Childhood Demons

Zane frowns "Take me to my room, then grab some bandages please." he looks at her and frowns he looked a bit better, but sill pretty bad. Zane looks down to make sure his knife is there. He smiles when he sees it is "Bed and bandages and a bit of bread if it's not too much of a bother." he hadn't even noticed he had gotten cut. He was too busy killing people.
Zane frowns "Take me to my room, then grab some bandages please." he looks at her and frowns he looked a bit better, but sill pretty bad. Zane looks down to make sure his knife is there. He smiles when he sees it is "Bed and bandages and a bit of bread if it's not too much of a bother." he hadn't even noticed he had gotten cut. He was too busy killing people..
((Yeah.. this really is a mess... I wish I knew how to clean up a bit, but I don't... and as for what's happened. To sum it up: Tacey went to hunt the gang that killed her and Zane went with her. Zane's brother, the one that killed him, was in the group. Needless to say, he gets away, but Tacey gets her revenge and it's revealed that if a child gains their revenge they turn back into a human. Almira couldn't let Tacey be a human, so she killed her again and wiped her memory. Zane, however, witnessed it. Everyone else is back at camp. Jett was left in charge in the mean time. ))

"It's no problem at all.." Tacey said softly as they approached camp. Once she had him settled in his room, she darted over tot he medical hut to grab some bandages. All the while she pondered about what Zane had said. Would her mother really kill her..? If so, should she raise the alarm to everyone else so they don't get pulled into Almira's trickery...? It would take some more thought.. She honestly didn't know what she was going to do about this. With a sigh, she grabbed some bread on the way back to Zane's hut.
Zane slides his tattered shirt off and he takes off his makeshift bandages, he winces. "Ouch." he stands up and slowly walks over to his dresser, he opens up his drawer and takes out pants and a shirt. He throws it on his bed. "I'll bandage myself then get cleaned up i guess." he hums to himself slowly and pushes out pulling on people's emotions, making them calm and happy, it was taxing him greatly to do so. He was sweating slightly from the work of it. He quits trying and just relaxes. His powers used up his energy quickly so he was now evenmore tired then before. He takes out his kinfe and spins it in his hand waiting for Tacey
Still lost in her thoughts, she snapped to attention when a small puppy made of ice ran up to her. She glanced up to make eye contact with Jett. He still sat under the tree giving her a curious look. "Yes, Jett. I'll take over again.." She said just loud enough for him to hear. He looked relieved. Apparently he didn't really like being in charge. With that out of the way, she wandered into Zane's hut. "I'm back.." She said softly, holding out her hands. In one there were bandages and there was bread in the other. "Would you like my assistance, or would you prefer I leave you alone..?"
Zane looks at her "Will you help me please. I can't bandage very well with my arm all cut up." he stumbles over to a basin of water and dips a cloth in it, he washes off his hurt arm and winces. He needed to wash off his stomache also. He stumbles back to his bed "Bandage my arm first please." there was a long cut from his shoulder to his elbow it was rather deep too
Tacey sighed softly as she kneeled down beside Zane and began carefully bandaging his arm. She winced slightly when she seen how deep the cut was. She hadn't been aware that he had been hurt so badly. Some leader she was... She worked quickly and methodically. Soon, she was tying off the edge of the bandage. "There.." She mumbled, looking up at him. Pausing for a moment, she took a deep breath as if trying to calm herself. "I'm sorry...." She whispered so softly it could barely be heard. "I should have helped you, but I was so caught up in my revenge that....." She trailed off, heaving another small sigh.
Zane laughs "It's fine." he stumbles back over and washes off his stomach "Please bandage my stomach." he puts his hand against the wall and winces "Ow." he sighs and looks at her "Sorry."
"Alright.." Tacey said quietly, unrolling a new thing of bandages. She stood and slowly helped him back onto the bed before she carefully started dressing the wound on his stomach. "I don't want you leaving this camp until your healed up, understand..?" She told him, adopting her best leader voice and failing at it due to being worried.
Zane hugs her lightly "I'm fine. I promise." he tries to get up but falls back onto his bed. He whines slightly "Damn why am I so WEAK!" he slams his fist against the bed and growls
"You're not weak, your injured. There's a difference." Tacey said as she watched him with concern. She really wished that he would rest, even if it was only for a little while. He deserved it.
Zane lies down and yawns slightly, he looks up at her and frowns he climbs to his feet and yanks off his pants changing into his other pair. He pulls on his new shirt and he stands up tall "Okay, let's return to the fire I guess?" he winces everytime he takes a step
Tacey sighed. "If that's what you wish." She told him quietly, heading for the door. The fire was still burning strong, the exact way they had left it however long ago. As she made her way over to one of the logs, she kept a careful eye on Zane.
Zane trips and falls into her and frowns "Crap!" he was growing very frustrated "I'm terribly sorry for being such a burden." he wraps an arm around her so he can have some sort of balance. He bites his lip and pushes away all her worry and anxiety and pulls on her emotions making her more calm "It'll be okay." he was exhausting himself farther by using his powers
"It's alright.." Tacey softly told him as she lightly gripped him to help keep him steady. She suddenly feels all of the worry that she had been feeling all but disappear. "Thank you..." She murmured, looking over to him with a soft smile. As they reached the fire, she slowly helped him down onto a log before settling herself down next to him.
Zane smiles and sits on the log. He yawns and slouches slightly, he was extremely tired but he was trying not to show it "So." he leans down and picks up a blade of grass, his hands work nimbly, tearing and foldin the blade of grass
Tacey stared up at the sky. Even after everything that had happened so far, it was still a beautiful night. Out of the corner of her eye, she kept watch on Zane. She still thought that he needed to rest. She was going to give him a little bit of time before she called him on it though. "So, what..?" She inquired with a small giggle.
Zane smiles and hands her a small flower made of grass "Sooo, how are you feeling? Were you hurt at all? I should have focused on protecting you, not getting my revenge." he scoots towards her and leans on her slightly for support. He coughs "Ouch." chuckling, he yawns again.
Tucking the flower into her hair, she turns her attention from the sky to Zane. "I'm feeling quite confused.." She admitted. The whole thing with Almira was still weighing heavily on her mind. "and as for being hurt, I don't recall being injured... Although I do have this sharp pain in my chest that I can't seem to explain..." She mumbled quietly. On closer inspection of her previously white dress, there was a blood spot on the left side of her chest the seemed to be fresher than the other spots. Tacey, however, failed to notice this fact since she was covered in blood anyways and barely any of it was hers. "You shouldn't have to worry about protecting me... What good am I as a leader if I need protecting?"
"She did kill you. Next time I see her I'll do the same to her." he growls and grips his knife "What good am I if I can't protect my leader?" he looks at her questioningly and frowns. He yawns again and closes his eyes, his head lies on her shoulder. He jerks himself awake and sits up straight again
Tacey closed her eyes in concentration. Why couldn't she remember..? As she thought, the image of a hand through her chest flashed across her gaze again. Just like the last time the image left her with a splitting headache. The headache couldn't compare to the throbbing pain in her chest though. When Zane dozed off on her shoulder, she decided that she was gonna check to make sure there was nothing there. Pulling her dress down slightly, she gasped when she seen a spot that was about the size of a hand on her chest. It was still bleeding even though a nice portion of the wound had healed up already. She was left with a mark the looked as if someone had simply carved a piece out of her chest. It was true then. Her mother really had killed her. She was going to wait for a little while and sound the alarm to the others. They had to know her true colors. When she felt Zane jolt awake, she quickly slid her dress back into place so he wouldn't see. That was one of the last things she needed. "I told you that you needed rest.." She said softly, glancing over at him.
"But then I'd be leaving you alone." Zane refused to let her get hurt again. He would do anything it took to make sure she was safe. He looks at her and frowns slightly before yawning again, he could barely keep his eyes open "Do you still have your powers?" he frowns and looks at her "I refuse to leave yo alone. You wouldn't be safe. i already failed keeping you safe once."
Tacey gave him a look. "I'm in a camp full of children with supernatural abilities. I think I'm safe for the most part.." She told him carefully. She was touched that he was so worried, but she knew that he needed his rest as well. As for her powers, she wasn't sure. "Well..." She said softly. "I don't know if I still have my powers... My voice usually has this... tone... to it.. and it's not there.." She said. That was one of the things that had worried her. She had gone from barely being able to speak, to not having her usual tone of voice. If she didn't have her powers, maybe they would come back since she'd been reanimated again. They were probably just taking their time. She remembered how long it took them to manifest when she was first resurrected. They were probably going to take that long again.

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