Childhood Demons

"You wanna go back to camp..?" She asked softly, tilting her head to the side slightly as she looked up at him. She didn't mind either way, she was happy just spending time with him.
Zane shakes his head "No. No. I'm fine." he laughs and puts an arm around her. "Why are you always so concerned about me." he chuckles. He thought it was cute. He cups her chin in his hand and turns her face kissing her cheek softly
She smiled up at him. "It's just in my nature, I guess.." She said softly, a pale blush painting her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around him.
"It's okay. Hey, you think Lanny is okay?" Zane raises an eyebrow and steps out of the water. He lies on the bank and crosses his legs, sitting up on his elbows. He shook his head and water flew all over
Tacey shrugged, climbing out of the water and plopping down next to him. "I'm not sure... Lanny has always been a tad bit possessive, for lack of better term. Lately though, he's been much worse than usual." She sighed softly, glancing out at the water. "I wonder if becoming a child has messed with his head or something."
"No, what I think messed with him." Zane rolls onto his side using his elbow to support himself "Is this." he kisses her and smiles brightly "What do you think? Maybe it was this." he kisses her cheek and smiles
A blush instantly lit up her cheeks again. "Good point.." She mumbled. He'd never had any competition back in the village since she never was really with anyone but him. Plus, as she'd just found out, he'd known that their parents were going to arrange them in a marriage. She could see now why he'd be a bit off.
"Why me over him?" Zane looks at her and raises an eyebrow questioningly "I mean. You know him. You guys are friends. I'm just someone who keeps getting hurt." Zane laughs as Marceline, who had been hiding under his shirt he left at the bank. Pounces on his foot
"To be honest, I don't really know. For starters, I've just never really thought of Lanny like that. He's more like an older brother type to me. You, however, I feel drawn to. I can't really explain it." She said softly, glancing over at him with a smile.
"Because I'm so amazing." he says sarcasticly then he laughs "Kidding." he puts his head in her lap and yawns slightly. He was mentally exhausted from Lanny and such. He didn't need sleep as much as he needed rest.
She lightly ran a hand through his hair as she looked down at him with a smile on her face. "You still seem tired.." She said softly.
"i'm mentally drained." he closes his eyes and snuggles close to her "Sorry." he looks over at the sun that was lazily starting to set. Turning the sky from a birght orange to a light hue of pink. Zane picks up a flower from the grass and smiles. He tucks it behind Tacey's ear and smiles
"It's fine.." She said softly, as another blush lit up her cheeks at his actions. "Thank you.." She said, lightly touching the flower. She glanced away from him to look up at the sky. "Sunsets are so pretty.." She intoned as she watched the sky, a small smile on her face.
"So are you." Zane laughs and says in a voice that is slightly slurred from exhaustion "Wow. It'll be weird. I'll be watching every sunset ever until the end of time.." he frowns and looks up. The thought of that amazed and slightly depressed him. Why would anyone want to live forever
Her blush grew darker as she looked back down at him. "Children can still die, you know..." She told him softly. "Unless Almira brings us back.." She added as an afterthought. She didn't really want to live forever either. Especially stuck at the age of 14.
Zane shakes his head "I mean. I look older than I am. And I'm attractive anyway. So I'm fine with looking like this for ever." he shrugs and bites his lip slightly "Buuut. Living for a long time would be boring." Zane shakes his head. He frowns slightly as he remembers something. Today would have been one of his old friends. Well. They weere more than friends. Birthdays.
Tacey pouted. "Well, I look younger than I am, so I'm not.." She said softly, crossing her arms over her chest. She'd never be able to go out anywhere alone again due to how young she looked. She'd never be able to settle down and have a real life. She sighed softly. "I don't want to live forever either... but I do want to live while I can.."
Zane's frown deepens as he remembers his close friend. He couldn't see her. Elend would kill her if he ever talked to her. Zane shakes his head. It wasn't fair. He wished he would have just stayed dead. It would have been easier. He snaps back ro reality and looks up at Tacey "Mhm."
"What were you thinking about..?" Tacey asked, glancing down at him. She could tell that he'd been thinking about something that was upsetting him.
Zane shakes his head and whispers "Nothing." he frowns and looks up at her. He sniffles slightly and sits up. Maybe he was using Tacey as a replacement for Sky. He shakes his head. No. He didn't think he was. He looks at her and leand against her slightly
She looks over at him curiously. "Are you sure..?" She asked. She was starting to worry about him again. What could be upsetting him? She sighed.
"Yes. Perfectly fine. We should go back. It's getting late." The truth was he couldn't stand being outside anymore. He felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to go back and lie down and huf his teddy bear.. That Sky gave him a year ago. He lied when he said he had it since he was little. It was only torn because Marceline got a hold of it.
Tacey nodded, carefully climbing to her feet and offering a hand to help him up. She smiled down at him. "If you say so..." She said softly.
Zane grabs her hand and pulls himself to his feet. He starts to slowly walk back. He walks over and opens his door. He turns and looks at Tacey "I need to change. You can go to your room and change then Come back here." he closed the door. And changes into some soft pants and he climbs in bed and curls into a ball hugging his teddy bear tightly. He whispers to himself "I'm sorry."
Tacey nodded, wandering off to her room where she changed into another one of her white nightgowns. She really had way to many of them. She sighed softly. She knew something was bothering Zane, she just didn't know what it was. She pulled one of the many blankets off her bed, wrapping it around herself as she made her way back over to Zane's room. She knocked lightly on the door. "Zane..?"

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