Childhood Demons

"Are you sure.." Tacey asked, tilting her head to the side slightly. Concern still shown in her eyes. "I would rather not leave you alone..." She admitted softly. She was still worried.
Zane shakes his head "You can't let Lanny run off. Go find him. I'll be fine. I promise." he smiles at her and awkwardly hugs/leans on her. "I'll owe you one though." he smiles and winks
"Oh, alright.." Tacey said quietly before leaning him forward and giving him a peck on the cheek. "I'll go find Lanny and then I'll meet you back in your room, okay..?"
"Alright. Alright." Zane smiles and starts to walk away. Marceline hops up oonto his shoulder then his head. Zane slowly hobbles back to camp and opens his room. He walks in and closes the door behind him. He collapses on the bed almost immediatly "Ugh." he slipped off his shirt and pants and jumps in bed, pulling the covers over himself. Almost immediatly he drifts into sleep
Tacey wandered blindly through the forest. "Lanny..?" She called. "Come on.. It's getting dark." She was met with no response. She finally decided to try her trump card. "Do you really want me wandering around in a forest at night by myself..?" The response was almost immediate. A hand reached out from behind a nearby tree and pulled her over. Before she knew it, she was pinned between a tree and an overly warm body. "L-Lanny...What are you doing..?" She asked softly, looking up at the blonde with wide eyes.

He grinned, fire still shining in his eyes. "Something I should have done a long time ago, sweetheart.." He said before leaning down and roughly claiming her lips. Tacey squirmed and struggled, trying to get out of his grip, but to no avail. She couldn't even use her voice since her mouth was covered by his. Eventually he pulled away due to lack of air. Before Tacey had a chance to do anything, she felt a sharp pain as Lanny sunk his teeth into her neck leaving a mark there. "You're mine, Madeline.. and don't you forget it.." He said, grinning at her. "Now, lead me back to camp. I don't know where it is.."

Tacey sighed, wandering off in the direction of camp. Lanny reached forward and grabbed onto her hand. She tried to pull it out of his grasp, but he refused to let go. She sighed, eventually giving up. When they made it back to camp, Tacey separated from Lanny. "I'm going to my room now.. Good night, Lanny..." She said softly before darting into Zane's room, knowing that Lanny wouldn't know which room belonged to which person. She sighed softly upon seeing he was asleep. She decided not to wake him since he deserved some rest. Instead, she sat down on the floor near the end of the bed, resting her head upon the bed. She then proceeded to let the tears she'd been keeping in flood out. No one could see them at the moment anyways. She felt betrayed. She couldn't believe that Lanny had done that.
Zane woke up as Tacey entered the room. He frowns slightly as he sees her sit down. As she starts to cry he is very angry. He stands up and wraps his blanket around her shoulders. With out saying a word he grabs his knife. Then he spoke "What did he do. Where is he." Zane grits his teeth and walks... Limps. Over to the door. His rage was making him forget the pain. He was kind of in shock from a mix of getting stabbed and his leg broken. And Tacey's song. He felt only a minor buzz of pain from his leg "Tacey. Where. Is. He." Zane grips the hilt of his knife until his knuckles turn white. Zane didn't know what Lanny did. If anything. But he was going to find out. Then Lanny was in trouble.
Melissa's eyes slowly flickered open. She looked around in a daze before events suddenly flashed through her mind. She let out a quiet sigh as her little shadow creation hopped onto her lap. She then realized she had fallen asleep for who knows how long. But all of that didn't seem to matter to her. Her mind began to wander as she softly hummed and soon she appeared to be tired and in a trance of sorts.
Tacey looked up at him with tear filled eyes. "S-somewhere in the camp..." She said, sniffling. She was just so upset. She had looked up to Lanny like an older brother only for him to turn around and do this. "P-please.... don't leave me here alone..." She whimpered, her hand resting over the mark on her neck.


Lanny had found out where his room was from Jett. Once he wandered into the small room, her threw himself down onto the bed with a triumphant grin. He had won. She was his.
Zane clenches his fist "Tacey. Do you know where his room is?" He leans down and pulls her hand away from her neck "W-what is that?" he hugs her and pulls her close against his chest. He wanted to protect her but he failed. He holds her a bit tighter. He wanted to hurt Lanny. And he would.
Tacey wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder. "I-I think his room is across camp..." She mumbled, tears continuing to pour from her eyes. "...and he bit me.. I don't k-know why, but he bit me and said I was h-his..." She sniffled, starting to cry harder.


Lanny lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. He would really have to thank Almira later...When he had been in the woods by himself, he had run into Almira. She had explained to him the ancient art of demons marking a mate. She said she wanted to see if it applied to children since they were dark creatures and not exactly human and he agreed to test in on Tacey.
Zane puts a hand on the back of her hea pushing it into his shoulder slightly. "It'll be okay. You're mine." Zane sets his knife down and kisses Tacey's forehead "Shh. It'll be okay." he rocks back and forth slowly "It will be okay." he pushes away her sadness and pulls on her happiness trying to make her happier
Slowly she stopped crying and pulled back slightly, looking up at him with puffy eyes. "Thank you..." She said softly before leaning up and lightly kissing his cheek. "I don't know what I'd do without you..."
"I don't know either. Alright. Stay here. I'm goin to go kill Lanny." He takes his knife out and smiles before hobbling to his feet and pulling her up with him. He pushes her onto the bed and pulls his blanket over her. He smiles and Marceline hops up next to Tacey. Zane pulls on pants and a shirt. He heads towards the door he stops and walks over to his dresser. He pulls out a small stuffed bear and blushes slightly "Erm. This was mine when I was a kid. I stole it when I first became a child." he sets it next to Tacey. The bear was missing an eye and had a torn ear. Zane smiles and kisses Tacey's forehead "Will you be okay?"
With one hand Tacey petted Marceline, with the other she pulled the bear closer. "I-I think I'll be fine..." She said softly, trying her hardest to give him a small smile, but failing. She was still a bit shaken up, but she was confident that she'd be alright in a little bit.


Lanny rolled over in bed, grin still on his face. This was perfect. He was powerful, he was away from the village, and best of all he had Tacey. Yes, all was right in his world.


Jett stood from his place under the tree. He was growing restless. He wandered off into the woods. There was bound to be something to do out there.
Zane limps out the door and see Jett. "Jett. Come here." he clenches his teeth "Lanny did something to Tacey.Where is he." Zane steps towards Jett and grips his knife oh yes. Lanny would pay. Hopefully Jett would help.
Jett frowned. He liked Tacey. She was nice to him. He pointed to a small hut on the other side of camp. "He's in there. That's his room." Jett said quietly. "Make him pay."
Zane limps over and knocks on the door waiting for Lanny to open the door. He smiles and clenches his fist looking around to see if anyone was around. He bit hos lip and shook his leg slightly. He was waiting it seemed like forever
Lanny glanced over at the door. Who the heck would be bothering him? Maybe it was Tacey deciding that she'd rather sleep with him than alone. The grin grew on his face as he stood and wandered over to the door, cracking it open only to see Zane. "What do you want..?" He growled, eyes instantly narrowing.
Zane pushes the door sending it flying towards Lanny's face "Knock Knock." he grabs Lanny by the throat and pulls out his knife "Listen here. Tacey. Is mine. Do not touch her. Do not talk to her. Don't even so much as think about her. " Zane throws Lanny to the ground and puts his knife against Lanny's throat "Or I will kill you." Zane swings at Lanny
Lanny laughed. "I'm sorry to tell you, Zane, but you're wrong... In all rights, she's mine.." He said with a grin. He wasn't afraid. If he died it would hurt Tacey. "She's my mate. She can't be away from me for to long without being in pain.. Imagine what would happen to her if I died..?"
Zane growls and drops his knife. He grabs Lanny by the throat and hits him in the nose "You." Zane hits him again "Bastard." Zane hits him again his grip on his throat tightening "I won't kill you." Zane hits him "But I'll make sure you wish you were dead." Zane stomps on Lanny's chest with his good leg. He was blindingly angry. He spits on Lanny.
Lanny groaned in pain, punctuated by laughter. He knew that in a he had won and he was happy for that. He didn't care what Zane did to him by this point. He had still won the war.
Zane walks out the door. If anyone knew how to solve it. It would be his mother "Mother! Almira!" he growls and keeps screaming her name hoping she would show up. He completely forgot about his broken leg. He kept screamin until his voice cracked and slowly disappeared. He sits and waits to see if she showed up
"Yes son..?" Almira replied as she stepped out of the shadows. She had heard him half way across the forest. By the sheer fact that he was calling her, she knew that the ritual had to have worked. She smiled. So it appears that her children were more demon than human. Interesting.
"How do I fix what Lanny did to Tacey." he had to lower his voice to a whisper. If he didn't it was too raspy and such to be understood "How." Zane frowns and crosses his arms. His adreniline disappears slowly and he collapses to the ground holding his injured leg "Gah. Damn." he pushes himself to his feet and he stands unsteadily

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