Childhood Demons

Tacey settled herself down next to him, a happy sigh escaping her lips as she closed her red eyes. "Hopefully she doesn't. That would be bad, very bad." She said, cracking an eye open to look at him as she smiled.
Zane wraps an arm around her and closes his eyes yawning quietly "I doubt she will." he chuckles then closes his eyes and eventually drifts to sleep. He snores softly and puts his head against Tacey
Tacey cuddled closer to Zane, a pale blush painting her cheeks as she closed her eyes. It took her awhile, but the land of dreams eventually claimed her. Her form visibly relaxed as she dozed off.
Zane smiles and opens his eyes. He had been faking sleeping just hoping she would. He kisses her forehead and smiles "Sleep tight Tacey." he closes his eyes also and for real this time. Relaxes and goes to sleep
Tacey slowly awakened. Wait. This wasn't her bed and there was someone next to her. She cracked her eyes open to see where she was. Oh yeah, she was in Zane's room... She couldn't help the blush that spread across her cheeks again. She couldn't believe that she slept here. She moved her head slightly to look at him, a small smile on her face.
Zane smiles as he slowly wakes up. His hair was even messier then when he went to sleep. It was sticking up on the top of his head. He smiles and looks at Tacey "Good morning. How did you sleep?"
"I slept decently... " Tacey mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "How about you..?" She inquired, tilting her head to look at him.
He runs a hand through his hair "Better than I usually sleep." he smiles and kisses her forehead before lieing down and looking at the celing

Marceline hops up on the bed and looks at Tacey "Mrow?".
"Well, that's good.." Tacey said as she gave him a smile. She then turned her attention to the kitten that had just made her presence known. "Good morning to you to, Marceline." She said, sitting up slightly to pet the kitten.
Marceline purrs and rubs her head against Tacey happiy.

Zane smiles and puts his arm over Tacey to pet Marcaline. Or atleadt that would be how he justified it if asked. He pets Marceline begind the ear and smiles before lookig at Tacey "meow." Zane chuckles.

Marceline meows back at Zane

Zane an marceline meow at eachother back an forth
Tacey giggles, watching the exchange between the two of them. She rolls over so she's facing Zane. "So, does this mean you're a cat now..?" She said softly, a smile on her face.
"I guess so." he purrs then laughs and looks at Tacey.

Marceline, wanting attention. Jumped inbetween the two and curled up in a ball.

Zane laughs and pets the kitten "Someone is jealous she isn't getting attention."
Tacey can't help but to giggle. "Poor Marceline..." She said softly, reaching down to gently pet the kitten. "We haven't forgotten about you.." She glances down to look at the kitten before looking back up at Zane, a smile on her face.
Zane holds his fingers about an inch apart. "Maybe just a little." he chuckles as Marcaline hisses at him slightly. He picks her up and holds her against his chest. He pets her then returns his attentio to Tacey "Ugh. I have to go wash a shirt or two in a while." he frowns at the thought of having to stand up. Zane yells out in pain and cluches his head

Elend looks at Zane and smiles. They were young kids.

Elend looks up at Zane who was sitting in a tree "Be careful!"

Zane laughs "I'll be fi-" he slips backwards and starts to fall from the tree. As he hits the ground he returns to reality.

Zane looks around. He was liein in his bed next to Tacey and his head hurt a lot. "Ouch. Another flash back."
Tacey smiled. "Alright." She said softly. She watched as he grabbed his head and looked at him with concern shining in her red eyes. "Are you alright..?" She inquires, resting her hand gently on his shoulder.
Zane shakes his head "N-no. Another flash back. My head hurts a lot." he leans his head against her and frowns slightly hoping for atleast a bit of comforting.
Tacey pulled him closer to her. "It will pass..." She said softly, wrapping her small arms around him in an attempt to make him feel better. She knew it wouldn't do much, but she hoped it would help.
Zane smiles "Thanks Tacey. I assume you have leader things to do now since it's morning?" he frowns and rolls over forcing himself to his feet slowly he grabs a basket of dirty clothes and a bucket and a wash board. "I hate cleaning." he frowbs
"Well, I could always help you if you wanted.." Tacey says, a smile blooming on her face. "I had some clothes of mine to do anyways." That way she could get something accomplished and keep an eye on him at the same time.
Zane sighs. "You can come if you'd like." he smiles and slowly hobbles towards the door "We'll be back soon Marcie." he holds the door open "After you miss." he smiles.
Tacey smiles. "Why thank you. " She says as she wanders out the door. "I'll be right back..." She says softly as she darts over to her bedroom, returning with a small washboard of her own along with a pile of clothes. "Alright, I'm ready." She chirps, a smile still on her face.
"You've seemed happy lately." Zane smsiles and starts walking towards the lake "Why is that?"

Marceline's head pops up from under one of the shirts in Zane's basket "Mrow?" 
(Gah sorry. Had writers block, and I'm cooking dinner. :P nex post will be better.)
Tacey shrugged. "I guess it's just nice having a friend.." She said softly, a small smile on her face. Well that and... A blush lit up her face at the thought. No, she refused to admit that even in her own head. 
((It's fine =3))

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