Childhood Demons

Tacey cracked an eye open. "Yes..?" She mumbled, peeking up from the little ball that she'd curled into underneath the blanket.
Zane frowns "What are you doing out here?" He frowns and sits down next to her, waiting for an answer. He pulls her blanket up around her and sighs "Seriously."
"I was having a hard time sleeping..." Tacey mumbled, finally lifting her head up to look at him. "I don't know why I chose to come here, but once I did I finally fell into a good dream..."
Zane hits his forehead. Of course. I'm an idiot." his head hits the wall with a loud thunk "Come inside." he was just feeling worseand worse about what he did and what he was doing. He looks at Tacey and frowns
She slowly uncurled and stretched before climbing to her feet and wandering inside. "Alright..." She said softly. So much for sleeping alone tonight.
Zane sits in a chair and looks at her "Feel free to sleep." he smiles at her and then looks up at the ceiling. He frowns to himself and shakes his head "I'm sorry Tacey." he frowns "For upsetting you."
"It wasn't you..." She said softly as she curled herself back up into a small ball under her blanket. "...and I'm not upset. See?" She smiled at him.
Zane frowns and jumps on his bed landing facefirst into his pillow. He lets out some muffled words and then sits up and frowns again "You sure?" he sighs
She nodded. "I'm sure." She said softly, smile still on her face. She really hoped that he bought it because she honestly wasn't sure as to what had her so upset. She paused for a moment. Well, maybe it was that she'd heard him mumble someones name in his sleep. That and she knew he was upset and refusing to tell her about what.
Zane frowns "Well. It's not right to lie. I can see emotions remember? And We are kinda connected I guess. So seriously. Tell me what's bothering you." he smiles weakly and tugs on her blanket "And share your blanket."
She sighed softly. She figured it was kind of a moot point to try lying to him. "I'm just a bit upset about something... I can't exactly place why." She tells him as she lifts the side of her blanket so he could climb under as well.
Zane rolls underneath the blanket "About what? Just tell me already." he frowns and shakes his head before lying down and looking at Tacey. He kept wondering what he did wrong.
"Like I said... I can't really place why.. I might have an idea, but I'm not sure..." She said softly, glancing over at him as she scooted closer.
Zane pinches the bridge of his nose exasperatedly "Just tell me what your idea of why you are maybe upset is." he looks at her and frowns pushing his head against his pillow.
"Well.." She said softly before burying her face in his shoulder. "For starters, I know your upset about something and you won't tell me what... Secondly.. i kind of heard you saying someones name in your sleep.." She mumbled so quietly it could barely be heard.
Zane blushes "Ahh. Well. I see." Zane hugs her lightly "I'm sure it was nothing. It's fine. It's not like Something bad will happen. And as for me. i am fine. Just. Stuff." he smiles weakly and leans his head on her
"Alright..." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled closer. She was content now.
Zane frowns and looks up at the celing. He felt worse than before. "What was the name I said?" Zane frownd and looks at Tacey. He hoped she didn't know who Sky was, and he hoped she wouldn't ask who Sky was, or used to be, or is.
"You said Sky..." She mumbled, peeking up at him before she closed her eyes. "..and you're still upset..." She said softly, cracking one of her eyes open to look at him again.
"It's fine just go to sleep Tacey." well, his plan to see Sky was blown out of the water, seeing as how he couldn't leave Tacey's side. Id she know how he felt because he bit her? zane wondered.
She cuddled closer to him, a small yawn escaping her lips. "O-okay..." She mumbled sleepily. She supposed she'd have to figure it out later. She dozed off, actually managing to get into a deep sleep.
Zane lies there awake for quite a while longer. He drifted in and out of sleep. He was exhausted. "I'm sorry Tacey." he frowns and yawns closing his eyes and falling into a very unrestful sleep.
Tacey awoke a little while later. She felt well rested and happy as she slipped out of bed carefully so as not to wake up Zane. She left him covered in her blanket as she slipped out of the room. Breathing in the early morning air, Tacey set about her morning chores. Today, however, she was careful not to stray to far from camp.
Zane sighs as Tacey gets up. "Morning." he mumblesz, he remains lieing in bed. He picks up his teddy bear and hugs it causing him to slip right to sleep.
Tacey wandered into her room and changed into a black dress. This would do for the day. With a small sigh, she wandered out into the camp and began checking up on the other children.

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