Childhood Demons

She lightly wrapped her arms around him, the smile still one her face. "You know, we should definitely do this more often..." She said softly, another giggle escaping her. She was just so content at the moment.
Zane smiles "Yeah, maybe we should." he rolls over so he is ontop of Tacey. He smiles down at her and kisses her nose lightly. He enjoyed messing with her it seemed he could always make her blush
A deep blush spread across her cheeks like wildfire as she looked up at him with a small smile, arms still wrapped around him.
"Hey there." Zane laughs before standing up and twisting his back. Causing it to make a popping noise. He looks at Tacey and smiles before taking his shirt od and searching for a clean one.
Tacey rolled over onto her stomach, propping her chin on her hands as she watched him. She decided that she wasn't quite ready to get up yet. Instead, she'd lay here and watch him for a little while.
Zane smiles and catches Marcy as she pounces on him from her hiding place among a pile of his clothes. He laughs as the black kitten paws at him and lightly bites him. He cradles the cat caringly and kisses t's hed softly "Meow." he chuckles
Tacey giggled softly as she watched the two of them. "So, I take it you're a cat again..?" She asked softly, a smile curving her lips upwards.


In the mean time, Lanny stalked angrily about the woods. He was sick and tired of this. Kicking a wayward log to let out his frustration, his hands lit up with fire. It was a few minutes before he could douse the flames again. Burning things wouldn't solve anything. Well... it might make him feel a bit better though. His train of thought was interrupted as he heard noises nearby. Either he had come closer to the village than he thought or he just stumbled across people camping out in the woods. He crept closer to get a better look. His question on who it could be was answered as his eyes started to faintly glow. This was just wonderful.
Zane smiles and collapses onto the ground, holding his head.

Sky and Zane were sitting on a log out in the woods. It's where they usually wenr when they just wanted to relax together.

Zane forces himself to his feet and looks at Tacey who is on his bed.

It is only a second before Zane slips back into his memories. Him and Sky laughing and havin fun. Then getting caught by Zane's dad. Elend had told hin of course.

Zane comes back to reality and stares at the ceiling.
Tacey shot off the bed and darted forward. "Zane, are you alright..?" She asked, worry creeping into her voice as she looked at him.


Lanny stood, eying the people in the clearing with apprehension. There were several different ways that this could go. Lanny decided that he could use them to get what he wanted. Maybe he could help them and in return they could help him. A grin spread across his face as he made up his mind. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the clearing. He just hoped the people he was looking for were there at the moment as well.
Zane rubs his head and stubbornly stands "I'm fine. Just anoter flashback. I haven't had one in a while. What provoked this one... Almira!" he yells for his mother and he steps outside. Leaving Tacey inside but close by. He taps his foot impatiantly and fronws
Tacey sat back down on the bed, a small sigh escaping her as she absently toyed with the hem of her dress. Sometimes she honestly couldn't help but to worry.


The shadows around camp sudden;y shuddered and converged on a single spot near Zane."How many times must I tell you that I have a life as well..?" Almira's voice called before she flicked into existence from the shadows. Her hair was soaked and her cloak was haphazardly arranged around her. She had been cleaning off in a small stream near her cabin when she heard him calling.


Lanny looked around at the people in the clearing as he moved closer. He was attempting not to look threatening, but that was proving difficult when rogue flames would occasionally pass over his skin. Once he was sure he had the attention of the gang, he smiled. "I know somethings you'd like to know... Help me and I'll help you..."
Zane frowns "Sorry, just this is important. I keep having weord flashbacks and I can't remember things very well, do you know how I could fix this. Or what is happening." he clenches and unclenches his handa anxiously
Almira sighed, running a hand through her damp, white hair. "I knew there was a risk of this happening..." She mumbled as she held out her hand. A moment later a black book appeared. She flipped open the cover and began skimming the pages. "Well... that was one of the possible risks of turning someone into a child..." She said, glancing away from the book to look at him. "I think I might be able to fix it though..." Snapping her fingers, the book disappeared again as she took a step closer. "This might give you a horrible head ache..." She intoned as she carefully laid one of her pale hands against his forehead.


Lanny stood among the gang members, he had just finished relaying his problem with Tacey. One of them stepped forward, looking at him carefully. "Alright, pal..." He said, grin spreading across his face. "We'll help you with your girl problems... Now tell us what we want to know." He said. With a nod of his head, Lanny then launched into a very detailed plan about how they could both get what they wanted. He had apparently thought this out very well. He finished with making them swear not to seriously harm Tacey. Once they agreed, he began giving them instructions on how to find the camp.
Zane clenches his head hut stands tall. He groans slightly and his whole life seeming flashed before his eyes. He could remember everything. The beatings. The fights. He falls to the ground and grabs his head
Almira pulled her hand back slowly as she watched him. Normally she would interfere and try to help him, but this time there was absolutely nothing she could do. She had to let his memories run their course or all of this would be for nothing.


After Lanny had told them everything, it was decided that they would attack at nightfall when most of the children would be out stalking the village or sleeping. To top it off, he knew that Tacey favored the evening as well. This would put her in the perfect position for their plan. With a small nod at their plan, Lanny turned on his heel and stalked back into the woods. No one would ever know he was here or had anything to do with this. For all they would know, the gang had been spying on them and learned the secrets.
Zane slowly and shakily pushes himself to his feet. He sighs and shakes his head. His head hurt very bad. "Anythig y-you can do about the headace." he lies his head on her shoulder and wimpers slightly. His head felt like it was exoading
Almira raised her hand again and lightly rested it on his head. "Headache, yes. Memories, no... they must run their course.." She said softly as she pulled her hand back. She didn't like seeing her children in such a state.


Lanny made his way back into camp, a triumphant smile on his face. Spotting Zane and Almira, he altered his course and popped his head into Tacey's room. Of course she wasn't there. He sighed and wandered into his room.
Zane wimpers slightly but stands up as his headache disappears. He frowns and he gets hit with a wave of sadness "S-sky." he frowns and hugs Almira. He just needed a hug. He frownd and squeezes her tightly
Almira lightly wrapped her arms around him and patted his back. Honestly, she was at a loss for words. She supposed that she'd do what she could though.

Lanny chose that moment to get fed up with waiting. Since Zane was occupied, he might as well see if he could spend some time with Tacey. With that thought, he left his room and wandered past Zane and Almira. Poking his head into Zane's room, he seen Tacey sitting on the bed thinking. "Hey, wanna go for a walk with me..?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as she turned to looked at him.
Zane looks up and sees Lanny. He growls and lets go of Almira. "Can I pleeeaseee kill Lanny." he walks up behind Lanmy and geabs hi by the collar "Sure. Let's walk." he pulls Lanny down the stairs with him and walks towards the fire
"No you can't kill Lanny..!" Almira called after the two of them, shaking her head. Why couldn't everyone just get along..? Suddenly she paused, a look of concentration passing over her face. "Someone's in my forest..." She said softly before disappearing in a wave of shadows.


Lanny pulled himself out of Zane's grip, turning to glare at him. "I wasn't talking to you.." He growled. "What, is it against the rules for me to spend some time with my friend now..?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"It is when you're being such a damned idiot!" Zane smacks Lanny's head and sighs "Just. Cool it. I'll try to help you out if you chill out." Zane sighs and looks diwn
"I don't think I'm being a damned idiot." Lanny said, eyes narrowed. "Like I said, I just want to spend time with her..." He mumbled, giving a small sigh of his own. "Alright, I'm cool..." He said as he held up his hands. "Now, how can you help me..?"
"I'll try o get her to atleast talk to you. Just don't do anything stupid. For now, go do something else. I just had an exhausting thing happen and I need sleep." Zane walks in his room and falls into the bed. He shakes slightly his memories still flew through his head. He could feel the pain of all the fights and beatings.
Lanny grumbled under his breath as he started pacing around camp. He needed to get Tacey or this wasn't going to work! His hands lit up in flames again as he began to grow frustrated.


Meanwhile, Tacey darted over to Zane as soon as he reentered the room. "Are you alright..?" She asked, following him over to the bed and sitting down next to him.

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