Childhood Demons

A smile spread across her face. "There's only one way to fix it and I'm not sure if you'd want to own up to the responsibility..." She said, smile growing. She offered him a hand to help him get steady.

Lanny lay on the ground, looking at Almira incredulously. "Seriously..?! You help me get her and now your going to tell him how to take her away..?!" He exclaimed, anger in his eyes.
Zane picks up a rock and throws it at Lanny. Aiming for his head. Zane can muster one yell "QUIET!" he turns back to Almira and grabs her hand to steady himself "What do I have to do." he bites his lip and runs a hand through his hair
"You simply have to go over what he did. It's as simple as biting and verbally claiming." She said with a small shrug. "Note, that if you do this, you'll never be able to be far from her side without her being in pain..." She informed him.

Lanny growled. "Maybe I don't want to be quiet..!" He shouted back, trying to get to his feet.
Melissa silently watched the events unfold with a glint of amusement in her eyes. She had no reason to stop and she preferred to stay right where she was, somewhat manipulating the shadows. Sure the events seemed interesting enough but she was content. Besides, observing could help her learn a thing or two. And she wasn't fond of speaking.
Zane frowns and walks off. He walks back into his room and looks at Tacey. She wasn't moving so he hoped she was asleep. He closes the door and leans against it. He slowly slides to the floor. He puts his face in his hands "I'm so sorry." he was so conflicted and frustrated and sad. He couldn't help the tears that slowly made their way down his face. He sighs. Tacey deserved someone better. But Lanny wasn't better. He frowns
Tacey looked up when she noticed that he had returned. "Zane..?" She said softly. It took her a moment, but she noticed that he was crying. "Zane, what's wrong..?!" She exclaimed standing up and darting over to him. "What happened..?" She asked quietly.


Jett sighed, turning away from the drama to head back out into the woods. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a girl sitting by herself. Hmm, someone like him it appeared.
Zane dries his face and coughs "Um. Nothing." he whispers because his voice was still almost gone. He pushes himself to his feet "Why aren't you sleeping. Go. You need rest. Back to bed." he pushes her softly towards the bed where marceline was sitting and chewing on the ear of Zane's teddy bear. "I think Lanny tripped or something. He looks pretty bad." Zane shrugs and sits on the bed
"Tripped, huh..?" She said softly, a small laugh escaping her lips as she settled herself back onto the bed. She leaned into Zane, a smile on her face. She felt content. Well, aside from the small pain in her chest that she couldn't seem to explain.
Zane looks at his knuckles. Blood covered his hand. Some his and most of it Lanny's. Zane had busted a knuckle open. "Hmm." Zane looks at Tacey and smiles slightly. He had decided what he would do. He bites into Tacey's neck. Right where Lanny had bit. "You're mine Tacey." he smiles and kisses the wound softly. He would figure out what to do eventually.
Tacey's eyes widened, the pain in her chest disappearing. "What was that for..?" She asked quietly. She had a feeling that there was more to it than she knew.
"Don't worry about it. Now. Would you kindly go back to sleep?" he puts his hands on her shoulders and slowly pushes her down. He smiles and pulls the blanket over her. Marceline snuggles next to Tacey. Zane takes a blanket and lies on the floor. Hoping Tacey wasn't looking he snuggles with his old teddy bear.
Tacey yawned. "Alright...." She mumbled, absently petting Marceline. She rolled onto her side. "Bed sounds nice... I'm strangely tired. " She said quietly. It took her a moment before she cracked an eye open. "Why are you on the floor..?" She asked.
He rolls an looks at her. Holding his teddy bear behind hos back "Because I'm tired and didn't want to bother you." Zane frowns and looks at Tacey. He chuckles it was kind of odd. He was sleepin on the floor with a broken leg, so that Tacey could have the bed.
Tacey reached her arms out for him. "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor..." She said softly, giving him a look. "Now get your butt up here.." She told him in a mock serious tone, placing one of her hands on her hip. She couldn't help the smile that broke across her face though, ruining her image.
Zane laughs and stands up. He slips off his shirt and slowly lies down. He hated sleeping in shirts. It felt weird. He rolls so he is facing away from Tacey and he pulls his teddy bear against his chest. He smiles and squeezes it slightly. It always comforted him. He just hoped Tacey didn't see. It'd be a bit.. A lot. Emberrasing
Tacey smiled, cuddling up to his back and closing her eyes. She was happy. Very happy. "Goodnight, Zane...." She mumbled, snuggling closer to him as she slowly dozed off. The days events had exhausted her.
Zane squeezed his teddybear slightly "Good night." thinking she was asleep he rolled over to face her. His teddybear held firmly against his chest. He puts an arm over her and smiles slightly. He closes his eyes but has trouble falling asleep. "Crap." he rolls onto his back. His bear resting on his chest.
Tacey heard him mumble something, so she cracked an eye open. "What's wrong..?" She asked softly, glancing up at him.
Zane jumps an quickly hides his teddy near. "N-nothing. Just can't sleep." he smiles at her and moves some hair off jer face. But one of his arms remained behind his back and holding his old teddy bear. Or, as Zane used to call him, Tibbers.
"It's alright.. " She mumbled, fully opening her eyes to look at him. She had spotted his bear. "I'm not gonna laugh at you or anything... Quite frankly, I find it adorable.." She said, leaning up to lightly kiss him on the cheek before settling herself against him again. "Is there anything I can do to help..?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as she looked up at him.
Zane sighs and pulls his teddybear against his chest and leaves it between him and Tacey "nope sorry." he frowns and shrugs but then closes his eyes and yawns slightly, leaning his head on Tacey's. "How long have you been a child?" he looks at her questioningly and hugs his teddy bear
Melissa blinked as her creation disappeared, for now. Right now, she figured she'd wander around until sleep overcame her again. After all, she was more of a creature meant for shadows anyways. And she had learned that quickly growing up in her village. "I.....I wonder if...anyone...misses me..." She sighed softly before standing and stretching a bit.
Tacey tapped her chin with her finger. "Good question." She said softly, pausing to think about it. "Well, let's see... I was changed on my 14th birthday... I'd say about a year and a half maybe..?" She said with a small nod. It had to be close to that by now because what would have been her 15th birthday had already passed without her aging at all. "How about you..?"
"Let's see. About. Three months ago. So. Still 16" he looks at her and yawns slightly "What does age matter? We're demons." he smiles and yawns once more and hugs his teddy bear
"Good point.." She said softly with a yawn of her own. She cuddled closer to him, a content smile on her face. Even after everything that had happened today, just him being there was enough to calm her down.

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