Childhood Demons

Zane , who was asleep mumbles out a "Come in." when he hears the door knocked on. He was asleep and his hair was a disheveld mess. His blanket was up to his waist and he was shirtless. And had one arm around his teddy bear. He mumbles an incoherent dtring of words. All of them uninteligable except "Sky.."
Tacey tilted her head slightly as she made her way in. She heard him mumbling. Sky. She wondered who that was. Maybe that's the person that has him so upset. She sighed softly. "I think I'm going to sleep in my room tonight.." She told him before turning and wandering back to her own room.
Zane mumbles softly "No." He wanted someone there with him. No matter who it was. He was just tired of being alone. He opens his eyes and rubs the sleep from them "Tacey?" he asks as he sees her leave
She paused, turning around as she heard her name. Popping her head back into his room, she seen he was up. "Yes..?" She inquired, tilting her head slightly.
"where are you going?" he tilts his head and raises an eyebrow "Did I do something?" he frowns and absent mindedly pets Marceline. He shakes his head and frowns looking down at the ground.
Tacey shook her head. "I was going to go sleep in my room.." She told him softly, a small smile on her face. "No, you didn't do anything.. I just hadn't wanted to disturb you, that was all."
"Okay. You can go sleep in your room if you want. " he moves until his back hits the wall and he frowns slowly closing his eyes. He sloy drifts back into sleep. Marceline meows at him and he meows back in his sleep
Tacey sighed, the smile dropping from her lips as soon as she turned away. She slowly made her way back into her room and plopped down on her bed, burying her face in her pillow. Was this how Zane felt when it came to Lanny..? She couldn't help but to wonder, another small sigh escaping her lips.
Zane shakes his head. He felt even worse. He rolls to his feet and walks to Tacey's room, knocking on the door "Tacey?" he frowns and leans against the door. He was having a very hard time trying to stay awake.
She sat up quickly. "Yes..?" She called out. She knew it was Zane or she would have just kept quiet. She put a smile on her face before her door opened.
Zane opens the door and sits on her bed "You seem like something is wrong. Don't tell me nothing is wrong because i know something is and I will keep bothering you until you tell me"
"...and I will keep telling you nothing." She said stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't going to budge. "There is nothing wrong."
Zane playfully pushes her back onto the bed. He lies down next to her and frowns "Pwease?" Zane makes puppydog eyes at her and frowns "Pretty pleaseeee." he knew something was wrong. He just didn't know what.
Tacey sighed. She wasn't even sure exactly what was wrong. "I'd tell you if I knew.." She mumbled, rolling over to look at him with a small frown of her own.
Zane kisses her forehead "Be happy." he smiles kind of forcibly and then looks down at her. He sighs and pulls her blanket up to her shoulders
She smiles at him, cuddling more under the blanket and closer to him. "I'll try.." She told him softly. "So, are you staying in here for the night or are you going back to your room..?"
Zane frowns in thought "It depends what you want me to do." He smiles and looks at her. He still felt just awful and was still thinking about Sky. He shakes his head an looks down "I'll stay ig you'd like." he smiles forcibly
"It's not up to me, it's up to you.." She said softly, looking over at him. She could tell that he still had something on his mind that was upsetting him.
Zane frowns "Nope. It's up to you. What do you want me to do Tacey." he moves some hair off of her face and frowns slightly unsure of what to do. He felt bad. He felt bad because of how much he yearned to see Sky atleast one more time
She sighed softly. "I think I'll just sleep by myself tonight..." She told him, a kind of sad expression on her face. If only she could understand what was making her so upset.
Zane frowns "A-Alrighty. Good night then." he frowns and stands up. He walks out the door and back to his room. He falls in bed and covers his face with his pillow "Idiot." he sighs and closes his eues
"Goodnight..." She said softly, watching as he left. Tacey curled up into a small ball at the top of her bed, another sigh escaping her lips as she looked blankly at her wall. This was just wonderful. She felt like she was about to cry and yet she had absolutely no idea why.
Curled up in her little ball, eventually Tacey thought herself into a light sleep. She woke up frequently through out the night in a cold sweat. No matter what she did, she kept having nightmares. Finally, she climbed out of bed, dragging her blanket with her. She went over to Zane's room and curled up outside the door, dozing off almost instantly.
Zane wakes up and frowns. He shakes his head and stands up. He'd just go for a walk. Zane opens his door and walks outside. He trips over tacey and tumbles to the ground. He sits up and frowns "Tace?"

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