Childhood Demons

Tacey glanced over at Zane before looking down at the cloth in her hands. It was the dress from last night. She cringed upon seeing the blood stains. This was going to take awhile..


Almira worked her way through the forest, a determined look on her face. She had to get to camp before the window of opportunity passed. There was a new child to be picked up and she needed Tacey. She especially needed Tacey for this one.. She couldn't help the smirk that made it's way onto her face as she thought about it.

((I'm adding a new character in, I literally just had this idea. If you want to check him out, I'm about to post him on the character page.))
(( could I have a link-y link please :3))

Zane smiles at her but then looks at her dress and frowns. He smiles "Hey. You still have my shirt don't you." he chuckles and leans towards her slightly

Tacey nodded. "Yeah, it's in my little pike of clothes somewhere." She said, a small smile on her face. She glanced from Zane to her pile of clothes, letting go of the dress and plucking out his shirt. "I'll wash it for you, just let me finish my dress..."


Almira walked into camp. She knew instantly that Tacey wasn't there. After waking and questioning Jett, she had a general idea of places she could be. She first checked Zane's room, to no avail. She then decided to do a perimeter of camp. She had to be close by.

Zane shrugs "keep it." he smiles at her then returns to washing. He leans onto Tacey and smiles. He eventually finishes. He only owned two pairs of pants and four.. Now three. Shirts. Then his pajama pants. He lies his head in Tacey's lap and looks up at her questioningly "Mind if I lie here?"
Tacey smiles down at him. "I don't mind." She said softly, pausing in her washing. She then felt a familiar pull in her stomach. "Almira's near..." She said, glancing towards camp. "Like, really ne-"

"Hello, Tacey darling.." Almira said as she stepped out from the trees. "How wonderful it is to see you again. You as well, Zane." She said with a smile on her face. "Sweetie, I'm afraid I'm going to have to borrow you for a little while. We have a new child."
Zane growls and stands up stepping between the two "How about no. You killed her. I saw you do it. You will not touch her." Zane pulls out his knife ready to fight if neccisary
"I did no such thing. I only revived her." Almira said, smile still on her face albeit a bit strained. "Besides, I think Tacey might be a interested in our new recruit. One by the name of Lanny Kashioni."

Tacey's eyes widened. "Lanny...." She mumbled, looking from Zane to Almira with her glowing eyes. She wasn't sure what she should do.
Zane's eyes flash red "Liar!! I saw you!" he steps towards her and growls "You made a mistake. Just leave." he shakes his head and looks at Tacey
"Now, now, Zane. Don't be so hasty. She wasn't herself. I just fixed that." Almira told him, holding her hands up in front of her as she took a careful step back. She then turned her attention to Tacey again. "Tick tock, darling. If we don't get there soon he can't be revived..."

Tacey looked torn. Lanny had been one of her best friends, but Zane was right. Almira had killed her. She had to help Lanny though. "I'll go with you.." She said, causing Almira to look at her with a smile. "... but only if Zane can come with us..."
Zane smiles smugly and sheathes his knife "I'm okay with that." he crosses his arms and smiles slightly. He just didn't want Tacey hurt. Or killed again.
Almira sighed, she knew there was no arguing with the two of them. "Alright. This way." She said in a clipped tone, turning on her heel and walking off into the woods.

Tacey smiled over at Zane. "Thank you..." She said softly before following after Almira, pausing occasionally to make sure Zane was still with her.
Zane walks up to Tacey and offers his arm "Shall we miss?" he smiles charmingly and runs a freehand through his hair. He chuckles and looks at Tacey wondering if she would take his arm. He was still shirtless. He was letting his shirts dry as Almira came
Tacey couldn't help the blush that spread across her face as she took his arm. "Of course."She said softy, a smile on her face. Ahead of them, Almira couldn't help but roll her eyes at the display. Boy, she couldn't wait to see the fireworks when Lanny came back.
Zane smiles and starts walking happily. He wouldn't admit it but he was a bit worried about what would happen when Lanny came back. He was scared he would lose Tacey to him. But what ever made her happy was okay with Zane. He would still be insanely jealous but it would take quite a bit for him to actually say something about it.
After a bit of walking, they came across a small clearing. Off to the side near some bushes was the body of a boy. No older than fifteen. He was covered in blood. Almira knelt down next to him and said a few words under her breath. Before any of them could react, there was screaming. "Go ahead and try it you evil, son of a-" Lanny yelled, sitting up. His fists were balled as if he were ready to fight. He paused once he took in his surroundings. "You aren't the guy I was fighting with..." He said as he got to his feet. Glancing around, the first thing he spotted was Tacey. Instead of asking how she was alive or even how he was alive, the first thing out of his mouth was: "What do you think you're doing with your hands on her?!" He called, storming over and pulling Tacey behind him.
Zane looks at the boy "Um. Excuse me?" he clenches his fist but takes a deep breath. "Me and Tacey are." well. He didn't really know what they were. "Let's just say. Close friends." he smiles at Lanny and pulls Tacey back over to him. He pulls away some of Lanny's anger. But only a little. Zane wanted an excuse to hit him.
Lanny's eyes narrowed. "Close friends...?" He says, his voice barely above a whisper. He pulled Tacey back behind him. "Well, close friend or not, I'm the only one that's aloud to be close to her like that!" He said with a glare, his eyes glowing.

Tacey moved herself from behind Lanny to stand between the two of them. "Lanny, back off." She said softly giving him a look. "It's not often that I make friends, and I don't need you scaring them off!" She then turns her attention back to Zane. "I'm sorry about him. He's a tad bit possessive.... even though he has no right." She whispered that last part.
Zane smiles "It's okay Tace." he smiles and kisses her just to piss Lanny off. He pulls back and smiles then looks at Lanny. Zane was a bit taller than Lanny. "My name's Zane."
To say Lanny was fuming would be an understatement. "What the heck was that..?!?" He roared, pulling Tacey behind him again. "Who gave you the right to that..?!" His eyes glowed brighter, by now they looked like pure fire.

"Lanny!" Tacey hissed, pulling her arm out of his grasp. "I gave him the right!"
Zane smiles charmingly at Tacey "I have a feeling Lanny here doens't like me very much. But i have a feeling he likes you a lot." Zane smiles once more before pulling on Lanny's emotions to make him even more angry

"Of course I don't like you very much..!! You have your hands all over my Tacey..!" Lanny yelled, grabbing her arm again and pulling her to him. He was met with a fist in the gut.

Tacey pulled back, her eyes blazing. "Excuse me..?! Since when have I been your Tacey..?! I don't recall consenting to that..!" She yelled back.
"Tace calm down." he pulls on her emotions to make her less angry whilst doing the complete opposite to Lanny. "He did know you first. He has more claim to you than I do.You two want to catch up? I'll be quiet and stay out of sight if you want?" he smiles at the teo of them then at Almira
Tacey sighed. "Not really at the moment. Lanny in one of his 'I think I'm gonna act like a pig' moods." She said, turning her back to Lanny. "How about we go back to the lake..?" She asked, a smile on her face. Behind her, Lanny stood at a loss for words. You could almost see the vein pulsing on his forehead as he prepared himself for another rant.
Zane laughs out loud before completely wiping away Lanny's anger "Sorry man. I have to dothat or I think the vein in your forehead is going to explode." he looks at Tacey then at Lanny "Feel free to join us when you feel up to it." he starts to walk towards the lake
Tacey followed after him, latching herself onto his arm again. "Hope you don't mind.." She said softly, looking up at him with a smile. Lanny followed not far behind them, an irritated look on his face. Almira, however, remained in the clearing. That was just as interesting as she'd thought it was gonna be.

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