Childhood Demons

Tacey blinked in surprise as he moved. "I thought you'd wanted to stay in bed for a bit longer..?" She asked as she sat up as well. She absently combed through her hair with her fingers as she looked at him.
"No no. It's fine." he slowly slips out of the bed and shuffels to his feet. He leans against the wall. He felt a bit better. It seemed Demons healed a bit faster than humans did. "Ouch." he mutters and rubs his leg
"Are you alright..? Tacey asked, climbing out of bed after him. She slightly rested one of her hands on his shoulder. She was wondering whether or not she should let him move around or if she should try to talk him into getting back into bed.
"I'm fine." he snaps and then shakes his head and looks down. He wanted tacey to be happy. But with someone better than him "You deserve someone better than me. But now you're stuck with me until another demon bites you." Zane frowns. He wondered if he could go far away from her since she hadn't bitten him.
Tacey blinked, looking at him curiously. She lightly tilted her head to the side. "What are you talking about..?" She asked quietly, lightly moving her hand to rest on her neck. She'd been wondering what was up with all the biting..
Zane frowns he shouts slightly "Almira!" he wanted her to explain it. He assumed she would know how to explain it better. And he wanted her to explain it.
After a few minutes of nothing, Almira appeared just within the doorway as if she had emerged from the shadows. "Yes..?" She asked. She watched as Tacey ducked slightly behind Zane, an apprehensive look on her face. "I see you still don't trust me, darling.." She said, looking at Tacey.

"You killed me. It's gonna be a little while before I trust you..." Tacey mumbled, clinging to Zane.
Zane frowns "Can you explain to her what happened. And also. Since she hasn't bit me is anything different?" he looks at her quesioningly before puttin an arm Tacey softly "It's fine Tacey. She won't hurt you." zane frowns. As much as he hated saying it, she helpe Tacey
Almira sighed. "You're mates. Well half way, anyways." She said, earning herself a confused stare from Tacey. "It means that you can't stray far from him without feeling pain. That's what Lanny tried to do to you, but Zane over rode it. However, if you bit him as well... Well, then it could never be over ridden again." She explained.

Tacey blinked. She was so confused! She continued to cling to Zane, hopeless confusion written across her face. Glancing up to look at him, she tilted her head slightly to the side. "So, I'm yours then..?" She asked softly.
Zane frowns "Yeah, for now." he looks at Almira and bites his lip slightly "So yeah. That. " Zane frowns again and leans on Tacey. He turns back to Almira "Nayway you could help with all my gashes and my broken leg?"
Almira nodded, pressing a hand lightly to Zane's forehead. A burst of black light traveled from her hand through his body, healing his wounds. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got stuff to do.." She said, turning on her heel and disappearing.

"What do you mean, 'for now'..?" Tacey asked quietly, looking at Zane. "I quite like being yours.." She told him with a small smile.
Zane shakes his head "You deserve someone better than me." he looks st her and frowns. For now atleast, he wouldnot let her bite him. If she was planning on it then she would have to do it whilst he slept or something
She pouted at him. "....but you're the one that I want.." She said softly, looking at him with big eyes. She didn't want anyone else, but she didn't want to trap him with her for life either if that's not what he wanted.
Zane frowns and hugs her "We'll see." he touches the tip of her nose and smiles "Do you have stuff to do? If so I'm going back to sleep." he moves his now healed leg around a bit.
"Alright... " She said softly, smiling at him. "In which case, get some more sleep... I'm gonna go check on the camp and such. I'll pop back in on you later..." She told him, leaning up and lightly pressing her lips to his.
Zane smiles and kisses her forehead. After she leaves he slips out of his shirt and pants wincing slightly as they touched his bruises. He lies down and hugs his Teddy bear. His mind was much more calm and he slowly drifted to sleep
Tacey wander out into the camp. She checked on everyone, made sure everything was running smoothly. Heck, she even went in and cleaned her room. It wasn't until she went to go restock the firewood that she had a problem. She got a little bit away from the camp and felt a sharp pain pierce through her chest. She couldn't help the scream that came from her lips as she fell to the ground.
Zane sits up quickly and hears te scream. "Tacey?" he was extremely tired. He looks around but thought it was just a dream. He lies back down and goes to sleep
Tacey's hand clenched over her chest. She had no idea where this pain had come from. It had just hit her out of the blue. She tried to pick herself up again only to fall as the pain got more intense. As it hit her again, her eyes slid closed in unconsciousness.


Lanny shot out of his bed, hearing Tacey scream. "That a** let her leave, didn't he..?" Lanny grumbled as he flung himself out the door and into the woods. "Tacey..?!" He called frantically, searching the area surrounding the camp. He couldn't seem to find her though. How far into the woods had she wandered, anyways..?!
Melissa's eyes widened as she glanced around before she headed back in the direction she came from. Sure, she was a bit far from where she should be but she could still move as she did back in her village.
Something kept nagging at Zane to get up. He sighs and puts pants on and pulls on his shoes. His teddy bear's head peeked put of his pocket. His stomach was pulling him into the woods. Not because of Elend though. Zane feels himself getting closer. He sees Lanny an frowns. Zane walks past Lanny and eventually comes actoss Tacey "…" Zane slides to his knees and shakes her lightly "Tacey."
Tacey cracked open one of her red eyes only to see Zane hovering over her. "Zane...?" She said softly, opening her eyes all the way and looking around. Her hand was still on her chest, clenching the material of the new dress she'd changed into. "What happened..?" She said quietly.


Lanny followed the sound of voices until he came across Zane and Tacey. "You let her leave, didn't you..?!" He growled, an angry look on his face.
Zane spins and stands up "Leave. Now." Zane growls an clenches his fists "I'm fully healed now. I will so much worse to you. Get the hell out of here." Zane turns back to Tacey and pulls her to her feet. "I'm sorry." he hugs her
Lanny's eyes narrowed. "No! You let her get hurt. I'm not going anywhere. She may not be mine at the moment, but I still care about her well being, d***-it..!" He exclaimed, moving closer.

Tacey clung to Zane, looking warily over at Lanny. She still wasn't very happy with him over the events that had unfolded earlier. She whimpered softly, holding onto Zane tighter. "It's not your fault..." She mumbled.
Zane steps towards Lanny "She doesn't want you here." Zane growls and clenches his fists until his knuckles turn white. "I will attack you if you do not leave now." Zane hugs Tacey close and kisses her forehead

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