Childhood Demons

"Of course I don't mind. i think Lanny might though." he looks back and smiles lightly "Sorry man." he dodn't sound very sorry though. He looks at Tacey "Are you and him okay?" he was slightly worried he did something
"We're fine. He's just being a jealous pig." She called the last part over her shoulder to Lanny who just stuck his tongue out. "Oh wow, real mature, Lanny." She said, rolling her eyes.

He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You two started it.."
"Jealous of me? What do I have that he doesn't?" Zane ofcourse knew rhe answer. Tacey. He just wanted to hear her say it. It made him feel good knowing that he finally had something that someone else also wanted. It made him feel like he was worth something. He was scared Lanny would take her from him though.
Tacey smiled. "Me." She said softly, a small giggle escaping her lips. Behind them, Lanny was getting angry again.

"He doesn't have you. In fact I don't think anyone will ever truly have you because you're a tease, Madeline." He said, turning on his heel and walking in the opposite direction. Tacey froze at his words. She hated being called by her first name. He knew that. He knew that only her parents called her that. She couldn't believe that he'd stoop so low.
"I think you should go talk to him. I'll finish up washing your clothes for you. Go talk to him." he kisses her cheek softly and smiles "Go." he pushes her towards Lanny softly and he smiles
Tacey smiled, a pale blush lighting across her cheeks. She supposed he was right. "Thank you..." She mumbled. With a small sigh, she set off after Lanny. Her hands were balled into small fists as she fought her way through the trees. "Lanny..!!" She called, to no avail. "Lanny Kashioni, you answer me this instant..!" She tried again.

This time she was met with a smart retort. "And what if I don't?!" He called back. Bingo. She followed his voice until she came across the blonde boy sitting under a tree. He was playing with a small ball of fire. "What do you want, Madeline.." He grumbled, looking up at her.

"I wanted to talk to you... " She forced herself to say, even though she was dying to hit him. She sighed and sat down next to him. "Lanny... You know I never liked you like that..."

His eyes narrowed in a glare. "Shocking really, considering how much time we spent together.." He grumbled. "Besides, you know our parents were arranging a marriage for us, right..?" He looked over to where she was sitting. Her red eyes were widened in shock. "I'm taking it you didn't know that..." He trailed off as she sighed again. "Look, you know you'll always have my heart. No matter what. Why don't you just accept that..?" He asked her with sad eyes. He desperately wanted her to see how much he cared for her. "Do you want to know how I died..? I went hunting for your killers. Alone.."

Tacey's eyes widened in shock. "Lanny, you know that was a stupid move.." She said, giving him a look. She sighed again when his response was a shrug. "..and I can't feel that way about you Lanny.. You're like a brother to me. The faster you can accept that, the faster we can stop hurting each other..." This time he gave her a look. "Let's just go catch up with Zane. He should be at the lake by now..." With that, Tacey stood up and headed back off to the lake, followed shortly after by Lanny.
Zane suddenly broke through the tree line sprinting even though it was further messing up his injuries. He crashes into Lanny and rolls to his feet. He had claws, his eyes were red, his teeth were sharp and his stomach was pulling him north. He looks at the two, then with out saying a word sprints into the woods. He sees Elend and smiles.

Elend pulls a sword from a sheath at his side. The sword was the colour of blood "Oh hello. Nice to see you brother."

A group of men emerge from the shadows each pulling a sword out from their belts.

Zane growls and looks around. He couldn't fight them. Especially while he was hurt. "You!"

A man steps out from behind Elend and smiles "The last rag-tag group I hired to kill you worked. But since your little girlfriend killed them. I hired a more skilled one. They will nake sure you stay dead." Zane's Father laughs.

Zane looks around and yanks his knife from his belt. Ready to fight.
Lanny watched as Zane ran off into the woods. "Do I want to know what that was about...?" He inquired, glancing over at Tacey only to see that she was already darting after Zane.

"By the way that he looked, it has to be his brother..." When Lanny just gave her a look, she rolled her eyes. "His brother was the one to kill him so he reacts to it. It's our need for vengeance...." She explained to Lanny as the two of them worked their way through the woods after Zane.

As they broke through the treeline, Lanny's eyes began to glow as well, lighting up a bright red color. "Wonderful.." Tacey mumbled. "Apparently someone in this gang killed you last night...." She sighed. Things just kept getting more and more complicated.
Elend walks forward. He was covered in bruises from the last time they met. He runs at Zane and swings his sword at him.

Zane turns but reacts a bit to slow. He gets a cut down his arm. He growls and swings his knife. Cutting above Elend's eyes.

An arrow explodes through Zane's shoulder. Zane falls to the ground and grips his shoulder.

Zane's father walks forward and looks at Zane "You are coming home." He puts his boot on Zane's throat and presses slightly

Zane scratches his father's leg "Or what!"

Men come up from behind Tacey and Lanny. They grab Tacey an press a knife against her throat. "Or else she dies." Zane's father laughs and kicks Zane in the ribs.
Lanny roared as he seen the guy come up behind Tacey. "You get your hands off of her..!" He yelled, lunging forward only to be snagged by one of the other guys. Flames coursed from his finger tips as he whipped around to hit him.

In the meantime, Tacey squirmed. She had forgotten what it was like having a knife to her throat. Quite frankly, after the way she died, the thought terrified her. For a moment, she forgot that she was a child and that she had the power of her voice. She forgot that she knew how to fight and that she was harder to damage than a normal human. She couldn't help the terrified whimper that came from her lips.
Zane's father turns to Lanny "Stop. You are just killing her."

The man holding tacey presses the knife against her throat a bit harder.

Zane writhes in pain as he presses his hand against his shoulder "Stop!Stop! Don't hurt her!" Zane slowly crawls to his feet and looks down "I'll go with you."

There is a loud pop as Zane's father backhands him and Zane stumbles.

Zane sighs and looks at Tacey one last time. Then turns and lets his arms be tied together. "Tacey. Stay with Lanny."
Tacey's eyes widened. "No way..! You're not going with them.!" She called before she started to sing a haunting tune. Her voice taking a hold of anyone who wasn't fast enough to cover their ears. She slowly pulled the knife away from her throat. She refused to be a victim when someone she cared about was at stake.

Lanny's eyes widened as even he fell under her spell. He was unaware of what she was able to do and was caught off guard.
Zane frowns and looks at her. He couldn't move "Tacey. What are you doing." Blood pooled at his feet as it slowly dripped down his arms from where the arrow had gone through his shoulder. He winces slightly and looks at Tacey hoping she wouldn 't get herself hurt "It will be okay Tace. Just go with Lanny . I'll be f ine."
She shook her head, continuing her song. She wasn't just gonna leave him here. Not only was it against her code as a leader, but it was definitely against her code as a friend.. or whatever they were at this point, she wasn't really sure by this point. She managed to worm her way out of the man's grasp, a triumphant grin on her face as she ran over to free Zane amongst all the confusion her song was creating.
Elend smiles and walks up to Zane, who was unable to move. Elend smiles at Tacey. After their last encounter. He filled his ears with wax so she wouldn't effect him. He stabs Zane in the stomach then there is a sickening snap as elend's foot connects with Zane's leg.

Zane wimpers as his leg is broken. He couldn't move so all he coulddo was stand there on a broken leg.

Elend grabs his father and throws him in a wagon. He hops on the horses and pulls the wagon away.

Tears of pain appear in Zane's eyes as he stands there every second feeling like an eternity
Tacey glared, her song weaving around the men as she moved over to Zane. She then proceeded to cover his ears so he could relax. She was gonna have to remember to invest in earplugs for her comrades somewhere in the near future. She continued to sing, glancing forlornly over at Lanny, but knowing that if she stopped, most of the men would probably get away. She wasn't going to let that happen.
((Gahh.. misunderstanding.. I'm gonna fix this give me a moment...)) 
((Okay.. I fixed it =3 ))
Zane frowns and looks up at Tacey. He just wanted to go lie down and sleep. His everything hurt. The knife in his stomach and the broken leg AND the place where the arrow went through his shoulder was NOT helping. He felt sick to his stomach and Oh-so tired. He frowns "Tired." he mutters out
Glancing down at Zane, she sighed, halting her song. Zane was more important than capturing these men. "Lanny, come over here..!" She called over her shoulder to the blonde boy who was just snapping out of his delusions.

Lanny shook his head, trying to clear it of the haunting tune. "Woah.. what was that..?" He mumbled, wandering over to the two of them. "Would you mind explaining to me what just happened...?"
Zane clenches his fists and his fingernails dig into his hand. Drawing blood. "Gah!" he arches his back and withers around in pain. "Taceeyyyyyyyy." he wanted to touch his leg but doing so only made it hurt worse. He looks at Lanny "I'll explain later!" he looks up at Tacey pleadingly
Tacey sighed. "Yeah, now is definitely not the time, Lanny.." She said. Where to start, where to start....? She decided she'd start with his leg since she'd have to set that before she could even attempt to get him back to camp. "Lanny, grab me two sturdy tree branches.. About the same length please.."

Gru,bling under his breath, Lanny set about his task. It took him a little while, but he returned with the branches like she had asked. "What do you intend to do with tho..." He trailed off as Tacey started tearing off strands from the bottom of her dress. "Tacey.. is now really a good time to be stripping..?" This earned him a look.

"I'm not stripping..!" She exclaimed, a blush lighting up her cheeks. "I'm using the strands and the branched in a make shift brace for his leg, dunder head.!" She hissed, thoroughly annoyed and embarrassed.
Zane props himself up and smiles "What!? I hear you were stripping." he grins and looks at Tacey and laughs slightly. Even in pain he loved to joke around "I mean. If you feel like stripping my injuries can wait." he laughs then looks at Lanny
By this point, Tacey was beat red and Lanny was cracking up. "Amen to that, brother!" He said, earning him a smack on the head from Tacey. He grumbled, backing slowly away from the angry and flustered teen.

"Anyways, like I said, I'm not stripping... Maybe later if your good though.. " She said with a wink. Lanny's jaw dropped open. Was she flirting..? Seriously..? She ignored the stunned blonde behind her and began carefully setting his leg. Winding the pieces of cloth from her dress around his leg and the branches. Tacey glanced down at her dress. By the time she was done with all of his injuries, she might have well stripped. There was going to be barely anything left of her dress.
Zane frowns "See, that's two dresses of yours that I have ended up destroying." he slides his shirt, that he had put on before coming this way, off and pulls it over Tacey. It went down to about her mid thigh. Zane still had the large wound on his shoulder, and the cut on his stomach. He frowns and looks at Tacey

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