at him in astonishment.
Zane grins "I have no idea." he looks outside and frowns, he would have to go soon. He frowns and looks at Sky "I'll have to go soon. Any thing else you want to say to me?" he looks at her and smiles. Then he hugs her tightly and then releases her and steps back. He waits for her to say sometjing.
((Sorry about my absence... Something came up and I wasn't able to get online... I'm back now though =3))

"You'll come back soon... right..?" She inquired as she looked at him with a hopeful smile. Now that she knew he was alive, surely he wouldn't disappear again.


Back at camp, Lanny was growing to be quite the thorn in Tacey's side. "Aww, c'mon..! Open the door..!" Lanny called from his place outside of Tacey's bedroom. Lanny had been starting to get on her nerves so she locked herself in her room since she couldn't storm off into the woods and risk hurting herself. "I'll leave!" He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You wouldn't." Came Tacey's muffled reply. She knew very well that he cared way to much about her to hurt her in such a way. She was quite shocked as she heard his footsteps heading away from her room. She threw her door open and chased after him.

He simply stopped once her heard the door, turned around and caught her in his arms. "I knew that would work." He said with a small laugh.

Tacey glared up at him before hitting him on the chest. "That was a dirty trick..." She mumbled.
Zane hugs Sky one last time "I'll try to come back as soon as I can." he smiles at her and turns. Hopping out the window. He turns and waves to her "See you later Skylar." he grind and starts the walk back up to camp. He gets there after a bit of wwalking. He sits in a tree to see how things with Lanny and Tacey were going. He looks around until he spots them.
By the time of Zane's arrival, Tacey had tried to storm back into her room only to be caught by Lanny. She was slung over his shoulder and was pounding on his back with her fists. "Put me down, you brute..!" She hissed as she attempted to kick Lanny in the stomach. He just laughed at her struggles as he carried her across camp. "We're not little anymore and I don't find this comfortable in the least..!" She said as she hit him again, causing him to laugh louder. Just as she opened her mouth to give Lanny an earful, she spotted Zane. "Oh, thank goodness..!" She called, a smile lighting up her face. "Get me away from this maniac!"

Lanny turned around so he could see what was going on. "Oh.. you're back..." He grumbled. "...and I am not a maniac." He said, shooting a look at the struggling girl on his shoulder. He wasn't quite sure he was ready to give her back yet.
Zane drops and walks infront of Lanny. He calmly walks behind Lanmy and looks at Tacey. He bites into her neck and walks put infront of Lanny "Down." he points for him o put Tacey down. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs lightly
Lanny grumbled something rude under his breath before dropping Tacey on her butt. "Hey..!" She said softly, glaring at Lanny before climbing to her feet and brushing herself off. Just as she turned to give Lanny a piece of her mind about her treatment as of recently, he stalked off. She then turned her attention back to Zane. A smile lit up her face as she looked at him. "So, did you enjoy your outing..?" She asked softly.
Zane smiles "Yes. Yes I did." he looks at Tacey. She seemed so happy to be with him. He didn't understand why. He bites his lip slightly and runs a hand through his hair. He yawns and streatches slightly. "Is it bed time yet?"
Tacey's smile grew as she giggled softly. "If you want it to be." She told him. She honestly didn't care what they did as long as she got to spend time with him. Even if it meant curling up next to him while he slept.
Zane slinks to his room and falls onto the bed. He slips his shirt off and yawns again. He was really tired for some reason. He closes his eyes and sighs softly. He opens his eyes to see if Tacey had gollowed him to his room
Tacey followed behind him, a slight skip in her step. She was happy now that he was back. She watched as he fell down onto his bed. Peering carefully around the door frame, she looked at him as he glanced up. She couldn't help but feel kind of like a stalker.
Zane yawns and slowly falls asleep. The blankets fall down to his stomach as he moves around. Then he rolls over and grabs for what ever was in reach. Currently it was just a pillow. So he hugged it and buried his face in it.
Another smile spread across her face as she inched into his room and curled up near the end of his bed. She hated to disturb him once he fell asleep. She peeked up at him once more as her smile grew.
Zane was looking down at her as she looked up at him "Why are you lying down there?" he looks at her and frowns then he scoots over and pats infront of him "No need to lie down there." he yawns again then drifts back into sleep
She blinked slightly before scooting up more and curling up next to him. Her arms wrapped around him as she sighed happily. She could get used to this.
Zane wraps his arms around her and makes a purring like sound in his sleep. Zane buries his head in her side and smiles. Still asleep. "Taceyyy" he says in his sleep
A pale blush lit up her cheeks as she glanced down at him. She couldn't help but smile as she cuddled closer to him and closed her eyes.
Zane wakes up eventually and streatches out he smiles and runs a hand through his hear "Hey Sk- scoot over. You're hogging the blanket." he smiles as he barely stops himself from calling her sky. He smiles and yawns again looking to see if she was awake
Tacey cracked an eye open and smiled at him. "Maybe I don't wanna move... I'm quite comfortable." She giggled as she looked up at him. If she noticed anything strange about his wording, she didn't mention it.
Zane grabs her and pulls her towards him. Then he pulls the blaket over himself. She was incredibly close to him. He smiles at her then rolls to his aide and yawns, rubbing sleep from his eyes "Too bad." he laughs and rests his head on

Her shoulder.
Tacey giggled softly. "Oh well... I suppose I could get used to this position as well.." She said, looking over at him out of the corner of her eye. A smile lit up her face. Oh yes, this was definitely something she could get used to.
Zane smiles. When he was in the camp something felt.. Different. He couldn't seem to put his finger on it. It seemed like he completely forgot about his other life for a while. Then it came back. And he visite sky. And now. It's going again.

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