Childhood Demons

"It's fine... Besides, if it wasn't fine, I could have always torn up Lanny's shirt." She said with a small smile, ignoring Lanny's protesting in the background. Once she had finished setting his leg, she moved onto the cut on his stomach, wrapping the strips from her dress around him as a makeshift bandage. Finally, she looked at his shoulder. This one was gonna be hard..
Zane shyed away from her slightly as she touched his shoulder. He wasn't going to act all tough. It hurt. A lot. He lies his head in Tacey's lap. "Could I have something to distract me from the pain?" he smirks and winks at her playfully. He groans and looks up at her. His vision swimming slightly. He was just a mess at this point.
Tacey looked down at him with concern before an idea of distraction came upon her. Another blush painted her cheeks as she leaned down and gently pressed her lips against his. Pulling back slightly, she gave him a small smile. "How was that..? Distracting enough..?" She asked softly.
Zane smiles "Yes. That will work just fine." he frowns and looks at her "Come on. Wrap up my shoulder and we can start walking back. It's pretty far and it's starting to get dark." he frowns once more and looks over at Lanny
"Alright.." She said softly as she started to work on her shoulder. What she failed to notice was the flaming boy behind her. Lanny had lit up like the campfire upon seeing her kiss him. His hands clenched into fists as he fought the flames back down. Once they were out, he narrowed his eyes at Tacey. He was certain that she had done that just to spite him after their earlier conversation. By the time Lanny had calmed down, Tacey was just finishing wrapping Zane's shoulder. "There." She declared, slowly getting to her feet and reaching down to help Zane up.
Zane pushes himself to his feet and his leg almost gives put. He leans on Tacey and frowns "Gah. Sorry." he looks at Lanny and frowns. Then leans on Tacey and slowly walks towards the camp. His eyes widen "Marceline! I left her outside!" he looks at Tacey helplessly and wimpers slighlt
Tacey's eyes widened. "I'll go find her, don't worry... Lanny, could you take Zane for me..?" Lanny grumbled something under his breath, but allowed the taller boy to lean on him anyways.

He watched as Tacey darted off into the woods. "You know.. I'm half tempted to drop you right now and leave you out here..." Lanny said, glancing over at him. "Tacey would find you eventually..."
Zane's smile dims into a completely surious face "What ever you think is best." he shrugs "What exactly did I do to you? If Tacey was happier with you then I would let you have her. But. For now agleast. She wants me. So you have to suck it up. Sorry." Zane smiles. It wasn't a happy smile more of a Tacey-is-mine smile
Lanny's eyes narrowed as his hands started to heat up and grow warmer. "If it weren't for you, she could be happy with me... but as long as you're here.. she'll never realize that.." He hissed, starting to grow even more angry now than he had been to begin with.


In the meantime, Tacey was fighting her way through the trees again in the general direction of the lake. "Marceline..!" She called, ducking under a branch.
"Well, looks like that sucks. Too bad for you. Unles you can prove it to her then she is mine." Zane smiles the same smile as before and looks right at Lanny "I just want her to be happy."

Marceline jumps from a tree onto Tacey's shoulder "Mrow."
Lanny's hands continued to grow hotter as his anger swelled. "I want her to be happy too..!! But I want her to be happy with me..!" He growled. By this point, dropping Zane and leaving him there was starting to seem like a really good idea.


"There you are...." Tacey said softly, a small smile on her face.
"That's your fault that she isn't with you. You had your chance. And until she breaks up with me she is mine. Sorry." Zane smirks abd looks down at Lanny. Zane was getting mad too.

Marceline looks at Tacey "mrow Mrow Mrow."
Lanny suddenly let go of Zane, his hands bursting into flames that he couldn't control. "That's the thing though! She never gave me a chance..!" He exclaimed, his eyes narrowing farther as they started to glow with the hint of flames. "Besides, she was mine first..!"


Tacey move Marceline into the cradle of her one arm, using the free hand to pet her idly as she walked back to camp. She figured that by the time she got there, the boys should already be back.
Zane stands and leans against a tree "If she was yours first it shouldn't be hard to get her back!" he growls and pulls out his knife. "So either get her back and make her happy or shut the hell up!" he throws his knife into the tree next to Lanny's head.
Lanny snarled, turning on his heel and heading off in some random direction. He wasn't even sure if camp was that way or not, he just knew that he was getting away and going somewhere. Hopefully he'd run into Tacey though before she found Zane.

Luck, however, was not on Lanny's side because Tacey had noticed the light that his flames were putting off and came across Zane leaning against a tree. "Zane, what happened...?! Where's Lanny..?"
((Ah do you mind if I pop in at a latter time than this? I'm a bit lost and I'd appreciate a little time to think about my next post.))
Zane ignores Tacey and hobbles back in the direction of camp. He was in pain and just wanted to lie down and sleep for a thousand years. He almost trips but regains his balance.
Tacey blinked. She had absolutely no idea what was going on anymore. Then again, the more she thought about it, the more she thinks it might not have been a good idea to leave the two of them alone together. Lanny probably did something stupid. She sighed, following after Zane. "Let me help.." She said softly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.


Meanwhile, Lanny stormed through the forest as he tried to avoid setting the whole place ablaze. This was ridiculous! Who did he think he was to waltz into the picture and steal his Tacey away from him..?! He growled, his nails biting into the palm of his hands as he tightened them into fists.
Zane spins and looks at her. He looked very angry "No! I don't need help! I don't need anyones help!" he covers his mouth "Ohgods.. I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to yell." he felt horrible and angry now. He was even more angry at himself "I'm sorry Tacey.."
"It's fine Zane..." She said softly. She was a tad bit startled, but she wasn't upset. "Just tell me what happened..." She intoned, not removing her hand from his shoulder.
Zane shakea his head "We got in an argument over.. Stuff. And he stormed off and. I don't know. He went that way." Zane points in the opposite direction "I'm sorry."
Tacey sighed. "Like I said, it's fine... " Besides, she knew what it was probably over and that Lanny had probably started it anyways. "Let's get you back to camp. You're going to get some rest one way or another, and I'm gonna go find Lanny..."
Zane picks up a large stick and uses it as a crutch "Go find him. I'll be fine." he frowns and rubs his leg slightly. It hurt a lot. He looks at Tacey hoping she would just go. He felt horrible.

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