Childhood Demons


Thalia nodded soothingly, as she heard the small fragment of a break.Thalia's eye's shifted feom the ground, to the branches above. She had sprung to her feet. "Spy Much?" She announced, as she saw a small shaply shadow just above their head. Possibly another child, maybe even new.


McKenna stood roughly, stretching out her arm's and legs. Truthfully, the cold hadn't bothered her until this very moment. McKenna made her way pver to the fire, she sat on an empty log, wondering where her 'sister' had gone. Yes, she did conside Thalia as a younger sister. Seeming that she was the only thing connecting to her past. McKenna's eye's drifted to a boy who had just popped up off the ground. "Are you okay?"
Jett glanced up for a moment before returning to his work. He really didn't mind if he was being spied on. He could actually care less. With a sigh, he set off to work making another small sculpture. This one was of a rabbit. In the mean time the little sculpture of Thalia was walking around. Every now and then he would glance up at it.


Tacey had been admiring the sky when she'd heard a thud. She looked over to see that Zane was no longer sitting next to her, but was on the ground instead. A look of worry passed over her face as she climbed off the log and knelt down next to him. "Zane..?" She said softly. She wasn't aware of anything like this ever happening to a child before and therefore was slightly panicked. With a soft sigh, she began humming one of her calming songs. There was no use getting worked up, then she wouldn't be able to help. When he opened his eyes, she let out a sigh of relief. She ceased her humming. "Are you alright..?" She asked at about the same time as the girl that had just come over to the fire.
Zane was extremely pale "F-fine." he climbs back on the log and puts his head in his hands "Flash backs. I have no recollection of my life. Except these damn flashbacks. And I still can't remember anything." he frowns and sets his chin on his hands and looks into the fire he still looked paler then usual. He hangs his hea slightly and he looks at the other girl. He nods at her slightly before returning to lookig at the fire
The girl looked up , shocked a little. Why , she thought, she wanted to be alone. She looked away but gave the girl a head nod. The voices in her head now began to talk once more.
"Oh.." Tacey said softly. She couldn't imagine not remembering her life. Especially the few friends that she had in it. And no matter how much she wished she didn't remember her death, she was glad she did because it gave her a drive for revenge. "I'm sure you'll remember eventually..." She told him with an encouraging smile as she got up and settled back down on the log next to him.


Who dares to stalk my forest...
Almira thought as she watched the group of men setting up camp on the other side of the forest. They looked kind of familiar to her. Moving herself to a knew tree, she leaned in for a closer look. Oh, that's why they look familiar. She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. Tacey should be quite excited.. She thought as she appeared somewhere else in the forest and set off for camp.
Zane frowns "All I can remember is the one who killed me. My brother. He stabbed me in the stomach then left me in the alley to bleed to death." he shutters and moves closer to Tacey. More for comfort than anything else. "I will find him. And I will not be merciful. I refuse to stop until he is dead." Zane grits his teeth and pulls a knife from his belt "This is the knife he killed me with. Fitting that I do the same."
Tacey placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Well, he'll stumble a little to close to our forest some day..." She told him, a strange glint in her red eyes. ".. then he'll be all yours.." She smiled, a small fang popping over her lip. She paused as she felt it. "That's strange....." She mumbled, lifting a hand to her mouth. She'd never had fangs before.
Harlow glanced down at the two below him after one of them had shouted up to him. He tilted his head slightly, taking a few seconds to just stare at them, without saying a word. Those few seconds were painfully awkward. Then Harlow slipped off the branch that he was on and hit the ground next to the guy, unfazed by the pain ringing through his feet from such a high fall. He looked at the girl, then the boy who didn't seem to care, but didn't speak.

June smiled at being acknowledged by the girl. "I'm June! Who are you?" Her smile got even wider as a thought entered her mind. "Are you one of the new children? It used to be so empty around here! Or at least I think it was because it had to be empty first to become as full as it almost is now! Right?" She said all this very quickly.
Zane smiles at her and looks at the fang "Hmm, that's odd." he smirks, he looks back in the forest as he hears a branch snap, he shivers "I'm just being parinoid or did you guys hear that?" he shakes his head. "Anyway. How did you die Tacey?"
Tacey glanced over to the edge of the woods. She had heard it, but she wasn't sure what it was. "I was kidnapped and held ransom." She said, the smile dropping from her face. "My parents refused to pay up, so they killed me.. Actually the spot wasn't to far from here. My parents found my body, but instead of burying me, they decided to leave me here as my final resting place. That was where Almira found me... According to her, I'd looked almost as if I were torn apart by a wild animal..." She stated softly as her eyes began to glow.


Jett looked up as he heard someone hit the ground. He caught sight of a boy. Must have been the one Thalia was talking about spying..With a small shrug, Jett went back to the rabbit, finishing his creation and carefully setting it onto the ground. One of the rabbits ears twitched as it looked around. Jett smiled.
Zane frowns "I haven't seen Almira in a while, I wonder where she's at?" Nathan sees her eyes glow and decides it was probably a touchy subject. He pushes on her emotions to make her calmer, and takes away her worry and anger Zane absent mindedly scratches his burned hand "Ouch." he shakes his hand and looks to the fire. He turns and looks at the forest again
She didn't want to give information away so easy, nor be friends with peole. She shook her head yes to the children question but remaned quiet when she asked her name.

Thalia glanced at the kid who had jumped down. "Hey Kid, I'm Thalia. Your Name is." He asked, slightly taken aback. Thalia smiled down at the Bunny, "You know you can use those as a kid of signal in rough spots." She declared, watching the small creature. Thalia turned back to the kid, awaiting for his awnser.


McKenna listened to the two convorsation, although she felt not to take part. McKenna watched gently as the fire danced delicatly across the charred wood. She glanced up at the sound, yet she kept her head down. Wondering what it was, she thought it could be something bad or good.
Almost as if the words summoned her, Almira stepped out of the woods. "Tacey, darling..." She called, glancing around camp before she spotted the girl in front of the fire. "There you are.." She said as she wandered over, a smile growing on her face. "I need to speak with you for a moment...." She told her, lightly grabbing her wrist and pulling her to her feet. She noticed that Tacey had grown small claws. So her body has realized and is reacting.... Almira thought as she pulled Tacey over to an empty part of camp.


Tacey looked at Almira with glowing red eyes. " What is it, mother..?" She asked, hoping it wasn't another child. She was getting tired of going to fetch new chlidren. It was just so sad.

"I have some important news for you, darling.." Almira told her carefully. "I've spotted some men camped out on the other side of the forest.."

Tacey raised an eyebrow at her. ".. and what does this have to do with me...?" She asked apprehensively.

"It's the gang that killed you...." Almira watched as Tacey's eyes widened in shock before narrowing into a glare. "I just came to tell you. If you choose to go after them leave Jett in charge. I'm sure you'll be able to find them..." Almira smiled before wandering off back into the woods. This would be interesting to watch as it was the first opportunity for a child to get revenge.

Tacey calmly walked back over to the fire, her eyes growing brighter than before.
Zane puts a hand on her shoulder "You okay Tacey?" he soothes her trying to mkae her calm but it was not working very well.he frowns and looks at her hands "Hmm, that's intresting." he looks at her claws and chuclles slightly "What's next cat ears and a tail?" he chuckles and looks at her
"I'm not really sure..." Tacey mumbled quietly. She wasn't sure what to do. She felt a tugging sensation in the pit of her stomach that wanted her to go into the forest, but what kind of leader was she if she ran off all the time..? She sighed. This was so confusing! She decided she'd let Zane know what was going on to see what he thought. "The gang that killed me is in the forest...." She said so softly it could barely be heard.


Jett shrugged. "I supposed it could be..." He said. He still had yet to figure out how to get certain creations to fly. He could throw spikes, but eventually they fell. He could make a butterfly flap its wings, but it would never take off. Besides, eventually everything melted.
Zane grips his knife and stands up "Where." he grits his teeth angrilly, his eyes turn dark red, he was very angry, he hated everyone that killed anyone especially other children "I can take care of them." he growls inhumanly and looks at Tacey he pulls out his dagger and studies the blood red blade
"Then we will both go.." Tacey said with a small smile. Now to let everyone else know. Tacey climbed up on top of one of the logs. "Attention everyone." She said quietly, although her voice had a hint of an undertone that demanded attention. "Zane and myself will be departing from the camp for a short while. In the meantime, Jett is to take my place in charge. As you were.." She finished, stepping down and looking at Zane. "I'm ready when you are..." She said.


Jett glanced up as he heard Tacey call for attention, knowing that he would be unable to ignore her due to her voice. As she made her announcement, he sighed. This was going to be so problematic. Why did he have to be the second child again..? Looks like he wouldn't be allowed to stay under his tree for much longer since he now had things to attend to.
Zane smiles. His eyes had a glint of Insanity in them. "Let's go." he pushes her slightly, knowing she would be able to find them. He smiles in excitement. He was sane for the most part. Except when he got the chance to kill someone. And if he ever saw Elend it would take Tacey's voice to keep him from tearing Elend to peices
With a nod, Tacey wandered into the woods. She could feel the pull in her stomach tugging her to the south. So they were camped close to town? They might try to run there in the end. However, Tacey was determined not to give them that opportunity. "Thank you for coming with me...." She said with a small smile. As she smiled her fangs accidentally scraped against her bottom lip, drawing blood. "I don't like these things.." She mumbled. "They hurt..."
Zane smiles and fangs flash slightly against his other teeth "My brother killed me to join some group." Zane's stomach was pulling him in the same way. He disn't quite know what has happening. His eyes flashed once again with a look of insanity, he looks at Tacey and smirks "I think we're close."
Tacey nodded. She knew they were close by now. She could feel it in what felt like her very soul. "You don't think it was this gang, do you..?" She asked, tilting her head to the side so that she could look at him. The closer they seemed to get to the camp the brighter Tacey's eye grew.
Zane sees the group, and someone who looks exactly like him "That bastard." Zane growls and pulls out his knife "I'm going to kill him. Go back. I don't want to hurt you I'm going to first beat him. Then take out the knife he killed me with then I'll kill him. I slit his throat and leave him to blee to death" Zane growls and his eyes grow dark red
"I can't go back...." Tacey said before stepping into the clearing that played host to the gangs camp. One of the gang members spotted her and, failing to notice her glowing red eyes, called something to another member about a new plaything stumbling right into their camp. Tacey hissed furiously. "I'll show you plaything..." She said before she began to sing a quiet and haunting melody. The member that had called out, clutched at his head and screamed.
Elend looks at Tacey and smirks "Cover your ears and gag her." he shrugs and turns as Zane hits him. Elend stumble back an looks up "Z-Zane?"

Zane growls "In the flesh." he grabs Elend by the collar and hits him repeatedly, Elend tries to push him away but can't. Zane throws Elend on the ground. He crawls to Tacey "H-help me please."

Zane growls and yanks his knife from his belt. He grabs Elend by the hair and puts the knife to his throat "I'm going to enjoy killing you." Zane grabs Elends wrist and it breaks with a sickening snap. Elend takes out his own knife and cuts Zane's arm. Blood covers the ground but Zame doesn't notice

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