Childhood Demons

Zane sits up and streatches slightly "It's still the middle of the day. Why am I so tired." he falls back onto the bed and hugs his bear "Hey. You won't tell anyone about my teddy bear right?" he looks at Tacey and frowns slightly
Tacey smiled up at him. "Of course I won't tell anyone.." She said softly. ".. and we've had a long day, so it's alright to be tired...." She yawned. "I know I'm tired.."
Zane smiles slightly and kisses her forehead "I guess a short nap wouldn't be that bad." he smiles and hugs his bear and starts to drift to sleep "Aslong as we don't sleep to long." he smiles slighlt
"Alright.." She mumbled softly, cuddling closer to him again as she closed her eyes. "Short nap sounds nice..." She said right before she dozed off again, a content smile on her face.
Zane covers his face and looks up at the ceiling. "I could leave. But then she would be in pain. Does she realt want to be stuc with me forever.. Wait. She doesn't know. Crap." he frowns and continues to thin about stuff
Tacey buries her face in his arm, mumbling nonsensical stuff in her sleep. She didn't know it, but she had a slight tendency to talk in her sleep. "Zane..." She mumbled, breathing a small, happy sigh.
Zane smiles and rolls over looking at her. He says "Yesss?" he smiles and pets Marceline slightly. He wondered what she was dreaming about. What DID girls dream about? Hm. He usually had odd dreams. Maybe it was an effect of being a child. Hmm. He shrugs
She simply cuddled closer to him, a contented smile on her face as she continued to sleep. "Mine..." She mumbled softly.
Zane can't help but laugh "You're so cute." he chuckles and kisses her forehead he grabs Marceline and pets her. He pokes her stomach and yanks his hand back as she bites and scratches him playfully
Tacey continued mumbling in her sleep. Occasionally something understandable could be heard, but mostly it was just gibberish. She rolled onto her back, arm covering her eyes. "My hiding spot..." She mumbled.
Zane was suddenly curious "Hmm?" he looks at her and raises an eyebrow wondering what she was talking about "What is at said hiding spot. Or are you just speaking gibberish. If so. Then why am I talking to a sleeping person. Hmm."
A small smile spread across her face as she rolled over and cuddled him again. She started making a small purring noise that sounded suspiciously like a cat.
Zane chuckles and pets her head. Eventually it had been about two hours he did not sleep at all. He shook Tacey then cuddled his teddy bear and closed his eyes to appear like he was asleep. Hopefully she would but it and think he had slept.
"Huh..?" She mumbled, cracking a red eye open. Looking over at Zane, she couldn't help but smile. She slowly sat up, trying not to wake him.
Zane decide to mess with her a bit. "No." he mumbles and pulls her back down and wraps ab arm around her pulling her tight against him. He smiles and leans his head against her. Fake snoring softly
Tacey giggled as quietly as she could muster. He was just so cute. She couldn't help the smile that came to her face as she snuggled back into him. Looks like she wasn't going anywhere.
Zane actually falls asleep and his arm relaxes slightly. He mumbled in his sleep, but he could carry on conversations kind of. Zane snores softly "Sorry." he says softly
Tacey's smile grew. "It's fine..." She whispered, closing her eyes again. She decided that she'd just get comfortable and stay here. That seemed like the best option for the moment. It was either that or go out and risk facing Lanny.
"Lanny." Zane snores softly and lets out a breath "Didn't trip. I hurt him." Zane opens his eyes slowly. "Oh. Did you sleep well?" he yawns. He hadent at all.
Tacey nodded. She'd figured as much. She honestly didn't care that he'd hurt Lanny. After everything that Lanny had done today, he deserved a good beating. "I slept alright. Having you here helped with that." She said with a small smile.
Zane kisses her forehead "That's good. Well. Do i have to get up? My le hurts. He whines and hugs her lightly. His teddybrar resting inbetween him and Tacey
Tacey wrapped her arms around him. "Of course you don't have to get up. You can stay in bed and rest as long as you like... I, however, don't have that luxury. I have to check on the camp.." She said softly. She really didn't want to get up, but she had to eventually. Just like she had to face Lanny eventually.
"Nooooooooop…" Zane frowns and hugs her before yawning and eubbing his eyes. "Come on. You don't HAVE TO do you?" Zane frowns and kisses her softly "Pwease?"
Tacey sighed, a small smile on her face. "Fine... only for a little bit longer though...." She told him, cuddling up to him again. "I can spend a little bit more time here..."
Zane smiles. But then he remembers what he had done. Now, unless she found someone else. She was stuck with Zane forever. Zane frowns and sits up. He felt better than he had but his leg hurt. "Alright. I need to get up and do something active."

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