Childhood Demons

Zane turns, his fist clenched. He steps towards Lanny "Stop calling her that!" he growls and grabs Lanmy by the counter pushing him up against the wall "Stop. Or else." Zane slams Lanmy into the wall again and gros
Lanny's hands burst into flames. "Or else what...?" He says, eyes narrowing into a glare as they started to glow. "I've known her longer, I can do as I please!"
Zane growls and picks lanny up against the wall pushing on Lanmy's sense of fear as hard as he could "Or else I'll kill you." Zanr throws Lanny to the ground and walks back over to tacey. He rins a hand through his hair "Sorry bout that."
Lanny stayed on the ground, unmoving as the flames went out. Giving Zane a small smile, Tacey immediately wrapped her arms around his neck once he got close enough. "It's fine..." She said softly, leaning up and giving him a peck on the cheek before she stepped back and let go. "Are we still going swimming..?" She inquired.
Zane smiles and looks at her "Of course." Zane loks at Lanmy "Almira. I think Lanny is hurt." he shrugs and stands waitig for Almira. Even if he hated Lanmy he couldn't just lwve him hear. They were both Children
Almira showed up again and sighed, resting her hand on Lanny's forehead. "Perfect. His powers are temporarily sealed.." She mumbled under her breath. This was going to take some time to fix. "Go on ahead. I'll handle this.."
Tacey's hand tightened around his. "Gladly..." She said softly, a small smile on her face. She was content at the moment. Well, until she looked up and seen him frowning. "Is something wrong..?" She asked.
"No. Nothing." he shakes his hea and smiles unconvincingly. He was still having trouble with the fact that she may end up atuck with him forever "Just. Nothig." he froend and runs a hand through his hair
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh really..?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked at him. Something told ehr that he wasn't being honest with her and she didn't like it.
Zane frowns and hugs her hoping to distract her he kisses her and smiles slightly "Not thinkig about anything." he frowns and shakes his head ad they come in view of the lake "Race you in?"
A pale blush lit up her cheeks as she smiled. "Alright.." She said, smile turning into a grin as she took of running for the lake. She had forgotten what she'd been inquiring about, getting caught up in the moment since she didn't get to do things like this often.
Zane sprints over to the water. He gets about waist deep then pushes off his feet and dives deep into the water. He opens his eyes and swims underwater holding his breath. He swims over and pops up infront of Tacey. Water drips off his hair and down his chest then into the waist deep water under him
Tacey giggled, darting to the edge of the water before stopping. She was always very tentative when entering the lake after a small run in she'd had with an angry fish when she was younger. After she was sure the coast was clear, she wandered farther into the water.
Zane swims over to Tacey and smiles "Hey.". He rolls onto his back and floats next to her. He closes his eyes because the sun was shining directly at them. Making them shimmer breifly before he closed them and kicked his feet slightly so he bumped into Tacey
Tacey giggled softly as she looked down at him. "Hey yourself.." She said with a smile as she dove back under the waters surface. She brushed up against his back as she swam underneath him, popping up a little ways away before she dove back under and resurfaced directly next to him.
Zane smiles and wraps his arms around her. He falls backwards pulling her under the water. He lets go of her and looks around still under the water. He loved swimming he could hold his breath for a long time. He blows a few bubbles out of his nose
Tacey rolled over in the water so that she was floating and looking down at him, a bright smile present on her face. It was a only a moment later when she had to break the surface for air. You'd think that someone who could hold notes for what seemed like forever while singing could hold her breath for a while swimming, but you'd be wrong.
Tacey smiles, a pale blush coating her cheeks. She hadn't had this much fun in such a long time. Well, truth be told, she hadn't had this much fun since becoming a child.
Zane slips back under the water, gliding right below the surface. He resurfaces infront of Tacey and smiles brightly as water falls from his body "Hey there. Come here often?" he smiles and laughs then slips under the water. He swims between her legs and picks her up on his shoulders. He stands up and laughs again
Tacey giggled as she was picked up out of the water. She extended her arms out as she attempted to keep her balance.
Zane stumbles backwards "Woah!" he falls plungin them both into the water. He hits his head on a rock rather hard. He resurfaces and holds his head "Ouch." he run his head hoping that would somehow help the pain go away. He looks up at the sun. He placed the time at about four or fiveish. He turns and waits for Tacey to surface.
Tacey popped her head above the water and looked at Zane. "Are you alright..?" She asked, concern evident in her tone as she swam closer to him.
"Mhm. Just hit my head." Zane was well above water. The top of Tacey's head came up to Zane's chin. He smiles. The water came up to Zane's bellybutton. He kisses the top of her head "My head hurts now." he frowns and looks at her

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