Childhood Demons

"I'm not going anywhere until I know she's okay..!" He exclaimed, his hand's lighting up in flames as his eyes began to glow. "As much as I hate to admit it, we don't know what being away from you would do to her..." He said in a forced tone.

Tacey relaxed slightly. Although she still clung to Zane as if her life depended on it and she still refused to look at Lanny. "Please..." She mumbled softly. "Just listen for once and leave, Lanny...." She said, peeking up slightly to look at him. There were tears dripping down her face. She really didn't want to deal with Lanny right now.
"Just go." Zane pulls Tacey towards his room and frowns "Sorry. Go inside.." Zane tyrns "Almira!" he looks around wating for the witch to show up so he could ask her some questions
Tacey wanders inside and curls up on his bed, still sniffling slightly.

Lanny was half tempted to try to get around Zane to go after Tacey, but he decides against it. Instead he decided that he'd wait for Almira to show up. He want to know if he could get Tacey back, anyways.

In the meantime, Almira emerged from the shadows, giving Zane a look. "You know, I actually have things to do as well... I don't just sit around all day and wait for you to call me... You're lucky you're one of my favorites.." She said crossing her arms. "Now what is it this time..?"
"Firstly, am I allowed to kill Lanny?" he looks at her and frown "And secondly. What happened because I bit Tacey. What changed?" he looks at her questioningly then he growls at Lanny
With a small sigh, Almira shook her head. "No, you can not kill Lanny..." At these words, Lanny stuck his tongue out. "As for what changed. I don't quite understand it myself. I've been doing research into demons to try and better understand you guys and I stumbled across a bit of information on mating rituals. All I really know for sure is that she can't stray far from your side and she'll feel compelled to be closer to you. Now, if she bit you as well, I'm not sure if these effects would spread to you or if they would disappear entirely. This is all I know at the moment. I was actually trying to do more research when you summoned me." She said, giving him a pointed look.
Zane tucks his teddy near farther into his pocket and goes inside. "Taceyyy." he smiles but hears her sniffle "What's wrong?" he frowns and sits on the bed putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Just a little bit upset..." She mumbled, immediately clinging to him once he was close enough. "Lanny's a jerk... I know he means well sometimes, but he's still a jerk.." She huffed slightly before looking up at him with a small smile. ".... but I'm alright.."
"So Almira said that. As long as you weren't close to me you would want to be. And if you got too far away you would be hurt. She said if you bit me she didn't know what would happen." Zane shurgs
"So I've noticed..." She said, referring to the pain in her chest earlier. "Looks like I'm not straying far from your side then.." She said softly, looking up at him with a smile.
Zane pats her hea "That's good." Zane pulls on her emotions. Not trying to be discreet. He makes her happier and washes away most of her worry. "Alrighty. Are you feeling better?"
Tacey's smile grows as she feels her worries melting away. She cuddles closer, wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you.." She mumbles softly. "I'm feeling much better."
Zane smiles "That's good." Zane puts his forehead against hers and kisses the tip of her nose "Anyway. Is there anythig else you need todo?" Zane lies down and takes his bear out of his pocket and hugs it
She shrugged. "Not really, I did what I need to do for the most part..." She said, smiling up at him. "So I'm game for whatever you want to do." She told him softly.
Zane smiles "Really?" He moves closer to her and kisses her lightly "I think. I want toooo." he lisses her again "Sleep." he falls onto the bed and closes his eyes and yawns
She giggled softly, her cheeks a pale shade of pink. She was slowly gaining control over the blushing. "Somehow I figured you were going to say that.." She said softly, lying down and curling up next to him.
Zane smiles "I like sleeping. And it's not like there is much else to do. We could always go swimming or something." Zane shrugs and yawns his eyes water slightly and he wipes them
Tacey perked up at the word swimming. She loved swimming. "Would you come swimming with me..?" She asks, tilting her head slightly to the side with a small smile on her face.
Zane smiles "Sure." he loved the water. It was one of the places here he could just relax and think "Yeah. If yo want ro we can go." Zane smiles and pecks Tacey on the cheek
"Yay..!" She exclaims, a happy smile on her face as she shoots out of bed. "Let me run and find my swimsuit.." She says, darting out of the room. A few minutes later a scream could be heard followed by a cry of: "Get away from me, Lanny..!"
Zane was changing into a swimming suit at the time. He pulls them up quickly Zane runs putside "Getting real tired of your sh** Lanny." Zane looks around for Tacey amd he finally sees the two of them and runs towarnds them
Lanny had Tacey pulled against his chest, a victorious grin on his face. He was whispering something to Tacey and she was shaking her head. "C'mon, Madeline... please..?" He asked her quietly, ignoring Zane's presence.

Tacey was struggling, trying to get out of his grasp. There were tears in her eyes as she fought against him. "I said no, Lanny!" She said, looking at Zane for help.
Zane pushes Lanny away "Go away." Zane wraps an arm around Tacey and pulls her along with him "What happened?" Zane ignores Lanny and looks at Tacey. He was getting really Tired of Lanny
Lanny grinned. "Go on, try to take her away from me. Watch what happens. "

Tacey shot Lanny a glare. "Go die in a hole.." She told him firmly. "I used to think of you as a brother, but since you've become a child you've been nothing but a jerk..!" She exclaimed, turning her head away from him and looking at Zane. "He bit me again.." She mumbled. "He was trying to force me into biting him.. I said no."
Zane shakes his head "Are you an idiot Lanny?" Zane bites Tacey and smiles at her. He wodered what would happen if lanny bit er again then she bit Zane. He wondered how it would work.
"I'm not an idiot, I just want what's rightfully mine.." Lanny said, crossing his arms stubbornly. "Come on, Madeline... You know you don't mean that...." He said, looking at her.

Tacey continued refusing to look at him. "Can we go swimming now..?" She asked softly, looking up at Zane with a small smile. She wasn't going to give Lanny the time of day.

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