Childhood Demons

Zane nods and forces himself to his feet. He winces and leans against the wall before walking over to his dresser and opening it "Damn it." he shakes his head "I gave you my last clean shirt. I'll have to head to the stream and wash one tomorrow." he tries to force himself to stay standing even though it was obviously very painful
Tacey crossed her arms over her chest. "That's all well and fine tomorrow, but in the mean time sit back down." She said, noticing that he was in pain. She was starting to worry about him again. "Please, just.. please..?"
Zane shakes his head and leans against his bed "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." hw chuckles and looks at her. He was trying his best to hide that it hurt to stand "I'm fine." he says more to reassure himself than her. His legs shook slightly as he stood up again
Tacey raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, and I'm a sorceress. Sit down, please..." She said, whispering the last part as she looked up at him with her red eyes in a pleading manner. "..or at least let me help you..."
Zane sits down and winces then he falls to his back and wiggles around in pain "Crap that hurt."he lies his head in her lap and looks up at her. He tries his best to fix his messy brown hair but he couldnt
Tacey sighed, a small smile still on her face. "I would imagine so.." She said, as she gently ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to help him fix it. Well, that's what she justified it as anyways.
Zane laughs and closes his eyes yawning slightly "I'm not even tired." he cuddles agaisnt her and looks up at her "Thanks for helping but my hair is unfixeable." he smiles. His hair was almost always messy but in some way it was cute rather than unnattractive.
"You sure about that..?" Tacey said, noticing his yawn. "Because to me it seems like you're tired.." She stated as she gave him a look. She was still mildly worried about him and his injuries. His recent attempt to stand had only made her worry more.
Zane nods 'one hundred percent sure" he yawns once more before looking back up at her. He usually wouldn't get this close to anyone. But he trusted Tacey and he wasn't feeling all that great so he wanted to be comforted he snuggles his head into her lap and smiles before running a hand through his hair
Tacey smiled down at him, red eyes gleaming happily. "Well, if you're sure.." She said softly, stifling a yawn of her own. He had been right earlier, it was getting kind of late. She would never admit it though.
"Maybe youuu" he pokes the tip of her nose and smiles "Should go to sleep. I'll walk you to your room if you would so please." He smiles again and rests his hands on his stomach. Marceline meows and stretches out before walking over and lying against Tacey
Tacey shook her head. "I'm not tired though..." She giggled, reaching down to gently pet Marceline. Just as she said that, she had to stifle another yawn. "...Not tired.." She said with a slight pout. She was bound and determined to stay awake.
Zane frowns and raises an eyebrow "You are tired. Why are you so determined to stay up? Is it my fault?" his frown deepens and he looks up at her he didn't want her to worry about him. He already felt like a burden because he was injured. "Sorry." he sighs
"It's not your fault. I just don't sleep very often. Leader duties and all... Someone has gotta look after this place." Tacey said with a small shrug. She was used to staying up. By this point it has just become a habit.
Zane sighs "Well you don't have any leader duties right now. So why don't you go to sleep?" he sits up and leans on her for support "Just take a nap or something. I'll be fine." he looks at her and frowns slightly hopin she would atleast sleep for a little bit. It was a bit hypocritical. He was asking her to sleep, yet he refused."
Tacey pouted slightly. "I'll make you a deal. I'll take a nap, but only if you do as well.." She stated, glancing over at him with determined red eyes. If she was going to sleep, then so was he.
Zane sighs "Sounds fair enough." he smiles and pulls her down onto the bed and holds her tight. He fake snores loudly. He chuckles then lets her go and continues to lie down "You can just use my bed and I'll sleep on the floor." he smiles slightly then rolls onto his side and looks at her
Tacey gave him a look. "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor." She then proceeded to raise an eyebrow at him. "I have a room too, you know." She said, giggling softly as she sits up slightly.
Zane pushes himeslf up onto his elbows then whispers "Yeah, but i don't want you to go." he frowns slightly then looks at her. Then he looks down and sighs slightly "Yeah. You could go to your room if you want." he tries to stand "i'll walk you there."
Tacey placed her hands on his shoulders, keeping him on the bed. "No, it's alright.. I'll stay here if you want me to.. " She said softly, a small smile on her face. "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor though.." She mumbled as she looked over at him.
"Where shall I sleep then." he raises an eyebrow and smirks. Then he yawns and looks at her "That was only because of you yawnig! I'm not even tired." he stifels another yawn and his close for asecond before he opens them and looks around again
"Oh really..?" Tacey said, giggling again. " I think that you are tired and just don't want to admit it." She said as she lightly poked his chest. She then paused for a moment as if thinking before another blush made its way across her cheeks. "W-well.... we could always both sleep in the bed.." She whispered so softly it could barely be heard.
Zane shrugs "Sure." he smiles lightly then crawls up to his pillow and lies down. Closing his eyes and yawning slightly "I could sleep on the floor if you want me to. I really dont mind." he looks at her and smiles slightly
Tacey smiled back. "I already said that you're not sleeping on the floor... If anything, I could always go to my room...." She said, giving him another look. She was not going to let him sleep on the floor and that was that.
"Nonono. Fine you win." he sighs and looks at her before smiling slightly "Hopefully Almira doesn't decide to come check up on me." he laughs then lies down setting his head on his pillow and looking up at Tacey

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