Childhood Demons

"Yeah, I'm fine.." Tacey said quietly, another smile making its way onto her face. "Did you sleep well..?" She inquired as she wandered farther into the room and out of the doorway.
Zane smiles "Oh, did Ifall asleep?" he chuckles "I didn't noticee." he looks up at her "Go ahead and take a seat." he scoots to the side of the bed that is facing the wall "Sit down if you would like to." he yawns once more and pulls the blanket around his shoulders snuggling his head into the pillow
"Yes, you fell asleep.." Tacey giggled, a smile lighting up her face. She gently plopped herself down onto the bed and looked over at him. "Feeling any better..?" She inquired with a small tilt of her head.
The kitten meows and jumps into Tacey's lap

Zane nods "Yeah. Quite a bit better." he smiles and pets Marceline "She likes you." Zane smiles and looks up at Tacey. He feels the familiar tug meaning his brother was close by "Damn. He's close. But I'm not strong enough to fight him now." Zane frowns and looks down
Tacey can't help the smile that spreads across her face as she glances down at the kitten. She pauses, however as she hears Zane's words. "Well, there's two options.." She said softly, glancing over at him. "One would be to wait until your back at full strength and hope that he's still nearby. The other is.... Well.. I could always help you, if you'd permit me to, that is.."
"I can't let you help me. It's to dangerous. He may even end up killing or hurting me. He is angry and he is looking for me." Zane frowns and looks at her. He rolls over and looks at her. He uses his bad arm to push himself up into a sitting position. He winces as the blanket slides down his bandaged stomach and bunches by his waist. "So." he kisses her cheek and grins. He thought her being flustered was kind of funny
A pale blush almost immediately appears across her cheeks as she became instantly flustered by his actions. She somehow still managed to get out what she had to say though. "E-even when you do go.. I'm going with you.." She mumbled, stuttering slightly because of her flustered state.
Zane smiles "No, you're not." he kisses her lips softly before moving back and grinning widely "Oops. Sorry." he says sarcasticly then smirks and awaits her retort. He chuckles and looks at her blushing face. After he kissed her his cheeks were just slightly red, but not very noticeably
Her face turned a bright red as she looked at him with wide red eyes. "I...Y-you.... but.." She trailed off, giving up on speaking seeing as she was unable to string together a coherent sentence. That was her first kiss. She mumbled more incoherent words as she tried to hide her cheeks behind her hands as if in some pathetic attempt to hide her blush.
Zane smiles and takes her hands away from her face. He thought it was adorable how flustered she got "Hey. It's fine calm down." he chuckles and slowly pushes away her emberasment. He hugs her softly then lets go and leans against the wall grinning
As she felt her embarrassment leave her, she looked up at him with a shy smile. "You're enjoying this.. aren't you..?" She inquired, tilting her head slightly to the side in curiosity. A pale blush still dusted her cheeks.
"The kiss or you getting all worked up? Either way yes." Zane smiles and looks at her tilting his head the same way she did and sits up. His back against the wall and his legs crossed.

The kitten rolls on its back and bites Zane's hand playfully
Tacey giggled, tilting her head to the the other side. "Well, I'm glad I can be a source of entertainment, even if I end up getting flustered in the process..." She said, mumbling the last part with a smile still on her face. She glanced down at the kitten her smile growing. "She's so adorable.."
Zane smiles and picks up the kitten "She is the only one i know will never leave me." he pulls the kitten against his chest and pts the top of its head.

Marcaline puts her pawin Zane's hand and her other paws on his chest so they were face to face. "Mrow." she rubs her head against Zane's chin

Zane chuckles and looks at Tacey "Qwould you like to hold her?"
Tacey looks at him hopefully. "If you don't mind..." She said softly, a small smile on her face. She really did like kittens. In the back of her mind she registered the first thing he'd said. She decided however that for the moment she'd focus on the kitten.
Zane hands the kitten to Tacey carefully "She like you." he smiles brightly and looks at Tacey tilting his head slightly

the kitten purs and curls up, closing its eyes.

Zane tawns an looks at Tacey once more
Tacey can't help the smile that spread across her face as she carefully petted the kitten. "Well, I'm glad." She said softly, glancing up from the kitten to look at Zane again. "Are you still tired..?" She inquired.
Zane kisses her cheek hoping it would distract her. He wa very tired but he sidn't want to admit it "What was that?" he smirks and looks at her before returning back to sitting
Instantly, Tacey's cheeks lit up in another blush. Her current thoughts jumbling as she proceeded to get worked up again. Shaking her head slightly, she tried to remember what she'd been saying. "I-I asked if you were still tired..." She mumbled.
Zane kisses her lips softly again. Still trying to distract her "Sorry. Am I allowed to do that?" he smiles at her and rubs the back of his head "I'll stop if you'd like me to." he looks at her and smirks leans in close to her again. His face just inches from hers
"I-I.... don't.. m-mind.." She whispers, her voice barely audible as her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red. Her eyes were wide and locked onto his as if she didn't know what to do. When he leaned in close to her again, she was half tempted to lean forward and kiss him for a change.
Zane stayed hovering only a little bit away from her face as he smiles again "Good." he grins and his green eyes shine slightly in the dim light of the tent. He smiles moves a bit closer still staying a few inches away "Are you sure?" he pulls o her emotions to make her a bit more courageous but also a bit more emberrased.
Tacey smiled, leaning forward and lightly pressing her lips to his before pulling back. "I-I'm sure..." She mumbled, her blush spreading from her cheeks as she became more embarrassed. She was a tad bit shocked over what she had just done.
Zane laughs and falls back onto his bed. He wipes away all her emberrasment "Didn't think you would actually do it." he chuckles as Marcaline jumps off Tacey's lap and onto zane'e bare chest before curling up in a ball and meowing loudly. Zane yawns and looks at Tacey "It's getting late. Shouldn't you be in bed?" Zane chuckles
"Well, I did.." Tacey said with a small smile. "..and as for me, I don't sleep much." She said, shrugging her shoulders. It was true. She slept maybe for a few hours and spent most of her time around camp. She wasn't sure if it was because she just didn't need much sleep or because she felt compelled to look after the other children. Maybe it was because Almira had a tendency of showing up to wake her just as she dozed off.

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