Childhood Demons

Zane kisses her forehead "I'm not tired." he chuckles and yawns again "I'm fine. I can survive until you go to bed." he yawns once more before lying his head back on her shoulder closing his eyes just slightly his voice had a tired slurr to it
Tacey couldn't help the blush that lit up her cheeks. She was thanking the heavens that it was dark out and hoping that he didn't notice. "In which case, if it gets you to rest then it looks like I'm going to bed.." She said with a small laugh.
Zane notices her blush and he chuckles. "You seem kinda flustered." he smirks "I can hear it in your voice and feel it in your emotions. What's wrong?" he sits up and looks at her grinning "Was it this?" he kisses her forehead again and sits back down still grinning
Tacey turned a brighter shade of red as she averted her gaze to the stars. "I-I'm not flustered.." She said in the most determined and stubborn voice she could muster. "I don't know what your talking about..." She mumbled.
Zane laughs and looks at her "I can hear it in your voice Tacey." he grins and kisses her cheek "Are you sure this isn't getting to you even a little bit." he smiles and pulls on her emotions making her a bit more flustered "You can admit it. i won't judge."
"Fine... Maybe a little bit..." Tacey mumbled, her cheeks stained a bright red as she stared at the ground in an embarrassed manner. "... Only a little bit though..." She whispered more to herself than to him.
"We both know it's more then a little bit." he smiles an yawns again "Would you like me to stop?" he looks at her leaning on his good arm "I could stop... If you would like me to." he smiles and takes a bite out of the bread he had
Tacey looked over at him and smiled. "I-I.... don't mind.." The last part of her sentence faded into a whisper. "Although I would like for you to get some rest.." She told him softly.
Zane nods "Fine. Fine. I'll rest. But I want you to wake me up in an hour or so. Okay?" he stands and pulls her to her feet putting an arm around her. He sighs and pulls out his knife. He cuts his sleeve off so it wouldn't rub his bandage. He smiles and looks at her "Shall we?" he looks down at her
"I suppose.." Tacey said with a small smile. She was relieved that he was going to get some rest. This eased a bit of the worry that she had been feeling earlier. Now the only things that she had to worry about were Almira and the wound on her chest. Speaking of which, she should probably find some bandages for that and change her dress while she was at it.
Zane frowns and looks at her "Are you sure you'll be fine? i'd rather stay up and help you." he starts to walk slowly leaning most of his weight onto her You can't kill your mother.. But you can't let her kill children. What do I do. zane bites his lip and smiles lightly at Tacet
Tacey carefully helped him back to his room. "I'm sure. You need some rest..." She told him softly, her lips curving into a small smile as she looked up at him. Suddenly she had a sharp pain in her chest. Now that she was paying attention, she could actually feel the wound as it started to bleed again. Great. This was exactly what she didn't need.
Zane looks down at her chest as she starts to bleed again. He frowns and steps away fro her. He slips off his shirt and hands it to her "Here. Use this to stop the bleeding." he shrugs and sits on his bed and looks at her humming to himself quitely
With a small sigh, Tacey accepted the offered shirt. So much for trying to hide it. "Thank you.." She mumbled quietly as she carefully moved her dress out of the way and pressed the material against the wound, wincing slightly as she did so.
A small kitten hops up on Zane's bed and looks up at Tacey questioningly "Mrowww?"

Zane grabs the kitten and quickly pulls it behind his back out of sight hoping that Tacey didn't see the cat "Um. Anyway.. How is your chest?"

The cat scratches Zane's back trying to get a look at Tacey.

Zane gives up as the kitten jumps up onto his shoulder and looks at Tacey "Mroww."
Tacey paused as she spotted the kitten, a smile lighting up her face, "Aww, it's so cute..!" She exclaimed, inching closer so that she could extend one of her hands out to the small kitten in hopes that it would let her pet it. "What's its name..?"
Zane smiles "Her name is Marceline." he frowns slightly "You won't tell anyone about her right." he moves his shoulder and the small black kitten slides down his arm and into his hand. He pets behind her ears slightly "Marcie has been my only friend for a long time." Zane lifts the cat up and holds it up to Tacey. The cat rubs her nose against Tacey's and purrs. It's blue eyes shone slightly in the rather gloomy room
"Of course, I won't tell anyone. I promise. "Tacey said softly as she petted the small kitten, a smile on her face. She'd always adored cats, but her parents had never let her get one no matter how much she begged or pleaded.
The cat looks up at her its ears back slightly. It jumps off Zane's hand and onto his bed. It curls up in a ball on his pillow.

Zane chuckles and looks at Tacey "Would you like me to go get bandages for your chest?" he stands up and stumbles slightly. He quickly corrects himself and leans against the wall wincing slightly. Every breath was a bit painful
Tacey gave him a look. "No, I'll get them.. You just sit back down.." She stated as she looked at him with concern. " You said you were going to rest, remember...?" She said softly. She really didn't want Zane to get hurt anymore than he already was.
Zane frowns "Fine." he lies back on the bed and moves the kitten from his pillow to his chest "I'm not ti-" he yawns "Tired. Though." he closes his eyes and yawns again "I am fine. Go get bandages them come back here and wake me up if I'm asleep." he closes his eyes tighter already he was half asleep
"Alright.." Tacey said with a small smile as she turned and left the room. She wandered across camp to the medical hut and began digging for more bandages. Once she found them, she set back off across camp. Pausing, she glanced around camp to make sure everyone was accounted for before she popped her head back into Zane's room to see if he was still awake.
Zane snored softly, his hair was messed up and he was lieing on his side holding the pillow against his chest. The kitten was sitting next to his hand also asleep. Zane rolled onto his back and continues to sleep
Tacey couldn't help the smile that came to her face. She just didn't have it in her to wake him up. He looked so peaceful. She decided that she'd get herself cleaned up first and then come back. Carefully leaving the room, Tacey made her way to her own room where she proceeded to rifle around in her small pile of clothes for another clean dress. Instead of finding a dress, she found herself picking up her black nightgown. It had been the one she died in. Of course she had cleaned it several times since then, so she supposed that wearing it wouldn't hurt. Stripping herself of the blood stained dress she had on, she began to clean the blood off her body as well as her wound. Once she was done with that, she carefully wrapped the bandages around her chest and donned her nightgown. It looked almost like a normal dress anyways, just a tad bit shorter. With a small sigh, she cleaned up the mess she had made and wandered out of her room and back over to Zane's.
Zane was asleep until he heard his door open. He sits up slowly and yawns. His blankets fell down to his waist. His voice was very sleepy sounding. He groggily looks at Tacey. Yawning he smiles "Hey." he rubs his eyes with his good hand "You okay?" he slowly slinks back down into his bed and lies his head on the pillow. His hair was messy and he tried to fix it some. Eventually Zane gives up

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